Tuesday, September 13, 2022

PUA5306 IUnit I Discussion.docx

Today, there are many vocal special interest groups, prominent lobbying groups, and prominent political contributors who encourage elected policy makers to develop policies for the benefit of the special interest group. Do you think that today's policy makers truly represent the general public, or do they actually represent special interest groups and the elite population? Why, or why not?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

R04 Module 2 Expository Paper 1.docx

Assignment Instructions

Expository Paper 1

Does our society today have ethical problems? Explain your position and reference the assigned readings to back up your statements. (Base your discussion on your readings).

R04 Self Reflection 1.docx


In the textbox, input your responses to the following question. When you are ready to submit, click the blue submit button at the bottom of the page.

What are five (5) human relational personal goals you have for this course? List and explain your goals.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...