Wednesday, February 19, 2020

HW-2222 Journal Part 3 Entries 13-18 (New)

Required Journal Entry 13: Evaluating Your Sources

Describe when it's appropriate to use sources in an essay. Why is it important to differentiate

between facts, opinions, and bias when choosing sources for your research? (2 paragraphs,

6-8 sentences each)


Required Journal Entry 14: OrganizingYour Information

Review page 606–611 in Successful College Writing. Describe at least two ways to organize

your information effectively. Choose the method that would work best for you and explain why.

(2 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)

Reflect: Take a look back to your response to Journal Entry 10. Briefly describe what counts as

plagiarism. When is it appropriate to cite information? What information doesn't need to be cited?

(1 paragraph, 6–8 sentences)


Required Journal Entry 15: Using Your Sources Responsibly

Review the definitions of direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary in Chapters 22 and 23 in

Successful College Writing and in Chapter 39 in The Little, Brown Essential Handbook. In your

own words, define these terms. Then, explain the most effective use of each of these three types

of sources. (2 paragraphs, 6–8 sentences each)


Required Journal Entry 16: Planning Your Argument

Study the argument essay topics on page 167–168 in your digital study guide and choose your

topic for your argument. This journal entry will help you begin to plan, research, and organize

your paper. Please note that both topics are very broad, so you should narrow your chosen topic

appropriately to suit your purpose and interest as well as the research and length requirements.

Review "The Basic Parts of an Argument" on pages 514–520 in Successful College Writing. Once

you've chosen your topic and identified your issue (516), you need to develop support. According

to your text, the three common types of support for an argument are "reasons, evidence, and

emotional appeals" (517).

I. State your claim:

A. Identify the type of claim (fact, value or policy).

B. Explain your purpose or goal for your research paper.

II. Identify your reasons:

A. Reason 1

B. Reason 2

C. Reason 3

III. Start your research to develop support for your claim (provide at least two examples of


A. Support your reasons with evidence

1. Facts*

2. Statistics*

3. Expert opinions*

4. Examples*

5. Personal Experiences

B. Identify your emotional appeals:

1. Appeal to needs

2. Appeal to values

* Cite your sources using MLA citation and documentation format (i.e., parenthetical citations and

a list of works cited).

To research effectively and efficiently, use the Expanded Academic ASAP database in Penn Foster's

digital library. For more information about using Expanded Academic ASAP or other library

resources, visit


Below are the two topics to choose from for jounral entry 16 


*Persuade your audience that the use of alternative

energy is beneficial and economical, or that the use of

alternative energy is expensive and as detrimental as

traditional energy sources.


*Persuade your audience that social media provides a

valuable outlet for free expression, or that social media

allows users to insult, bully, and threaten others without

any fear of punishment.


Topic chosen:  Second one


Required Journal Entry 17: Recognizing Your Opposition.

Identify and define the three ways you can recognize opposing views in your argument. In your

own words, explain why it's valuable to include the opposition in your essay. (1 paragraph,

6 sentences)

Reflect: Read Lisa Hamilton's "Eating Meat for the Environment" and review the graphic organiz-

ers on pages 554 and 556–557. In your opinion, does acknowledging Dr. Pachauri's opposing

viewpoint strengthen or weaken Hamilton's argument?


Required Journal Entry 18: Course Reflection

Reflect:  Review your journal, starting with your first entry and the learning inventory. Reflect onhow knowing who you are as a learner has helped you with the course activities. Consider yourprogress as a writer through each journal entry and essay. How has your writing changed sinceyou started the course? Identify the improvements you've made and the skills you still need topractice. (3 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)


Evaluate:  What goals did you set for yourself at the beginning of this course? Did you accom-

plish everything you had hoped? Explain what you would have done differently, and describe the

approach to writing you'll use in your future assignments. (2 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)

Friday, February 14, 2020

HW-2217 Week-1 Roles and functions of managers, and management theories

Part 1

Explain the functions, roles, and activities of managers. Research two companies within the last 3-years, not described in the book, and discuss what managerial characteristics were essential to lead change.

Part 2

 Write a 2-3+ page, double-spaced essay about classical, behavioral, and modern management approaches to leading.

•Give a brief history and the development of each theory.

•Discuss why the principles are important for managers in the workplace.

•Compare and contrast each theory.

•Give an example of how managers can use each approach to lead employees to change.

*Schermerhorn. J. &Bachrach, D. (2015). Management, (13th ed.). New York: Wiley & Sons

HW-2215 Organizational Behavior Project - Emotional Labor in Workplace

To complete this project, you must
1. Conduct research to
a. Define the concept of emotional labor
b. Describe, explain, and discuss perspectives onemotional labor in general as well as in different
workplace settings
2. Conduct limited field research aimed at assessing varyingunderstandings and experiences of emotional laborin at least three work settings
3. Analyze and summarize findings from your field research
4. Prepare a term paper on the topic of emotional labor inworkplace settings based on both your field researchand your background research

Before you begin, read through this entire procedure. Then,follow these steps to complete your project:
1. Create your own working definition of emotional labor.Your definition should include likely effects of emotionallabor, such as fatigue, workplace stress, anxiety, andalienation. Use your definition to guide your fieldresearch and clarify your thinking prior to beginningwork on your term paper.
2. Use the following sources to conduct backgroundresearch. Note: You must use all of these sources for
your project.
a. Robert P. Vecchio, Organizational Behavior,pages 262–263
b. Online sources
1) Context Magazine, "Feeling around the World,"Arlie Hocschild, page 80
2) Wikipedia: Defining Emotional Labor
3) "What Is Emotional Labor?" (feminist view)
c. At least one source of your own from the Internet, alibrary source, or elsewhere
3. Prepare a survey for interviewing people in different worksettings. On the survey, leave room for notes you takeduring or immediately following your interview with anysubject. Although you may add questions of your own,include the following questions on your survey:
a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yoursatisfaction with your job?
b. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yoursatisfaction with your present workplace
c. Are you expected to present yourself in certain waysto customers (patients, passengers, clients, and so on)?
c. If so, how are you expected to present yourself? Tohelp the interviewee answer this question, you mayask one or more of the following questions:
1) Are you expected to follow a sales script?
2) Are you expected to "up-sell" special offers?
3) Are you instructed to always be polite?
4) Are you expected to encourage andsupport patients?
5) Are you supposed to smile when you wouldprefer to scream or frown?
d. Do you feel stress when you feel one way and haveto pretend you feel another way? Can you give me
e. When you feel some kind of work stress, can you
tell me how you feel about it? (If interviewees need
help answering this question, you may ask, "Does
stress make you feel tired? Frustrated? Amused?
Irritable? Sad?")
4. Follow these guidelines for conducting your research:
a. Interview people in at least three different work settings.
Your subjects might include fast-food workers,
bus or taxi drivers, firefighters, law enforcement officers,
sanitation workers, bank tellers, airline flight
attendants, public school teachers, paramedics, and
social workers—to offer some examples.
b. Interview at least two people from each work setting.
c. To find individuals to interview, begin making contacts
through people you know.
d. During the interview, complete the surveys yourself.
Don't ask the subjects to fill out the forms.
e. Before beginning an interview, tell each subject that
his or her responses will be anonymous. Indeed, it's
advisable to create fictitious names for particular
work venues, for the subjects themselves, and for
any persons mentioned by the subjects. Also, inform
each subject that your written report is for a course,
and that it will not be published anywhere.
f. Allow your respondents to speak freely. Don't allow
your survey form to keep you from taking notes on
unexpected comments, observations, and information
provided by subjects. In other words, keep an
open mind.
g. Don't record an interview on any electronic device,
such as a tape recorder, cell phone, or camcorder,
without the express permission of the subject. If you
do record any interview, destroy or delete any such
digital information upon completion of your
research project.
5. Prepare a five- to eight-page term paper based on your
research. Draft your paper on the basis of your background
reading and your field research. Edit and revise
your draft prior to submitting it to your instructor.
7. Use the following outline as a suggested guide for the
body of your paper:
a. Introduction. Summarize your paper. Briefly
describe what the paper is about and how you went
about writing it.
b. Emotional Labor: Psychological Stress in the
Workplace. Describe emotional labor, including
different perspectives on its nature and its psychological
costs. The material for this section should
come mainly from your background research.
c. Interviews. Explain what you learned from your
interviews, including anecdotal material to engage
the reader and, to a limited extent, offer your interpretations
and impressions.
d. Summary and conclusion. Discuss your overall
impressions, your view on the causes of emotional
labor, and perhaps, how it might be managed or


HW-2214 Davis Bacon Act (currently called Construction Wage Rate Requirements Statue...2019)

Topic:  Identify the historical significance and present day implications of the Davis Bacon Act (currently called Construction Wage Rate Requirements Statue). FAR 22.404


FAR website to find section 22.404


·        3-4pages(hand-written will not be accepted)

·          Times New Roman Font, Size 12

·          Utilize "FAIR" model – NOTE: Recommendation/Results earn you the most points!

·          Double Spaced

·          Single Sided

·          Include citations where necessary….do NOT plagiarize and a reference list at the end.

The FAIR model consists of gathering the Facts, making Assumptions as necessary, developing the Issues involved, and providing Recommendation or a Result.



Tuesday, February 11, 2020

LDR531 Week 6 Leading Organizational Change

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide an opportunity for the student to integrate and apply the individual and organizational leadership learning from this course by developing a plan for organizational change. 

Assignment Steps 

Review course assignments for Weeks 1-5, including the results of the Mastering Leadership Self-Assessment taken in Week 1. 

Select an organizational change in your company or one you know. 

Develop a 1,050-word analysis designing the action plan for you, as a leader, to address the organizational change. 

Include the following, in any sequence you choose: 

  • Identify the organizational change process steps you would take and prioritize the order in which you would take them. 
  • Include both individual and organizational leadership actions.
  • Scholarly citations must be given to support your rationale and proposed actions. 

Format your assignment consistent with APA guidelines.

LDR531 Week 6 FInal Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Question 1
"Fiscal responsibility, accountability, strategy, and execution." These leadership expectations are:

Question 2
Which of the following items is NOT on the path from Patriarchy to Partnership?
   CEO creating whole systems.
    Self-managed teams.
    Total quality management.
    Participative management.

Question 3
All leaders can accelerate their progress toward effectiveness by:
    Managing expectations
    All of the above

Question 4
Which of the following statements best describes the relevance of the inner game and outer game to leadership behavior?
The inner game runs the outer game.
    In high-pressure leadership roles, the outer game is the only game.
    The outer game (competence) is all that is essential to leadership.
    Most efforts at developing leaders only target the inner game, or consciousness.

Question 5
Which of the following statements about "Playing on Purpose or Playing Not to Lose" is true?

    There is no safe way to be great, and there is no great way to be safe.
    The safe paths have all been taken.
    The paths left to us require risk.
    Leadership is inherently risky.
   All of the above.

Question 6
To fulfill the Leadership Imperative, which of the following ideas will make us LESS likely to succeed?

    We need to work on specific skills and do so whenever we have the time.
    Our efforts need to be long-term and systemic.
    We need to work individually and collectively.
    We need to integrate the inner and outer game of leadership.
    We need to rethink how we develop leaders.

Question 7
Which of the following statements describes the Internal Operating System of the Creative Mind?

    Our beliefs depend on outside validation.
    We believe that "my future is in your hands."
    We develop new assumptions that are structured from the inside-out, not dependent on outside validation.

Question 8
Which of the following statements describes "Collaborator?"

    Take interest in and form warm, caring relationships.
    Engage others in a manner that allows the parties involved to discover common ground.
    Foster high-performance teamwork among team members who report to him/her.

Question 9
Which of the following is the best method for a leader to manage unproductive conflict?

    Ignore the conflict and give direction to the team.
    Hold a team building off-site to help the team work better together.
    Ask each team member the question, "What would you do to resolve this conflict if you had freedom to act?" Then facilitate a discussion to resolve the conflict.
    Send team members to conflict resolution training.

Question 10
The best metaphor the authors created for describing our relationship to Unity is that we are like waves on the ocean, not separate from the ocean. Which of the following statements best supports this metaphor?

    We realize that we were always one with the Ocean, that we were never separate, and that all waves are one; we are all each other.
    As separate waves, we experience the ups and downs of wave life.
    We are separate waves and we experience ourselves on a journey across the ocean.
    Some waves appear friendly; other waves may appear to threaten our ability to get what we want, and so we fear them.

Question 11
Which of the following statements describes the Leadership Practice 1: Discerning Purpose?

    It requires that we distill and refine a collective sense of purpose and through honest dialogue.
    It is the willingness to be authentic, to speak and act in ways that express and embody our vision of greatness.
    It is the practice of opening to a deeper knowing, a higher perception, a calling, an inner voice that says, "Stay with this," or, "Do this now," or, "This is who you are, what you stand for, what you need to move toward in your leadership."
   It is to continue to give ourselves over to the pull of purpose, distill it into vision, and then deal with the anxieties that inevitably arise.

 It requires attention to the trail, to the minute, subtle, and detailed clues our life is leaving as we live it (or as it lives us).
    It takes courage to engage in the authentic dialogue needed to forward the vision, find leverage, and implement fundamental structural change.

Question 12
Which of the following statements best describes the relationship of structure to higher leadership performance?

    To attain higher effectiveness, you must reach higher performance.
To perform more masterfully, your Inner Operating System (IOS) must evolve to a higher order mental-emotional structure.
    Since performance determines structure, if you want to evolve to a higher order structure, you must reach higher performance.
    When we see extraordinary leadership, we see well-honed capability arising on a higher-order platform of competence.

Question 13
Which of the following is NOT a Promise of Leadership?

    Engage all stakeholders and hold them accountable.
    Set the right direction and create meaningful work.
    Ensure that processes and systems facilitate focus and execution.
Ensure that business performance is improved.
    Set the right direction and create meaningful work.

Question 14
Which of the following statements describes the Leadership Practice 2: Distilling Vision?

    It is to continue to give ourselves over to the pull of purpose, distill it into vision, and then deal with the anxieties that inevitably arise.
    It is the practice of opening to a deeper knowing, a higher perception, a calling, an inner voice that says, "Stay with this," or, "Do this now," or, "This is who you are, what you stand for, what you need to move toward in your leadership."
    It requires attention to the trail, to the minute, subtle, and detailed clues our life is leaving as we live it (or as it lives us).
    It is the willingness to be authentic, to speak and act in ways that express and embody our vision of greatness.
    It takes courage to engage in the authentic dialogue needed to forward the vision, find leverage, and implement fundamental structural change.
    It requires that we distill and refine a collective sense of purpose and through honest dialogue.

Question 15
Which of these statements defines the strength of Reactive Leadership?

    At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.
    This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.
    This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
    Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
    This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.

Question 16
Which of the following statements describes the Creative Mind"?

    It is about forming an organization that we believe in, accomplishing outcomes that matter most, and enhancing our collective capacity to achieve a desired future.
    It is about establishing hierarchical, patriarchal structures, dynamics, and cultures.
    It creates an oscillating pattern of performance over time, the natural tendency of which is to seek equilibrium and return to normal.

Question 17
Which of the following is one of the three core reactive types?


Question 18
Which of these statements defines the strength of Creative Leadership?

    Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
    This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
    This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.
    At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.
    This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.

Question 19
When you see extraordinary leadership, what's the best question to ask to understand what makes the leader extraordinary?

    Is this leader practicing competency, or consciousness?
    Is this leader best at the inner game or the outer game?
    What are they doing that makes them extraordinary?
What operating system is that leader running to achieve such mastery?

Question 20
Developing leadership effectiveness is…

    Less important than recruiting leaders.
    Rarely a leadership priority.
    An important task for the training staff.
    The most important priority of executive leadership.

Question 21
Which of the following is the formula for the Leadership Quotient?

LQ = L2/L1
LQ = L1/L2

Question 22
Which of these statements defines the strength of Egocentric Leadership?

    This interior evolution is what enables leaders to see the whole system in a way that honors huge diversity, with many opposites in tension, and to engage it in a way that moves toward creative resolution.
    This is the ability to take up membership, to work and live co-relationally with others and within organizations.
    This is the minimum level required to create lean, engaged, innovative, visionary, agile, high-involvement, high-fulfillment organizations and to evolve adaptive organizational designs that can thrive.
    Leaders at this level function as global visionaries and enact world service for the universal good.
    At this stage of leadership, we can defer impulse gratification long enough to plan and organize to meet our needs.

Question 23
"Competence, fair treatment, commitment, engagement, listening, acting on suggestions, and providing inspiration, meaning, and direction." These leadership expectations are


Question 24
Which of the following is NOT included in the stages of the Universal Model of Leadership?


Question 25
How do we describe the Leadership System?

    It is one of the eight core systems within organizations.
    It is the central organizing system.
    To achieve high performance, leaders must achieve high scores on their competency evaluations.
    It only consists of the CEO and the Board of Directors.

Question 26
Which of the following statements accurately describes Reactive Mind?

    Reactive Leadership is well-equipped to lead transformation into high-performing cultures and structures.
    To evolve beyond Reactive Leadership, we must first see it and know it deeply.
    Reactive mind was formed to separate from the prevailing culture.

Question 27
Which of the following statements describes "Caring Connection?"

Take interest in and form warm, caring relationships.
    Foster high-performance teamwork among team members who report to him/her.
    Engage others in a manner that allows the parties involved to discover common ground.

Question 28
Which of the following is NOT one of the six systems of organizational effectiveness?

    Training and Education.

Question 29
Which of the following statements is true about a company's Leadership System?

The training staff must work very hard to help the leadership system to be effective. They must work hard to get leaders into leadership training programs to improve their leadership competencies.
    The leadership system is the central organizing system and the collective effectiveness of the leaders in the system is critical to the organization's health and success.
    The CEO must be able to control and direct individual leaders and the leadership system for them to succeed.

Question 30
Which of the following statements accurately describes Integral Leaders?

    It is built for complexity, designed for leading change within complex systems amid volatile, ambiguous, and rapidly changing environments.
    The leader is capable of working effectively with people of all types and with people at every stage of Leadership Development.
    The Leader has the ability to hold large conflicts, opposite visions, and redundant polarities in tension without reacting to them, trying to problem-solve them, or turning them into win-lose battles.
    The Leader is in full possession of the entire array of gifts, strengths, and competencies that are required to lead effectively.
    All of the above.

LDR531 Week 5 Strategic Change Case Study

Purpose of Assignment

The purpose of this assignment is to provide a chance for the student to examine an existing organization and apply research to identify opportunities for strategic change. 

Assignment Steps

Develop a 1,050-word essay to identify one global creative organization, as defined in Ch. 10 and 11 of Mastering Leadership

Analyze the opportunities for strategic change that are evident, citing evidence. 

Include considerations of culture and structure in addressing those opportunities. 

Include the following: 

  • Identify one organization that could be considered creative, based on definitions in Mastering Leadership.
  • Determine whether or not you believe the organization meets those criteria. Explain why.
  • Discuss the impact of organizational culture and structure on that opportunity for strategic change.
  • Formulate conclusions including personal learning on your analysis.



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...