Friday, November 22, 2019

BZ440 Assignment 8


BZ440 Quality Control

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Today's business arenas are extremely competitive nationally and internationally. Please thoughtfully consider the following statements and provide answers supported from information in your textbook and include at least two outside sources with appropriate citations.


1.      Support a leadership impact ideology for TQ implementation by synthesizing the processes necessary to provide an organization with a TQ paradigm.


2.      Assess three (3) characteristics that contribute to a TQ organization by prioritizing the steps necessary to achieve a competitive advantage in the marketplace using TQ methodology.


3.      Evaluate how you, as a manger, would integrate three (3) specific leadership initiative tools to provide your company with a TQ organization.


BZ440 Assignment 04 Quality Control


BZ440 Quality Control

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


One of the philosophies mentioned in your text includes the strategy of Plan, Do, Check, and Act. Please keep this philosophy in mind when considering the information required below.


1. Discuss the premise of TQ. Then, design a TQ initiative for a company of your choosing, outlining steps that will provide internal and external support for your initiative.


2. Outline a plan for a team meeting with your managers, and elaborate how together you will disseminate this plan to the entire company.


3. Evaluate the potential impact of your meeting and the launching of your TQ plan, including two (2) strengths and two (2) weaknesses of the plan.


OR110 Lesson 7 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
Breaking up study times across several days is more effective than cramming.
Question options:


Question 2        10 / 10 points
Reviewing material within 24 hours after learning for the first time can increase retention.
Question options:


Question 3        10 / 10 points
The memory consolidation process occurs working when you are:
Question options:




Question 4        10 / 10 points
Which of the following would NOT be particularly effective content for flashcards?
Question options:

Dates and facts

Foreign language drills

Analysis of english literature

Vocabulary words
Question 5        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is an example of an engagement strategy?
Question options:

Using flashcards

Listening to classical music


Question 6        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is an example of an active recall technique?
Question options:

Using flashcards

Listening to classical music


Question 7        10 / 10 points
Stress is good for our health and rarely hinders learning.
Question options:


Question 8        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is NOT an example of a studying technique?
Question options:

Teaching someone else the information

Using flashcards

Shifting your study location

Question 9        10 / 10 points
Studies have shown that multitasking is beneficial for studying.
Question options:


Question 10        10 / 10 points
Benedict Carey advises to study smarter, not harder.
Question options:



OR110 Lesson 6 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
Time management skills can be applied to many areas of your life
Question options:


Question 2        10 / 10 points
A timer is used when applying the chunking technique.
Question options:


Question 3        10 / 10 points
Suppose you are in the midst of your work and your phone rings. You decide to stop your work and answer the phone, but inform the person that you will call the back in an hour. You then hang up the phone and continue your task. This is an example of:
Question options:

Breaking your work into chunks

Dealing with distractions


Question 4        10 / 10 points
Cramming in long sessions of studying is the most effective way to absorb information.
Question options:


Question 5        10 / 10 points
Time management strategies can and should be personalized.
Question options:


Question 6        10 / 10 points
Interval studying requires intervals of 25 minute time chunks.
Question options:


Question 7        10 / 10 points
Breaking your work up into smaller, more manageable pieces that are broken up by short breaks is known as ______________.
Question options:




Question 8        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is NOT a tip for time management?
Question options:

Keep your goals

Protect your time

Think about the 80/20 rule

All of the above are time management tips
Question 9        10 / 10 points
To do lists are an example of everyday time management.
Question options:


Question 10        10 / 10 points
Creating a priority list and scheduling time for each item is a time management tip.
Question options:



OR110 Lesson 4 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
Two main characteristics of a critical thinker are being open-minded and an independent thinker.
Question options:


Question 2        10 / 10 points
Critical thinking doesn't require much effort because it focuses on surface level information.
Question options:


Question 3        10 / 10 points
Conducting research is important because it allows you to do all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:

Create an organized, factual paper

Become an expert on a topic

Support your general knowledge with provable facts

Conducting research allows you to do all of the above
Question 4        10 / 10 points
The only way you can obtain reliable sources is by checking out books from a library.
Question options:


Question 5        10 / 10 points
All of the following are rules you need to follow to avoid plagiarism EXCEPT:
Question options:


Cite sources

Copy sentences word for word

Use a reference list
Question 6        10 / 10 points
The key to writing a research paper is to find accurate and relevant facts to support your claim.
Question options:


Question 7        10 / 10 points
Ashworth Learning Center provides all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:

Resources tailored to your program major

Numerous Databases

Tools to find credible academic source

Ashworth Learning Center provides all of the above
Question 8        10 / 10 points
Anecdotal information is based on:
Question options:


Personal Opinion


Question 9        10 / 10 points
Imagine you are going to buy your first car. You have been saving money every since you were 16 years old. Your dream car is a Mercedes Benz, but after careful consideration of your other financial responsibilities like college tuition you realize it is an unrealistic car for you. You decide instead to buy a smaller cheaper car that will fit into your budget. This scenario is best described as an example of:
Question options:


Critical thinking


Question 10        10 / 10 points
Charlie is reading a chapter in his global history textbook to help him write his term paper. Charlie takes the time to comprehend the information that he reads in each section to make sure he understand the information. What step in the critical thinking process is Charlie displaying?
Question options:

Watch, Read, and Listen

Analyze the information

Form an opinion

Apply the information

OR110 Lesson 3 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is NOT a reason to create an outline for a paper?
Question options:

Organize your thoughts logically

Focus on the main points of your topic

Lengthen the amount of time you spend on your paper

Set you up for success
Question 2        10 / 10 points
Which of the following sequences should you follow when creating an outline?
Question options:

Brainstorm, bullet your main thoughts, expand upon each bullet, revise

Bullet your main thoughts, brainstorm, expand upon each bullet, revise

Bullet your main thoughts, expand upon each bullet, brain storm, revise

Brainstorm, revise, bullet your main thoughts, expand upon each bullet
Question 3        10 / 10 points
Once you have your topics selected for each paragraph you will need to come up with at least three or four key points. These claims need to do all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:

Relate to



Question 4        10 / 10 points
Combine these two sentences: "It was a bright cold day in April" and "The clocks were striking thirteen." Based on these sentences, which of the following represents a compound sentence with proper punctuation?
Question options:

"It was a bright day in April and the clocks were striking thirteen."

"The clocks were striking thirteen and it was a bright cold day in April."

"It was a bright cold day in April, and the clocks were striking thirteen."

These sentences cannot be combined
Question 5        10 / 10 points
What type of punctuation is crucial when listing things in your writing?
Question options:

Exclamation points



Question 6        10 / 10 points
The following sentence has correct punctuation: "In spite of everything I still believe people are really good at heart."
Question options:


Question 7        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is a proofing and revising tip to help you check your work?
Question options:

Use tools in the Ashworth College Writing Lab

Refer to a style guide

Read your paper aloud

All of the above are helpful tips
Question 8        10 / 10 points
Punctuation can be used as a style device to create all of the following EXCEPT:
Question options:




Verb agreement
Question 9        10 / 10 points
All of the following are tips to help you develop voice in your writing EXCEPT:
Question options:

Identify qualities of your personality

Mimic other people's writing styles

Free write topics of your choice to craft your style

Write what feels natural to you
Question 10        10 / 10 points
Which of the following tones correctly matches the topic of writing?
Question options:

Writing a research paper about the Industrial Revolution with an informal tone

Writing a magazine column on the latest relationship drama in Hollywood with a formal tone

Writing a blog post for a lifestyle website with an informal tone

Writing an industry summary for business research with an informal tone


OR110 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
Reading comprehension and test taking strategies are not interrelated.
Question options:


Question 2        10 / 10 points
Reading comprehension is important for academics and everyday life.
Question options:


Question 3        10 / 10 points
There is no difference between reading the words and retain what is being said.
Question options:


Question 4        10 / 10 points
Abbreviations and symbols can be helpful for jotting and notetaking.
Question options:


Question 5        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is the best plan of attack for answering multiple choice questions based on a reading passage?
Question options:

Read the question, put the question into your own words, go into the passage and find evidence, pick the best option that best matches your thinking

Read the question, go into the passage and find evidence, put the question into your own words, pick the best option that best matches your thinking

Pick the best option that best matches your thinking, read the question, put the question into your own words, go into the passage and find evidence

Go into the passage and find evidence, read the question, put the question into your own words, pick the best option that best matches your thinking
Question 6        10 / 10 points
The E in PRESS stands for evaluate.
Question options:


Question 7        10 / 10 points
The C in the mnemonic RACE stands for ___________.
Question options:

Create ideas

Cite evidence

Combine answers

Closing thoughts
Question 8        10 / 10 points
Checking how long a reading passage is, figuring out what genre it is, and and seeing if there are any text features that will help your understanding of the passage are actions best represented by which of the following?
Question options:




Question 9        10 / 10 points
The following are all possible ways to take notes EXCEPT:
Question options:

Jotting in the margins

Highlighting and underlining parts of the text

Writing down key points made in a video

All of the above are ways to take notes
Question 10        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is a strategy to take notes on an online lecture or video?
Question options:

Listen for meaning during the lecture or video

Paraphrase what is being said

Think about what you have learned after it is over

All of the above are ways to take notes

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...