Saturday, April 4, 2020

PUA5307 Unit VI Strategic Plan Part 1

Strategic Plan: Part 1

In this first part of the final strategic plan development assignment, you will work on some of the introductory activities related to plan development that we have discussed throughout the course. You should think about an organization that you are interested in and how a strategic planning effort could affect certain organization areas and how it could effectively be implemented. You cannot use the same organization that you used for Units III and IV, and you must use a public sector or nonprofit organization.

During this portion of the process, your submission, which should be at least two pages in length, should include the following components:

  • an identification of the organization selected and the particular policy or department/area that the plan will be developed for,
  • an explanation for why the particular area or policy deserves strategic plan attention,
  • challenges that could arise throughout the strategic planning process, and
  • a primary, APA-formatted list of no fewer than eight resources (at least four of which must be peer-reviewed) that will be incorporated into this and future portions of the plan development series. This list is in addition to the sources that you will use for this specific portion of the project.  As such, please include two lists: one that only includes sources used in this unit's assignment and a second one that includes the sources that you plan to use for Units VI, VII, and VIII.

Be sure to select an organization that you are interested in completing the entire three-part project for, and pay close attention to comments and suggestions from the professor left after each submitted portion is returned to you. Each new portion will build off of the previous one.


PUA5307 Unit VIII Course Project -Strategic Plan Part III

Strategic Plan: Part 3

In this third part of the final strategic plan development assignment, you will follow up on the content that you developed during the first two sections by adding content that will complete your strategic plan. Additionally, you will make some observations regarding how your plan compares with a private sector strategic plan.

During this portion of the process, your submission, which should be at least four pages in length excluding Parts 1 and 2 from Units VI and VII, should include the following components:

  • an implementation strategy that includes appropriate inputs, outputs, and expected outcomes;
  • performance measures with accompanying explanations linking the measures to specific items and areas;
  • a synopsis of how a strategic management system would be implemented; and
  • a comparison between public sector strategic planning efforts and private sector strategic planning efforts. Use your completed plan and processes as a basis for comparison.

Be sure that you are remaining consistent with your organization. Also, please include Parts 1 and 2 with updates based on feedback from your professor and Part 3 of your plan in one document. Please include only one title page and one reference page with this assignment.


PY360 Assignment 4

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Your sole resource for responding to the three essay topics is your text: Ethics for the Information Age (7th Edition). Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.

This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:

Part 1: In your own words, describe early milestones in information storage and retrieval, beginning with the Greek alphabet and proceeding to the advent of Ted Nelson's creation of the hypertext system.

Part 2: Explain Rawls' theory of justice, including basic concepts of his thought experiment, and in particular the idea of one's original position, the veil of ignorance, and the difference principle.

Part 3: Describe evidence that Internet addiction exists based on your personal experience followed by a summary of expert opinion offered in our text. In that context, discuss factors that contribute to Internet addiction.

Friday, April 3, 2020

PY360 Assignment 8 (2019)

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Your sole resource for responding to the three essay topics is your text: Ethics for the Information Age (7th Edition). Respond to the topics for this writing assignment using your own words. Design your responses as if you are explaining facts, concepts, and ideas to someone who is not familiar with the subject matter. Be sure to include creative examples wherever they may be appropriate. Also, be sure to provide a title for each of your essay responses.

This assignment requires you to write essays in response to all of the following:

Part 1: In your own words, summarize and contrast the harms and benefits of privacy, offering your commentary. Your commentary can include illustrative examples based on your perspective and experience.

Part 2: Offering your own commentary as you see fit, critically evaluate the idea that whistle blowing is a moral duty, focusing primarily on the perspectives of Richard De George and Carlos G. Bell, Jr.

Part 3: From the perspective of Robert Frank and Philip Cook, in your own words, describe the harmful effects of the winner-take-all society in general and the economy in particular. When it seems appropriate, provide examples from your experience or observations.


PY360 Lesson 7 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT

[07] Quiz 7
Question 1
Responsibility assigned because of a person's assigned duties is called __________ responsibility.
Question options:




Question 2
The Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice was developed by:
Question options:

Computer Professinals for Social Responsibility.

the Association for Computing Machinery and the Institute for Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

a consortium of computer science departments in the United States, Canada, and Mexico.

Immanuel Kant.
Question 3
According to the textbook, which of the following careers is NOT an example of a profession?
Question options:




Software engineer
Question 4
What is the relationship of the ACM regarding the licensing of software engineers?
Question options:

The ACM is the licensing agent for software engineers.

The ACM actively supports the licensing of software engineers.

The ACM provides educational materials for the licensing of software engineers.

The ACM is opposed to the licensing of software engineers.
Question 5
Licensing gives the members of a profession the __________ right to practice the profession.
Question options:



agreed upon

Question 6
Which of the following is NOT one of the characteristics of a mature profession?
Question options:

Code of ethics


Mandatory drug testing

Mandatory professional development
Question 7
According to Aristotle, deriving pleasure from a virtuous act is a sign that you:
Question options:

have developed the virtue.

have not yet developed the virtue.

are egotistical.

are hedonistic.
Question 8
According to Aristotle, when people with strong character face a moral problem, they know the right thing to do, because:
Question options:

they are able to determine with accuracy the consequences of their actions.

the action is consistent with their character.

they care more for other people than for themselves.

they are completely impartial with respect to how they treat other people.
Question 9
__________ is required in order to use the Software Engineering Code of Ethics effectively.
Question options:


Good judgment

A college education

Question 10
Unlike most professionals, the typical software engineer does NOT:
Question options:

have a college education.

make important decisions.

make more than minimum wage.

work directly with individual clients.
Question 11
The Principles and Clauses in the Software Engineering Code of Ethics and Professional Practice:
Question options:

address every ethical dilemma a software engineer may face.

provide algebraic formulas for determining the best course of action.

incorporate every relevant feature into the formulas.

None of the above
Question 12
In The Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle writes that happiness results from:
Question options:

acting in a manner that supports the greater good.

fulfilling work.

living a life of virtue.

giving freely of oneself to others.
Question 13
A principal factor contributing to the loss of the space shuttle Challenger was that:
Question options:

its payload was too heavy.

there were no experienced astronauts on board.

the weather in Florida was unusually cold.

it was hit by lightning.
Question 14
The process giving someone the legal right to practice a profession is called:
Question options:




professional ethics.
Question 15
According to Michael McFarland, a team of engineers:
Question options:

has more moral accountability than any of its members.

has less moral accountability than any of its members.

has the same amount of moral accountability as its members.

should always designate a single person to be the ethical "watchdog."
Question 16
The process by which candidates are evaluated to determine their readiness to enter the profession is called:
Question options:



professional candidacy.

exam administration.
Question 17
Roger Boisjoly provided a Presidential commission with documents supporting his hypothesis about how the cold temperature had caused the failure of an O-ring on the Space Shuttle Challenger. For this action, Boisjoly was considered:
Question options:


a hero.

a leader.

a whistleblower.
Question 18
Michael McFarland argues that a team of engineers should be held to a higher level of moral responsibility than:
Question options:


society as a whole.

the company.

any of its members.
Question 19
A mature profession insists that its members complete an initial professional education. The process by which the profession assures that this formal course work meets its standards is called:
Question options:




quality control.
Question 20
Virtue ethics does NOT:
Question options:

provide a motive for good behavior.

stress the importance of loyalty.

promote healthy social interactions.

make it easier to decide what to do in a particular situation.

PY360 Lesson 8 Exam SCORE 95 PERCENT_1

Question 1
Artificial intelligence is the field of computer science and engineering that focuses on ways to get machines to exhibit:
Question options:


ethical behavior.

intelligent behavior.

philosophical insights.
Question 2
Globalization is:
Question options:

the creation of international computer networks.

the adoption of global Internet standards.

the adoption of English as the language of business.

the process of creating a worldwide network of businesses and markets.
Question 3
An arrangement where employees spend a significant portion of their work day at a distance from the employer or traditional place of work is called:
Question options:




home-based business.
Question 4
The process by which a new technology is assimilated into a society is called:
Question options:

cultural relativism.


IT leverage.

technological diffusion.
Question 5
In 1997 IBM supercomputer Deep Blue:
Question options:

defeated world chess champion Gary Kasparov in a six-game match.

proved the existence of God.

drove a minivan across the United States.

designed the Pentium chip.
Question 6
The phrase "digital divide" refers to the situation where:
Question options:

users of Macintosh computers are at a disadvantage compared to users of Windows computers.

only stockholders in high-tech companies can get rich in the new economy.

the U.S. government prevents information technology from being exported to "unfriendly" countries.

some people have access to information technology and others do not.
Question 7
The modern business environment is highly competitive and rapidly fluctuating. As a result, the level of commitment companies are willing to make to their employees is:
Question options:




Question 8
One way automation can lead to the creation of new jobs is by:
Question options:

producing products quicker, thus shortening the work week.

reducing the price of a product, thus increasing people's real income.

consuming fewer resources, thus improving the environment.

All of the above
Question 9
Robert Frank and Philip Cook have explored markets where a few top performers receive a disproportionate share of the rewards. They call them __________ markets.
Question options:




Question 10
When one store stays open late to gain an advantage, its competitors begin to stay open late, too. At this point the first store is no better off than it was before, but now every store has additional expenses. This illustration is an example of what Frank and Cook call a:
Question options:

capitalistic marathon.

market economy.

positional arms race.

struggle for parity.
Question 11
According to the Encyclopedia of Computer Science, a "programmable machine that either in performance or appearance imitates human activities" is called a:
Question options:




Question 12
__________ makes the rules for globalization.
Question options:

Big business


The World Trade Organization

The Multinational Trade Association
Question 13
A personal AI is:
Question options:

an intelligent machine inexpensive enough for an individual to purchase it.

an intelligent machine devoted to serving an individual human being.

a computer capable of beating human beings at games such as chess.

a machine conscious of its own existence.
Question 14
Supply-chain automation:
Question options:

streamlines organizations by eliminating transactional middlemen.

is one way Dell Computer keeps its costs low.

links computers at different companies.

All of the above
Question 15
Productivity in the United States doubled between 1945 and 1990. However, the work week didn't get shorter because:
Question options:

income taxes were raised.

the standard of living increased.

corporate downsizing reduced the number of people in the workforce.

the pay of CEOs skyrocketed.
Question 16
In 1997 IBM supercomputer Deep Blue defeated world champion Gary Kasparov playing the game of:
Question options:




Question 17
In the absence of laws, businesses can form __________ to reduce positional arms races.
Question options:

campaign committees

cooperative agreements

task forces

Question 18
In some markets a few top performers receive a disproportionate share of the rewards. Frank and Cook call this phenomenon:
Question options:




the winner-take-all effect.
Question 19
The first people to adopt a new technology are those who are better off. As the technology matures, its price drops dramatically, enabling more people to acquire it. This process is called:
Question options:

technological diffusion.

market economics.

social receptivity.

IT leveraging.
Question 20
Manufacturing employment peaked in the United States in 1979. By 2008 manufacturing employment had dropped __________, even though the population of the United States had increased 35% during the same period.
Question options:





PY365 Lesson 6 Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Question 1
The discipline focused on the production of software, as well as the development of tools, methodologies, and theories supporting software production, is most accurately called:
Question options:

artificial intelligence.

computer engineering.

computer science.

software engineering.
Question 2
Which mistake was NOT made by AECL, the manufacturer of the Therac-25?
Question options:

It did not include software or hardware devices to detect and report overdoses.

It did not tell other hospitals about possible overdose incidents.

It reused code without proper testing.

It continued to sell the Therac-25 after the FDA declared it to be defective.
Question 3
In November 2002 a programming error caused a touch-screen voting machine to fail to record 436 ballots cast in Wake County:
Question options:

North Carolina.



Question 4
Which of these statements about the National Crime Information Center (NCIC) is true?
Question options:

The NCIC databases contain about 40 million records.

Improper use of the NCIC has led to about 1 million false arrests.

Local law enforcement agencies enter most of the information that is in the NCIC databases.

The Department of Homeland Security is in charge of the NCIC.
Question 5
__________ is the process of determining if a computer program correctly implements the simulation model.
Question options:




Question 6
The process of determining if a model is an accurate representation of the real system is called:
Question options:

the null hypothesis.

software engineering.


Question 7
In a(n) __________, two or more concurrent tasks share a variable, and the order in which they read or write the value of the variable can affect the behavior of the program.
Question options:

causal condition

integrated system

race condition

direct system
Question 8
Computer simulations can:
Question options:

accurately predict the weather a month in advance.

save automobile manufacturers time and money as they develop new cars.

prove our planet is overpopulated.

All of the above
Question 9
The AT&T long-distance network did not collapse entirely on January 15, 1990, because:
Question options:

the U.S. Secret Service arrested the culprits before they could do any further damage.

AT&T technicians rapidly fixed the software bug in the routing switches.

MCI loaned some equipment to AT&T.

not all the routing switches had been converted to the latest software.
Question 10
The Ariane 5 was a satellite launch vehicle designed by the __________ space agency.
Question options:




Question 11
The Ariane 5 satellite launch vehicle failed because:
Question options:

a faulty on-board computer caused the other computers in the network to crash repeatedly.

a bad sensor fed faulty information into the flight control computer, causing it to fail.

the rocket's on-board computer sent back faulty information to ground control, causing the human controllers to destroy the rocket.

code that worked correctly on the Ariane 4 failed on the Ariane 5.
Question 12
Software engineers use a four-step process to develop a software product. Which of the following is NOT one of the steps?
Question options:




Question 13
The Patriot missile system:
Question options:

was designed to shoot down airplanes.

failed to shoot down a Scud missile that killed 28 U.S. soldiers in the Gulf War.

failed because it had been left running too long.

All of the above
Question 14
Some computer experts have spoken out against the conversion to touch-screen voting machines because:
Question options:

there is no evidence that there have been any problems with punched card systems.

they are made in China, which does not even hold elections.

a power failure could make it impossible for people to vote.

they do not have a paper audit trail.
Question 15
In 1999 computer errors led to the loss of two NASA probes to:
Question options:

The Moon.



Question 16
Which of the following is NOT a reason to use a computer simulation?
Question options:

To model past events

To produce a detailed financial model

To reduce costs

To save time
Question 17
The inability of BAE Automated Systems to create an automated baggage handling system led to a significant delay in the opening of the new airport outside the city of:
Question options:




Question 18
In 1975 Congress passed the __________. One goal of the act was to prevent manufacturers from putting unfair warranties on products costing more than $25.
Question options:

Retail Protection Act

Uniform Commercial Code

Limitation of Remedies and Liability Act

Magnuson-Moss Warranty Act
Question 19
Which of the following is NOT an issue with DRE voting machines used in Brazil and India?
Question options:

Lack of a paper audit trail

Vulnerability to tampering

Voter identity may be revealed

Source code is a trade secret
Question 20
By making the PDP 11 minicomputer an integral part of the Therac-25, AECL was able to:
Question options:

shrink the size of the machine considerably.

increase the stock price of its subsidiary Digital Equipment Corporation.

reduce costs by replacing hardware safety features with software safety features.

eliminate the need for lead shielding.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...