Sunday, January 26, 2020

SC160 Assignment --03 --Revised


SC160 Basic Biology

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Integrate by discussion the properties of life, basic chemical terminology, and molecules and compounds of a cell necessary for life. Include the basic anatomy and physiology of a cell and describe how cell respiration, photosynthesis, and cell reproduction occur in a succinct manner. Include a brief discussion about Mendel's Laws and an overview of DNA structure and function. Conclude with a discussion of cancer and the mechanisms of gene control.

SC140 Online Exam 4

Question 1 (5 points)
In contrast to going without food, the human body can survive only about __________ days without water.
Question 1 options:




Question 2 (5 points)
Which of the following sources of water is most likely to contain contaminants?
Question 2 options:


Distilled water

Surface water

Question 3 (5 points)
All of the following describe benefits of water acting as a solvent, EXCEPT:
Question 3 options:

rainwater carries air pollutants to earth from the atmosphere.

water helps maintain a chemical balance in our bodies by carrying wastes away.

water in blood plasma transports nutrients to all our ograns.

rainwater dissolves and carries pesticides and fertilizers from farmland to streams and lakes.
Question 4 (5 points)
Given that 1 ppb = 1 microgram/L and that the federal government's maximum allowable concentration of lead in drinking water is 15 ppb, how many micrograms of lead in 2L of water would meet this standard?
Question 4 options:




Question 5 (5 points)
How many grams of NACL would you add to 500 mL of water to create a 1.75M solution of NACL? (1M of NACL = 58.5 g)?
Question 5 options:

102.38 g

58.50 g

51.19 g

43.88 g
Question 6 (5 points)
Many of the unique properties of water are a consequence of the overall shape of its molecules as well as the:
Question 6 options:

polarity of its bonds within each molecule.

small EN difference between oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

equal sharing of electrons between oxygen and hydrogen atoms.

absence of any hydrogen bonds.
Question 7 (5 points)
Ionic compounds are formed when:
Question 7 options:

elements from the same side of the periodic table exchange electrons.

metallic elements and nonmetallic elements exchange electrons.

the sum of the negative charges in both elements is greater than the sum of positive charges.

polyatomic ions are eliminated from the combination.
Question 8 (5 points)
All of the following ionic compounds are soluble in water, EXCEPT:
Question 8 options:

ammonium nitrate.

sodium sulfate.

aluminum hydroxide.

calcium carbonate.
Question 9 (5 points)
Which of the following best summarizes the solubility rule about the relationship between molecular structure and the formation of chemical compounds?
Question 9 options:

Like dissolves like.

Electricity and water don't mix.

Elements on the same side of the periodic table exchange electrons.

Solvents move through membranes from higher solvent concentrations to lower.
Question 10 (5 points)
The EPA has established a legal limit or __________ for the concentration of nitrates, benzene, and other contaminants to our nation's drinking water.
Question 10 options:

maximum contaminant level goal (MCLG)

maximum contaminant level (MCL)

municipal sanitary standard (MSS)

national toxicity requirement (NTR)
Question 11 (5 points)
"Hard water" contains high concentrations of dissolved __________ ions.
Question 11 options:

cadmium and chromium

nitrate and lead

calcium and magnesium

sodium and chloride
Question 12 (5 points)
Due to its prevalence in the environment and the severe and permanent neurological problems it causes, __________ is considered the most dangerous water contaminant.
Question 12 options:




Question 13 (5 points)
The oxides of sulfur and nitrogen are referred to as acids even though they contain no hydrogen ions because they:
Question 13 options:

lose electrons after being combusted in car engines.

attract hydrogen atoms from methane gas found in the atmosphere.

produce hydrogen ions once they dissolve in water.

interact with ozone to produce acid anhydrides.
Question 14 (5 points)
__________ includes wet forms such as rain, snow, fog, and cloud-like suspensions of microscopic water droplets often more acidic than acid rain.
Question 14 options:

Hydrogen deposition

Acid deposition

pH deposition

Aqueous deposition
Question 15 (5 points)
Even though there is relatively little sulfur dioxide in the smoggy air above Los Angeles, it still has quite acidic rain because:
Question 15 options:

sulfur dioxide drifts down from Mt. St. Helen.

car engines are hot enough to create nitrogen monoxide from internal combustion.

its proximity to the Pacific Ocean allows the aqueous sulfur ions to be sucked into the atmosphere.

there are a number of coal-burning power plants in the city to introduce sulfur into the atmosphere.
Question 16 (5 points)
A New York glass manufacturer was able to reduce NO emissions by 90% and energy consumption by 50% simply by:
Question 16 options:

switching from air to oxygen in its large furnaces.

using electric power rather than propane in heating the glass.

reducing the burning of high-sulfur coal in its furnaces.

using silicon with a lower melting point to make glass.
Question 17 (5 points)
__________ involves a chemical reaction of bacteria among certain plants that removes nitrogen from the air and converts it to ammonia.
Question 17 options:



Biological nitrogen fixation

Nitrogen saturation
Question 18 (5 points)
The __________ clause in the Clean Air Act was aimed at requiring utility companies to implement air quality control meansures in older dirty plants once they were "substantially modified."
Question 18 options:

New Source Review

Cap and Trade

Clear Skies Initiative

National Acid Precipitation
Question 19 (5 points)
Milk of Magnesia is said to have a pH of 10 which is considered to be:
Question 19 options:




slightly acidic.
Question 20 (5 points)
The __________ ion originally became incorporated from seawater into ancient rocks such as coal, and when the coal is burned, it releases compounds that become acidic in the atmosphere.
Question 20 options:





SC140 Assignment--3_06


SC140 Elements of Chemistry

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


This project offers a hands‑on approach to understanding the acidity of a solution and basic compounds in relation to pH.  You may review this topic by reviewing Chapter 6 in Chemistry in Context.  By completing this project, you will increase your knowledge of the properties of an acid or base and explain how acid‑base reactions are important in environmental chemistry.


Acids are classified as strong or weak by their ionization behavior in water.  Basic compounds are referred to as alkaline substances and the watery solutions exhibit a slippery feel.  The addition of acids or bases is often quantified in terms of pH and different levels of pH are found within common foods and chemicals in our households.


After successfully completing this project you will be able to:

·         Identify acids and bases in your household,

·         Identify an acid-base reaction and its application.


Instructions for the Experiment  

Part I

For Part I of this project, you will need to purchase a package of litmus paper.  You may find this at shops specializing in school supplies, gardening or health foods.  The cost should be minimal.  If you are really adventurous – and the season is right – you can make your own litmus paper by crushing blackberries until they are liquid, pouring the liquid onto construction paper and allowing it to dry.

1.      Use your litmus paper, which turns red in acidic solution and blue in basic solution, to determine the acidity of at least 3 various foods, liquids and moist surfaces around your home. 

2.      Test the pH of your tap water. 

3.      Obtain soil from a nearby garden or lawn, shake it with a small amount of water, let it settle and then test the acidity of the water above the solids. 

4.      Make notes regarding each of your findings.

Part II

1.      Dissolve some baking soda in a large glass of warm water.

2.      Add a couple drops of liquid dish soap and stir. 

3.      Pour vinegar into this solution. 

4.      Make notes describing the chemical reaction involved.


SC140 Assignment1


SC140 Elements of Chemistry


There are ways to reduce human-caused pollution.  What we choose to eat, drive, and use in our daily lives can limit our negative effects on the environment.  This assignment is designed to study human behaviors that contribute to pollution levels. 


After successfully completing this assignment you will be able to:

·         Analyze your personal contribution to air pollution,

·         Discuss ways that an individual can minimize environmental pollution. 


Instructions:  Keep a detailed diary for three days, identifying how each of your activities contributes to air pollution.  Afterwards, analyze what you could have done to avoid or minimize your adverse environmental impact.  Write a paper outlining your diary and summarizing your results; you must analyze at least six (6) actions in your paper.

Friday, January 17, 2020

PS350 Assignment 08


Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the "Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.

Part A: Sleep Stages

Your textbook describes the different stages of sleep. Write the following:

Describe slow-wave sleep and REM sleep. Be sure to include

  • the brain activity that takes place during these two stages
  • what an EEG recording looks like during each of these two stages

Part B: Types of Learning

There are four basic forms of learning:

  • perceptual learning
  • stimulus-response learning
  • motor learning
  • relational learning

Write the following:

Describe two of these types of learning. Provide at least two (2) examples for each of these of a situation in which each of these types of learning occurs, being sure to cite your sources.

Part C: Generalized Anxiety Disorder: Definition, Cause & Treatment

One of your family members has been experiencing symptoms similar to generalized anxiety disorder (GAD). The family member has asked you for help with finding treatment. You decide you want to research the disorder before you offer your help.

Write the following:

Give the definition of GAD and (2) causes and (2) treatment options for GAD.

Thursday, January 16, 2020

PS320 History and Systems of Psychology

Assignment 4

PS320 History and Systems of Psychology

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:


1.  In your own words, describe the influence of William of Ockham on the history of psychology.


2.  Provide an overview of Thomas Hobbes's laws of social life. 


3.  In a summary fashion, describe the romantic revolt, including its effects on psychology

POSC292 Week 1 Discussion 3

Read Snow Ch. 3 before responding to this question. What is a rising power? How do rising powers present challenges to the international system?  Some see China's growth and fear the rise of a threatening competitor and rival. Others believe China will be increasingly integrated into the global economy and subject to international norms. Which view do you think is most convincing? Justify your answer with evidence from the text and your own research.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...