Wednesday, April 8, 2020

PUA5305 Unit II Essay


Compose an essay of no less than 500 words discussing the topics covered in this unit. Your essay should include the following:

  • Describe at least three public goods provided by public institutions and how these public goods impact society domestically and/or internationally.
  • Discuss how demand and supply of public goods is influenced by external, environmental, economic, and political factors.
  • Discuss Arrow's impossibility theorem, and give an example of how it can affect the political process, other than the example discussed in the unit lesson and the textbook.

You must use at least one scholarly source in addition to your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. All references and citations used must be in APA style.

PUA5305 Unit III Essay


Using your favorite search engine, locate the federal budget and your state budget for the current fiscal year. Compare and contrast both budgets in an essay consisting of no less than 500 words, and include the following:

  • Discuss the budgeting tools utilized by both government types.
  • Discuss the impact of market inefficiencies on both government types.
  • Discuss the use of rainy day funds by the state and whether or not something similar would work for the federal government. If you feel it would work for the federal government, please explain how you think it would work. If you do not think it will work, please explain your reasoning.

PUA5305 Unit VI Project Topic

Part I

This assignment is the first of a three-part process. Parts II and III will be completed in Units VII and VIII respectively.

Using your favorite search engine, select a local government budget that has not filed a petition for bankruptcy. Evaluate the past three years of the selected government's distribution of income. Develop an analysis including the following:

  • Evaluate trends of revenue sources and balances (funds, surpluses, deficits) and how they impact the government's budget.
  • Evaluate ethical practices of financial policy on taxes, fees, and charges.
  • Assess internal/external opportunities and challenges of revenue sources.

Your report should consist of no less than two pages, and all sources utilized should be cited and referenced using APA style. Please ensure that you include a cover page and reference page. Remember that the cover page and reference page are not included in the page expectation.

PUA5305 Unit VII Project Topic

Part II

Multi-year Budget Evaluation

This assignment is the second of a three-part process. Part III will be completed in Unit VIII.

Using the selected government budget from Part I in the previous unit, evaluate the past three years' allocation of public goods. Develop an analysis including the following:

  • Evaluate goals and priorities of the local government goods and services.
  • Assess internal and external challenges for providing goods and services.
  • Evaluate budget stabilization measures.
  • Provide recommendations.

Your report should consist of no less than two pages, and all sources utilized should be cited and referenced using APA style. Please ensure that you include a cover page and reference page. Remember that the cover page and reference page are not included in the page expectation.


PUA5305 Unit V Case Study


You are a municipal budget analyst. Using your favorite search engine, locate the budget of a municipality that has completed a petition to file bankruptcy. Some examples include Detroit, Michigan; Stockton, California; Central Falls, Rhode Island; San Bernardino, California; Prichard, Alabama; and Vallejo, California.

Develop your case study findings and recommendations consisting of no less than 500 words in which you discuss the following:

  • Briefly describe the municipality's demographics.
  • Evaluate the previous three-year trend of the municipality's major revenue sources and expenditures.
  • Analyze the impact of the issues contributing to the municipality's budget deficiencies.
  • Propose three alternative financing options.

Monday, April 6, 2020

PUA5305 Unit VIII Research


Part III

Using the selected government budget from Parts I and II in the previous units, expand upon your previous works in discussing the following areas:

  • Privatization efforts that have been made as well as recommendations for possible privatization efforts or partnerships with private and nonprofit companies/organizations
  • An analysis of financial policy trends towards alternative taxes
  • An analysis of relevant state and federal tax policies (or related legislation) that could affect revenue streams or outlays
Your report should consist of no less than two pages, and all sources utilized should be cited and referenced using APA style.

PUA5306 Unit II Discussion

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...