Monday, April 6, 2020

PUA5306 Unit II Essay


Review the video Ask Me Why I Care: J. Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, California Forward available at the link below. The transcript for this video is available here.

Public Service Stories – Ask Me Why I Care. (2015, October 14). Ask me why I care: J. Fred Silva, senior policy advisor, California Forward [Video]. Retrieved from

Emphasizing the old days when community and civic leaders communicated on a regular basis, Fred Silva, Senior Policy Advisor, supporting California local government, also provides advice for students interested in public policy development. Based on the unit lesson and Mr. Silva's advice on solving public policy challenges, select a local or national policy issue, then outline and specifically delineate each policy process variable(s).

Your paper should include:

  • an introductory paragraph identifying the public policy topic and background;
  • Six comprehensive paragraphs – each paragraph heading will be listed as:
    • Problem Definition and Analysis: In this paragraph, answer the questions of who, what, why, where, when, and how much.
    • Drafting Policy Options: In this paragraph, identify policy options.
    • Policy Decision Implications: In this paragraph, identify which stakeholders and what will be changed.
    • Measuring Alternatives: In this paragraph, identify realistic and practical options.
    • Ethical Implications: In this paragraph, identify what groups' values or cultures may be affected.
    • Desirable Conclusions: In this paragraph, describe the policy selected and why it was selected; and
  • a summary. Conclude your remarks by illustrating why public policy option was selected, why it was the best option or not the best, and identify what lessons you learned from your research.





PUA5306 Unit III Case Study


Select a special interest group from the link below:

Using your selected special interest group, write a two-page paper to answer the questions below. Use headings to indicate sections of your paper. Be sure to include supporting evidence for your main ideas.

  • Introduce the agency, its roles and functions.
  • Identify how the agency attains its members.
  • List any special affiliation services it provides to its membership.
  • Classify what specific public policy category it attempts to advance and how it goes about having its interests applied in policy development.
  • Reference association conferences it has held, and identify what issues and solutions were addressed.
  • List past organizational conferences it has held, and identify what issues and solutions were addressed.
  • List any watchdog functions, such as monitoring the actions of congressional member voting records.
  • What is the draw to become a member in the group you have selected? What political interest does the agency serve?
  • Summarize the agency's success at influencing public policy.

PUA5306 Unit IV Essay


Unit IV focuses on the development of policymaking models. Using the domestic policy examples of health care and education, examine the framework of a policy process at the local, state, or national level. Provide at least two references for your paper, ensuring that your textbook is one of the references used for this analysis.

  • Select a policy initiative that references the healthcare or education field at the local, state, or national level.
  • Identify, describe, and provide a rationale for the chosen policy.
  • Provide relevancy and its effect on the chosen industry.
  • Describe any deviation from the current policy that would improve its effectiveness.
  • If your recommended changes are implemented, would there be ways to measure policy improvements?
  • Examine what level of oversight national government should provide to the chosen policy.

Your assignment should be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Be sure your paper is double-spaced and uses 12-point font and one-inch margins. Use your own words, and include citations and references as needed to avoid plagiarism. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.


Saturday, April 4, 2020

PUA5307 Unit I Article Critique


Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed or scholarly article you locate in the CSU Online Library. The article should discuss the strategic planning efforts that have been undertaken by either a public sector organization or a nonprofit organization and must include financial considerations and aspects of the undertaking.

Address the questions listed below.

  • What are the main points of the authors, and how did the organization decide to adopt a strategic planning process?
  • Could the organization's goals have been facilitated in the absence of strategic planning? Regardless of your response, in what circumstances can strategic planning be eliminated as a process in contention for implementation?
  • What are some of the organizational and plan standards that appear to have been maintained in order to accurately measure and assess plan success?
  • What is your assessment of the financial commitments that the organization made to the strategic planning initiative, and do you think that they are representative of more widespread public or third sector strategic planning efforts?
  • What does the article suggest about the viability of strategic planning in the public or nonprofit sector?

The critique should be at least two pages in length, be double-spaced, use Times New Roman, 12-point font, and utilize APA style. Be sure to cite all quoted and paraphrased material (either from the article being reviewed or any other sources you might choose to add) appropriately in APA format.

PUA5307 Unit IV Scholarly Activity SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis

We have discussed the importance of the SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis in this unit, and now you will have the opportunity to conduct one on your own. Review the unit readings including the one-page required reading assignment titled "SWOT Analysis: Questions for Conducting an Analysis with Your Team", and conduct a SWOT analysis for the organization that you presented on in Unit III. The assignment has two components, which are listed below:

  • a two-page written SWOT analysis where each area/factor is recognized and explained and
  • a visual SWOT analysis where each area is separated and organized into different segments. The visual SWOT analysis should be included at the end of the written portion and is not included in the two-page written requirement.

Click here to access a template for a SWOT analysis.

Please use at least three sources (one being the textbook) in the development of your comprehensive assignment. APA formatting applies.


PUA5307 Unit V Case Study


In this case study, you serve as the executive director for a local nonprofit organization in your city that serves the needs of homeless veterans in the community. Your organization has decided to engage in strategic planning in order to improve some of the processes associated with maintaining relationships built between volunteer workers and the organization. Over the last year, 75% of volunteers were "one-offs," and everyone would like to see more consistent service from interested parties and people.

Before developing a strategy to update the communications and outreach processes, it is important to consider the areas below.

  • There are a large number of ex-homeless veterans who make up the vast majority of your organization's consistent volunteer base. Although they are happy to assist their fellow veterans, there is an obvious degree of burnout occurring as more events and low, inconsistent staffing has resulted in almost all of the burden being placed on these volunteers. As such, there are slight but obvious pressures for quick, tangible changes to be made in involved areas.
  • Your organization's advisory board shares some of the same priorities as your volunteer group; however, two of the board members are close with state representatives, and there is pending legislation that will require special training (two 3-hour seminars on separate weekends) for those looking to volunteer with certain specified populations (veterans being one of the probable populations). Because of this, the advisory board is already pushing for all volunteers, existing and prospective, to register for the seminars.

In a minimum of two pages, discuss the areas below:

  • the pros and cons of attempting to make a "big splash" to appease your organization's stakeholders in the establishment of new policy,
  • how the preferences of the advisory board would likely impact your strategy development process, and
  • how the stakeholder interests and advisory board priorities differ and how these differences could be resolved or compromised.

You only need to use your textbook as a resource, but please be sure to properly cite any work/content that you use that is derived from other works.





PUA5307 Unit VI Strategic Plan Part 1

Strategic Plan: Part 1

In this first part of the final strategic plan development assignment, you will work on some of the introductory activities related to plan development that we have discussed throughout the course. You should think about an organization that you are interested in and how a strategic planning effort could affect certain organization areas and how it could effectively be implemented. You cannot use the same organization that you used for Units III and IV, and you must use a public sector or nonprofit organization.

During this portion of the process, your submission, which should be at least two pages in length, should include the following components:

  • an identification of the organization selected and the particular policy or department/area that the plan will be developed for,
  • an explanation for why the particular area or policy deserves strategic plan attention,
  • challenges that could arise throughout the strategic planning process, and
  • a primary, APA-formatted list of no fewer than eight resources (at least four of which must be peer-reviewed) that will be incorporated into this and future portions of the plan development series. This list is in addition to the sources that you will use for this specific portion of the project.  As such, please include two lists: one that only includes sources used in this unit's assignment and a second one that includes the sources that you plan to use for Units VI, VII, and VIII.

Be sure to select an organization that you are interested in completing the entire three-part project for, and pay close attention to comments and suggestions from the professor left after each submitted portion is returned to you. Each new portion will build off of the previous one.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...