Tuesday, February 11, 2020

QNT561 Week 6 Signature assignment Consumer Database

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Signature Assignment Databases, Signature Assignment Options, Part 3: Inferential Statistics

Scenario: Upon successful completion of the MBA program, say you work in the analytics department for a consulting company. Your assignment is to analyze one of the following databases:

·         Manufacturing

·         Hospital

·         Consumer Food

·         Financial 

Select one of the databases based on the information in the Signature Assignment Options. 

Provide a 1,600-word detailed, statistical report including the following:

·         Explain the context of the case

·         Provide a research foundation for the topic

·         Present graphs

·         Explain outliers

·         Prepare calculations

·         Conduct hypotheses tests

·         Discuss inferences you have made from the results 

This assignment is broken down into four parts:

·         Part 1 - Preliminary Analysis

·         Part 2 - Examination of Descriptive Statistics

·         Part 3 - Examination of Inferential Statistics

·         Part 4 - Conclusion/Recommendations 

Part 1 - Preliminary Analysis (3-4 paragraphs)

Generally, as a statistics consultant, you will be given a problem and data. At times, you may have to gather additional data. For this assignment, assume all the data is already gathered for you.

State the objective:

·         What are the questions you are trying to address?

Describe the population in the study clearly and in sufficient detail:

·         What is the sample?

Discuss the types of data and variables:

·         Are the data quantitative or qualitative?

·         What are levels of measurement for the data? 

Part 2 - Descriptive Statistics (3-4 paragraphs) 

Examine the given data.

Present the descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, variance, CV, and five-number summary).

Identify any outliers in the data.

Present any graphs or charts you think are appropriate for the data.

Note: Ideally, we want to assess the conditions of normality too. However, for the purpose of this exercise, assume data is drawn from normal populations. 

Part 3 - Inferential Statistics (2-3 paragraphs)

Use the Part 3: Inferential Statistics document.

·         Create (formulate) hypotheses

·         Run formal hypothesis tests

·         Make decisions. Your decisions should be stated in non-technical terms.

Hint: A final conclusion saying "reject the null hypothesis" by itself without explanation is basically worthless to those who hired you. Similarly, stating the conclusion is false or rejected is not sufficient. 

Part 4 - Conclusion and Recommendations (1-2 paragraphs)

Include the following:

·         What are your conclusions?

·         What do you infer from the statistical analysis?

·         State the interpretations in non-technical terms. What information might lead to a different conclusion?

·         Are there any variables missing?

·         What additional information would be valuable to help draw a more certain conclusion?


Option 1: Manufacturing Database


This database contains six variables taken from 20 industries and 140 subindustries in the United States. Some of the industries are food products, textile mill products, furniture, chemicals, rubber products, primary metals, industrial machinery, and transportation equipment. The six variables are Number of Employees, Number of Production Workers, Value Added by Manufacture, Cost of Materials, End-of-Year Inventories, and Industry Group. Two variables, Number of Employees and Number of Production Workers, are in units of 1000. Three variables, Value Added by Manufacture, Cost of Materials, and End-of-Year Inventories, are in million-dollar units. The Industry Group variable consists of numbers from 1 to 20 to denote the industry group to which the particular subindustry belongs.


Option 2: Hospital Database


This database contains observations for six variables on U.S. hospitals. These variables include Geographic Region, Control, Service, Census, Number of Births, and Personnel.


The region variable is coded from 1 to 7, and the numbers represent the following regions:


1 = South

2 = Northeast

3 = Midwest

4 = Southwest

5 = Rocky Mountain

6 = California

7 = Northwest


Control is a type of ownership. Four categories of control are included in the database:


1 = government, nonfederal

2 = nongovernment, not-for-profit

3 = for-profit

4 = federal government


Service is the type of hospital. The two types of hospitals used in this database are:


1 = general medical

2 = psychiatric


Option 3: Consumer Food


The consumer food database contains five variables: Annual Food Spending per Household, Annual Household Income, Non-Mortgage Household Debt, Geographic Region of the U.S. of the Household, and Household Location. There are 200 entries for each variable in this database representing 200 different households from various regions and locations in the United States. Annual Food Spending per Household, Annual Household Income, and Non-Mortgage Household Debt are all given in dollars. The variable Region tells in which one of four regions the household resides. In this variable, the Northeast is coded as 1, the Midwest is coded 2, the South is coded as 3, and the West is coded as 4. The variable Location is coded as 1 if the household is in a metropolitan area and 2 if the household is outside a metro area. The data in this database were randomly derived and developed based on actual national norms.


Option 4: Financial Database


The financial database contains observations on seven variables for 100 companies. The variables are Type of Industry, Total Revenues ($ millions), Total Assets ($ millions), Return on Equity (%), Earnings per Share ($), Dividends per Share ($), and Average Price per Earnings (P/E) ratio. The companies represent seven different types of industries. The variable Type displays a company's industry type as:


1 = apparel

2 = chemical

3 = electric power

4 = grocery

5 = healthcare products

6 = insurance

7 = petroleum





Option 1: Manufacturing Database


1.     The National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) contracts with your consulting company to determine the estimate of mean number of production workers. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the population mean number of production workers. What is the point estimate? How much is the margin of error in the estimate?


2.     Suppose the average number of employees per industry group in the manufacturing database is believed to be less than 150 (1000s). Test this belief as the alternative hypothesis by using the 140 SIC Code industries given in the database as the sample. Let α = .10. Assume that the number of employees per industry group are normally distributed in the population.


3.     You are also required to determine whether there is a significant difference between mean Value Added by the Manufacturer and the mean Cost of Materials in manufacturing using alpha of 0.01.


4.     You are requested to determine whether there is a significantly greater variance among values of Cost of Materials than of End-of-Year Inventories.


Option 2: Hospital Database


1.     As a consultant, you need to use the Hospital database and construct a 90% confidence interval to estimate the average census for hospitals. Change the level of confidence to 99%. What happened to the interval? Did the point estimate change?


2.     Determine the sample proportion of the Hospital database under the variable "service" that are "general medical" (category 1). From this statistic, construct a 95% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion of hospitals that are "general medical." What is the point estimate? How much error is there in the interval?


3.     Suppose you want to "prove" that the average hospital in the United States averages more than 700 births per year. Use the hospital database as your sample and test this hypothesis. Let alpha be 0.01.


4.     On average, do hospitals in the United States employ fewer than 900 personnel? Use the hospital database as your sample and an alpha of 0.10 to test this figure as the alternative hypothesis. Assume that the number of births and number of employees in the hospitals are normally distributed in the population.


Option 3: Consumer Food


1.     Suppose you want to test to determine if the average annual food spending for a household in the Midwest region of the U.S. is more than $8,000. Use the Midwest region data and a 1% level of significance to test this hypothesis. Assume that annual food spending is normally distributed in the population.


2.     Test to determine if there is a significant difference between households in a metro area and households outside metro areas in annual food spending. Let α = 0.01.


3.     The Consumer Food database contains data on Annual Food Spending, Annual Household Income, and Non-Mortgage Household Debt broken down by Region and Location. Using Region as an independent variable with four classification levels (four regions of the U.S.), perform three different one-way ANOVA's—one for each of the three dependent variables (Annual Food Spending, Annual Household Income, Non-Mortgage Household Debt). Did you find any significant differences by region?


Option 4: Financial Database


1.     Use this database as a sample and estimate the earnings per share for all corporations from these data. Select several levels of confidence and compare the results.


2.     Are the average earnings per share for companies in the stock market less than $2.50? Use the sample of companies represented by this database to test that hypothesis. Let α = .05.


3.     Test to determine whether the average return on equity for all companies is equal to 21. Use this database as the sample and α = .10. Assume that the earnings per share and return on equity are normally distributed in the population.


4.     Do various financial indicators differ significantly according to type of company? Use a one-way ANOVA and the financial database to answer this question. Let Type of Company be the independent variable with seven levels (Apparel, Chemical, Electric Power, Grocery, Healthcare Products, Insurance, and Petroleum). Compute three one-way ANOVAs, one for each of the following dependent variables: Earnings Per Share, Dividends Per Share, and Average P/E Ratio.




QNT561 Week 6 Final Exam SCORE 87 PERCENT

1.    Suppose a population has a mean of 400 and a standard deviation of 24. If a random sample of size 144 is drawn from the population, the probability of drawing a sample with a mean less than 402 is _______.






2.    The empirical rule says that approximately what percentage of the values would be within 2 standard deviations of the mean in a bell shaped set of data?






3.    A large industrial firm allows a discount on any invoice that is paid within 30 days.  Of all invoices, 10% receive the discount.  In a company audit, 10 invoices are sampled at random.  The probability that fewer than 3 of the 10 sampled invoices receive the discountis approximately_______________.






4.    James Desreumaux, VP of Human Resources of American First Banks (AFB), is reviewing the employee training programs of AFB banks.  His staff randomly selected personnel files for 100 tellers in the Southeast Region and determined that their mean training time was 25 hours.  Assume that the population standard deviation is 5 hours.  The 95% confidence interval for the population mean of training times is ________.

24.02 to 25.98

23.32 to 35.46

15.20 to 34.80

16.78 to 33.23

24.18 to 25.82

5.    A market research team compiled the following discrete probability distribution on the number of sodas the average adult drinks each day.  In this distribution, x represents the number of sodas which an adult drinks.
x    P(x)
0    0.30
1    0.10
2    0.50
3    0.10
The mean (average) value of x is _______________.






6.    A large national company is considering negotiating cellular phone rates for its employees. The Human Resource department would like to estimate the proportion of its employee population who own an Apple iPhone. A random sample of size 250 is taken and 40% of the sample own and iPhone.. The 95% confidence interval to estimate the population proportion is _______.

0.35 to 0.45

0.37 to 0.43

0.34 to 0.46

0.40 to 0.42

0.39 to 0.41

7.    If x is a binomial random variable with n=10 and p=0.8, what is the probability that x is equal to 4?






8.    The mean life of a particular brand of light bulb is 1200 hours and the standard deviation is 75 hours.  Tests show that the life of the bulb is approximately normally distributed.  It can be concluded that approximately 68% of the bulbs will last between _______.

1050 and 1350 hours

900 and 1100 hours

1125 and 1275 hours

950 and 1050 hours

975 and 1475 hours

9.    The normal distribution is used to test about a population mean for large samples if the population standard deviation is known.  "Large" is usually defined as _______.

at least 100

at least 5% of the population size

at least 10

at least 30

at least 12

10.    Completion time (from start to finish) of a building remodeling project is normally distributed with a mean of 200 work-days and a standard deviation of 10 work-days. To be 99% sure that we will not be late in completing the project, we should request a completion time of _______ work-days.






11.    The expected (mean) life of a particular type of light bulb is 1,000 hours with a standard deviation of 50 hours. The life of this bulb is normally distributed.  What is the probability that a randomly selected bulb would last fewer than 940 hours?






12.    Life tests performed on a sample of 13 batteries of a new model indicated: (1) an average life of 75 months, and (2) a standard deviation of 5 months.  Other battery models, produced by similar processes, have normally distributed life spans.  The 98% confidence interval for the population mean life of the new model is _________.

71.77 to 78.23

79.86 to 81.28

61.60 to 88.41

63.37 to 86.63

71.28 to 78.72

13.    Elwin Osbourne, CIO at GFS, Inc., is studying employee use of GFS e-mail for non-business communications. He plans to use a 95% confidence interval estimate of the proportion of e-mail messages that are non-business; he will accept a 0.05 error.  Previous studies indicate that approximately 30% of employee e-mail is not business related. Elwin should sample _______ e-mail messages.






14.    According to the central limit theorem, for samples of size 64 drawn from a population withµ= 800 andσ= 56, the standard deviation of the sampling distribution of sample means would equal _______.






15.    Maureen McIlvoy, owner and CEO of a mail order business for wind surfing equipment and supplies, is reviewing the order filling operations at her warehouses.  Her goal is 100% of orders shipped within 24 hours.  In previous years, neither warehouse has achieved the goal, but the East Coast Warehouse has consistently out-performed the West Coast Warehouse.  Her staff randomly selected 200 orders from the West Coast Warehouse (population 1) and 400 orders from the East Coast Warehouse (population 2), and reports that 190 of the West Coast Orders were shipped within 24 hours, and the East Coast Warehouse shipped 372 orders within 24 hours.  Maureen's alternative hypothesis is _______.

p1– p2> 0

1-2> 0



p1– p2≠0

16.    According to the central limit theorem, for samples of size 64 drawn from a population withµ= 800 andσ= 56, the mean of the sampling distribution of sample means would equal _______.






17.    If x is a binomial random variable with n=10 and p=0.8, the mean value of x is _____.






18.    Consider the following null and alternative hypotheses.
                                    Ho:   ≤ 67
                                    Ha:  > 67
These hypotheses _______________.

are not mutually exclusive

indicate a one-tailed test with a rejection area in the left tail

indicate a one-tailed test with a rejection area in the right tail

indicate a two-tailed test

19.    A researcher wants to determine the sample size necessary to adequately conduct a study to estimate the population mean to within 5 points. The range of population values is 80 and the researcher plans to use a 90% level of confidence. The sample size should be at least _______.






Question 20
Medical Wonders is a specialized interior design company focused on healing artwork. The CEO, Kathleen Kelledy claims that artwork has healing effects for patients staying in a hospital, as measured by reduced length of stay. Her current client is a children's cancer hospital. Kathleen is interested in determining the effect of three different pieces of healing artwork on children. She chooses three paintings (a horse photo, a bright abstract, and a muted beach scene) and randomly assigns six hospital rooms to each painting. Kathleen's null hypothesis is _____________.

1 ≤2 ≥3

1 ≤2 ≤3

1 ≠2 ≠3
1 ≥2 ≥3

1 2 3

Question 21
A market researcher is interested in determining the average income for families in San Mateo County, California. To accomplish this, she takes a random sample of 300 families from the county and uses the data gathered from them to estimate the average income for families of the entire county.  This process is an example of _______.

    inferential statistics

    nominal data
    descriptive statistics

    nonparametric statistics

Question 22
The number of bags arriving on the  baggage claim conveyor belt  in a 3 minute time period would best be modeled with the _________.

    exponential distribution
    hyperbinomial distribution
    Poisson distribution
    hypergeometric distribution
    binomial distribution

Question 23
The number of finance majors within the School of Business is an example of _______.

    a discrete random variable
    the normal distribution
    a constant
    the Poisson distribution
    a continuous random variable

Question 24
Lucy Baker is analyzing demographic characteristics of two television programs, American Idol (population 1) and 60 Minutes (population 2).  Previous studies indicate no difference in the ages of the two audiences (The mean age of each audience is the same.) Lucy plans to test this hypothesis using a random sample of 100 from each audience. Her null hypothesis is ____________.

    m1 - m2 = 0
    m1 - m2 < 1
    m1 - m2 > 0
    m1 - m2 < 0
    m1 - m2 ≠ 0

Question 25
Ophelia O'Brien, VP of Consumer Credit of American First Banks (AFB), monitors the default rate on personal loans at the AFB member banks.  One of her standards is "no more than 5% of personal loans should be in default."  On each Friday, the default rate is calculated for a sample of 500 personal loans.  Last Friday's sample contained 30 defaulted loans.  Ophelia's null hypothesis is _______.

    n = 0.05
    n = 500
    n = 30
    p> 0.05
    p = 0.05

Question 26
The mean life of a particular brand of light bulb is 1200 hours. If you know that at about 95% of this brand of bulbs will last between 1100 and 1300 hours, then what is the standard deviation of the light bulbs' life?


Question 27
The number of cars arriving at a toll booth in five-minute intervals is Poisson distributed with a mean of 3 cars arriving in five-minute time intervals. The probability of    5 cars arriving over a five-minute interval is _______.


Question 28
Thefollowing frequency distribution was constructed for the wait times in the emergency room.
The frequency distribution reveals that the wait times in the emergency room are _______.
skewed to the left
not skewed
normally distributed
skewed to the right

Question 29
Catherine Chao, Director of Marketing Research, is evaluating consumer acceptance of a new toothpaste package.  Her staff reports that 17% of a random sample of 200 households prefers the new package to all other package designs.  If Catherine concludes that 17% of all households prefer the new package, she is using _______.

    a range estimate
    a point estimate
    a statistical parameter
    an exact estimate
    an interval estimate

Question 30
The weight of a USB flash drive is 30 grams and is normally distributed.  Periodically, quality control inspectors at Dallas Flash Drives randomly select a sample of 17 USB flash drives.  If the mean weight of the USB flash drives is too heavy or too light the machinery is shut down for adjustment; otherwise, the production process continues. The last sample showed a mean and standard deviation of 31.9 and 1.8 grams, respectively.    Using a = 0.10, the appropriate decision is _______.
    reject the null hypothesis and do not shut down the process
    fail to reject the null hypothesis and shut down the process
    fail to reject the null hypothesis and do not shut down the process) do nothing
    reject the null hypothesis and shut down the process

QNT561 Week 5 One-Sample Hypothesis Testing Cases

Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is to develop students' abilities to combine the knowledge of descriptive statistics covered in Weeks 1 and 2 and one-sample hypothesis testing to make managerial decisions.  Select one of the two cases for this assignment.In this assignment, students will learn how statistical analysis is used in predicting an election winner in the first case. In the second case, students will conduct a hypothesis test to decide whether or not a shipping plan will be profitable. 

Assignment Steps 

Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Case Study Scenarios, SpeedX Payment Times 

Develop a 500 word statistical analysis based on the Case Study Scenarios and SpeedX Payment Times. 

Include answers to the following: 

Case 1: Election Results 

  • Use 0.10 as the significance level (α).
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state. 

Case 2: SpeedX

  • Use 0.10 and the significance level (α).
  • Conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude the plan will be profitable. 

Format your assignment consistent with APA format. 


Case Study – Election Results


When an election for political office takes place, the television networks cancel regular programming and instead, provide election coverage. When the ballots are counted, the results are reported. However, for important offices such as president or senator in large states, the networks actively compete to see which will be the first to predict a winner. This is done through exit polls, wherein a random sample of voters who exit the polling booth is asked for whom they voted. From the data, the sample proportion of voters supporting the candidates is computed. Hypothesis testing is applied to determine whether there is enough evidence to infer the leading candidate will garner enough votes to win.

Suppose in the exit poll from the state of Florida during the 2000 year elections, the pollsters recorded only the votes of the two candidates who had any chance of winning: Democrat Al Gore and Republican George W. Bush. In a sample of 765 voters, the number of votes cast for Al Gore was 358 and the number of votes cast for George W. Bush was 407. The network predicts the candidate as a winner if he wins more than 50% of the votes. The polls close at 8:00 P.M. Based on the sample results, conduct a one-sample hypothesis test to determine if the networks should announce at 8:01 P.M. the Republican candidate George W. Bush will win the state. Use 0.10 as the significance level (α).

Case Study – SpeedX


SpeedX, a large courier company, sends invoices to customers requesting payment within 30 days. The bill lists an address, and customers are expected to use their own envelopes to return their payments. Currently, the mean and standard deviation of the amount of time taken to pay bills are 24 days and 6 days, respectively. The chief financial officer (CFO) believes including a stamped self-addressed envelope would decrease the amount of time. She calculates the improved cash flow from a 2-day decrease in the payment period would pay for the costs of the envelopes and stamps. You have an MBA from the University of Phoenix, and work for SpeedX as a business analyst. One of your job duties is to run analytics and present the results to the senior management for critical decision-making. You see this as an opportunity to utilize some of the skills you gained in the Statistics course. Because of your strong understanding and background in inferential statistics, you decide to take up this important assignment. You have learned any analysis in inferential statistics starts with sampling. To test the CFO's belief, you decide to randomly select 220 customers and propose to include a stamped self-addressed envelope with their invoices. The CFO accepts your proposal and allows you to run a pilot study. You then record the numbers of days until payment is received. Using your statistical expertise and skills you gained in the class, conduct a one-sample hypothesis test and determine if you can convince the CFO to conclude that the plan will be profitable. Use 0.10 and the significance level (α).

Sunday, February 9, 2020

BUSI531 Week 2 Dropbox Assignment 1

BUSI531 Week 2 Dropbox Assignment 1


Write a paper on the topic described under "Application Assignments" located on page 152, and develop a competency model on the same.
  • Your paper must be approximately 3-5 pages in length.
  • You must use APA or MLA style of writing.
  • Dropbox Assignment 1 is due on Sunday by 11:59 p.m. CT, of Week 2.

Develop a competency model for a job held by a friend, spouse, or roommate (someone other than yourself). Use the process discussed in this chapter to develop your model. Note the most difficult part of developing the model. How could the model be used?

Thursday, February 6, 2020

F03 Assignment 8.......2019

Assignment 08

F03 Financial Statement Analysis

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


  1. Use the following data to answer questions a-e.


Lazy O Corporation

Selected Financial Data


Current assets                                                     $65,000

Current liabilities                                                    60,000

Accounts receivable                                               15,000

Inventories                                                             20,000

Accounts payable                                                   40,000

Net sales                                                               365,000

Cost of goods sold                                               280,000


a.   Lazy O's current ratio is:

a.   2.1 to 1

b.   0.1 to 1

c.   0.9 to 1

d.   1.1 to 1


b.   Lazy O's quick ratio is:

a.   0.87 to 1

b.   0.75 to 1

c.   1.1 to 1

d.   0.9 to 1


c.   Lazy O's average collection period is:

a.   15 days

b.   24 days

c.   9 days

d.   4 days


d.   Lazy O's inventory turnover is:

a.   7 times

b.   9 times

c.   14 times

d.   18 times


e.   Lazy O's net trade cycle is:

a.   5 days

b.   (11 days)

c.   35 days

d.   20 days


2.   Using the following information for Cedric Inc. calculate earnings per share, the price-to earnings ratio, dividend payout and dividend yield for the firm.  Analyze these market ratios.


                                                                        2009                            2008

Net income                                                      $31 million                  $30 million

Shares of common stock outstanding             24 million                    22 million

Dividends per share                                        $ 0.55                          $ 0.50

Market price per share                         $12                              $16


3.   Describe the steps of conducting a financial statement analysis.


BZ400B Assignment 8 (2019)

Assignment 08

BZ400 Strategic Information Technology

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.


Explain what collaboration technologies are and how they function. Then clearly describe three (3) examples of collaboration technologies. Compare and contrast the three (3) collaboration technologies clearly identifying at least two (2) strengths and weaknesses for each of the three (3) technologies. 

BZ400B Assignment 4.... (2019)

Assignment 04

BZ400 Strategic Information Technology

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages in length; refer to the "Format Requirements" page for specific format requirements.


Describe three (3) options for organizational strategy. Provide three (3) examples of companies that follow each of the selected strategies. Provide a description of how three (3) companies used their strategies for competitive advantage. 



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...