Tuesday, January 28, 2020

MBA Semester 3 Exam Part I

1.    If a company bases its operation on religious perceptions, it is following the _________ law of that country.

A.    civil
B.    common
C.    theocratic
D.    economic
E.    utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.

Answer:    __________

2.    If a company wishes to use its resources to specialize in the production of goods and services that are already productive and profitable, it is doing so to gain a/an __________ advantage.

A.    absolute
B.    acquired
C.    comparative
D.    natural

Answer:    __________

3.    When Company A controls a foreign operation rather than collaborating with a foreign business, it is called:

A.    a franchise.
B.    internalization.
C.    a consortium.
D.    a licensing agreement.

Answer:    __________

4.    Many governments have reduced restrictions on cross-border movements of goods, services, and capital, because they believe that this is good for consumers, producers, and the national economy. Opponents of this practice have failed to stop this type of trading. This type of cross-border movement is known as:

A.    internationalization.
B.    liberalization.
C.    exporting.
D.    importing.   

Answer:    __________

5.    A/an __________ sourcing strategy is one in which nominally independent suppliers work together to manage the flow of goods and services along the entire value-added chain.

A.    horizontal integration
B.    vertical integration
C.    transmodel
D.    arm's length purchase
E.    network

Answer:    __________

6.    A measure of the dispersion, or spread, of a distribution from its expected value is known as:

A.    mean variance.
B.    average deviation.
C.    medium difference.
D.    standard deviation.

Answer:    __________

7.    The two types of data that need to be collected during each reporting period are actual performance data and:

A.    the cost performance index.
B.    changes to the project scope, schedule, or budget.
C.    the budgeted cost of the work performed.
D.    the budgeted cost of the work scheduled.

Answer:    __________

8.    Generally speaking, an RFP offers one of two types of contracts to the winning bidder: __________ or ___________.

A.    adjustable price; time and materials
B.    fixed price; time and materials
C.    fixed price; cost-reimbursement
D.    adjustable price; cost- reimbursement

Answer:    __________

9.    A __________ is a popular network planning technique sometimes called a bar chart. It lists each task and the associated time scale.

A.    Gantt Chart
B.    PERT
C.    Responsibility Matrix
D.    Work Breakdown Structure

Answer:    __________

10.    __________ is a technique used in problem solving in which all members of a group contribute spontaneous ideas.

A.    Mediation
B.    Collaboration
C.    Critical thinking
D.    Brainstorming

Answer:    __________

11.    The two historical ethical theories that have permeated most business ethics discussions are:

A.    utilitarianism and virtue ethics.
B.    feminine ethics and rights theories.
C.    Kantian ethics and common moral theory.
D.    common moral theory and rights theories.
E.    utilitarianism and Kantian ethics.

Answer:    __________

12.    When a corporation publishes a set of values and beliefs that both management and labor agree to, it establishes a:

A.    union contract.
B.    mission statement.
C.    corporate culture.
D.    employee handbook.
E.    policy and procedure manual.

Answer:    __________

13.    A person takes technological information from work and adapts it for use in his own personal business outside the office. This is an example of:

A.    utilitarianism.
B.    Kantian ethics.
C.    egoism.
D.    relativism.
E.    common moral theory.

Answer:    __________

14.    The two major ethical theories supporting issues in the right to privacy debate are:

A.    relativism and virtue ethics.
B.    feminine and equal rights ethics.
C.    common moral theories and character ethics.
D.    distributive justice and utilitarianism.
E.    Kantian and utilitarian ethics.

15.    Unwelcome sexual conduct that unreasonably interferes with work performance or creates an offensive work environment is known as _____ harassment.

A.    harmful environment
B.    hostile environment
C.    quid pro quo
D.          offensive   

Answer:    _____________

16.    What type of center should be used when a company is organized into divisions of separate product lines?

A.    Profit center
B.    Expense center
C.    Investment center
D.    Revenue center
E.    Standard cost center

Answer:    __________

17.    Instead of conducting traditional market research, a number of companies are:

A.    simply following what the market leader does.
B.    probing potential markets with early versions of new products to see which have 
C.    developing new, much more sophisticated market research techniques which involve
            global testing.
D.    forming alliances to pool their research findings.

Answer:    __________

18.    When public organizations are privatized, the trend is to have:

A.    clients pay a higher percentage of the costs.
B.    clients pay a lower percentage of the costs.
C.    clients apply for subsidies from the government
D.    organizations solicit state agencies for more funding.
E.    organizations sponsor fundraising events.

Answer:    __________

19.    All of the following ratios are used in the calculation of a company's Z-value EXCEPT:

A.    working capital/total assets.
B.    retained earnings/total assets.
C.    current assets/current liabilities.
D.    market value of equity/total liabilities.
E.    sales to total assets.

Answer:    __________

20.    The purchasing strategy in which the purchasing company orders a particular part from several vendors is:

A.    sole sourcing.
B.    multiple sourcing.
C.    just-in-time sourcing.
D.    backup sourcing.
E.    parallel sourcing.

Answer:    __________

MBA Semester 2 Exam_Part I_Ver 1MULTIPLE CHOICE

1.    One role of Human Resources should be to:

A.    ensure that the right employees are available to do the work that upper management
B.    improve the processes that seem to be causing productivity delays.
C.    participate as an equal partner in the strategic planning process.
D.    direct the organization in the way that it should go for the benefit of the employees.

Answer:    __________

2.    An organization director proposes to deliver an employee attitude survey. What is he trying to accomplish?

A.    Improve team effectiveness
B.    Unfreeze management and employees by revealing problems
C.    Implement structural change
D.    Establish a sense of urgency

Answer:    __________

3.    You are an Employee Relations Manager. Another manager turns in several performance appraisals he recently completed. You notice that he often uses the more neutral ratings - 3s, 4s, and 5s, on a 7 point scale. He may be guilty of:

A.    the halo effect.
B.    trying to get his employees to like him.
C.    central tendency.
D.    trying to get a raise.

Answer:    __________

4.    In demonstrating an employment  test's validity, which of the following would you use?

A.    Criterion validity
B.    Content validity
C.    Reliability
D.    Both A and B ensure validity in employment testing.
Answer:    __________

5.    If you are a "home-country national," you are:

A.    a noncitizen of the country in which you are working.
B.    a local.
C.    a citizen of the country in which the multinational company has headquarters.
D.    an expatriate.

Answer:    __________

6.    An indicator of earnings management is the:

A.    inventory costs on the first-in, first-out basis, regardless of the physical flow of the goods.
B.    use of the straight-line method of depreciation for all fixed assets.
C.    continued overestimation of the useful lives and residual values of fixed assets.
D.    front-end loading of expenses.

Answer:    __________

7.    Company X does not capitalize an asset leased from Company Y because it is not required to do so under GAAP. In analyzing Company X, one would capitalize the leased asset when:

A.    GAAP permits the option of doing so.
B.    the benefits of leasing an asset outweigh those of purchasing it.
C.    Company Y does not want to capitalize the leased asset.
D.    Company X assumes the risks and rewards associated with the leased asset.

Answer:    __________

8.    An analyst uses analytical judgment primarily to understand:

A.    pro forma financial statements.
B.    generally accepted accounting principles.
C.    the economic reality that underlies the financial disclosures.
D.    the nominal dollar concept of capital maintenance.

Answer:    __________

9.    Which of the following situations would cause analysts to be alarmed?

A.    An increase in the cash collected as a percentage of revenues.
B.    A decrease in cash collected from customers compared to that paid to suppliers.
C.    An increase in cash collected from customers compared to that paid to suppliers.
D.    A decrease in the cash paid as a percentage of cost of goods sold

Answer:    __________

10.    A financially distressed entity's balance sheet would most likely consist of:

A.    immaterial amounts of current assets and a substantial amount of long-term assets.
B.    substantial amounts of long-term debt and a relatively small and non-productive long-    term asset base.
C.    large amounts of both current assets and current liabilities.
D.    sufficient revenues but insufficient earnings.

Answer:    __________

11.    Tort liability is based on which of the following?

A.    In a civilized society, people do not intentionally injure other people or their property.
B.    All people will exercise absolute care in their actions.
C.    Deterring potential violators
D.    Proof beyond a reasonable doubt

Answer:    __________

12.    That the federal and state governments share power is based on:

A.    federalism.
B.    the establishment clause.
C.    preemption.
D.    the supremacy clause.

Answer:    __________

13.    When a patent expires, the invention is said to be _______ and others may use it without limitation.

A.    conditionally restricted
B.    in the public domain
C.    in the fair use category
D.    usable for a license fee

Answer:    __________

14.    Insiders are prohibited from trading for profit in order to prevent:

A.    over-activity in trading in the market.
B.    use of the information not available to the public.
C.    a shortage of available stock.
D.    unfriendly takeovers.

Answer:    __________

15.    When an administrative agency is investigating wrongdoing, it may:

A.    not obtain any document from other government offices.
B.    use subpoena power to obtain reports and documents.
C.    not examine any individual under oath.
D.    completely freeze operations before a conclusion is reached.

Answer:    __________

16.    In analyzing the feasibility of a business concept, the ability to identify the primary customer is based on:

A.    A competitive reaction.
B.    Government regulation.
C.    Recognizing a need in the market place.
D.    Board procedure.

Answer:    __________

17.    Having more money to start a business than an entrepreneur needs does not seem like a problem; however, this situation often results in poor decisions made quickly and:

A.    lots of interest by venture capitalists.
B.    early success.
C.    plenty of money to allow for mistakes.
D.    more publicity.

Answer:    __________

18.    To forecast cash flow in an effort to determine how much start-up capital is needed, the business must have a good estimate of its:

A.    cost of goods sold.
B.    operation expenses.
C.    retained earnings.
D.    potential sales.

Answer:    __________

19.    When setting up your new venture, the three (3) key factors for determining value in real estate are:

A.    location, location, and location.
B.    economic base, financial incentives, and demographics.
C.    trade area, competition, and location character.
D.    accessibility, cost of labor, and technology availability.

Answer:    __________

20.    When juggling the demands of stakeholders, it is important for the entrepreneur to hold to his or her code of ethics and not succumb to:

A.    lessons learned from others' mistakes.
B.    making a deal in the best interests of the company.
C.    doing what is legal.
D.    peer pressure.

Answer:    __________

MBA Semester 2 Exam_Part II_Ver 1


ABC company management has decided to revamp their performance appraisal system. As human resources director, you have been tasked with outlining a new program. The goal is to move every business unit to an MBO performance system. The company's goals as a whole have been set for the year. Now it is time to deliver the program to the various business units. The first area being converted is the sales department. To prepare for the change, you are tasked with the following.


1.      Define an MBO performance appraisal system, including a description of its six (6) steps.


2.      Identify and describe the three (3) areas where there may be problems implementing an MBO system.


3.      Include one (1) possible solution to overcome each of the identified problems that is directly related to implementing the system with salespeople.

MA260 Lesson 8 Esam SCORE 95 PERCENT

Question 1        5 / 5 points
The following data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
A    B    C
34    27    19
26    23    31
31    29    22
28    21    22

Which one of the following statements is correct?
Question options:

a)     The purpose of the analysis is to determine whether the groups A, B, and C are independent.

b)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population means of the three groups are equal.

c)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population variances of the three groups are equal.

d)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the sample means of the three groups are equal.

Question 2        5 / 5 points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 170 yards when hit with his 6-iron with a club head speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low-compression ball by having a robot swing his club 12 times at the required speed. State the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.
Question options:

a)     H0:  µ > 170; Ha:  µ = 170

b)     H0:  µ < 170; Ha:  µ = 170

c)     H0:  µ = 170; Ha:  µ > 170

d)     H0:  µ = 160; Ha:  µ > 160

Question 3        3 / 5 points
State the null and alternative hypothesis for the test associated with testing whether colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
Question options:

a)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender aren't related in any way.

b)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.

c)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender aren't related in any way.

d)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
      Ha:  Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.

Question 4        5 / 5 points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 160 yards when hit with his 7-iron with a club speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low-compression ball by having a robot swing his club 8 times at the required speed. State the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.
Question options:

a)     H0:  µ = 160; Ha:  µ > 150

b)     H0:  µ = 150; Ha:  µ > 150

c)     H0:  µ = 160; Ha:  µ > 160

d)     H0:  µ = 140; Ha:  µ > 160

Question 5        5 / 5 points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.
     Colorblind    Not Colorblind    Total
Male     8    52     60
Female     2    38     40
Total    10    90    100

Find the value of the χ2 statistic for the data.
Question options:

a)     1.463

b)     1.852

c)     1.947

d)     1.949

Question 6        5 / 5 points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.
     Colorblind    Not Colorblind    Total
Male    7    53     60
Female    1    39     40
Total    8    92    100

Find the value of the χ2 statistic for the chart data.
Question options:

a)     1.325

b)     1.318

c)     1.286

d)     1.264

Question 7        5 / 5 points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 13.2 < µ < 22.4. What is the margin of error?
Question options:

a)     4.6

b)     4.4

c)     4.2

d)     5.6

Question 8        5 / 5 points
The following data were analyzed using one-way analysis of variance.
A    B    C
24    27    19
26    23    31
31    29    27
28    31    22

Which one of the following statements is correct?
Question options:

a)     The purpose of the analysis is to determine whether the groups A, B, and C are independent.

b)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population means of the three groups are equal.

c)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the population variances of the three groups are equal.

d)     The purpose of the analysis is to test the hypothesis that the sample means of the three groups are equal.

Question 9        5 / 5 points
A golfer wished to find a ball that would travel more than 180 yards when hit with his 5-iron with a club speed of 90 miles per hour. He had a golf equipment lab test a low-compression ball by having a robot swing his club 7 times at the required speed. State the null and alternative hypotheses for this test.
Question options:

a)     H0:  µ = 180; Ha:  µ > 180

b)     H0:  µ > 180; Ha:  µ > 180

c)     H0:  µ < 180; Ha:  µ > 180

d)     H0:  µ = 180; Ha:  µ < 180

Question 10        5 / 5 points
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 17.6 < µ < 23.6. What is the margin of error?
Question options:

a)     2.0

b)     2.7

c)     3.0

d)     4.0

Question 11        5 / 5 points
Which of the following statements is true?
Question options:

a)     The p distribution can't be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.

b)     The t distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.

c)     The t distribution can't be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.

d)     The p distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean with a small sample anytime the population standard deviation is unknown.

Question 12        5 / 5 points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.
     Colorblind    Not Colorblind    Total
Male     8    52     60
Female     2    38     40
Total    10    90    100

If gender and colorblindness are independent, find the expected frequencies of colorblindness and non-colorblindness among 60 males. (Note: To answer this question, it may help to create your own 2 X 2 table of expected frequencies, based on the data for the random sample.)
Question options:

a)     Male Colorblind 6.0; Male Not Colorblind 54.0

b)     Male Colorblind 7.0; Male Not Colorblind 53.0

c)     Male Colorblind 8.0; Male Not Colorblind 52.0

d)     Male Colorblind 6.0; Male Not Colorblind 53.0

Question 13        5 / 5 points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.

     Colorblind    Not Colorblind    Total
Male    7    53    60
Female    1    39    40
Total    8    92    100

If gender and colorblindness are independent, find the expected values corresponding to the female combinations of gender and colorblindness.
Question options:

a)     Colorblind Female 4.8; Not Colorblind Female 55.2

b)     Colorblind Female 3.2; Not Colorblind Female 36.8

c)     Colorblind Female 4.8; Not Colorblind Female 35.2

d)     Colorblind Female 3.8; Not Colorblind Female 36.2

Question 14        5 / 5 points
The critical value of χ2 for a 2 x 2 table using a 0.05 significance level is 3.841. If the value of the χ2 statistic in a test for the dependence of colorblindness on gender had been 4.613, state your conclusion about the relationship between gender and colorblindness.
Question options:

a)     Reject H0. There's not sufficient evidence to support the claim that gender and colorblindness are related.

b)     Reject H0. There's sufficient evidence to support the claim that gender and colorblindness are related.

c)     Don't Reject H0. There's sufficient evidence to support the claim that gender and colorblindness are related.

d)     Don't Reject H0. There's not sufficient evidence to support the claim that gender and colorblindness are related.

Question 15        5 / 5 points
State the null and alternative hypothesis for the testing whether colorblindness and gender are related.
Question options:

a)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.

b)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender aren't related in any way.

c)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are dependent characteristics.
    Ha:  Colorblindness and gender aren't related in any way.

d)     H0:  Colorblindness and gender are independent characteristics.
      Ha:  Colorblindness and gender are related in some way.

Question 16        5 / 5 points
A large test statistic F tells us that the sample means _______ the data within the individual samples, which would be unlikely if the populations means really were equal (as the null hypothesis claims).
Question options:

a)     differ more than

b)     differ less than

c)     are equal to

d)     don't vary with

Question 17        5 / 5 points
The margin of error in estimating the population mean of a normal population is E = 9.3 when the sample size is 15. If the sample size had been 18 and the sample standard deviation didn't change, would the margin of error be larger or smaller than 9.3? Explain your answer.
Question options:

a)     Smaller. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

b)     Smaller. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

c)     Larger. E decreases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

d)     Larger. E increases as the square root of the sample size gets larger.

Question 18        0 / 5 points
Data from 8 robot swings of a 7-iron at 90 miles per hour resulted in a sample mean of 163.2 yards with a sample standard deviation of 5.8 yards. Assuming normality, carry out a hypothesis test at the 0.05 significance level to determine whether the ball meets the golfer's required average of more than 160 yards per swing.  Use the partial t-table below to solve this problem.
     Area in one tail
     0.025    0.05
     Area in two tails
Degrees ofFreedom    n - 1    0.05    0.10
     6    2.447    1.943
     7    2.365    1.895
     8    2.306    1.860
     9    2.262    1.833
    10    2.228    1.812
    11    2.201    1.796
    12    2.179    1.782

Question options:

a)     Don't reject the null hypothesis. The data don't provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 160 yards.

b)     Reject the null hypothesis. The data does provide sufficient evidence that the average distance is greater than 160 yards.

c)     t = 1.2334; Critical value = 1.992

d)     There's insufficient information to answer this question.

Question 19        5 / 5 points
One hundred people are selected at random and tested for colorblindness to determine whether gender and colorblindness are independent. The following counts were observed.
     Colorblind    Not Colorblind    Total
Male    7    53     60
Female    1    39     40
Total    8    92    100

If gender and colorblindness are independent, find the expected values corresponding to the male combinations of gender and colorblindness.
Question options:

a)     Colorblind Male 4.8; Not Colorblind Male 55.2

b)     Colorblind Male 6.8; Not Colorblind Male 53.2

c)     Colorblind Male 4.8; Not Colorblind Male 55.4

d)     Colorblind Male 4.8; Not Colorblind Male 56.2

Question 20        5 / 5 points
Which of the following statements is true?
Question options:

a)     The t distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean whenever the sample size is small.

b)     The p distribution can be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean whenever the sample size is small.

c)     The t distribution can't be used when finding a confidence interval for the population mean whenever the sample size is small.

d)     The p distribution can't be used when finding a confidence interval for the sample mean whenever the sample size is small.

MA260 Assignment 08 2018

[08] Assignment 8



Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home Page for specific format requirements.

NOTE: Show your work in the problems.

1. In the following situations, indicate whether you'd use the normal distribution, the tdistribution, or neither.

a. The population is normally distributed, and you know the population standard deviation.
b. You don't know the population standard deviation, and the sample size is 35.
c. The sample size is 22, and the population is normally distributed.
d. The sample size is 12, and the population is not normally distributed.
e. The sample size is 45, and you know the population standard deviation.

2. The prices of used books at a large college bookstore are normally distributed. If a sample of 23 used books from this store has a mean price of $27.50 with a standard deviation of $6.75, use Table 10.1 in your textbook to calculate the following for a 95% confidence level about the population mean. Be sure to show your work.

a. Degrees of freedom
b. The critical value of t
c. The margin of error
d. The confidence interval for a 95% confidence level

3. Statistics students at a state college compiled the following two-way table from a sample of randomly selected students at their college:

 Play chess

Don't play chess

Male students



Female students



Answer the following questions about the table. Be sure to show any calculations.

a. How many students in total were surveyed?
b. How many of the students surveyed play chess? 
c. What question about the population of students at the state college would this table attempt to answer?
d. State Hº  and Hª for the test related to this table.

4. Answer the following questions about an ANOVA analysis involving three samples.

a. In this ANOVA analysis, what are we trying to determine about the three populations they're taken from?
b. State the null and alternate hypotheses for a three-sample ANOVA analysis. 
c. What sample statistics must be known to conduct an ANOVA analysis?
d. In an ANOVA test, what does an F test statistic lower than its critical value tell us about the three populations we're examining?



MA260 Assignment 04 2018

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home Page for specific format requirements.

NOTE: Show your work in the problems.

1. In families with four children, you're interested in the probabilities for the different possible numbers of girls in a family. Using theoretical probability (assume girls and boys are equally likely), compile a five-column table with the headings "0" through "4," for the five possible numbers of girl children in a four-child family. Then, using "G" for girls and "B" for boys, list under each heading the various birth-order ways of achieving that number of girls in a family.

Then, use your table to calculate the following probabilities:

a. The probability of 1 girl
b. The probability of 2 girls 
c. The probability of 4 girls
d. The probability the third child born is a girl

2. As pictured in Figure 6.11 of your textbook, a roulette wheel has 38 numbers: 18 odd black numbers from 1 to 35, 18 even red numbers from 2 to 36, and the two green numbers 0 and 00. Using theoretical probability, calculate the following:

a. The probability of spinning a green number
b. The probability of spinning a number greater than 30
c. The probability of spinning a red number less than 10
d. The probability of spinning an even black number
e. The expected total of green numbers in 57,000 spins

3. In a nationwide polls of 1,500 randomly selected U.S. residents, 77% said that they liked pizza. In a poll of 1,500 randomly selected U.S. residents one month later, 75% responded that they liked pizza.

a. Does the polling evidence support the claim that pizza declined in popularity over the month between polls? Explain why or why not.
b. Using statistical terminology, precisely identify the population parameter the two polls were attempting to measure. How does a parameter differ from a statistic?
c. Based on the two polls, what would you say to someone who guessed that the population parameter the polls are trying to measure is really only 50%?

4. Eleven people have eleven different favorite numbers from 2 to 12. They all agree to participate in a 10,000-roll dice game where they bet $1 on their favorite number for each roll of two standard (fair) dice. A donor kicks in an extra dollar every round, so the payoff if your number comes up is $12.

a. Assuming everyone bets on all 10,000 rounds, what is the expected value for a person who has number 7? (Show your calculations.)
b. Assuming everyone bets on all 10,000 rounds, what is the expected value for a person who has number 2? (Show your calculations.)

Monday, January 27, 2020

Exam 500476 Manage Conflict..........HR

1.   Marianna tends to take a lot of time to manage conflict between her employees, focusing a on a win-win solution that satisfies both parties. Her style of management conflict would be referred to as
  A. collaboration.

  B. interdependence.

  C. accommodation.

  D. competition.

2.   Enrique is fascinated by the idea of _______ leadership, which is broadly distributed among members of a group, organization, or society.
  A. authentic

  B. value-based

  C. shared

  D. collaborative

3.   Which of the following orientations concerning ethical leadership involves temperance, humility, and a balanced approach to issues?
  A. Sustainability

  B. Humane

  C. Moderation
  D. Justice

4.   Reviewing the results of the Ohio State University study on leadership behavior, Alessandra discovers that the term consideration refers to
  A. a strong sense of personal identity.

  B. the extent to which the leader is concerned with the welfare of the group.

  C. a capacity to absorb stress.

  D. the exercise of initiative in social situations.

5.   According to Bernard Bass, a/an _______ leader concentrates on arousing or altering the needs of subordinates, rather than focusing on how their current needs might be met.
  A. values-based

  B. transactional

  C. transformational

  D. inspirational

6.   According to James MacGregor Burns, a central value in the relationship between leaders and followers is
  A. purpose.

  B. power.

  C. potential.

  D. purity.

7.   The term _______ refers to finding an acceptable solution to conflict that all parties can minimally accept.
  A. enforcing

  B. compromising

  C. satisficing

  D. bargaining

8.   The second phase of the negotiation process typically involves
  A. bargaining.

  B. preparation.

  C. disagreement.

  D. presentation.

9.   One of the characteristics of creative leadership is _______, which is considered a prerequisite of creativity, innovation, and forward-thinking action.
  A. optimism

  B. collaboration

  C. audacity

  D. courage

10.   One of the ways leaders establish and maintain credibility is through "practicing what they preach." Kouzes and Posner describe this "practice" of credibility as
  A. modeling the way.

  B. stepping into the unknown.

  C. inspiring a shared vision.

  D. integrity matching.

11.   Roxanne recognizes that by establishing rules that limit contact between two employees who are in conflict, she can implement a quick, short-term _______ approach to managing the conflict.
  A. avoidance

  B. behavioral

  C. accommodating

  D. attitudinal

12.   _______ can be a source of organizational conflict in the case of workers in different shifts disagreeing about work procedures, documentation, and organization of the workspace they share.
  A. Interdependence

  B. Goal incompatibility

  C. Resource allocation

  D. Resource scarcity

13.   Creative leaders needs to display _______, which may be described as a capacity to learn from their experiences, engage in self-reflection and self-critique, and apply their learning to future problems.
  A. energy

  B. humility

  C. learning agility

  D. empathy

14.   Leadership has occurred when
  A. followers disobey new rules and objectives handed down from top management.

  B. someone tries to exert power or control over followers.

  C. a group has been stimulated to move in a new direction.

  D. somebody takes charge and decides what to do.

15.   _______ is a process in which people disagree over significant issues, therefore creating friction.
  A. Conflict

  B. Competition

  C. Contrast

  D. Interdependence

16.   After studying the biographies of several world leaders, Saul realizes that a potential leader must understand a group and find ways to _______ it.
  A. manipulate

  B. control

  C. command

  D. energize

17.   According to Burns, the difference between power and leadership is that power serves the interests of the power wielder, whereas leadership serves
  A. the interest of the leader.

  B. the interests of the powerless.

  C. the interests of the followers.

  D. both the leader's interests and those of the follower.

18.   _______ is a process whereby two or more parties reach a mutually agreeable arrangement.
  A. Interdependence

  B. Negotiation

  C. Competition

  D. Conflict

19.   The contingency approach to leadership assumes that
  A. different situations require different styles of leadership.

  B. a leader's behavior is more important than his or her traits.

  C. a leader's traits are more important than behavior.

  D. courage and creativity are the most important competencies of leadership.

20.   According to Bernard Bass, the _______ leader exchanges rewards for services rendered so as to improve subordinates' job performance.
  A. compensatory

  B. performance-oriented

  C. rewards-oriented

  D. transactional

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...