Monday, March 30, 2020

TLMT601 Week 7 Math Assignment

Question 1

Today's urban transportation planning process is being impacted by the President's Stimulus Plan. High speed rail is one such option to congestion along the highways of urban areas. These projects have two sides to them. There are those who support high speed rail and those who do not support high speed rail. You have been chosen to not support the Stimulus Plan for use of high speed rail to ease congestion. Your task is to help decision makers make up their minds. So, you are now on the opposing side. Discuss how this Stimulus Plan for high speed rail will not work. You can use any reference. But, you must also present your opinion based on facts and data, not just because you don't like it. You will have to provide evidence to back up what you believe is a bad idea. (25 points)


Question 2

Most (97 percent) roads and streets in the United States are under the jurisdiction of State and local governments. The Federal jurisdiction is mainly limited to National Parks, National Forests, and other government-owned land. Discuss what issues and problems might be common between the Federal jurisdiction and the State and Local governments, and what issues and problems might be unique to the Federal government compared to the State and local governments. List the common and unique attributes and provide a brief explanation to support your choice. Use references in APA format and also offer your own opinion on what you think of these issues and problems. (25 points)


Question 3

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) went into effect on January 1, 1994. This sweeping agreement is designed to open the borders separating Canada, Mexico, and the United States to the free exchange of goods and services. There are many pros and cons of NAFTA that have emerged since 1994. The future of NAFTA is in the wind these days. It may fail or succeed for the next ten years. You job is to help Congress and other decision makers to decide what course of action they should take regarding NAFTA's future. You are to take the side that NAFTA is a bad business investment; you are to represent the "con" side of the argument. So, discuss why you would defeat or destroy NAFTA or morph it from its current state to some other new state. (25 points)


Question 4

In early 1990s with a second wave of low-cost carriers (LCCs), which led to the second period of strong traffic growth from early 1993 through early 2000, Southwest Airlines arguably provided the blueprint for U.S. Between 2006 and 2009 a fuel crisis happened and a recession for business and the transportation industry. What is the impact today on LCC's in order to be competitive in this economy coming on the heels of this recession? (25 points)







TLMT601 Week 8 Assignment 6 Research Paper


 Please upload a Word document using APA format for this assignment (see attached for the template).  In a 3-5 page paper, please pick out a subject from the readings that you deem interesting. Please make sure that this paper has never been used in any shape for or fashion for a grade, certificate, or award. Your paper should have the following (APA formatted).
1. Title page
2. Abstract
3. Introduction
4. Report
5. Conclusion
6. Reference page

The 3-5 pages only refer to items 3-5. The other 3 items do not count. Also, you must use the attached template. Make sure you update the title page, headers, and remove ALL instructions. Points will be deducted if not followed.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam A01S Introduction to Accounting

A01S : Introduction to Accounting
Accounting provides information to:
All of the above.

Which is an advantage of a sole proprietorship form of business?
There is limited personal risk.
The business can continue indefinitely.
The owner makes all the decisions.
All of the above.

If total assets are $35,000 and total liabilities are $8,000, Capital must equal:

Revenue, expenses, and withdrawals are subdivisions of:
owner's equity.
All of the above.

A formal account that has columns for date, explanation, post reference, debit, and credit is called the:
T account.
standard account form.
chart of accounts.

An account that would be decreased by a credit is:
fees earned.
accounts payable.

The time period for which a statement of owner's equity is prepared is a(n):
calendar year.
accounting period.
fiscal period.
accounting cycle.

Financial statements that are prepared for a period shorter than a year are called:
accounting period statements.
fiscal year statements.
interim statements.
journal statements.
How are explanations distinguished in the journal?
They are underlined.
They are in bold print.
They are indented below the credit entries.
They are written at the margin, in line with the debit entries.

Prepaid Rent is considered to be a(n):

Ashworth Semester Exam BM41S Sales Management & Practices

BM41S : Sales Management & Practices
Question 1
Ensuring that salespeople know the ethical and legal framework for their markets, including cultural and global market variations, is a salesforce response to which of the following issues?
Complexity issues
Adaptability issues
Collaboration issues
Accountability issues

Question 2
A(n) _______ is a salesperson who provides physicians, nurses, and other medical professionals with pertinent information about drugs to support the overall sales effort.

Question 3
The decision-making process in a modified rebuy buying situation is often referred to as
extensive problem solving.
routinized response behavior.
minimal problem solving.
limited problem solving.

Question 4
Advertising-driven marketing communications strategies are most appropriate when
trying to close the sale.
the message timing is important.
message flexibility is important.
repetitive contact is important.

Question 5
Salesforce socialization refers to
the encouragement salespeople get to socialize with their colleagues after work hours.
the process by which salespeople acquire the knowledge, skills, and values essential to perform in their role as salespeople.
the overall social values held by the firm about contemporary issues affecting the firm.
the salesperson's education concerning the ways other salespeople handle role conflict and role ambiguity.

Question 6
A _______ asks salespeople to indicate areas of need that could be addressed by sales training.
customer survey   
job analysis
competitor survey
salesforce survey

Question 7
This influence strategy might involve "office politics" and the use of third parties to influence others.

Question 8
How would a large direct sales company such as Avon most likely compensate their salespeople?
Straight salary
Salary plus bonuses
Straight commission
Salary plus commission

Question 9
Which of the following is not one of the four major areas covered by the sales organization audit framework?
Sales management evaluation
Sales organization history
Sales organization environment
Sales management functions

Question 10
While other methods of performance evaluation were rated very good on job relatedness and reliability criteria, which method received a poor rating?
Graphic rating/checklist method
Ranking methods
Management by objectives (MBO)
Behaviorally anchored rating scales (BARS)

Ashworth Semester Exam BM380

Question 1
Market research becomes unnecessary when managers are:
aware of the causes of a problem at hand.
uncertain about consequences of decision alternatives.
certain about the consequences of decision alternatives.
certain about the symptoms of a problem at hand.

Question 2
Which of the following would serve as a good decision rule for managers in establishing the need for marketing research
Ensuring that one's competitors are conducting market researches
Determining the value that can be derived from marketing research conducted by competitors
Determining the costs incurred by other companies in conducting marketing research
Comparing the value of the marketing research to the cost

Question 3
Jeff is the president of a bank. He wants to find out the satisfaction level of his customers in Dallas on certain dimensions such as friendliness of employees, convenience of location, and availability of loans. Jeff needs to conduct:
exploratory research.
descriptive research.
causal research.
prescriptive research.

Question 4
If we were measuring age, income, height, number of bottles purchased, and so on, we would be measuring:
objective properties.
subjective properties.
objective objects.
subjective objects.

Question 5
Screening questions are used to:
increase reliability by screening out respondents with inconsistent answers.
shield the true purpose of a question from a respondent.
determine whether or not a potential respondent qualifies to take part in a survey based on certain selection criteria the researcher has deemed essential.
increase response rates by screening out unlikely respondents.

Question 6
Probability samples are those for which the members of the population:
can be found for survey purposes.
all have a chance of being included in the sample.
have an unknown chance of being included in the sample.
whose responses may be predetermined with some known probability.

Question 7
In sample size formulas, the symbol "e" stands for:
estimated parameter or desired confidence level.
acceptable population equation.
estimated statistic or desired variability.
acceptable sample error.

Question 8
If you were conducting a telephone survey of households using random digit dialing numbers and you determined that you needed a sample size of 1,100, which of the following would be most accurate?
You would need to obtain exactly 1,100 telephone numbers to call.
You would need to obtain far less than 1,100 telephone numbers because you know that many will not answer or cooperate anyway.
You will need some multiple of the 1,100 numbers in order to ensure you account for factors such as numbers that are for business phones, ineligible households (incidence rate), and those numbers dialed whose owners refuse to participate.
You will need only a few extra numbers to allow for those who have moved away.

Question 9
_________ is a form of logic in which you make a general statement about an entire class based on what you have observed about a small set of members of that class.

Question 10
A relationship in which the presence (or absence) of one variable is systematically associated with the presence (or absence) of another is:
causal relationship.
linear relationship.
monotonic relationship.
nonmonotonic relationship.

Ashworth Semester Exam - A03V Principles of Accounting II

A03V : Principles of Accounting II
Issued stock is:
authorized shares of stock that can be sold.
stock only sold to another company.
shares sold and in stockholders' possession.
stock sold to stockholders.

In the statement of cash flows, which event would cause net income to be increased?
A decrease in Inventory
An increase in Prepaid Insurance
A decrease in Accounts Payable
An increase in Accounts Receivable

Finished Goods Inventory appears on which of the following statements on the worksheet?
Statement of cost of goods manufactured and income statement
Statement of cost of goods manufactured and balance sheet
Income statement and balance sheet
Income statement and cost of goods sold statement

One reason a corporation might issue bonds rather than sell stock is that :
bond interest is a tax-deductible expense.
interest rates are high.
dividends will lower the amount of tax due.
bondholders have claims at liquidation.

For a corporation, bond interest :
is treated the same as dividends for tax purposes.
has no effect on earnings and therefore has no effect on income taxes.
reduces income tax by reducing earnings.
None of the above.

Dividends paid to stockholders are:
taxable to the recipient stockholder.
taxable to the corporation.
treated the same as bond interest.
None of the above.

If beginning and ending inventories are $20,000 and $30,000, respectively, and cost of goods sold is $400,000, what is the inventory turnover ratio?

Declaration of a cash dividend causes:
an increase in stockholders' equity.
an increase in cash.
an increase in liabilities.
None of the above.

The current ratio is:
quick assets divided by current liabilities.
assets divided by liabilities.
current assets divided by current liabilities.
net sales divided by current liabilities.

When the contract rate of interest on bonds is equal to the market rate of interest, bonds sell at:
a premium.
their face value.
their maturity rate.
a discount.

Thursday, March 26, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam - C06S Business Ethics

C06S : Business Ethics
Which is NOT a requirement for a facility to be considered a sweatshop?
Unmitigated health and safety hazards
High temperatures
Poor working conditions
Unfair wages

How have most businesses adapted to information technology developments?
They have become larger and more unwieldy.
They have become more hierarchical.
They have become flatter, smaller, and more nimble.
They have become more profitable.

UNOCAL worked with the Burmese army to push the pipeline using:
low-wage workers.
forced labor.
unethical land reclamation schemes.
None of the above

What is the "hardwired" Intention Principle?
Harming by action is worse than harming by omission.
Harming by omission is worse than harming by ignorance.
Harming by physical contact is worse than without physical contact.
Harming anyone for any reason is wrong.

During the financial crisis in 2008, George W. Bush asked U.S. Congress to pass legislation to create a Troubled Asset Relief Program (TARP) in the amount of:
$1 trillion.
$90 billion.
$80 billion.
$700 billion.

China and Singapore are examples of what type of economies?
Ones that favor free markets and globalization
Ones that favor individual property rights
Ones that favor government intervention
Ones that favor competition

Which of the following would negatively impact the effectiveness of market theory consumer protection?
Low prices
High prices
Many competitors

Which is the best description of intentional discrimination?
The conscious and deliberate discriminatory act on an individual
The discrimination brought about by the unconscious biases of an individual
The acts of discrimination made by the few heads of an organization
The discrimination that results from the routines and processes of large groups

Which of the following is NOT a key consideration for an employer when impinging on an employee's privacy?

Which of these is NOT a view on the duty of a business to its customers?
Duty of care view
Social costs view
Contract view
Normative view

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...