Monday, January 27, 2020

STR581 Week 4 B&G Foods (2019)

In this section, you will be evaluating various strategies and making recommendations for the organization.  

Write a 1,050-word minimum strategic evaluation in which you include the following: 

  • Evaluate potential business level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential corporate level strategies for the organization.
  • Assess potential global strategies for the organization.
  • Recommend a strategy or combination of strategies the organization should implement, and include a rationale for that recommendation. 

Format your paper consistent with APA guidelines.

STR581 Week 3 B&G Foods (2019)



Note: You must use the same company for all of the Strategic Plan assignments.


Write a 1,400-word minimum internal environmental analysis in which you include the following: 

  • Assess the organization's internal environment.
  • Identify the most important strengths and weaknesses of your organization including an assessment of the organization's resources.
  • Identify the most important internal environmental factors in the general, industry, and external analysis in relation to the internal analysis.
  • Perform competitor analysis.
  • Assess the structure of the organization and the influence this has on its performance.
  • Determine the organization's competitive position and the possibilities this provides. 

Format your paper according to APA guidelines.

STR.....581 Week 5 B&G Foods... (2019)

About Your Signature Assignment

This signature assignment is designed to align with specific program student learning outcome(s) in your program. Program Student Learning Outcomes are broad statements that describe what students should know and be able to do upon completion of their degree. The signature assignments may be graded with an automated rubric that allows the University to collect data that can be aggregated across a location or college/school and used for program improvements. 

Write a 1,400-word minimum strategic implementation plan in which you include the following: 

  • Create an implementation plan including:
    • Objectives
    • Functional tactics
    • Action items
    • Milestones and deadlines
    • Tasks and task ownership
    • Resource allocation
  • Recommend any organizational change management strategies that may enhance successful implementation.
  • Develop key success factors, budget, and forecasted financials, including a break-even chart.
  • Create a risk management plan including contingency plans for the identified risks.


Sunday, January 26, 2020

SP180 Assignment 7 Revised

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of two (2) double-spaced pages to a maximum of four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Project: Written speech

  1. Develop your speech based on the preparation outline you submitted.
  2. Write your speech using tips, techniques, and guidelines studied in the lesson.

3.      Create a reference list that includes any and all sources you use to locate information. 

  1. Review the Speech Grading Criteria.
  2. Limit your speech to no more than four pages, double-spaced.  
  3. Submit your speech with a title page, your name, date submitted, and instructor's name.


TITLE:Need for a public policy to declare smoking by pregnant women illegal

SC160 Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        5 / 5 points
A balloon permeable to water but not to glucose contains a 10% glucose solution. A beaker contains a 5% glucose solution. Which of the following is true?
Question options:

The solution in the beaker is hypertonic relative to the solution in the balloon.

The solution in the balloon is isotonic; the solution in the beaker is hypertonic.

When placed in the beaker, the balloon will lose water by osmosis.

The solution in the balloon is hypertonic relative to the solution in the beaker.
Question 2        5 / 5 points
Relaying a message from a receptor protein to a molecule that performs a specific function within a cell is called:
Question options:

signal transduction.



selective permeability.
Question 3        5 / 5 points
Microtubules are associated with:
Question options:



cell shape.

All of the above
Question 4        5 / 5 points
Usually, enzymes are:
Question options:



chemical reactions.

Question 5        5 / 5 points
Which of the following processes could result in the net movement of a substance into a cell, if the substance is more concentrated in the cell than in the surroundings?
Question options:

Active transport

Facilitated diffusion


Question 6        5 / 5 points
Substances that plug up an enzyme's active site are:
Question options:

enzyme substrates.

enzyme inhibitors.

induced fit factors.

enzyme products.
Question 7        5 / 5 points
Functions of the smooth endoplasmic reticulum include:
Question options:

steroid synthesis, protein synthesis, and drug detoxification.

lipid synthesis, protein synthesis, and drug detoxification.

lipid synthesis, steroid synthesis, and drug detoxification.

lipid synthesis, steroid synthesis, and protein synthesis.
Question 8        5 / 5 points
If placed in tap water, an animal cell will undergo lysis, whereas a plant cell will not. What accounts for this difference?
Question options:

Expulsion of water by the plant cell's central vacuole

The relative impermeability of the plant cell membrane to water

The relative impermeability of the plant cell wall to water

The relative inelasticity and strength of the plant cell wall
Question 9        5 / 5 points
The endomembrane system includes:
Question options:

ribosomes, lysosomes, vacuoles, and the endoplasmic reticulum.

Golgi apparatus, ribosomes, vacuoles, and the endoplasmic reticulum.

Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, ribosomes, and the endoplasmic reticulum.

Golgi apparatus, lysosomes, vacuoles, and the endoplasmic reticulum.
Question 10        5 / 5 points
Tobacco smokers (and those exposed to tobacco smoke) are at greater risk of an ectopic (tubal) pregnancy. Based on your understanding of the structures of the cytoskeleton, what is the best explanation?
Question options:

Tobacco smokers tend to get pregnant when they are younger.

Tobacco interferes with the functioning of the flagella propelling sperm.

Tobacco interferes with the transfer of oxygen to the uterus, thereby forcing the zygote to implant in a fallopian tube.

Tobacco interferes with the sweeping motion of cilia that aids in the movement of the egg toward the uterus.
Question 11        5 / 5 points
In eukaryotic cells, what name is given to the region between the nucleus and the plasma membrane?
Question options:


Phospholipid bilayer


Question 12        5 / 5 points
Osmosis can be defined as:
Question options:

the diffusion of water.

the diffusion of nonpolar molecules.

active transport.

the diffusion of a solute.
Question 13        5 / 5 points
Which theory states that all living things are composed of cells?
Question options:

Cell theory

Hooke's rule

Evolutionary theory

Mendel's law
Question 14        5 / 5 points
Ten kilocalories are equivalent to __________ calories.
Question options:




Question 15        5 / 5 points
A rock on the top of a mountain contains __________ energy.
Question options:




Question 16        5 / 5 points
Information is transferred from the nucleus to ribosomes via:
Question options:


rough endoplasmic reticulum.


smooth endoplasmic reticulum.
Question 17        5 / 5 points
In plant cells, __________ may contain organic nutrients, pigments, and poisons.
Question options:




central vacuoles
Question 18        5 / 5 points
The region of an enzyme to which a substrate binds is called the __________ site.
Question options:




Question 19        5 / 5 points
Which organelle is responsible for photosynthesis?
Question options:

Smooth endoplasmic reticulum



Question 20        5 / 5 points
Diffusion is an example of:
Question options:


active transport.


passive transport.

SC160 Lesson 1 Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Lesson 1 Exam
Question 1        5 / 5 points
1. Which of these would be a valid hypothesis?
Question options:

Human history is determined by a series of supernatural events.

Humans should help in the conservation of other animal species.

Humans are controlled by forces beyond our understanding.

Humans and bacteria share a common genetic code.
Question 2        5 / 5 points
2. The following molecule is best described as a: CH3—CH2—CH2—CH2
Question options:




Question 3        5 / 5 points
3. Carbohydrates typically include:
Question options:

<p> an NH<sub>2</sub> group.</p>

C, H, and O atoms.


<p> a PO<sub>4</sub> group.</p>
Question 4        5 / 5 points
4. Taxonomy is the:
Question options:

study of cells.

naming and classifying of organisms.

study of organisms and their interaction with the environment.

study of genes.
Question 5        5 / 5 points
5. 66An atom with an electrical charge is a(n):
Question options:




Question 6        5 / 5 points
6. __________ is an example of an element.
Question options:




Question 7        5 / 5 points
7. A fat that is hydrogenated is:
Question options:

more unsaturated.

easier to digest.

more solid.

less likely to cause strokes.
Question 8        5 / 5 points
8.  Sometimes when I have my morning coffee, which I drink black with no sugar, I notice a thin film floating on top of the coffee. Since I have just read Chapter 3 of the text, I now realize the nature of this substance and so I run to my friend screaming, "Look at this __________ in my coffee!"
Question options:

hydrophilic substance

hydrophobic substance


Question 9        5 / 5 points
9.How many oxygen atoms are in the products of the following reaction?

C6H12O6 + 6 H2O + 6 O2 → 6 CO2 + 12 H2O
Question options:




Question 10        5 / 5 points
10.  In what way(s) is the science of biology influencing and changing our culture?
Question options:

By helping us understand the relevance of evolution to human health

By revealing how mutations in genes can lead to disease

By providing new tools for forensic investigations

All of the above
Question 11        5 / 5 points
11. Science is:
Question options:

the inquiry-based effort to describe and explain nature.

the search for truth.

an organized set of principles for how to ethically and morally behave.

All of the above
Question 12        5 / 5 points
12. People with lactose intolerance do not have enough:
Question options:




Question 13        5 / 5 points
13. In the following reaction, what type of bond is holding the two atoms together?

K + Cl → K+ + Cl- → KCl
Question options:




Question 14        0 / 5 points
14.  Which of these is required for natural selection to occur?
Question options:


Unequal reproductive success

Individual variation

All of the above (Incorrect)
Question 15        5 / 5 points
`15.  Humans are composed of __________ cells.
Question options:




Question 16        0 / 5 points
16.  The model on the left is not realistic in that:
Question options:

neutrons are not located in the nucleus.

the electrons should be much farther away from the nucleus.

electrons do not orbit the nucleus in a ring shape. (Incorrect)

electrons do not have a negative charge.
Question 17        5 / 5 points
17.  Beryllium's atomic mass is 9 and its atomic number is 4. How many neutrons are found in a beryllium atom?
Question options:




Question 18        5 / 5 points
18.  Which of the following is water hydrophilic?
Question options:




Question 19        5 / 5 points
19.  A base:
Question options:

removes H<sub>2</sub>O molecules from a solution.<br/>

decreases the pH of a solution.

removes OH<sup>—</sup> ions from a solution.&nbsp;

removes H<sup>+</sup> ions from a solution.&nbsp;
Question 20        5 / 5 points
20.  Which of the following is a health effect of a diet high in saturated fats?
Question options:

Increased blood flow

Decreased risk of atherosclerosis

Increased risk of heart attack

Decreased risk of stroke

SC160 Assignment --03 --Revised


SC160 Basic Biology

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Integrate by discussion the properties of life, basic chemical terminology, and molecules and compounds of a cell necessary for life. Include the basic anatomy and physiology of a cell and describe how cell respiration, photosynthesis, and cell reproduction occur in a succinct manner. Include a brief discussion about Mendel's Laws and an overview of DNA structure and function. Conclude with a discussion of cancer and the mechanisms of gene control.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...