Monday, March 30, 2020

TLMT601 Week 6 Math Assignment

Assignment Questions:


Please show all work for this assignment and explain your derivations. Lack of step-by-step work will not be credited. Partial credit will be given for step-by-step description of answer.

a. NAAQS were established for six principal pollutants. Describe each and give examples of each applicable pollutant. (10 points)

b. In Hepburn's Speed Model, the coefficients of vehicles are indicated for C and D. As the chief of operations in your organization, you are responsible for presenting the yearly budget for the semi trucks in your company's inventory. Since your safety officer is insisting that each of your drivers must maintain an average speed of 55mph, what would be the vehicle operating cost of your company for each semi-truck in cent per mile? ____(10 points)

c. A taxi driver plans to pick you up at the airport and drop you off at the bank so you can complete some financial transaction before you head home. He notes that the change in vehicle operating cost (VOC) is 42 cents per mile. Given that his fuel consumption per minute is 0.2, what is the approximate price of fuel for this given arrangement if you delayed the driver for 36 minutes at the bank? ____(10 points)

d. The simple interest for buying a passenger transit rail is shown as the product of the principle amount (P), time (in years), and annual rate (R). The City of Phoenix plans to buy five additional mass transit cars for $15 million, and pay off its loan in 30 years. What would the annual percentage rate be if the city plans to make an interest payment of $2 million? ____(10 points)

e. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest mile, what will be this distance? ____(10 points)

f. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles. For a pollutant particle emitted on one side of the town, what is the maximum time it will take to be transported across the city with wind velocity of 10 miles per hour (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)

g. In a box model, the maximum distance to transport particle across a city is calculated as follows: Approximate length of one side is 30 miles, width is 28 miles and the mixing height is 2 miles.  To the nearest hour what will be the average time it will take a particle to travel from one side to the other (to the nearest hour)? ____(12 points)

h. If you are the planning engineer for an apartment complex your organization plans to build close to the highway and you know that your potential tenants will complain of traffic noise hazards. You want to assure them that you have adequately carried out the noise impact analysis. Given that the sea level pressure is 0.00002N/m, to ensure that pressure level does not exceed 12 decibels, the sound pressure of concern must be___________ (in N/m). ____(13 points)

i. In the Rocky Mountain region, there are endangered species like jumping mice and burrowing owls that are protected by the /EPA. If you want to build a roadway to facilitate traffic congestions in Denver, part of your plan will include using Simpson's diversity index to calculate the number of organisms in two communities. If EPA warned you that there are 400 burrowing owls in proposed region Community A and 500 burrowing owls in proposed region Community B, determine Simpson's diversity index for community A. ____(13 points)

TLMT601 Week 7 Math Assignment

Question 1

Today's urban transportation planning process is being impacted by the President's Stimulus Plan. High speed rail is one such option to congestion along the highways of urban areas. These projects have two sides to them. There are those who support high speed rail and those who do not support high speed rail. You have been chosen to not support the Stimulus Plan for use of high speed rail to ease congestion. Your task is to help decision makers make up their minds. So, you are now on the opposing side. Discuss how this Stimulus Plan for high speed rail will not work. You can use any reference. But, you must also present your opinion based on facts and data, not just because you don't like it. You will have to provide evidence to back up what you believe is a bad idea. (25 points)


Question 2

Most (97 percent) roads and streets in the United States are under the jurisdiction of State and local governments. The Federal jurisdiction is mainly limited to National Parks, National Forests, and other government-owned land. Discuss what issues and problems might be common between the Federal jurisdiction and the State and Local governments, and what issues and problems might be unique to the Federal government compared to the State and local governments. List the common and unique attributes and provide a brief explanation to support your choice. Use references in APA format and also offer your own opinion on what you think of these issues and problems. (25 points)


Question 3

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect on January 1, 1994. This sweeping agreement is designed to open the borders separating Canada, Mexico, and the United States to the free exchange of goods and services. There are many pros and cons of NAFTA that have emerged since 1994. The future of NAFTA is in the wind these days. It may fail or succeed for the next ten years. You job is to help Congress and other decision makers to decide what course of action they should take regarding NAFTA's future. You are to take the side that NAFTA is a bad business investment; you are to represent the "con" side of the argument. So, discuss why you would defeat or destroy NAFTA or morph it from its current state to some other new state. (25 points)


Question 4

In early 1990s with a second wave of low-cost carriers (LCCs), which led to the second period of strong traffic growth from early 1993 through early 2000, Southwest Airlines arguably provided the blueprint for U.S. Between 2006 and 2009 a fuel crisis happened and a recession for business and the transportation industry. What is the impact today on LCC's in order to be competitive in this economy coming on the heels of this recession? (25 points)







TLMT601 Week 8 Assignment 6 Research Paper


 Please upload a Word document using APA format for this assignment (see attached for the template).  In a 3-5 page paper, please pick out a subject from the readings that you deem interesting. Please make sure that this paper has never been used in any shape for or fashion for a grade, certificate, or award. Your paper should have the following (APA formatted).
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Report
5. Conclusion
6. Reference page

The 3-5 pages only refer to items 3-5. The other 3 items do not count. Also, you must use the attached template. Make sure you update the title page, headers, and remove ALL instructions. Points will be deducted if not followed.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam A01S Introduction to Accounting

A01S : Introduction to Accounting
Accounting provides information to:
All of the above.

Which is an advantage of a sole proprietorship form of business?
There is limited personal risk.
The business can continue indefinitely.
The owner makes all the decisions.
All of the above.

If total assets are $35,000 and total liabilities are $8,000, Capital must equal:

Revenue, expenses, and withdrawals are subdivisions of:
owner's equity.
All of the above.

A formal account that has columns for date, explanation, post reference, debit, and credit is called the:
T account.
standard account form.
chart of accounts.

An account that would be decreased by a credit is:
fees earned.
accounts payable.

The time period for which a statement of owner's equity is prepared is a(n):
calendar year.
accounting period.
fiscal period.
accounting cycle.

Financial statements that are prepared for a period shorter than a year are called:
accounting period statements.
fiscal year statements.
interim statements.
journal statements.
How are explanations distinguished in the journal?
They are underlined.
They are in bold print.
They are indented below the credit entries.
They are written at the margin, in line with the debit entries.

Prepaid Rent is considered to be a(n):

Ashworth Semester Exam BM41S Sales Management & Practices

BM41S : Sales Management & Practices
Question 1
Ensuring that salespeople know the ethical and legal framework for their markets, including cultural and global market variations, is a salesforce response to which of the following issues?
Complexity issues
Adaptability issues
Collaboration issues
Accountability issues

Question 2
A(n) _______ is a salesperson who provides physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals with pertinent information about drugs to support the overall sales effort.

Question 3
The decision-making process in a modified rebuy buying situation is often referred to as
extensive problem solving.
routinized response behavior.
minimal problem solving.
limited problem solving.

Question 4
Advertising-driven marketing communications strategies are most appropriate when
trying to close the sale.
the message timing is important.
message flexibility is important.
repetitive contact is important.

Question 5
Salesforce socialization refers to
the encouragement salespeople get to socialize with their colleagues after work hours.
the process by which salespeople acquire the knowledge, skills, and values essential to perform in their role as salespeople.
the overall social values held by the firm about contemporary issues affecting the firm.
the salesperson's education concerning the ways other salespeople handle role conflict and role ambiguity.

Question 6
A _______ asks salespeople to indicate areas of need that could be addressed by sales training.
customer survey   
job analysis
competitor survey
salesforce survey

Question 7
This influence strategy might involve "office politics" and the use of third parties to influence others.

Question 8
How would a large direct sales company such as Avon most likely compensate their salespeople?
Straight salary
Salary plus bonuses
Straight commission
Salary plus commission

Question 9
Which of the following is not one of the four major areas covered by the sales organization audit framework?
Sales management evaluation
Sales organization history
Sales organization environment
Sales management functions

Question 10
While other methods of performance evaluation were rated very good on job relatedness and reliability criteria, which method received a poor rating?
Graphic rating/checklist method
Ranking methods
Management by objectives (MBO)
Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

Ashworth Semester Exam BM380

Question 1
Market research becomes unnecessary when managers are:
aware of the causes of a problem at hand.
uncertain about consequences of decision alternatives.
certain about the consequences of decision alternatives.
certain about the symptoms of a problem at hand.

Question 2
Which of the following would serve as a good decision rule for managers in establishing the need for marketing research
Ensuring that one's competitors are conducting market researches
Determining the value that can be derived from marketing research conducted by competitors
Determining the costs incurred by other companies in conducting marketing research
Comparing the value of the marketing research to the cost

Question 3
Jeff is the president of a bank. He wants to find out the satisfaction level of his customers in Dallas on certain dimensions such as friendliness of employees, convenience of location, and availability of loans. Jeff needs to conduct:
exploratory research.
descriptive research.
causal research.
prescriptive research.

Question 4
If we were measuring age, income, height, number of bottles purchased, and so on, we would be measuring:
objective properties.
subjective properties.
objective objects.
subjective objects.

Question 5
Screening questions are used to:
increase reliability by screening out respondents with inconsistent answers.
shield the true purpose of a question from a respondent.
determine whether or not a potential respondent qualifies to take part in a survey based on certain selection criteria the researcher has deemed essential.
increase response rates by screening out unlikely respondents.

Question 6
Probability samples are those for which the members of the population:
can be found for survey purposes.
all have a chance of being included in the sample.
have an unknown chance of being included in the sample.
whose responses may be predetermined with some known probability.

Question 7
In sample size formulas, the symbol "e" stands for:
estimated parameter or desired confidence level.
acceptable population equation.
estimated statistic or desired variability.
acceptable sample error.

Question 8
If you were conducting a telephone survey of households using random digit dialing numbers and you determined that you needed a sample size of 1,100, which of the following would be most accurate?
You would need to obtain exactly 1,100 telephone numbers to call.
You would need to obtain far less than 1,100 telephone numbers because you know that many will not answer or cooperate anyway.
You will need some multiple of the 1,100 numbers in order to ensure you account for factors such as numbers that are for business phones, ineligible households (incidence rate), and those numbers dialed whose owners refuse to participate.
You will need only a few extra numbers to allow for those who have moved away.

Question 9
_________ is a form of logic in which you make a general statement about an entire class based on what you have observed about a small set of members of that class.

Question 10
A relationship in which the presence (or absence) of one variable is systematically associated with the presence (or absence) of another is:
causal relationship.
linear relationship.
monotonic relationship.
nonmonotonic relationship.

Ashworth Semester Exam - A03V Principles of Accounting II

A03V : Principles of Accounting II
Issued stock is:
authorized shares of stock that can be sold.
stock only sold to another company.
shares sold and in stockholders' possession.
stock sold to stockholders.

In the statement of cash flows, which event would cause net income to be increased?
A decrease in Inventory
An increase in Prepaid Insurance
A decrease in Accounts Payable
An increase in Accounts Receivable

Finished Goods Inventory appears on which of the following statements on the worksheet?
Statement of cost of goods manufactured and income statement
Statement of cost of goods manufactured and balance sheet
Income statement and balance sheet
Income statement and cost of goods sold statement

One reason a corporation might issue bonds rather than sell stock is that :
bond interest is a tax-deductible expense.
interest rates are high.
dividends will lower the amount of tax due.
bondholders have claims at liquidation.

For a corporation, bond interest :
is treated the same as dividends for tax purposes.
has no effect on earnings and therefore has no effect on income taxes.
reduces income tax by reducing earnings.
None of the above.

Dividends paid to stockholders are:
taxable to the recipient stockholder.
taxable to the corporation.
treated the same as bond interest.
None of the above.

If beginning and ending inventories are $20,000 and $30,000, respectively, and cost of goods sold is $400,000, what is the inventory turnover ratio?

Declaration of a cash dividend causes:
an increase in stockholders' equity.
an increase in cash.
an increase in liabilities.
None of the above.

The current ratio is:
quick assets divided by current liabilities.
assets divided by liabilities.
current assets divided by current liabilities.
net sales divided by current liabilities.

When the contract rate of interest on bonds is equal to the market rate of interest, bonds sell at:
a premium.
their face value.
their maturity rate.
a discount.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam - C06S Business Ethics

C06S : Business Ethics
Which is NOT a requirement for a facility to be considered a sweatshop?
Unmitigated health and safety hazards
High temperatures
Poor working conditions
Unfair wages

How have most businesses adapted to information technology developments?
They have become larger and more unwieldy.
They have become more hierarchical.
They have become flatter, smaller, and more nimble.
They have become more profitable.

UNOCAL worked with the Burmese army to push the pipeline using:
low-wage workers.
forced labor.
unethical land reclamation schemes.
None of the above

What is the "hardwired" Intention Principle?
Harming by action is worse than harming by omission.
Harming by omission is worse than harming by ignorance.
Harming by physical contact is worse than without physical contact.
Harming anyone for any reason is wrong.

During the financial crisis in 2008, George W. Bush asked U.S. Congress to pass legislation to create a Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the amount of:
$1 trillion.
$90 billion.
$80 billion.
$700 billion.

China and Singapore are examples of what type of economies?
Ones that favor free markets and globalization
Ones that favor individual property rights
Ones that favor government intervention
Ones that favor competition

Which of the following would negatively impact the effectiveness of market theory consumer protection?
Low prices
High prices
Many competitors

Which is the best description of intentional discrimination?
The conscious and deliberate discriminatory act on an individual
The discrimination brought about by the unconscious biases of an individual
The acts of discrimination made by the few heads of an organization
The discrimination that results from the routines and processes of large groups

Which of the following is NOT a key consideration for an employer when impinging on an employee's privacy?

Which of these is NOT a view on the duty of a business to its customers?
Duty of care view
Social costs view
Contract view
Normative view

Ashworth Semester Exam - C12V Business Law

C12V : Business Law
Ordinances are codified laws that are issued by:
the President.
state legislature.
Supreme Court judges.
local government bodies.

Libel and slander constitute:
the tort of outrage.
defamation of character.
the tort of appropriation.
intentional misrepresentation.

The fraudulent creation or alteration of a written document that affects the legal liability of another person is called:

Which of the following must a promissory note contain to make it negotiable?
Acknowledgement of debt
Implied promise to pay
Unconditional affirmative to pay
Promise to negotiate

What is the employer's advantage in offering workers' compensation?
The employer need not pay for workers' compensation insurance.
The employer is exempt from having to offer paid medical leave.
The employer can avoid a lawsuit from an injured worker.
The employer can offer lower basic pay to workers.

__________ discrimination occurs when an employer discriminates against an entire protected class.
Disparate treatment
Disparate impact
Favored treatment
Unfair impact

Which of the following happens when a general partner withdraws from a limited partnership?
The partnership must be sold.
The partnership is transferred.
The partnership is dissolved.
The partnership operates normally.

Which of the following is true regarding FDA regulations for cosmetics?
There is no law in the United States against animal testing for cosmetics.
All substances and preparations for cosmetic use are chemically proven to be free from carcinogens before sale by the FDA.
Ordinary household soap is evaluated in terms of its quality and safety as a cosmetic good under the FDA.
New cosmetics are released on the market only if they have the "CRUELTY-FREE" label on their package.

A merger between two or more companies that compete in the same business and geographical market is known as a(n):
horizontal merger.
vertical merger.
market extension merger.
conglomerate merger.

The legal rights that an owner has to possess, use, and enjoy his or her property are known as:
future interests.
estate in land.
easement rights.
estoppel by deed.

Ashworth Semester Exam - M03V Organizational Behavior

M03V : Organizational Behavior
_________ summarize the statistical relationships between variables.

Which of these involves maintaining a good attitude with coworkers, even when they have done something annoying or when the unit is going through tough times?
Civic virtue

Which of these is defined as a psychological response to demands for which there is something at stake and coping with those demands taxes or exceeds a person's capacity or resources?

The belief that successful performance will result in some outcomes is known as:

If Sandy comes to the group meeting late and you feel that she is coming late because she has a low motivation for work, it could reflect a(n):
self-serving bias.
fundamental attribution error.
anchoring error.
illusion of control error.

Critical, selfish, and rude are opposite traits for which dimension of the Big Five?

During which stage of team development do members realize that they need to work together to accomplish team goals and begin to cooperate, and build solidarity?

Which of the following factors is included in the time-driven model of leadership?
Intellectual stimulation
Shared objectives
Idealized influence
Individual personality

At ABC Manufacturing, only the top managers have the authority to make final decisions on just about everything. ABC can be described as a highly __________ structure.

ABC International recently published its vision statement. This is an example of:
observable artifacts.
basic underlying assumptions.
espoused values.

Ashworth Semester Exam - SO240 Social Impact of Technology Quiz

When corporations speak of __________ they are refusing to take responsibility for water pollution, air pollution, and other kinds of ecological damage.
operational contingencies
social contingencies

As a researcher and as a student of Malthus' theory, you would be surprised to discover that as the standard of living increases:
the birth rate remains stable.
birth and death rates fluctuate, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing.
birth rates decline for males and increase for females.
the birth rate actually decreases.

Before the invention of the power loom, textile manufacturing:
was unregulated and overdeveloped.
took place in family-owned shops near market places.
took place in rural cottages under a putting out system.
was regulated by Parliament.

Kamikaze attacks resulted in very high American casualty rates during the battle for:
Iwo Jima.
Battle of Midway.

The tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was created by:
Sigmund Freud.
Robert Maslow.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
William Faulkner.

Our planet's climate thermostat as well as the world's chief greenhouse gas is:
water vapor.
carbon dioxide.

Cultural concepts about absolutely forbidden behaviors are called:

Under the concept of __________ the best way to understand something is to take it apart to identify its most basic parts.

Which of the following is related to ethanol production?

Which kind of energy is associated with TNT?
Potential energy
Mechanical energy
Chemical energy
Kinetic energy

Ashworth Semester Exam - SO240 Social Impact of Technology

Question 1
When corporations speak of __________ they are refusing to take responsibility for water pollution, air pollution, and other kinds of ecological damage.
operational contingencies
social contingencies

Question 2
As a researcher and as a student of Malthus' theory, you would be surprised to discover that as the standard of living increases:
the birth rate remains stable.
birth and death rates fluctuate, sometimes increasing and sometimes decreasing.
birth rates decline for males and increase for females.
the birth rate actually decreases.

Question 3
Before the invention of the power loom, textile manufacturing:
was unregulated and overdeveloped.
took place in family-owned shops near market places.
took place in rural cottages under a putting out system.
was regulated by Parliament.

Question 4
Kamikaze attacks resulted in very high American casualty rates during the battle for:
Iwo Jima.
Battle of Midway.

Question 5
The tale of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde was created by:
Sigmund Freud.
Robert Maslow.
Robert Louis Stevenson.
William Faulkner.

Question 6
Our planet's climate thermostat as well as the world's chief greenhouse gas is:
water vapor.
carbon dioxide.

Question 7
Cultural concepts about absolutely forbidden behaviors are called:

Question 8
Under the concept of __________ the best way to understand something is to take it apart to identify its most basic parts.

Question 9
Which of the following is related to ethanol production?

Question 10
Which kind of energy is associated with TNT?
Potential energy
Mechanical energy
Chemical energy
Kinetic energy

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam BU450 Leadership Skills Management

Question 1
In addition to basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling, leaders are ascribed:
procedural and external roles.

procedural and internal roles.

strategic and internal roles.

strategic and external roles.

Question 2
Leaders in high power distance cultures would be most characterized by:
expecting feedback from employees.

relying on formal structures to accomplish tasks.
seeking notoriety for the organization.

focusing on team efforts.

Question 3
The trait approach to leadership suggests that:
leaders have special innate qualities.
leadership traits are clearly visible.
traits are based on social class.
traits cannot be measured.

Question 4
The interactionist view of individual differences suggests:
the environment determines who we are.

genes are the most important factor in making people who they are.

heredity and the environment both influence individual differences.

culture is one of the key factor in determining how people behavior.

Question 5
All managers have access to which source of individual power?




Question 6
Followers will only follow a charismatic leader if:
they believe change is needed.

they are motivated.

they have clear rewards waiting for them.
they are confident.

Question 7
As organizations grow and mature, the leader's influence is often replaced with:
the influence of teams.

the power of middle management.

the presence of a strong culture.

individual decision making.

Question 8
Which of the following cultural values can affect employee participation in decision making?

tolerance for ambiguity

time orientation

Question 9
__________ is change that is the result of specific and conscious actions by leaders or followers to change the organization.




Question 10
__________ focuses on education and teaching participants the skills to effectively conduct the day-to-day activities of the individual's role in the organization.
Executive development

Leader development

Leadership Development

Supervisory and managerial development

Ashworth Semester Exam BZ46S Project Management

BZ46S : Project Management
Question 1
A project __________ is the tangible end product that the project team must produce or deliver.
Question 2
The collapse of a retaining wall could be a risk to the project __________ for a garden construction project.

Question 3
The project purpose should:
summarize the need and justification for the project.
state what is expected to be accomplished.
state the major end products or items expected to be produced.
be concise and create a vision for the end result of the project.

Question 4
Materials that would be used for a construction project are:
concrete truck delivery fees and permits.
people, money, and time.
lumber, windows, and paint.
rough carpenters, plumbers, and finishers.

Question 5
The __________ section of the project scope document is where the contractor or project team can state and clarify exactly what is included in the work scope and provide an opportunity to reconsider items that are not stated but that the customer may have forgotten to include in her requirements or RFP.
statement of work
customer requirement
acceptance criteria

Question 6
When estimating the types and quantities of resources required for each specific activity, it is valuable to involve a person who:
is hired by the customer to be a consultant regardless of experience on the type of project.
has expertise or experience with the activity to help make the estimate.
has experience negotiating contracts.
has the most experience using a project management information system.

Question 7
Materials costs in the project costs estimate are the estimated costs of materials that the project team or contractor:
want to have in supply in the office.
needs even if not for this particular project.
needs to purchase for the project.
might want to use on the project.

Question 8
The __________ is the warning flag for when to implement the action plan for the risk.
action trigger
priority order
mitigation plan
degree of impact

Question 9
The project manager coordinates the activities of the __________ to ensure that they perform the right tasks at the proper time, as a cohesive group.
various team members
project sponsor

Question 10
__________ body language can be a frown, crossed arms, slouching, fidgeting, gazing or looking away, doodling, or yawning.

Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam BZ48S International Management

BZ48S : International Management
Question 1
Representatives of a multinational firm seek an interview with local government leaders in the Department of Commerce in Argonia with a view to assess the types of policies likely to be implemented. According to Mathis, this is an example of a __________ approach.

Question 2
The Anti-Sweatshop Code of Conduct requires companies to provide a healthy and safe work environment and to:
differentiate on the basis of gender.
pay the prevailing local minimum wage.
reduce environmental footprints.
employ forced labor when the situation demands it.

Question 3
Austria and Germany value competition and have a "can-do" attitude. Therefore, according to the GLOBE project, Austria and Germany are most likely to be __________ societies.

Question 4
Which of the following is NOT a critical operational value difference?
Material factors

Question 5
Trust improves cross-cultural communication by:
making sure that all of the business transactions are based on arm's-length relationships.
replacing formal legal contracts for global firms.
encouraging the open exchange of ideas and information.
helping people plan for known circumstances.

Question 6
When Disney decided to build a park in Paris, the French government gave Disney prime farmland just outside the city limits. This is most likely an example of a firm expanding overseas due to:
globalization of competitors.
restrictive trade barriers.
home country regulations.
provision of incentives.

Question 7
Which of the following is a strategic implementation used by McDonald's?
Keeping prices low to build market share
Altering menu items significantly to match cultural norms
Using American managers to run international franchises
Forming joint ventures with foreign restaurants to enter new markets

Question 8
In addition to the global war for talent, there are considerable strategic competitive challenges for firms. Which of the following is one such challenge?
Increasing talent in order to lower the costs of operations
Relocating operations around the world
Obtaining competent talent at higher wages than competitors
Obtaining talent using a regiocentric approach

Question 9
Effective human resource management of a company's global cadre ends with:
allocation of an overseas assignment to the executive.
successful repatriation of the executive into company headquarters.
preparing the executive for cultural differences.
providing foreign-language training to the executive.

Question 10
Blackmoor Industries is an American firm that manufactures automotive parts. The firm has several manufacturing facilities in the U.S. and one in a foreign country. Blackmoor's global managers have recently reported that workers in the foreign facility are more comfortable with the traditional division of work and roles. Consequently, flexible roles and work networks are unlikely to find favor in this particular facility, unlike in those spread across the U.S. If this information is true, which of the following can be fittingly inferred about Blackmoor's foreign facility's location?
It is in a low uncertainty avoidance culture.
It is in a highly individualist culture.
It is in a masculine culture.
It is in a low power distance culture.

Ashworth Semester Exam C05 Business Communication

C05 Business Communication
Question 1
In terms of his career, Ryan's communication skills:
will neither help him find a job nor help him keep one.
won't make any difference in his salary potential.
will be perceived as important by his employers, but cannot be translated into savings for his company.
will make him a valuable employee.

Question 2
Which of the following is an example of unsuccessful communication?
Ordering an item online then deciding, after it arrives, that you don't like it
Asking a friend for advice and then trying to apply it to your problem
Receiving instructions on how to put something together and then assembling the item
Making an urgent request on a colleague's voicemail and getting no reply for a week

Question 3
Which of the following is most likely to be the desired outcome of a persuasive message for a product?
The recipient will decide to purchase the product.
The recipient will be impressed by the function of the product.
The recipient will throw away their older version of the product.
The recipient will compare the product with other similar ones.

Question 4
Shannon needs to deliver some information quickly to a large group of people. Which of the following would be the best medium for her to use?

Question 5
Audiences easily get lost and bored if they cannot anticipate the twists and turns that a presentation may take. To avoid this, the presenter should:
open the presentation with a genuine question.
establish a rapport with the audience at the beginning of the presentation.
provide a framework for the presentation during the opening of the presentation.
open the presentation with an anecdote.

Question 6
Why are bad-news messages challenging to compose?
They must be lengthy and vague to avoid legal consequences.
They require you to achieve a number of goals that are incompatible at first glance.
They make it impossible to maintain your audience's goodwill.
They run the risk of alienating your audience.

Question 7
If you perform a search using the phrases "health insurance plans" and "freelance workers," the search engine will:
give you those sites that include either exact phrase.
give you only those sites that include both phrases.
give you those sites that include any of these five words anywhere on a page.
give you only those sites that include the first phrase and exclude the second.

Question 8
Which of the following is true of a proposal?
It is simple to prepare.
It does not need to provide details on how to implement itself.
It requires you to develop a persuasive appeal.
It should not address costs.

Question 9
Which of the following is an informational report?
A report recommending action based on what was discussed at a meeting
A report summarizing a meeting that happened in the past
A report providing results based on the evaluation of data obtained from a focus group
A report endorsing a particular solution to a problem

Question 10
Which of the following tools is most likely to be used during a presentation if the content to be presented is lengthy and cannot be seen easily in slide form?

Ashworth Semester Exam- C09S Principles of Finance

C09S : Principles of Finance
Of the following, which is NOT one of the four main areas of finance?
International finance
Corporate finance
All are considered main areas of finance.

________ is a major disadvantage of the corporate form of business.
Double taxation
Unlimited liability
Lack of ability to raise capital
Transfer of ownership

Everything else equal, an industry with more leverage will have a:
higher return on assets.
higher return on equity.
lower return on equity.
Both A & B

If you can earn 5.25% per year on your investments, how long will it take to double your money?
6.31 years
19.05 years
13.55 years
There is not enough information to answer this question.

Travis bought a share of stock for $31.50 that paid a dividend of $.85 and sold six months later for $27.65. What was his dollar profit or loss and holding period return?
-$3.00, -9.52%
-$3.85, -12.22%
-$.85, -2.70%
-$3.85, -9.52%

If you were required to estimate the average return for one category of securities for the coming year, history tells us that you should have the greatest degree of confidence estimating which of the following?
Long-term government bonds
3-month U.S. Treasury bills
Small-company stocks
Large-company stocks

Which of the following are not considered a part of the firm's capital structure?
Long-term debt
Retained earnings
Preferred stock
Which of the following choices lists the least to most aggressive actions in the pursuit of overdue debt?
1) a collection agency, 2) court action, 3) a letter requesting overdue payment
1) court action, 2) a collection agency, 3) a letter requesting overdue payment
1) a letter requesting overdue payment, 2) court action, 3) a collection agency
1) a letter requesting overdue payment, 2) a collection agency, 3) court action

John is in a high income-tax bracket and wishes to minimize current taxes payable. He also has a sizeable current income and prefers high growth rates to significant annual cash flow from his equity investments. Which of the following dividend polices would John most likely prefer if we assume that the dividend policy has no impact on the value of the firm and that the capital gains tax rate is lower than the ordinary tax rate?
High-dividend-payout policy
No-dividend-payout policy
Low-dividend-payout policy
John would be indifferent to all of the dividend policies.

Which of the following would NOT be considered a cost of debt financing?
The required return on a bank loan
The required return on preferred stock
The yield-to-maturity of a bond issue
The required return on money borrowed from a venture capitalist

Ashworth Semester Exam C10 Introduction to Computer

C10 Introduction to Computer
1.)    How many pins are in a typical Molex connector?
a.)    4
b.)    12
c.)    20
d.)    32
2.)    Which type of components below generates the most heat inside of a computer?
a.)    Hard drive
b.)    Memory
c.)    Motherboard
d.)    CPU

3.)    Which web browser below is natively available on a major operating system?
a.)    IE 10
b.)    Opera
c.)    Fire Fox
d.)    Chrome

4.)    What is the primary advantage of a 64-bit operating system versus bit?
a.)     It supports a faster I/O rate
b.)    It supports more memory
c.)    It consumers less power
d.)    It provides native remote connectivity

5.)    A business has just hired you as an IT consultant. They are interested in cloud computing to provide supplementary computing power during the Christmas shopping season when demand for their online products skyrockets. Which type of cloud computing would be ideal for them?
A.)    Network as a service
B.)    Platform as a service
C.)    Infrastructure as a service
D.)    Software as a service

6.)    Your brother wants to purchase a copy of the Microsoft office suites and he must have access. Which version does he need to purchase?
a.) Home and business edition
b.) Professional edition
c.) home and student edition
d.) ultimate

7.)    Your boss would like to make a diagram of the HR structure of your organization. He wants to know what application you would recommend. What Microsoft office suite application do you suggest to him?
a.)    Project
b.)    Visio
c.)    Access
d.)    Evernote

8.)    You are the network administrator of a network called the network consists of a single domain controller and it has gone down. What is a consequence of this?
a.)    Domain names cannot be resolved into IP addresses
b.)    MAC address cannot be resolved into IP addresses
c.)    Users cannot authenticate to the domain
d.)    client computers cannot obtain dynamic IP addresses

9.)    you recently purchased a domain name and just uploaded your new website to a web hosting company. What do you need to do next so that people can see your website by typing your domain name into a web browser?
a.)    Upload your domain name to the web server using FTB
b.)    Point your domain name at the IP address of the web server
c.)    Convert your website from HTML to a CSV file
d.)    Advertise your domain name on google ads

10.)    You want to implement BitLocker on your windows 8 computer, your computer isn't TPM compliant. How will this restrict BitLocker?
a.)    You could only encrypt NTFS volumes
b.)    You could only encrypt 64-bit volumes
c.)    You couldn't encrypt the system volume
d.)    You couldn't encrypt a legacy volume

Ashworth Semester Exam C11S Macroeconomics

C11S : Macroeconomics
Question 1
Economics is the study of:
how to invest in the stock market.
how society uses limited resources.
the role of money in markets.
how government officials decide which goods and services are produced.

Question 2
The Law of Demand can be explained as:
a lot of people wanting the same thing.
the higher the price, the smaller the quantity demanded, ceteris paribus.
people are willing to make limited sacrifices to acquire products.
legal reasons people make purchases in the marketplace.

Question 3
The Law of Supply states that:
producers should only produce what they can sell.
producers should only sell the items when the price is right.
there is a positive relationship between price and quantity supplied, ceteris paribus.
producers are legally required to make necessary items available in the marketplace.

Question 4
Gross domestic product calculations count only final goods and services because:
these are the only goods and services that are purchased in an economy.
counting all goods and services would lead to double-counting of many activities.
it is difficult to measure the prices of intermediate goods produced.
one cannot calculate the quantities of intermediate goods produced.

Question 5
Firms consider the __________wage when considering whether to hire additional units of labor.

Question 6
A comparison of the average growth rates across time for developed nations indicates that:
nations with lower levels of income grow more slowly than those with higher levels of income.
nations with lower levels of income will never be as rich as nations with high levels of income.
nations with high levels of income experience a continuously increasing growth rate.
nations with lower levels of income grow more quickly than those with higher levels of income.

Question 7
An increase in the income tax rate __________ the value of the tax multiplier.
has no effect on
may increase or decrease

Question 8
What would be a way for the Federal Reserve to slow down the economy when it is growing too quickly or is inflationary?
Print more money
Buy back government bonds on the open market
Sell more government bonds
Encourage the stock market

Question 9
How does an increase in the money wage rate affect aggregate supply?
It decreases aggregate supply.
It increases aggregate supply.
It barely has any effect.
Since it applies to a firm's costs, it does not affect aggregate supply.

Question 10
A decrease in the money supply causes:
a long-run decrease in the level of output.
both a long-run and short-run decrease in the level of output.
a short-run decrease in the level of output.
no changes in the level of output.

Ashworth Semester Exam -C13V Microeconomics

C13V : Microeconomics
Which of the following is NOT demonstrated by a production possibility curve?
Opportunity cost
Necessity for choice due to scarcity

The market price __________ the equilibrium price.
can be higher than, but never lower than
can be lower than, but never higher than
can be higher than, or lower than
is always equal to

The poverty line is set:
by the U.S. Bureau of the Census (based on family food budgets).
at the same income level right now as it's been since 1982.
so high that over 30% of all Americans are officially poor.
by the United Nations for every country in the world.

If a monopolist has a straight-line demand curve, then its marginal revenue curve will:
be the same as the demand curve.
fall twice as quickly as the demand curve.
lie below the demand curve at all points.
cross the demand curve.

As long as total utility is increasing, we know that marginal utility is:

A key reason that our gasoline prices elevated rapidly from 2006 to 2008 was:
tight global supplies and high prices.
the war in the Middle East.
greed by oil exporting countries.

In order for real wages to grow:
productivity must grow.
productivity must fall.
money wages must grow.
money wages must fall.

The substitution effect and the output effect work in the:
same direction some of the time.
same direction all of the time.
opposite direction some of the time.
opposite direction all of the time.

The law of demand holds for:
individuals, but not for markets.
markets, but not for individuals.
both individuals and for markets.
neither individuals nor for markets.

A firm will maximize its profits or minimize its loss at the output where:
the difference between price and marginal cost is at its maximum.
total cost equals total revenue.
marginal cost equals marginal revenue.
total revenue equals variable cost.

Ashworth Semester Exam C15V Principles of Management

C15V Principles of Management
Question 1
The three essential managerial skills include:
technical, human, and empirical.
human, empirical, and conceptual.
technical, interpersonal, and controlling.
technical, human, and conceptual.

Question 2
A(n)________ is the existence of a discrepancy between an existing and a desired state of affairs.

Question 3
the quantitative approach involves applications of:
statistics, information models, and computer simulations.
psychology testing, focus groups, and mathematics.
optimization models, interviews, and questionnaires.
surveys, strategic planning, and group problem solving

Question 4
Ethics training sessions can provide what benefit?
They clarify acceptable and unacceptable practices.
They create ego strength in employees.
They evaluate decisions and management practices in terms of the code of ethics.
They strengthen the employees' locus of control.

Question 5
Planning is often called the primary management function because it:
offers some basis for future decision making.
creates the vision for the organizational members to work toward.
establishes the basis for all the other functions.
sets the tone for the organizational culture

Question 6
_________ teams tend to be more task-oriented especially if the team members have never personally met.

Question 7
A theory that suggests that employees compare their inputs and outcomes from a job to the ratio of input to outcomes of relevant others is known as:
action motivation.
goal setting.
reinforcement theory.
equity theory.

Question 8
how would a manager motivate low-skilled, minimum-wage employees?
Offer more pay for high levels of performance
Use employee recognition programs
Provide the opportunity for training
Provide the opportunity for full-time employment
Question 9
Managers can't really know whether their work units are working properly until they've evaluated what activities have been done:
with those who remain.
and have compared actual performance to a desired standard.
and evaluate the performance of each of their employees.

Question 10
The prevalent thinking today is that:
organizations must make everyone fit a common corporate mold.
organizations should support, nurture, and utilize people's differences in a way that respects employees' unique perspectives and promotes a shared vision.
employees have a single identity.
All of the above.

Ashworth Semester Exam C16V Principles of Marketing

C16V : Principles of Marketing
 When a company calculates __________, the company looks at how much profit it expects to make from a particular customer, including each purchase he or she will make from the company now and in the future.
customer lifetime value
customer relationship management
the exchange function

By definition, a(n) __________ is a community, nation, or group that shares common traditions, institutions, activities, and interests.

It is easiest for marketers to create an emotional connection between a consumer and a(n) __________ product.

Information collected from government publications is an example of __________ data.

 A __________ is a promise to deliver specific benefits associated with products or services to consumers.

Which type of segmentation is MOST related to the use of the word when, such as when consumers get the idea to buy, when they actually make their purchase, or when they use the purchased item?

Multisegment marketing is likely to __________ and __________.
increase research costs; decrease shipping costs
decrease resale value; increase sales volume
increase sales potential; increase costs
increase sales potential, decrease costs

Demand would MOST likely be inelastic for which of the following?
Lamb chops and T-bone steaks
Gourmet cheese
Basic necessities
Luxury watches

Financial services provider USAA sends materials about teaching teenagers how to drive safely to USAA customers who have children approaching driving eligibility age. USAA is using __________ information from a customer database to determine which customers should receive the materials.

Some television shows have shown actors drinking a cup of Starbucks coffee. In these instances, Starbucks has chosen __________ as a marketing tool.
direct marketing
broadcast advertising
branded entertainment

Ashworth Semester Exam CO7V Personal finance

Which of the following items is not a liability?
The balance due on your credit card
The wages you give up to take a class
Your college loans
An IOU to your roommate

Which of the following would increase your liquid assets?
Putting more of your salary in a 401(k)
Buying a new car
Buying rental property
Making regular deposits to a savings account at your bank

Yogi Berra Jr. has agreed to play for the New York Mets for $4 million per year for the next 10 years. What table would you use to calculate the value of this contract in today's dollars?
Present value of a single amount
Present value of an annuity
Future value of a single amount
Future value of an annuity

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using credit?
Shopping convenience
Capacity to access credit in the future
Ease of returning merchandise
Slowing of progress toward financial goals

Which of the following costs associated with home ownership is hardest to budget?
Mortgage payments

Which risk management alternative is feasible when the likelihood of an event that could cause a financial loss is very low and the potential financial loss due to the event is small?
Avoid risk
Reduce risk
Accept risk
Insure against risk

The amount of damage you will be required to cover if your car is involved in an accident that is your fault is your:
fair share

A company's earnings are $3.00 per share, its dividend is $2.00 per share, and its stock price is $30.00 per share. Its PE ratio is:

Investing in which of the following funds will typically give you the least diversification?
Capital appreciation funds
Equity income funds
Sector funds
Growth funds

In determining the amount of money you will need for retirement, you should consider all of the following except:
the expected cost of living due to inflation.
inheritance from your children.
the number of years you will live while retired.
your personal needs and who else you will be supporting.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam EN36S Technical Communication

EN36S : Technical Communication
Question 1
Technical communication skills are:
important primarily in the Information Technology sector.
increasingly critical to success in most business-related jobs.
utilized by individual employees, not work teams.
independent of ethical concerns.

Question 2
Methods for preventing/overcoming group conflict include all EXCEPT:
active listening.
recognizing that gender differences are a myth.
structured debate.
building cross-cultural understanding.

Question 3
In evaluating the accuracy of source information, be aware that:
printed sources are consistently reliable.
digital sources should not be used in research.
even reputable information sources may contain hidden agendas.
you can trust only independently funded, noncommercial sources.

Question 4
When editing for clarity, do all of the following, EXCEPT:
avoid ambiguous pronoun references.
use passive voice whenever possible.
avoid redundancy.
use nominalizations.

Question 5
Integrate fluency into a technical document by:
making fine distinctions between related ideas.
avoiding simple terms.
keeping sentence lengths about the same.
using acronyms only selectively.

Question 6
have ethical and legal considerations.
can be written for transmittals, to create summaries, or for follow-up.
focus on one topic.
All of the above answers are correct.

Question 7
Avoid the following in writing your résumé:
Putting work history before education.
Putting work history in direct chronological order.
Adding hyperlinks to an online résumé.
Including achievement statements within your work history.

Question 8
Effective instructions:
require careful, precise editing.
are bulleted.
can use visuals without descriptive text.
should not include multicolumn design.

Question 9
Informal informational reports do NOT include:
progress reports.
meeting minutes.
feasibility or causal analyses.
peer review reports.

Question 10
Formal proposals are NOT for:
product marketing.

Ashworth Semester Exam EN120 English Composition I

Question 1
Freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, asking questions, and keeping a journal are examples of:
achieving coherence.
revising paragraphs.
prewriting techniques.
providing variety in paragraphs

Question 2
There are three basic ways of ordering ideas for coherence in paragraphs; they are:
time order, space order, and order of importance.
comparison, contrast, and description.
grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
process, persuasion, and personification

Question 3
The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. "A trophy that sits on my shelf has become a lasting symbol of pride in overcoming obstacles for me. I was twelve at the time and had no special talents; in fact, sometimes I stuttered when I felt pressured to answer. It was in September of that year when the debate coach asked me to come into her office."

Question 4
Which of the following sentences uses subordination correctly?
We will eat dinner, when Sara arrives.
I enjoyed the class, although I did not learn very much.
When the teacher announced that the exam was over, we sighed with relief.
When I am hungry I usually enjoy eating a piece of fruit or a raw carrot.

Question 5
The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. "If you follow these directions carefully, you should not have trouble getting to Central City Museum. Begin by catching the express bus on Heron Street and taking it to the last stop, Regal Square."

Question 6
in which sentence does the antecedent clearly refer to the pronoun?
Kelly is an excellent singer, yet she has never taken a lesson in it.
In North Carolina farmers raise tobacco.
Mr. Jones told his son that his car had a flat tire.
In Washington they grow apples.

Question 7
in writing, __________ stress differences, whereas __________ stresses similarities.
illustration; description
contrast; comparison
persuasion; explanation
classification; analysis

Question 8
Problems that are specific to cause-and-effect writing include:
errors in comma and apostrophe usage.
using spatial order instead of chronological order to organize the paragraphs.
a lack of sentence variety and incorrect parallel structure.
oversimplification and the confusion of time order with causation.

Question 9
____ is the final step in the writing process.

Question 10
plagiarism is:
failing to give credit to an author whose words or ideas you use.
a punishable offense.
All of the above are true

Ashworth Semester Exam F03S Financial Statement Analysis

F03S : Financial Statement Analysis
Question 1
What item is probably the least useful when analyzing financial statements?
Management discussion and analysis
The notes to the financial statements
The statement of cash flows
Public relations materials

Question 2
What types of information CANNOT be found in the financial statements?
Details about officer and employee retirement, pension, and stock option plans
Pending legal proceedings
Reputation of the firm, morale of employees and prestige in the community
Disclosures about segments of an enterprise

Question 3
Using __________ during a period of inflation would result in net income being overstated relative to the LIFO method.
gross sales
net sales

Question 4
__________ is (are) short-term obligations that arise from credit extended by suppliers for the purchase of goods and services.
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable

Question 5
Which of the following statements about a common-size balance sheet is true?
Each item on a common-size balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of sales.
The common-size balance sheet reveals the composition of expenses relative to revenues.
The common-size balance sheet reveals the capital and debt structure of the firm.
Each item on a common-size balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of net income.

Question 6
Which of the items below would be analyzed separate from operating profit?
Salaries, interest expense, and equity losses
Equity earnings, discontinued operations, and interest income
Research and development, dividend income, and interest expense
Advertising, cost of goods sold, and selling and administrative expenses

Question 7
Per FASB rules, firms may use the __________ method or the __________ method to calculate and present cash flow from operating activities.
direct; indirect
before tax; after tax
operational; financial
accounting; financial

Question 8
Reading the "Commitments and Contingencies" note to financial statements is important when assessing the quality of the:
balance sheet.
income summary.
statement of owner's equity.
double contingency statement.

Question 9
The following categories of ratios are used in financial statement analysis: iquidity, Operating efficiency (also referred to as Activity), Leverage, Profitability, and Market measures. Classify the following ratios according to these categories.
Earnings per share – operating efficiency; fixed asset turnover – liquidity
Earnings per share – leverage; fixed asset turnover – profitability
Earnings per share – market measures; fixed asset turnover – operating efficiency
Earnings per share – market measures; fixed asset turnover – profitability

Question 10
The average collection period of accounts receivable is the:
average number of days required to convert receivables into write offs/bad debts.
average number of days required to convert receivables into cash.
total number of days required to convert receivables into write offs/bad debts.
total number of days required to convert receivables into cash.

Ashworth Semester Exam HS15S World Civilizations I

HS15S : World Civilizations I
Question 1
The first migration of humans around the globe was related to:
the need to find sites for towns.
the search for iron.
population pressure.
the food supply.

Question 2
Which of these is a literary epic?
The Life of Buddha
The Code of Manu
The Mahabharata
The Rig Veda

Question 3
Which dynasty first united China using Legalism as its philosophical base?

Question 4
The "Three Sisters" of Amerind culture were:
staple crops.

Question 5
The discovery of obsidian artifacts in Iran is significant because it indicates:
the early Iranians were militaristic.
there was trade between the early Iranians and other civilizations.
exploitation of materials unique to the Zagros mountain region.
the early Iranians were geographically isolated.

Question 6
Romans were suspicious of the Jews because, unlike most Roman subjects, Jews were:
indifferent to religion.
intolerant and exclusive.
passive in the face of Roman rule.

Question 7
The Code of Justinian was based on the principles of __________ law.

Question 8
How did Coptic Christianity differ from other forms of Christianity?
Coptic Christians did not believe in the resurrection.
Coptic Christians believed that Jesus was a purely divine being.
Coptic Christians believed in the Trinity.
Coptic Christians saw all men as priests.

Question 9
What was the main source of inspiration for the Renaissance?
The classical age
The crusades
Commercial revival
The Great Western Schism

Question 10
Both Aztec and Inca religion centered on worship of:
a moon goddesses.
a sun god.
the spirits of former emperors.

Ashworth Semester Exam MA26S Statistical Analysis I

MA26S : Statistical Analysis I
Question 1
Is Drug B superior to the currently used Drug A in treating pancreatitis?
Case-controlled observational
Double blind experiment
Single blind experiment

Question 2
A survey of 100 dog owners showed that the average dog 'checked the mail' eleven times during an evening walk. Which question most probably represents the purpose of the study?
How many 'mail check stops' can a dog be expected to make on an evening walk?
How many dog owners take dogs for an evening walk?
How many dogs 'check the mail' on an evening walk?
How many pet owners have dogs?

Question 3
A bar graph in which the bars are arranged in frequency order is a:
pie chart.
line chart.
pareto chart.

Question 4
Six football players, all defensive linemen, decide that they will gain an average of 10 pounds over the summer. At the start of the season, only five showed up for the weigh-in. They had gained 9, 13, 11, 6, and 7 pounds. How many pounds does the last person have to gain in order that the group can attain its goal?
12 pounds
14 pounds
13 pounds
14.5 points

Question 5
The heights of 10 randomly selected fourth grade boys are (in inches) are 53, 53, 54, 56, 56, 56, 50, 57, 59, and 56. Find the sample standard deviations to 2 decimal places.
Question 6
Salesmen for the ABC Plastics Company drive an average of 240 miles per day with a standard deviation of 36 miles. If samples of 25 daily mileages are taken, what is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means?
Question 7
In 2003, the U.S. death rate was 1.2 per 100,000 people due to motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles in the U.S. were involved in fatal crashes at the rate of 35.0 per 100 million miles driven. If the population of the U.S. is 300,000,000, what is the expected number of deaths due to motorcycle accidents?
Question 8
In one city, there are 1,780 5-year old children of whom 556 live with one parent only. Among a sample of 615 of the 5-year old children from this city, 226 live with one parent only. Find the population proportion of 5-year olds who live with only one parent.
Question 9
A manufacturer wishes to test the claim that one of its pancake mixes has a
mean weight that does not equal 24 ounces as advertised. Determine the conclusion of the hypothesis test assuming that the results of the sampling lead to rejection of the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is greater than 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is not equal to 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is equal to 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is less than 24 ounces.
Question 10
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 17.6 < µ < 23.6. What is the margin of error?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ACC291T Week 3 Apply Exercise SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

On January 2, Jasmine's Beauty Supplies Inc. issued Check 3100 for $300 to establish a petty cash fund. On January 31, Check 3159 was issued to replenish the petty cash fund. An analysis of payments from the fund showed these totals: Supplies, $57; Delivery Expense, $98; and Miscellaneous Expense, $33.

Indicate how these transactions would be recorded in a general journal.

Question 2

On January 2, The Public Legal Clinic issued Check 2108 for $430 to establish a petty cash fund. Indicate how this transaction would be recorded in a general journa


Question 3

Read the following transactions.

Lourdes LLC. keeps a $100 change fund in its cash register. At the end of the day, cash sales per the register tape were $3,280. The cash count was $3,700.

Calculate the amount over or short.

Question 4

Di Stefano Office Supply Company received a bank statement showing a balance of $68,105 as of March 31, 2019. The firm's records showed a book balance of $69,499 on March 31. The difference between the two balances was caused by the following items.


  1. A debit memorandum for $52, which covers the bank's collection fee for the note (item 6).
  2. A deposit in transit of $3,800.
  3. A check for $250 issued by another firm that was mistakenly charged to Di Stefano's account.
  4. A debit memorandum for an NSF check of $6,145 issued by Wozniak Construction Company, a credit customer.
  5. Outstanding checks: Check 3782 for $2,300; Check 3840 for $153.
  6. A credit memorandum for a $6,400 noninterest-bearing note receivable that the bank collected for the firm.

Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for the firm as of March 31. Prepare the necessary journal entries for March 31, 2019 from the statement.

Question 5

On March 31, 2019, Home Decorating Pavilion received a bank statement showing a balance of $9,850. The balance in the firm's checkbook and Cash account on the same date was $10,500. The difference between the two balances is caused by the items listed below.


  1. A $2,975 deposit made on March 30 does not appear on the bank statement.
  2. Check 358 for $535 issued on March 29 and Check 359 for $1,750 issued on March 30 have not yet been paid by the bank.
  3. A credit memorandum shows that the bank has collected a $1,100 note receivable and interest of $110 for the firm.
  4. A service charge of $35 appears on the bank statement.
  5. A debit memorandum shows an NSF check for $575. (The check was issued by Dane Jaris, a credit customer.)
  6. The firm's records indicate that Check 341 of March 1 was issued for $800 to pay the month's rent. However, the canceled check and the listing on the bank statement show that the actual amount of the check was $750.
  7. The bank made an error by deducting a check for $610 issued by another business from the balance of Home Decorating Pavilion's account.



  1. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for the firm as of March 31, 2019.
  2. Record entries for any items on the bank reconciliation statement that must be journalized.

 Question 6
A firm's bank reconciliation statement shows a book balance of $16,000, an NSF check of $490, and a service charge of $29. Its adjusted book balance is
Multiple Choice

Question 7
Florence Company received a bank statement showing a balance of $12,300 on November 30, 2019. During the bank reconciliation process, Florence's accountant noted the following bank errors:
1.    A check for $146 issued by Florentine, Inc., was mistakenly charged to Florence Company's account.
2.    Check 2782 was written for $200 but was paid by the bank as $1,200.
3.    Check 2920 for $80 was paid by the bank twice.
4.    A deposit for $680 on November 22 was credited by the bank for $860.
Assuming outstanding checks total $1,650, prepare the adjusted bank balance section of the November 30, 2019, bank reconciliation.

Question 8
During the month a company paid $44.75 for office supplies and $53.22 for miscellaneous expenses from the petty cash fund. The entry to replenish the petty cash fund at the end of the month would include
Multiple Choice
a debit to Petty Cash for $97.97.
a credit to Cash for $97.97.
a debit to Cash for $97.97.
a credit to Office Supplies for $44.75.

Question 9
Read each of the following transactions.
1.    A) The cash sales per a register tape were $567. The cash count is $546.
B) The cash sales per a register tape were $8,100. The cash count is $7,740.
Prepare the general journal entries to record the above transactions.

Question 10

Teng Corporation received a bank statement showing a balance of $14,450 as of October 31, 2019. The firm's records showed a book balance of $14,057 on October 31. The difference between the two balances was caused by the following items.

  1. A debit memorandum for an NSF check from Richard Wolf for $419.
  2. Three outstanding checks: Check 7017 for $119, Check 7098 for $50, and Check 7107 for $1,510.
  3. A bank service charge of $15.
  4. A deposit in transit of $852.

Prepare the adjusted bank balance section and the adjusted book balance section of the bank reconciliation statement. Prepare the necessary journal entries for the year 2019.


ACC291T Week 2 Apply Exercise SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

Lewis Corporation engaged in the following transactions during June.











Purchased merchandise on account from Salinas Company; Invoice 100 for $1,055; terms n/30.




Recorded purchases for cash, $1,540.




Paid amount due to Salinas Company for the purchase on June 4.

Record these transactions in a general journal.


Question 2
During the year, a firm purchased $256,700 of merchandise and paid freight charges of $41,770. If the total purchases returns and allowances were $16,040 and purchase discounts were $8,500 for the year, what is the net delivered cost of purchases?

Multiple Choice


Question 3
Tune Tones Instrument Tuning Company owes Mandy Lynn's Music Studio $5,046 as of November 1. During November, Tune Tones purchased merchandise from Mandy Lynn totaling $8,685 and made payments on account to Mandy Lynn in the amount of $7,440. The amount Tune Tones owes Mandy Lynn on November 30 is:

Multiple Choice


Question 4
During March a firm purchased $22,730 of merchandise and paid freight charges of $1,800. If the net delivered cost of purchases for the March is $21,980, what is the total purchase returns for March?

Multiple Choice


Question 5
Bushard Company (buyer) and Schmidt, Inc. (seller) engaged in the following transactions during February 2019:
Bushard Company
Feb.    10         Purchased merchandise for $6,700 from Schmidt, Inc., Invoice 1980, terms 2/10, n/30.
     13         Received Credit Memorandum 230 from Schmidt, Inc., for damaged merchandise totaling $370 that was returned; the goods were purchased on Invoice 1980, dated February 10.
     19         Paid amount due to Schmidt, Inc., for Invoice 1980 of February 10, less the return of February 13 and less the cash discount, Check 2010.
Schmidt, Inc.
Feb.    10         Sold merchandise for $6,700 on account to Bushard Company, Invoice 1980, terms 2/10, n/30. The cost of merchandise sold was $3,850.
     13         Issued Credit Memorandum 230 to Bushard Company for damaged merchandise totaling $370 that was returned; the goods were purchased on Invoice 1980, dated February 10. The cost of the returned goods was $290.
     19         Received payment from Bushard Company for Invoice 1980 of February 10, less the return of February 13 and less the cash discount, Check 2010.
Both companies use the perpetual inventory system. Journalize the transactions above in a general journal for both Bushard Company and Schmidt, Inc. (Round final answers to the nearest whole dollar value.)

Question 6

Assume the following account balances at January 1, 2019, for Bioplast Jewelry, Inc.:



Accounts Payable (control account)




Accounts Payable—Evans Enterprises




Accounts Payable—Stamos Distributors




Accounts Payable—Tonetta Company






















Accounts Payable/Stamos Distributors




















Made partial payment










on account, Check 1240




















Accounts Payable/Evans Enterprises










Purchases Returns and Allowances










Received Credit Memorandum










123 as allowance for










discolored merchandise









  1. Use the final balances of the vendor accounts to prepare a schedule of accounts to payable for Bioplast Jewelry, Inc., as of January 31, 2019.
  2. Does the total of your accounts payable schedule agree with the balance of the accounts payable account in the general ledger at January 31, 2019?


Question 7

Bushard Company (buyer) and Schmidt, Inc. (seller) engaged in the following transactions during February 2019:

Bushard Company










Purchased merchandise for $1,100 from Schmidt, Inc., Invoice 1980, terms 1/10, n/30.




Received Credit Memorandum 230 from Schmidt, Inc., for damaged merchandise totaling $200 that was returned; the goods were purchased on Invoice 1980, dated February 10.




Paid amount due to Schmidt, Inc., for Invoice 1980 of February 10, less the return of February 13 and less the cash discount, Check 2010.


Schmidt, Inc.










Sold merchandise for $1,100 on account to Bushard Company, Invoice 1980, terms 1/10, n/30.




Issued Credit Memorandum 230 to Bushard Company for damaged merchandise totaling $200 that was returned; the goods were purchased on Invoice 1980, dated February 10.




Received payment from Bushard Company for Invoice 1980 of February 10, less the return of February 13 and less the cash discount, Check 2010.


Journalize the transactions above in a general journal for both Bushard Company and Schmidt, Inc.


Question 8

Post the entries in the general journal below to the accounts payable account in the general ledger and to the appropriate accounts in the accounts payable ledger.

Assume the following account balances at January 1, 2019, for Bioplast Jewelry, Inc.:



Accounts Payable (control account)




Accounts Payable—Evans Enterprises




Accounts Payable—Stamos Distributors




Accounts Payable—Tonetta Company






















Accounts Payable/Stamos Distributors




















Made partial payment










on account, Check 1240




















Accounts Payable/Evans Enterprises










Purchases Returns and Allowances










Received Credit Memorandum










123 as allowance for










discolored merchandise








  Question 9
On April 1, Moloney Meat Distributors sold merchandise on account to Fronke's Franks for $3,550 on Invoice 1001, terms 1/10, n/30. The cost of merchandise sold was $2,100. Payment was received in full from Fronke's Franks, less discount, on April 10.
Record the transactions for Moloney Meat Distributors on April 1 and April

10. The company uses the perpetual inventory system. (Round final answers to the nearest whole dollar value.)
Question 10
Record the following transactions of J. Min Designs in a general journal. The company uses the perpetual inventory system.
April    1         Purchased merchandise on credit from O'Rourke Fabricators, Invoice 885, $3,450, terms 1/10, n/30; freight of $65 prepaid by O'Rourke Fabricators and added to the invoice (total invoice amount, $3,515).
     9         Paid amount due to O'Rourke Fabricators for the purchase of April 1, less the 2 percent discount, Check 457.
     15         Purchased merchandise on credit from Kroll Company, Invoice 145, $1,700, terms 1/10, n/30; freight of $120 prepaid by Kroll and added to the invoice.
     17         Returned damaged merchandise purchased on April 15 from Kroll Company; received Credit Memorandum 332 for $95.
     24         Paid the amount due to Kroll Company for the purchase of April 15, less the return on April 17, taking the 1 percent discount, Check 470.

Record these transactions in a general journal. (Round final answers to the nearest whole dollar value.)

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...