Thursday, February 20, 2020

FIN 630 -Acme strategic options

The Acme Company is exploring many strategic options. Whichever global business strategy the Acme Company eventually chooses, the firm inevitably will require the services of a bank to help manage its working capital. Many major multinational banks provide a variety of working capital and multinational cash management services. Here is a list of Acme's assumptions:

• It will have subsidiaries in South America and Asia that import materials and parts and assemble for export.

• It wants to centralize cash management.

• It needs local lending sources for operating cash.

• It needs short-term investment vehicles for excess cash balances.

• It needs foreign exchange and forward market services.

• It will have bills to pay in both local and other currencies.

Using the websites of a variety of these cross-border banks (starting with the banks listed below), search out the international banks that offer multinational cash management services that combine banking with foreign exchange management. Select one bank and describe how the services it offers will take care of Acme's international working capital management requirements. Be sure to demonstrate why you believe your choice is the best alternative among the banks you investigated (i.e., compare and contrast). • Bank of America at • HSBC at • Citibank at

FIN 630 Acme in China paper-2019

Long-term investment projects require a thorough understanding of all attributes of doing business in that country, including import/export restrictions, labor relations, supplier financing, tax rules, depreciation schedules, currency properties and restrictions, and sources of short-term and long-term debt, to name a few. China is currently the focus of investment and market penetration strategies of multinational firms worldwide including Acme. Your supervisor has asked you to gather information on some of these factors that your company or any MNE would want to consider when doing business in China. (This is the primary focus of this assignment.) As you begin your research, you realize your company would make a significant profit from doing business in China. You also discover that policies on employee welfare, labor relations, etc. are the antithesis of what your CEO firmly believes. Do you include this information in your report, or just provide the strategic information you were asked to gather? (Please respond to this ethics question in a paragraph or two).

Use the Library and other Internet sources (you might start with the web sites listed here), to collect the information. • Extract from Guide to Doing Business in China • China Business Etiquette

FIN 630 Acme Greenfield Term Paper

As part of its international expansion program, Acme, a U.S. multinational enterprise (MNE), is currently in the planning stages of establishing a Greenfield (see text glossary for definition) production facility overseas. You have been asked to present a proposal to the steering committee comparing the advantages and disadvantages of starting operations in one of two selected foreign countries. The steering committee has determined that one alternative must be a member of the European Union (EU) while the other cannot be a member of the EU. Subject to these conditions, you may choose any two foreign countries, except China, India, Czech Republic, and Romania for comparison. Deliverable: There are many factors to consider in your comparative analysis. Please be sure to include, among other topics, a discussion of the different countries' currencies, trade policies and cultural variables that may affect operations and profitability in each country. Your report should conclude with a recommendation and supporting rationale as to which country should be selected for the new facility.

FIN 630 Acme Czeck Forex Answer

Acme is also considering the acquisition of a firm in the Czech Republic and would like your opinion on this. It plans to operate the firm for 3 years and then reevaluate the holding.
Free Cash flows are estimated as follows:
• Year 1 - 38.63M Czech Koruna (CZK), Year 2 - 44.33 M CZK,
• Year 3 - 50.48M CZK
• The third year terminal value is estimated at 375M CZK.
The Czech Koruna's exchange rate is assumed to be .038 USD/CZK for each year. Acme uses a WACC of 13 % for its domestic projects. So, the PV of the FCF's for the firm is 363.78 M CZK or $13.82M. The Czech firm has 1,000,000 shares outstanding and a debt to equity ratio of 1:1. Current market price is 185 CZK per share.
All monetary information (except per share) should be presented in CZK millions (i.e., do not convert to USD).
1. Should Acme make a deal if its policy is to never exceed a 20% premium in any tender offer? To defend your position, you must prepare and present an Excel template that includes the calculated fair value premium over market.
2. What changes in the analysis or additional analysis do you suggest before a final decision should be made?
3. Using the DCF methodology required in question 1, please take one of your suggestions and reevaluate the buy-out. To complete this question, you will have to present a second Excel template that includes your new assumed values and supports your recommendations. Further, please comply with the following:
• Assumptions must be reasonable – i.e., don't select arbitrary values. Some discussion should be provided that explains how you arrived at your new assumed values.
• Variable changes should be restricted to the discount rate, the FCFs, and/or the terminal value. Please present only one set of assumptions (e.g., do not submit a table that includes multiple values for the same variables.)
• To demonstrate that you have successfully prepared the Excel template, no two students may use the same values. To help ensure that your values are unique, please use a minimum of three significant (i.e., non-zero) digits to the right of the decimal point.


FIN 630 Acme and acquisition of EU non-EU

Acme, a United States firm, has been in acquisition talks with two different European firms. JEL Industries is headquartered in a country that is part of the European Union (EU), and uses the Euro, while DBC Industries is headquartered in a European country that does not belong to the Union and does not use the Euro as their primary currency. Based only on the knowledge of whether or not the firm is located in a country within or outside of the European Union, recommend one of the organizations and explain why you selected that organization. In your response be sure to describe the implications of running a business in a country that is within or outside of the European Union. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of the choice you made


Activity -Outside Sales Position -2019

Activity Instructions: Outside Sales Position

This activity is comprised of three (3) parts. Your Activity responses should be both grammatically and mechanically correct and formatted in the same fashion as the Activity itself. If there is a Part A, your response should identify a Part A, etc. In addition, you must appropriately cite all resources used in your response and document them in a bibliography using APA style. (100 points) (A 4-page response is required for the combination of Parts A, B, and C.)

Part A     

You are in the recruiting department of a fairly large national wholesale distributor of widgets.  Examine the following job description for an outside salesperson to sell widgets to truckers in Alabama.  Write four (4) effective, legal, behavioral questions that might be used in a job interview and explain why you would ask each particular question.  (52 points)

Part B

You receive the following memo from your "politically incorrect" boss.  While you do not expect him to stay with the company very long, he does make a couple of good points in the memo, if you can focus on them despite his personal bias.  Write two (2) additional effective, legal, behavioral questions that might also be used in a job interview to address his legitimate concerns and explain how you made the question legal.  (24 points) 


Write a proposal that describes how and where

you would advertise this position.  Use at least four (4) different advertising methods.  Your advertising budget is very small.  (24 points)


ACC500 Managerial Accounting FINAL

ACC500 Managerial Accounting

Final Exam


1) Dubuque Company has the following sales budget:


Month                              Cash Sales                                          Credit Sales

February                               $14,000                                                  $28,000

March                                      12,800                                                    29,200

April                                         10,800                                                    26,400


Collections of credit sales are 40% in the month of sale, 50% in the month after sale and 10% two months after sale.  No uncollectible accounts are expected.



Prepare a schedule of cash collections for April.





2) The Drew Company has the following information available:


Month                                                      Budgeted Sales

March                                                                  $150,000

April                                                                       153,000

May                                                                        151,000

June                                                                        254,500

July                                                                         252,500


The gross profit rate is 40% and the desired ending inventory level is 20% of the next month's cost of sales.



Prepare a purchases budget for April, May and June.





3)                                                                               Direct Material                        Direct Labor

Std. price per unit of input                                       $12 per foot                       $14 per hour

Actual price per unit of input                                 $14 per foot                       $13 per hour

Std. inputs allowed per unit of output                             5 feet                                 3 hours

Actual units of input                                                      2,500 feet                         1,550 hours


Actual units of output                                                   600 units



Compute the price and quantity variances for direct materials and direct labor.








4) Progressive Company produces a product in a process-costing system involving several departments.  The company uses the weighted-average method of product costing.  The first department's data for the month of April follow:


Units in beginning work-in-process inventory                                                                           25,000

Units started during April1                                                                                                            155,000

Units completed during April                                                                                                        140,000

Units in ending work-in-process inventory                                                                                 40,000


Direct materials added in current month                                                                                 $188,000

Conversion costs added in current month                                                                               $175,000

Direct materials–beginning work-in-process inventory                                                        $35,750

Conversion costs–beginning work-in-process inventory                                                         $6,225


Stage of Completion:

                                                                                                             Materials               Conversion Costs

Beginning work-in-process inventory                                             100%                                        50%

Ending work-in-process inventory                                                   100%                                        35%



A) Compute equivalent units for materials and conversion costs.

B) Compute the cost per unit for materials and conversion costs.

C) Compute the cost of the units transferred.

D) Compute the cost of the ending work-in-process inventory.


5) Splitsville Company has two departments.   Factory overhead costs are applied based on direct labor cost in Department A and machine hours in Department B.  The following information is available:


Budgeted Items                                                                   Dept. A                                  Dept. B

Direct labor cost                                                               $190,000                               $165,000

Machine hours                                                                      51,000                                    50,000

Factory overhead cost                                                    $325,000                               $280,000


Actual data for Job #10 are as follows:

Actual Items                                                                        Dept. A                                  Dept. B

Direct materials requisitioned                                       $20,000                                 $16,000

Direct labor cost                                                                 $17,000                                 $24,000

Machine hours                                                                        7,000                                      5,000



A) Compute the budgeted factory overhead rate for Department A.

B) Compute the budgeted factory overhead rate for Department B.

C) What is the total overhead cost for Job #10?

D) If Job #10 consists of 50 units of product, what is the unit cost of this job?



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...