Tuesday, January 7, 2020

BZ460 Week 3 Discussion...HR

Week 3 TDQ: Explain why is it beneficial to have a well written Project Quality Plan. Briefly discuss the key to good quality control.


 Briefly outline the contents of a typical project scope. Discuss why it is critical for the scope to include a 'Statement of Work' and 'Customer requirements'.

BZ460 Lesson 8 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT..HR

Question 1
For any external resources that are used on the project, such as subcontractors, consultants, or vendors, the __________ will define requirements regarding documentation, approvals required, and distribution and include such requirements in subcontracts or purchase orders.
Question options:

project team

project manager


project organization
Question 2
__________ can support team idea generation, brainstorming, problem solving, and decision making.
Question options:

Document management systems


Content management systems

Web videoconferencing
Question 3
A project progress report might include the following EXCEPT:
Question options:

progress toward resolution of previously identified problems.

list of activities completed by each of the project team members.

accomplishments since prior report and milestones expected to be reached during next reporting period.

problems or potential problems since prior report and planned corrective actions.
Question 4
A project status review meeting is usually led or called by the:
Question options:


project manager.

project team.

team member that identified a problem.
Question 5
Listening is more than just letting the other person talk. It must be a/an:
Question options:

passive, not an active, process.

impatient, not a patient, process.

reactive, not a proactive, process.

active, not a passive, process.
Question 6
All of the following are suggestions for improving listening skills EXCEPT:
Question options:

asking questions.

engaging in active listening, providing verbal and nonverbal feedback to the person talking.

interrupting the speaker to state clarification.

focusing on the person talking.
Question 7
Projects that involve a design phase, such as an information system project, may require one or more technical __________ to ensure that the customer agrees with or approves of the design.
Question options:

project status review meetings

problem-solving meetings

post-project evaluation meetings

design review meetings
Question 8
Regular and open communication, trust, respect, open-mindedness, and a positive win-win attitude are keys to successful stakeholder:
Question options:




monitoring and closing.
Question 9
The __________ needs to provide opportunities for regular two-way communication with each __________, not just when an issue or concern is identified.
Question options:

project manager; stakeholder

risk identifier; risk mitigater

communication plan manager; communication channel

communication coordinator; colleague
Question 10
__________ allows the live exchange of information among members of the project team.
Question options:


Written communication


Verbal communication
Question 11
Written reports are __________ verbal reports in communicating information about a project.
Question options:

more important than

not as important as

less effective than

just as important as
Question 12
__________ is/are used to manage the content of a website, documents, or files.
Question options:

Document management systems


Content management systems

Web videoconferencing
Question 13
The heart of communication is not words, but:
Question options:




Question 14
__________ body language can include direct eye contact, a smile, hand gestures, leaning forward, and nodding acknowledgment or agreement.
Question options:




Question 15
Before a project team meeting, the __________ should determine whether a meeting is really necessary, the purpose of the meeting, and who needs to participate in the meeting.
Question options:

team member that identified a problem


project manager

project team
Question 16
__________ is/are another collaboration tool that can provide a central repository for project information and capture the efforts of team members into a managed content environment.
Question options:

Document management systems


Content management systems

Web videoconferencing
Question 17
A final __________ when the contractor has completed the detailed specifications, drawings, screen and report formats, and such is to gain approval from the customer.
Question options:

project status review meeting

post-project evaluation meeting

problem-solving meeting

design review meeting
Question 18
__________ should be held on a regularly scheduled basis.
Question options:

Problem-solving meetings

Post-project evaluation meetings

Design review meetings

Project status review meetings
Question 19
Possible elements of a project __________ plan include documents, author or originator or person responsible for creating the documents, required date or frequency for document completion and distribution, recipients for documents in distribution list, actions required, and comments related to each document.
Question options:




Question 20
__________, to some extent, even provide features that provide team members with greater access and flexibility for using various interactive telecommunication technologies and collaboration tools such as email, internet access, document management, etc.
Question options:

Document management systems


Cell phones

Web videoconferencing

BZ460 Lesson 3 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT...HR

Question 1
Expected benefits, which will result from implementation of the project and define success, establish:
Question options:

how quickly the project must be completed.

how much money the customer is willing to pay.

the reason the contractor proposes the solution.

why the project is being done.
Question 2
The contractor or project team needs to gain agreement from _____ on the project scope document.
Question options:

the sponsor or customer

only the contractor's chief financial officer

only the subcontractors

all the stakeholders
Question 3
The project scope document is valuable for establishing:
Question options:

a request for proposal for the project.

the risk management plan for the project.

the contact between the contractor and the customer.

a common understanding among project stakeholders regarding the scope of the project.
Question 4
In order to prevent poor quality and avoid quality problems, there needs to be a/an:
Question options:

work breakdown structure.

audit at the end of the project.

responsibility assignment matrix.

project quality plan.
Question 5
The __________ defines what the project team or contractor will do.
Question options:

statement of work

network diagram

work breakdown structure

project scope document
Question 6
It is important to plan for __________ in performing the project to assure that the work is done according to specifications and applicable standards and that deliverables meet acceptance criteria.
Question options:


scope creep


Question 7
A __________ emphasizes who is responsible for each work item and shows each individual's role in supporting the overall project.
Question options:

responsibility assignment matrix

project scope document

work breakdown structure

network diagram
Question 8
For each deliverable, the quantitative measures or references to __________ that will be used should be stated, as the criteria will be the basis for the customer agreeing that a deliverable is acceptable.
Question options:

quantitative and qualitative levels

audits and surveys

published articles

specifications, standards, and codes
Question 9
The project scope is all the work that must be done to do all of the following, EXCEPT:
Question options:

accomplish the project objective.

satisfy the sponsor or customer that all the work and deliverables meet the requirements or acceptance criteria.

produce all the project deliverables.

meet with every stakeholder.
Question 10
To help assure quality, the project quality plan should contain written procedures for:
Question options:

scope creep.

using various quality tools and techniques, such as audits, inspections, testing, checklists, and so on.

communicating with stakeholders about subcontractors.

assigning resources to tasks to be sure they meet the acceptance criteria.
Question 11
The major work elements defined in the statement of work section along with the detailed list of deliverables provide the basis for creating a:
Question options:

project scope document.

statement of work.

work breakdown structure.

network diagram.
Question 12
A __________ is a hierarchical decomposition of the project work scope into work packages that produce the project deliverables.
Question options:

network diagram

project scope document

work breakdown structure

statement of work
Question 13
Once the project scope document has been prepared and agreed on, the next step in the planning phase is to:
Question options:

begin work on the project.

monitor and control the quality to assure acceptance.

create a detailed work breakdown structure.

prepare and approve the contract.
Question 14
The __________ may include a high-level WBS in a graphic chart format or as an indentured list of the work elements and associated deliverables.
Question options:

network diagram

work breakdown structure

project scope document

statement of work
Question 15
Acceptance criteria for all project deliverables must be __________ than what is stated in the project charter or request for proposal.
Question options:

described in greater detail

listed in sequence with the responsible person or organization

stated at higher levels

Question 16
Quality standards that will be used should also be stated and referenced in other appropriate project documents, such as technical specifications and acceptance criteria, and communicated to members of the project team:
Question options:

after the work begins on the project.

at the outset of the project before the work begins.

at the end to check that the quality is met.

when the project team starts working on the specific tasks.
Question 17
The __________ is a communication tool for the project team because it shows who is responsible for each activity and how each person's work fits into the overall project.
Question options:

responsibility assignment matrix

project scope statement

network diagram

work breakdown structure
Question 18
Although major or key deliverables may be stated in the project charter or request for proposal, they need to be __________ in the project scope document.
Question options:

expanded on in greater detail

listed in sequence with the responsible person or organization


stated at higher levels
Question 19
It is easier to define the details for __________, but as the project progresses or moves from phase to phase, the project team or contractor can progressively elaborate the details as more information is known or becomes clear.
Question options:

only tasks that take a day to complete

tasks that require a small effort

the near-term efforts

tasks near the end of the project
Question 20
The __________ is the tangible end product that the project team or contractor must produce and deliver in order for the sponsor or customer to achieve the expected benefits from implementing the project.
Question options:


project plan

network diagram

work breakdown structure

BZ460 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT.....HR

Question 1
The implementation of the new procedure is expected to reduce costs of production by 10% over the next year. This is an example of the __________ in a project charter.
Question options:

project description

project objective

acceptance criteria

success criteria and expected benefits
Question 2
The building constructed will have at least R-38 insulation rating for the ceiling and R-28 for the walls. This is an example of the __________ in a project charter.
Question options:

success criteria and expected benefits

project description

project objective

acceptance criteria
Question 3
The contractor should state its understanding of the customer's need:
Question options:

by including complex graphics to show expertise.

in its own words with a description of the customer's current condition.

adding lots of information about other projects that are similar.

by restating the problem statement that appears in the RFP.
Question 4
A project charter summarizes the:
Question options:

project objective.

detailed description of the project.

key conditions and parameters of the project.

funding and contracting of the project.
Question 5
Proposal preparation is completed by:
Question options:

a single person when proposing a multimillion-dollar project.

a proposal manager regardless of the project size.

a large team for a simple project.

one or more people depending upon the requirements of the proposal.
Question 6
A way to foster trust is to:
Question options:

get insider information about a company then share it with a competitor.

ask about upcoming RFPs a company is planning.

be reliable and responsive.

only contact the customer when planned.
Question 7
The first step in project selection is to:
Question options:

gather data and information for each project.

list assumptions.

evaluate each project against the criteria.

develop a set of criteria against which a project will be evaluated.
Question 8
A BAFO requested by a customer is a:
Question options:

best and first offer from the contractor.

base accounting and finance office clarification from the contractor.

best and final offer from the contractor.

clarification request for broad, ambiguous, frivolous, and obscure aspects of the proposal.
Question 9
A contractor bidding on a fixed-price project must develop:
Question options:

a well-defined project with low risk.

accurate and complete cost estimates and include sufficient contingency costs.

techniques to control costs and reduce expenses to make a larger profit.

techniques to determine the cost-at-completion with actual expenditures.
Question 10
Fixed-price contracts are most appropriate for projects that:
Question options:

are well defined and entail little risk.

take less than one year to complete.

are with customers that want a single payment date.

involve risk.
Question 11
It is advisable to build relationships with __________ in a client or partner organization.
Question options:

the chief financial officer

several key people

the top ranking official

one individual
Question 12
Your company has been supplying a local company with warehouse management. A proposed project requires warehouse management in 15 national locations. This is an example of how the contractor could:
Question options:

develop its proposal writing skills by bidding on the project.

hurt its local reputation by working on projects with other companies.

extend its capabilities and expand its business to a larger customer base.

take on too much risk because they have only worked with a small company.
Question 13
When making contingency estimates, the contractor should:
Question options:

heavily pad the estimates to include every issue.

include an amount for each issue that has high impact.

estimate the amount to mitigate high impact and probable issues.

include a small amount for each possible issue.
Question 14
The project title should:
Question options:

state what is expected to be accomplished.

summarize the need and justification for the project.

state the major end products or items expected to be produced.

be concise and create a vision for the end result of the project.
Question 15
The new employees are expected to receive $13 million of Fast Start training that will be provided by a state workforce development grant. This is an example of the __________ in a project charter.
Question options:

key assumptions

project description

acceptance criteria

success criteria and expected benefits
Question 16
Sleeping on a contradictory issue and providing a thoughtful answer the next day:
Question options:

gives you time to find a comic strip to include that expresses your political point of view.

reinforces your thoughtfulness and builds a positive perception of you by the customer.

lets you get more information to prove the client was wrong.

reinforces that you cannot make quick decisions.
Question 17
The contract must clearly spell out the:
Question options:

names of those responsible for tasks.

deliverables the contractor is expected to provide.

level of risk acceptable by the contractor.

number of contact hours the contractor must have with the customer.
Question 18
Customers and partner organizations prefer to work with people they:
Question options:

know are lean companies with few employees.

have read about.

know and trust.

know are very large with many employees.
Question 19
An assumption for a construction project could be:
Question options:

the size of the building that is to be constructed.

a grant will be secured to help fund the project.

the regulations and codes required for the building.

the materials to be used to construct the building.
Question 20
A good way to start a conversation with a potential customer at XYZ Company is:
Question options:

"How did your son's football team do this season?"

"Did your sales increase this year?"

"I just finished a meeting with Grace from ABC. She told me about their new products."

"We are working on a project for ABC Company."

BZ460 Lesson 1 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT....HR

Question 1
Corrective action must be taken for a project when:
Question options:

the technical specifications have been met.

the actual cost of the activities is less than the funds received for the work completed.

actual progress to the planned progress shows the progress is ahead of schedule.

the actual progress is less than the planned progress.
Question 2
When establishing the project objectives, the objective must be agreed upon by the project:
Question options:




Question 3
All the work involved with clearing a sidewalk after a heavy snow storm is an example of a project's:
Question options:




Question 4
The types and quantities of resources to be used for the activities are the base for the estimated project:
Question options:




Question 5
If a project team is contacted by a stakeholder about a concern related to their project, the project team should:
Question options:

share the concern with all the other stakeholders to see if they agree.

send a mass email to all stakeholders to let them know the project is on time and under budget.

communicate with the stakeholder individually to deal with the concern.

ignore the concern because one stakeholder is not important.
Question 6
The list that includes key contact information, role or specific topics of interest, expectations, any known issues, and areas of potential influence for each stakeholder is known as the:
Question options:

list of prior projects.

project technical specifications.

stakeholder register.

lessons learned list.
Question 7
Which of the following is NOT an example of a project?
Question options:

Raising money for a disaster relief trip

Creating a website for a company

Starting-up a restaurant

Emptying the recycling everyday
Question 8
__________ changes the dynamics of the project and adds a layer of complexity that can adversely affect the project outcome if the project participants are not aware of what they might encounter regarding cultural differences and multinational economic transactions.
Question options:

Estimated duration



Question 9
The project objective requires completing the project __________ and producing all the deliverables by a certain time and within budget.
Question options:




work scope
Question 10
The project budget is based on:
Question options:

the costs to do the resources before any indirect costs.

the estimated costs associated with the quantities of resources to be used.

how well the project manager can use accounting software.

the actual costs of the resources used for the project.
Question 11
If a stakeholder has concerns about a project, the project team should:
Question options:

write letters to all the stakeholders to not worry about the project.

be proactive and contact the stakeholder.

wait for the stakeholder to contact the project manager about the concern.

prepare a defense for their project decisions.
Question 12
The stakeholder register is a convenient tool to keep:
Question options:

stakeholders at a distance from the project.

all stakeholder information consolidated and up-to-date.

lessons learned.

all communications open to all stakeholders.
Question 13
The amount of estimated resources helps to determine the estimated:
Question options:




project scope.
Question 14
All the activities in the baseline plan must be performed in accordance to the project schedule and:
Question options:

list of project expectations.

technical specifications.

stakeholder register.

lessons learned list.
Question 15
If the organization decides to use external resources (a contractor) to perform the project, the organization will prepare a document called __________ that defines the project requirements.
Question options:

baseline plan

a request for proposal

a project scope document

project technical specifications
Question 16
Projects are identified and selected in the __________ phase.
Question options:




Question 17
A risk __________ plan must be developed that identifies and assesses potential risks, determines the likelihood of occurrence and potential impacts of risks, and delineates responses for dealing with risks.
Question options:




Question 18
Project documents are organized and archived in the __________ phase.
Question options:




Question 19
The __________ for a project specifies when each task should start and finish.
Question options:


list of expectations

technical specifications document

Question 20
A person or organization responsible for each work item should be identified to assign responsibility while __________ the project.
Question options:





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