Wednesday, February 19, 2020

ECO561 Final Exam Score 97 PERCENT (2019)

Question 1
The fact that international specialization and trade based on comparative advantage can increase world output is demonstrated by the reality that:
    the production possibilities curves of any two nations are identical
    a nation's production possibilities line lies to the right of its trading possibilities line
        a nation's trading possibilities line lies to the right of its production possibilities line
        a nation's production possibilities and trading possibilities lines coincide

Question 2
The business cycle depicts:

    the phases a business goes through from when it first opens to when it finally closes
    the evolution of technology over time
    short-run fluctuations in output and employment(Probably wrong, not sure. Either answer of question 1 is wrong or question2 is wrong)
    fluctuations in the general price level

3.Which of the following have substantially equivalent effects on a nation's volume of exports and imports?

Exchange rate depreciation and domestic inflation

Exchange rate depreciation and domestic deflation

Exchange rate appreciation and domestic deflation

Exchange rate appreciation and a decrease in the domestic supply of money

4If an unintended increase in business inventories occurs at some level of GDP, then GDP:

may be either above or below the equilibrium output

is too high for equilibrium

is too low for equilibrium

entails a rate of aggregate expenditures in excess of the rate of aggregate production

5Why are economists concerned about inflation?

Inflation lowers the standard of living for people whose income does not increase as fast as the price level

Inflation increases the value of peoples' saving and encourages overspending on goods and services

Inflation generally causes unemployment rates to rise

Real GDP is necessarily falling when there is inflation

6Contractionary fiscal policy is so named because it:

involves a contraction of the nation's money supply

is aimed at reducing aggregate demand and thus achieving price stability

necessarily reduces the size of government

is expressly designed to expand real GDP
7The term "recession" describes a situation where:

government takes a less active role in economic matters

output and living standards decline

inflation rates exceed normal levels

an economy's ability to produce is destroyed

8Which of the following statements best describes the 12 Federal Reserve Banks?

They are privately owned and publicly controlled central banks whose basic goal is to earn profits for their owners.

They are privately owned and publicly controlled central banks whose basic goal is to control the money supply and interest rates in promoting the general economic welfare.

They are privately owned and publicly controlled central banks whose basic function is to minimize the risks in commercial banking in order to make it a reasonably profitable industry.

They are privately owned and privately controlled central banks whose basic goal is to provide an ample and orderly market for U.S. Treasury securities.

9The primary gain from international trade is:

tariff revenue

more goods than would be attainable through domestic production alone

increased employment in the domestic import sector

increased employment in the domestic export sector

10If the prices of all goods and services rose, but the quantity produced remained unchanged, what would happen to nominal and real GDP?

Nominal and real GDP would both rise

Real GDP would rise, but nominal GDP would be unchanged

Nominal GDP would rise, but real GDP would be unchanged

Nominal and real GDP would both be unchanged

11Pure monopolists may obtain economic profits in the long run because:

of rising average fixed costs

of barriers to entry

of advertising

marginal revenue is constant as sales increase

12Mrs. Arnold is spending all her money income by buying bottles of soda and bags of pretzels in such amounts that the marginal utility of the last bottle is 60 utils and the marginal utility of the last bag is 30 utils. The prices of soda and pretzels are $.60 per bottle and $.40 per bag respectively. It can be concluded that:

the two commodities are substitute goods

Mrs. Arnold should spend more on soda and less on pretzels

Mrs. Arnold should spend more on pretzels and less on soda

Mrs. Arnold is buying soda and pretzels in the utility-maximizing amounts

13Suppose you have a limited money income and you are purchasing products A and B, whose prices happen to be the same. To maximize your utility, you should purchase A and B in such amounts that:

their marginal and total utilities are proportionate

their marginal utilities are the same

the income and substitution effects associated with each are equal

their total utilities are the same

14Two major virtues of the market system are that it:

eliminates discrimination and minimizes environmental pollution

allocates resources efficiently and allows economic freedom

results in price level stability and a fair personal distribution of income

results in an equitable personal distribution of income and always maintains full employment

15Macroeconomics approaches the study of economics from the viewpoint of:

the entire economy

governmental units

individual firms

the operation of specific product and resource markets

16Which of the following will generate a demand for country X's currency in the foreign exchange market?

The imports of country X

Travel by citizens of country X in other countries

The desire of foreigners to buy stocks and bonds of firms in country X

Charitable contributions by country X's citizens to citizens of developing nations

17The simple circular flow model shows that:

households are on the buying side of both product and resource markets.

businesses are on the selling side of both product and resource markets.

businesses are on the buying side of the product market and on the selling side of the resource market.

households are on the selling side of the resource market and on the buying side of the product market.

18Countercyclical discretionary fiscal policy calls for:

surpluses during both recessions and periods of demand-pull inflation

surpluses during recessions and deficits during periods of demand-pull inflation

deficits during recessions and surpluses during periods of demand-pull inflation

deficits during both recessions and periods of demand-pull inflation

19If the Federal Reserve System buys government securities from commercial banks and the public:

commercial bank reserves will decline

the money supply will contract

it will be easier to obtain loans at commercial banks

commercial bank reserves will be unaffected

20The two basic markets shown by the simple circular flow model are:

product and resource

free and controlled

capital goods and consumer goods

household and business

21All else equal, a large decline in the real interest rate will shift the:

investment demand curve rightward

investment demand curve leftward

investment schedule downward

investment schedule upward

22Normal profit is:

determined by subtracting implicit costs from total revenue

the return to the entrepreneur when economic profits are zero

the average profitability of an industry over the preceding 10 years

determined by subtracting explicit costs from total revenue

23In the theory of comparative advantage, a good should be produced in that nation where:

its absolute cost in terms of real resources used is least

its cost is least in terms of alternative goods that might otherwise be produced

the production possibilities line lies further to the right than the trading possibilities line

its absolute money cost of production is least

24As output increases, total variable cost:

increases continuously at a decreasing rate

increases at a constant rate

increases more rapidly than does total cost

increases at a decreasing rate and then at an increasing rate

25Assume the reserve ratio is 25 percent and Federal Reserve Banks buy $4 million of U.S. securities from the public, which deposits this amount into checking accounts. As a result of these transactions, the supply of money is:

directly increased by $4 million and the money-creating potential of the commercial banking system is increased by $12 million.

directly increased by $4 million and the money-creating potential of the commercial banking system is increased by an additional $16 million.

not directly affected, but the money-creating potential of the commercial banking system is increased by $12 million.

directly reduced by $4 million and the money-creating potential of the commercial banking system is decreased by an additional $12 million.

26Buyers will opt out of markets in which:

standardized products are being produced

there are only foreign sellers

there are significant negative externalities

there is inadequate information about sellers and their products

27In order for mutually beneficial trade to occur between two otherwise isolated nations:

each nation must be able to produce at least one good absolutely cheaper than the other

each nation must face constant costs in the production of the good it exports

each nation must be able to produce at least one good relatively cheaper than the other

one nation's production must be labor-intensive while the other nation's production is capital-intensive

28Research for industrially advanced countries indicates that:

the more independent the central bank, the higher the average annual rate of inflation

there is no relationship between the degree of independence of a country's central bank and its inflation rate.

the more independent the central bank, the higher the average annual rate of unemployment.

the more independent the central bank, the lower the average annual rate of inflation

29A monopolistically competitive industry combines elements of both competition and monopoly. The monopoly element results from:

the likelihood of collusion

mutual interdependence

high entry barriers

product differentiation

30Because the federal government typically provides disaster relief to farmers, many farmers do not buy crop insurance even through it is federally subsidized. This illustrates:

the moral hazard problem


the adverse selection problem

the special interest effect

HW-2227 Evolution of modern war between 1648 and 1941

Using Geoffrey Parker's Western Way of War Thesis, which element or elements best explain the evolution of modern war between 1648 and 1941? What are the implications of your answer for the US military in the 21st Century?


HW-2226 Huron Company

Huron Company produces a commercial cleaning compound known as Zoom. The direct materials and direct labor standards for one unit of Zoom are given below:

Standard Quantitiy Standard Price Standard
or hours or rate cost
Direct Materials 4.6 pounds 2.50 per pound 11.50
Direct Labor 0.2 hours 12.00 per hour 2.40

During the most recent month, the following activity was recorded:
• a. Twenty thousand pounds of material were purchased at a cost of $2.35 per pound.
• b. All of the material purchased was used to produce 4,000 units of Zoom.
• c. 750 hours of direct labor time were recorded at a total labor cost of $10,425.
• 1. Compute the direct materials price and quantity variances for the month.
• 2. Compute the direct labor rate and efficiency variances for the month.

HW-2223 Arrangement is a “partnership” for federal income tax purposes

In not less than 3 pages (double spaced) discuss the factors that are considered in determining whether an arrangement is a "partnership" for federal income tax purposes. Your discussion should include a comprehensive analysis of the authority (court decisions, Internal Revenue Code, Treasury Regulations and IRS pronouncements, i.e., Revenue Rulings) that pertain to this issue. The discussion should not focus on the characteristics of an "association" taxable as a corporation and the resulting classification of the entity as a partnership or a corporation under the Kinter Regulations as those Regulations have been replaced by the new "check the box regulations" under Treasury Regulation 301.7701. The discussion should focus on whether an arrangement between persons creates the existence of a partnership for federal income tax purposes.



HW-2222 Journal Part 3 Entries 13-18 (New)

Required Journal Entry 13: Evaluating Your Sources

Describe when it's appropriate to use sources in an essay. Why is it important to differentiate

between facts, opinions, and bias when choosing sources for your research? (2 paragraphs,

6-8 sentences each)


Required Journal Entry 14: OrganizingYour Information

Review page 606–611 in Successful College Writing. Describe at least two ways to organize

your information effectively. Choose the method that would work best for you and explain why.

(2 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)

Reflect: Take a look back to your response to Journal Entry 10. Briefly describe what counts as

plagiarism. When is it appropriate to cite information? What information doesn't need to be cited?

(1 paragraph, 6–8 sentences)


Required Journal Entry 15: Using Your Sources Responsibly

Review the definitions of direct quotation, paraphrase, and summary in Chapters 22 and 23 in

Successful College Writing and in Chapter 39 in The Little, Brown Essential Handbook. In your

own words, define these terms. Then, explain the most effective use of each of these three types

of sources. (2 paragraphs, 6–8 sentences each)


Required Journal Entry 16: Planning Your Argument

Study the argument essay topics on page 167–168 in your digital study guide and choose your

topic for your argument. This journal entry will help you begin to plan, research, and organize

your paper. Please note that both topics are very broad, so you should narrow your chosen topic

appropriately to suit your purpose and interest as well as the research and length requirements.

Review "The Basic Parts of an Argument" on pages 514–520 in Successful College Writing. Once

you've chosen your topic and identified your issue (516), you need to develop support. According

to your text, the three common types of support for an argument are "reasons, evidence, and

emotional appeals" (517).

I. State your claim:

A. Identify the type of claim (fact, value or policy).

B. Explain your purpose or goal for your research paper.

II. Identify your reasons:

A. Reason 1

B. Reason 2

C. Reason 3

III. Start your research to develop support for your claim (provide at least two examples of


A. Support your reasons with evidence

1. Facts*

2. Statistics*

3. Expert opinions*

4. Examples*

5. Personal Experiences

B. Identify your emotional appeals:

1. Appeal to needs

2. Appeal to values

* Cite your sources using MLA citation and documentation format (i.e., parenthetical citations and

a list of works cited).

To research effectively and efficiently, use the Expanded Academic ASAP database in Penn Foster's

digital library. For more information about using Expanded Academic ASAP or other library

resources, visit


Below are the two topics to choose from for jounral entry 16 


*Persuade your audience that the use of alternative

energy is beneficial and economical, or that the use of

alternative energy is expensive and as detrimental as

traditional energy sources.


*Persuade your audience that social media provides a

valuable outlet for free expression, or that social media

allows users to insult, bully, and threaten others without

any fear of punishment.


Topic chosen:  Second one


Required Journal Entry 17: Recognizing Your Opposition.

Identify and define the three ways you can recognize opposing views in your argument. In your

own words, explain why it's valuable to include the opposition in your essay. (1 paragraph,

6 sentences)

Reflect: Read Lisa Hamilton's "Eating Meat for the Environment" and review the graphic organiz-

ers on pages 554 and 556–557. In your opinion, does acknowledging Dr. Pachauri's opposing

viewpoint strengthen or weaken Hamilton's argument?


Required Journal Entry 18: Course Reflection

Reflect:  Review your journal, starting with your first entry and the learning inventory. Reflect onhow knowing who you are as a learner has helped you with the course activities. Consider yourprogress as a writer through each journal entry and essay. How has your writing changed sinceyou started the course? Identify the improvements you've made and the skills you still need topractice. (3 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)


Evaluate:  What goals did you set for yourself at the beginning of this course? Did you accom-

plish everything you had hoped? Explain what you would have done differently, and describe the

approach to writing you'll use in your future assignments. (2 paragraphs, 6 sentences each)

Friday, February 14, 2020

HW-2217 Week-1 Roles and functions of managers, and management theories

Part 1

Explain the functions, roles, and activities of managers. Research two companies within the last 3-years, not described in the book, and discuss what managerial characteristics were essential to lead change.

Part 2

 Write a 2-3+ page, double-spaced essay about classical, behavioral, and modern management approaches to leading.

•Give a brief history and the development of each theory.

•Discuss why the principles are important for managers in the workplace.

•Compare and contrast each theory.

•Give an example of how managers can use each approach to lead employees to change.

*Schermerhorn. J. &Bachrach, D. (2015). Management, (13th ed.). New York: Wiley & Sons

HW-2215 Organizational Behavior Project - Emotional Labor in Workplace

To complete this project, you must
1. Conduct research to
a. Define the concept of emotional labor
b. Describe, explain, and discuss perspectives onemotional labor in general as well as in different
workplace settings
2. Conduct limited field research aimed at assessing varyingunderstandings and experiences of emotional laborin at least three work settings
3. Analyze and summarize findings from your field research
4. Prepare a term paper on the topic of emotional labor inworkplace settings based on both your field researchand your background research

Before you begin, read through this entire procedure. Then,follow these steps to complete your project:
1. Create your own working definition of emotional labor.Your definition should include likely effects of emotionallabor, such as fatigue, workplace stress, anxiety, andalienation. Use your definition to guide your fieldresearch and clarify your thinking prior to beginningwork on your term paper.
2. Use the following sources to conduct backgroundresearch. Note: You must use all of these sources for
your project.
a. Robert P. Vecchio, Organizational Behavior,pages 262–263
b. Online sources
1) Context Magazine, "Feeling around the World,"Arlie Hocschild, page 80
2) Wikipedia: Defining Emotional Labor
3) "What Is Emotional Labor?" (feminist view)
c. At least one source of your own from the Internet, alibrary source, or elsewhere
3. Prepare a survey for interviewing people in different worksettings. On the survey, leave room for notes you takeduring or immediately following your interview with anysubject. Although you may add questions of your own,include the following questions on your survey:
a. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yoursatisfaction with your job?
b. On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate yoursatisfaction with your present workplace
c. Are you expected to present yourself in certain waysto customers (patients, passengers, clients, and so on)?
c. If so, how are you expected to present yourself? Tohelp the interviewee answer this question, you mayask one or more of the following questions:
1) Are you expected to follow a sales script?
2) Are you expected to "up-sell" special offers?
3) Are you instructed to always be polite?
4) Are you expected to encourage andsupport patients?
5) Are you supposed to smile when you wouldprefer to scream or frown?
d. Do you feel stress when you feel one way and haveto pretend you feel another way? Can you give me
e. When you feel some kind of work stress, can you
tell me how you feel about it? (If interviewees need
help answering this question, you may ask, "Does
stress make you feel tired? Frustrated? Amused?
Irritable? Sad?")
4. Follow these guidelines for conducting your research:
a. Interview people in at least three different work settings.
Your subjects might include fast-food workers,
bus or taxi drivers, firefighters, law enforcement officers,
sanitation workers, bank tellers, airline flight
attendants, public school teachers, paramedics, and
social workers—to offer some examples.
b. Interview at least two people from each work setting.
c. To find individuals to interview, begin making contacts
through people you know.
d. During the interview, complete the surveys yourself.
Don't ask the subjects to fill out the forms.
e. Before beginning an interview, tell each subject that
his or her responses will be anonymous. Indeed, it's
advisable to create fictitious names for particular
work venues, for the subjects themselves, and for
any persons mentioned by the subjects. Also, inform
each subject that your written report is for a course,
and that it will not be published anywhere.
f. Allow your respondents to speak freely. Don't allow
your survey form to keep you from taking notes on
unexpected comments, observations, and information
provided by subjects. In other words, keep an
open mind.
g. Don't record an interview on any electronic device,
such as a tape recorder, cell phone, or camcorder,
without the express permission of the subject. If you
do record any interview, destroy or delete any such
digital information upon completion of your
research project.
5. Prepare a five- to eight-page term paper based on your
research. Draft your paper on the basis of your background
reading and your field research. Edit and revise
your draft prior to submitting it to your instructor.
7. Use the following outline as a suggested guide for the
body of your paper:
a. Introduction. Summarize your paper. Briefly
describe what the paper is about and how you went
about writing it.
b. Emotional Labor: Psychological Stress in the
Workplace. Describe emotional labor, including
different perspectives on its nature and its psychological
costs. The material for this section should
come mainly from your background research.
c. Interviews. Explain what you learned from your
interviews, including anecdotal material to engage
the reader and, to a limited extent, offer your interpretations
and impressions.
d. Summary and conclusion. Discuss your overall
impressions, your view on the causes of emotional
labor, and perhaps, how it might be managed or


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...