Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam CO7V Personal finance

Which of the following items is not a liability?
The balance due on your credit card
The wages you give up to take a class
Your college loans
An IOU to your roommate

Which of the following would increase your liquid assets?
Putting more of your salary in a 401(k)
Buying a new car
Buying rental property
Making regular deposits to a savings account at your bank

Yogi Berra Jr. has agreed to play for the New York Mets for $4 million per year for the next 10 years. What table would you use to calculate the value of this contract in today's dollars?
Present value of a single amount
Present value of an annuity
Future value of a single amount
Future value of an annuity

Which of the following is a disadvantage of using credit?
Shopping convenience
Capacity to access credit in the future
Ease of returning merchandise
Slowing of progress toward financial goals

Which of the following costs associated with home ownership is hardest to budget?
Mortgage payments

Which risk management alternative is feasible when the likelihood of an event that could cause a financial loss is very low and the potential financial loss due to the event is small?
Avoid risk
Reduce risk
Accept risk
Insure against risk

The amount of damage you will be required to cover if your car is involved in an accident that is your fault is your:
fair share

A company's earnings are $3.00 per share, its dividend is $2.00 per share, and its stock price is $30.00 per share. Its PE ratio is:

Investing in which of the following funds will typically give you the least diversification?
Capital appreciation funds
Equity income funds
Sector funds
Growth funds

In determining the amount of money you will need for retirement, you should consider all of the following except:
the expected cost of living due to inflation.
inheritance from your children.
the number of years you will live while retired.
your personal needs and who else you will be supporting.

Monday, March 23, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam EN36S Technical Communication

EN36S : Technical Communication
Question 1
Technical communication skills are:
important primarily in the Information Technology sector.
increasingly critical to success in most business-related jobs.
utilized by individual employees, not work teams.
independent of ethical concerns.

Question 2
Methods for preventing/overcoming group conflict include all EXCEPT:
active listening.
recognizing that gender differences are a myth.
structured debate.
building cross-cultural understanding.

Question 3
In evaluating the accuracy of source information, be aware that:
printed sources are consistently reliable.
digital sources should not be used in research.
even reputable information sources may contain hidden agendas.
you can trust only independently funded, noncommercial sources.

Question 4
When editing for clarity, do all of the following, EXCEPT:
avoid ambiguous pronoun references.
use passive voice whenever possible.
avoid redundancy.
use nominalizations.

Question 5
Integrate fluency into a technical document by:
making fine distinctions between related ideas.
avoiding simple terms.
keeping sentence lengths about the same.
using acronyms only selectively.

Question 6
have ethical and legal considerations.
can be written for transmittals, to create summaries, or for follow-up.
focus on one topic.
All of the above answers are correct.

Question 7
Avoid the following in writing your résumé:
Putting work history before education.
Putting work history in direct chronological order.
Adding hyperlinks to an online résumé.
Including achievement statements within your work history.

Question 8
Effective instructions:
require careful, precise editing.
are bulleted.
can use visuals without descriptive text.
should not include multicolumn design.

Question 9
Informal informational reports do NOT include:
progress reports.
meeting minutes.
feasibility or causal analyses.
peer review reports.

Question 10
Formal proposals are NOT for:
product marketing.

Ashworth Semester Exam EN120 English Composition I

Question 1
Freewriting, brainstorming, clustering, asking questions, and keeping a journal are examples of:
achieving coherence.
revising paragraphs.
prewriting techniques.
providing variety in paragraphs

Question 2
There are three basic ways of ordering ideas for coherence in paragraphs; they are:
time order, space order, and order of importance.
comparison, contrast, and description.
grammar, mechanics, and spelling.
process, persuasion, and personification

Question 3
The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. "A trophy that sits on my shelf has become a lasting symbol of pride in overcoming obstacles for me. I was twelve at the time and had no special talents; in fact, sometimes I stuttered when I felt pressured to answer. It was in September of that year when the debate coach asked me to come into her office."

Question 4
Which of the following sentences uses subordination correctly?
We will eat dinner, when Sara arrives.
I enjoyed the class, although I did not learn very much.
When the teacher announced that the exam was over, we sighed with relief.
When I am hungry I usually enjoy eating a piece of fruit or a raw carrot.

Question 5
The following sentences probably came from a/an __________ paragraph. "If you follow these directions carefully, you should not have trouble getting to Central City Museum. Begin by catching the express bus on Heron Street and taking it to the last stop, Regal Square."

Question 6
in which sentence does the antecedent clearly refer to the pronoun?
Kelly is an excellent singer, yet she has never taken a lesson in it.
In North Carolina farmers raise tobacco.
Mr. Jones told his son that his car had a flat tire.
In Washington they grow apples.

Question 7
in writing, __________ stress differences, whereas __________ stresses similarities.
illustration; description
contrast; comparison
persuasion; explanation
classification; analysis

Question 8
Problems that are specific to cause-and-effect writing include:
errors in comma and apostrophe usage.
using spatial order instead of chronological order to organize the paragraphs.
a lack of sentence variety and incorrect parallel structure.
oversimplification and the confusion of time order with causation.

Question 9
____ is the final step in the writing process.

Question 10
plagiarism is:
failing to give credit to an author whose words or ideas you use.
a punishable offense.
All of the above are true

Ashworth Semester Exam F03S Financial Statement Analysis

F03S : Financial Statement Analysis
Question 1
What item is probably the least useful when analyzing financial statements?
Management discussion and analysis
The notes to the financial statements
The statement of cash flows
Public relations materials

Question 2
What types of information CANNOT be found in the financial statements?
Details about officer and employee retirement, pension, and stock option plans
Pending legal proceedings
Reputation of the firm, morale of employees and prestige in the community
Disclosures about segments of an enterprise

Question 3
Using __________ during a period of inflation would result in net income being overstated relative to the LIFO method.
gross sales
net sales

Question 4
__________ is (are) short-term obligations that arise from credit extended by suppliers for the purchase of goods and services.
Accounts receivable
Accounts payable

Question 5
Which of the following statements about a common-size balance sheet is true?
Each item on a common-size balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of sales.
The common-size balance sheet reveals the composition of expenses relative to revenues.
The common-size balance sheet reveals the capital and debt structure of the firm.
Each item on a common-size balance sheet is expressed as a percentage of net income.

Question 6
Which of the items below would be analyzed separate from operating profit?
Salaries, interest expense, and equity losses
Equity earnings, discontinued operations, and interest income
Research and development, dividend income, and interest expense
Advertising, cost of goods sold, and selling and administrative expenses

Question 7
Per FASB rules, firms may use the __________ method or the __________ method to calculate and present cash flow from operating activities.
direct; indirect
before tax; after tax
operational; financial
accounting; financial

Question 8
Reading the "Commitments and Contingencies" note to financial statements is important when assessing the quality of the:
balance sheet.
income summary.
statement of owner's equity.
double contingency statement.

Question 9
The following categories of ratios are used in financial statement analysis: iquidity, Operating efficiency (also referred to as Activity), Leverage, Profitability, and Market measures. Classify the following ratios according to these categories.
Earnings per share – operating efficiency; fixed asset turnover – liquidity
Earnings per share – leverage; fixed asset turnover – profitability
Earnings per share – market measures; fixed asset turnover – operating efficiency
Earnings per share – market measures; fixed asset turnover – profitability

Question 10
The average collection period of accounts receivable is the:
average number of days required to convert receivables into write offs/bad debts.
average number of days required to convert receivables into cash.
total number of days required to convert receivables into write offs/bad debts.
total number of days required to convert receivables into cash.

Ashworth Semester Exam HS15S World Civilizations I

HS15S : World Civilizations I
Question 1
The first migration of humans around the globe was related to:
the need to find sites for towns.
the search for iron.
population pressure.
the food supply.

Question 2
Which of these is a literary epic?
The Life of Buddha
The Code of Manu
The Mahabharata
The Rig Veda

Question 3
Which dynasty first united China using Legalism as its philosophical base?

Question 4
The "Three Sisters" of Amerind culture were:
staple crops.

Question 5
The discovery of obsidian artifacts in Iran is significant because it indicates:
the early Iranians were militaristic.
there was trade between the early Iranians and other civilizations.
exploitation of materials unique to the Zagros mountain region.
the early Iranians were geographically isolated.

Question 6
Romans were suspicious of the Jews because, unlike most Roman subjects, Jews were:
indifferent to religion.
intolerant and exclusive.
passive in the face of Roman rule.

Question 7
The Code of Justinian was based on the principles of __________ law.

Question 8
How did Coptic Christianity differ from other forms of Christianity?
Coptic Christians did not believe in the resurrection.
Coptic Christians believed that Jesus was a purely divine being.
Coptic Christians believed in the Trinity.
Coptic Christians saw all men as priests.

Question 9
What was the main source of inspiration for the Renaissance?
The classical age
The crusades
Commercial revival
The Great Western Schism

Question 10
Both Aztec and Inca religion centered on worship of:
a moon goddesses.
a sun god.
the spirits of former emperors.

Ashworth Semester Exam MA26S Statistical Analysis I

MA26S : Statistical Analysis I
Question 1
Is Drug B superior to the currently used Drug A in treating pancreatitis?
Case-controlled observational
Double blind experiment
Single blind experiment

Question 2
A survey of 100 dog owners showed that the average dog 'checked the mail' eleven times during an evening walk. Which question most probably represents the purpose of the study?
How many 'mail check stops' can a dog be expected to make on an evening walk?
How many dog owners take dogs for an evening walk?
How many dogs 'check the mail' on an evening walk?
How many pet owners have dogs?

Question 3
A bar graph in which the bars are arranged in frequency order is a:
pie chart.
line chart.
pareto chart.

Question 4
Six football players, all defensive linemen, decide that they will gain an average of 10 pounds over the summer. At the start of the season, only five showed up for the weigh-in. They had gained 9, 13, 11, 6, and 7 pounds. How many pounds does the last person have to gain in order that the group can attain its goal?
12 pounds
14 pounds
13 pounds
14.5 points

Question 5
The heights of 10 randomly selected fourth grade boys are (in inches) are 53, 53, 54, 56, 56, 56, 50, 57, 59, and 56. Find the sample standard deviations to 2 decimal places.
Question 6
Salesmen for the ABC Plastics Company drive an average of 240 miles per day with a standard deviation of 36 miles. If samples of 25 daily mileages are taken, what is the standard deviation of the distribution of sample means?
Question 7
In 2003, the U.S. death rate was 1.2 per 100,000 people due to motorcycle accidents. Motorcycles in the U.S. were involved in fatal crashes at the rate of 35.0 per 100 million miles driven. If the population of the U.S. is 300,000,000, what is the expected number of deaths due to motorcycle accidents?
Question 8
In one city, there are 1,780 5-year old children of whom 556 live with one parent only. Among a sample of 615 of the 5-year old children from this city, 226 live with one parent only. Find the population proportion of 5-year olds who live with only one parent.
Question 9
A manufacturer wishes to test the claim that one of its pancake mixes has a
mean weight that does not equal 24 ounces as advertised. Determine the conclusion of the hypothesis test assuming that the results of the sampling lead to rejection of the null hypothesis.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is greater than 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is not equal to 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is equal to 24 ounces.
Conclusion: Support the claim that the mean is less than 24 ounces.
Question 10
A 95% confidence interval for the mean of a normal population is found to be 17.6 < µ < 23.6. What is the margin of error?

Wednesday, March 18, 2020

ACC291T Week 3 Apply Exercise SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1

On January 2, Jasmine's Beauty Supplies Inc. issued Check 3100 for $300 to establish a petty cash fund. On January 31, Check 3159 was issued to replenish the petty cash fund. An analysis of payments from the fund showed these totals: Supplies, $57; Delivery Expense, $98; and Miscellaneous Expense, $33.

Indicate how these transactions would be recorded in a general journal.

Question 2

On January 2, The Public Legal Clinic issued Check 2108 for $430 to establish a petty cash fund. Indicate how this transaction would be recorded in a general journa


Question 3

Read the following transactions.

Lourdes LLC. keeps a $100 change fund in its cash register. At the end of the day, cash sales per the register tape were $3,280. The cash count was $3,700.

Calculate the amount over or short.

Question 4

Di Stefano Office Supply Company received a bank statement showing a balance of $68,105 as of March 31, 2019. The firm's records showed a book balance of $69,499 on March 31. The difference between the two balances was caused by the following items.


  1. A debit memorandum for $52, which covers the bank's collection fee for the note (item 6).
  2. A deposit in transit of $3,800.
  3. A check for $250 issued by another firm that was mistakenly charged to Di Stefano's account.
  4. A debit memorandum for an NSF check of $6,145 issued by Wozniak Construction Company, a credit customer.
  5. Outstanding checks: Check 3782 for $2,300; Check 3840 for $153.
  6. A credit memorandum for a $6,400 noninterest-bearing note receivable that the bank collected for the firm.

Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for the firm as of March 31. Prepare the necessary journal entries for March 31, 2019 from the statement.

Question 5

On March 31, 2019, Home Decorating Pavilion received a bank statement showing a balance of $9,850. The balance in the firm's checkbook and Cash account on the same date was $10,500. The difference between the two balances is caused by the items listed below.


  1. A $2,975 deposit made on March 30 does not appear on the bank statement.
  2. Check 358 for $535 issued on March 29 and Check 359 for $1,750 issued on March 30 have not yet been paid by the bank.
  3. A credit memorandum shows that the bank has collected a $1,100 note receivable and interest of $110 for the firm.
  4. A service charge of $35 appears on the bank statement.
  5. A debit memorandum shows an NSF check for $575. (The check was issued by Dane Jaris, a credit customer.)
  6. The firm's records indicate that Check 341 of March 1 was issued for $800 to pay the month's rent. However, the canceled check and the listing on the bank statement show that the actual amount of the check was $750.
  7. The bank made an error by deducting a check for $610 issued by another business from the balance of Home Decorating Pavilion's account.



  1. Prepare a bank reconciliation statement for the firm as of March 31, 2019.
  2. Record entries for any items on the bank reconciliation statement that must be journalized.

 Question 6
A firm's bank reconciliation statement shows a book balance of $16,000, an NSF check of $490, and a service charge of $29. Its adjusted book balance is
Multiple Choice

Question 7
Florence Company received a bank statement showing a balance of $12,300 on November 30, 2019. During the bank reconciliation process, Florence's accountant noted the following bank errors:
1.    A check for $146 issued by Florentine, Inc., was mistakenly charged to Florence Company's account.
2.    Check 2782 was written for $200 but was paid by the bank as $1,200.
3.    Check 2920 for $80 was paid by the bank twice.
4.    A deposit for $680 on November 22 was credited by the bank for $860.
Assuming outstanding checks total $1,650, prepare the adjusted bank balance section of the November 30, 2019, bank reconciliation.

Question 8
During the month a company paid $44.75 for office supplies and $53.22 for miscellaneous expenses from the petty cash fund. The entry to replenish the petty cash fund at the end of the month would include
Multiple Choice
a debit to Petty Cash for $97.97.
a credit to Cash for $97.97.
a debit to Cash for $97.97.
a credit to Office Supplies for $44.75.

Question 9
Read each of the following transactions.
1.    A) The cash sales per a register tape were $567. The cash count is $546.
B) The cash sales per a register tape were $8,100. The cash count is $7,740.
Prepare the general journal entries to record the above transactions.

Question 10

Teng Corporation received a bank statement showing a balance of $14,450 as of October 31, 2019. The firm's records showed a book balance of $14,057 on October 31. The difference between the two balances was caused by the following items.

  1. A debit memorandum for an NSF check from Richard Wolf for $419.
  2. Three outstanding checks: Check 7017 for $119, Check 7098 for $50, and Check 7107 for $1,510.
  3. A bank service charge of $15.
  4. A deposit in transit of $852.

Prepare the adjusted bank balance section and the adjusted book balance section of the bank reconciliation statement. Prepare the necessary journal entries for the year 2019.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...