Saturday, April 11, 2020

PUA5303 Unit VIII Research paper


Part 3: The Finalized Action Plan

As you conclude this three-part assignment that began in Unit VI, you will be applying many of the course concepts that have been discussed in this unit and in previous units by conducting a well-researched analysis.

For the final portion of the assignment, refer to the comments left by the instructor on the second portion of the project (Unit VII) surrounding your selected organization or department.

Now that the organization or department has been identified and the action plan has been developed, it is time to manage the stresses associated with the changes that are sure to invoke a range of emotions for the organization's workers and stakeholders.

To accomplish this, you will need to complete the components below.

  • Compare and contrast possible feelings and ensuing behaviors and actions that may result from the plan's implementation.
  • Recommend strategies that you would utilize in order to successfully acknowledge, address, and manage these behaviors. (Note: Your strategies should address at least two entities—the organization or department as a whole and public stakeholders).
  • Relate qualities and considerations that are unique to public administrators and best practices in collaboration.

Your final segment will need to be at least three pages in length and utilize the remaining four of the sources found in your initial Unit VI Scholarly Activity or selected replacements. If sources were previously used, they may be used again in addition to four new sources.

Since this is the final portion of the assignment, you will need submit one finalized version of your action plan consisting of the work you completed for Units VII and VIII. Altogether, your paper should total at least six pages in length.

Be sure to properly format your title page and reference page in APA style, and keep in mind that the aforementioned do not count toward meeting the six-page minimum requirement.







Wednesday, April 8, 2020

PUA5304 Unit I Scholary Article

Ethical Considerations and Research Questions

This is a three-part assignment that will be submitted as one document. You do not need to include an introduction or conclusion. Note: This assignment will also be integrated into the Unit IV Assignment. Answer the following questions:

  1. Define the term research question in your own words, and expand upon the significance of carefully crafting it at the outset of the research undertaking.
  2. Explain the importance of ethical considerations in public and nonprofit administration research. Be sure to mention informed consent, privacy, confidentiality, anonymity, and Institutional Review Board (IRB) in your response.
  3. Go to The College Scorecard by clicking the link below.

U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). College scorecard. Retrieved from

Select Public Administration and Social Service Professions in the Programs and Degrees box and your state of residence in the Location box. You will see the names of a number of schools as well as each school's statistics for total undergraduates, average annual cost, graduation rate, and salary after attending. With the information provided, construct two research questions. The topic of the questions can be anything of your choice, but you should be sure to include the relevant variables as well as hypotheses that you would associate with each question.

The total assignment length (not counting title and reference pages) should be at least two pages and no more than four pages. Please use at least the textbook in the development of your comprehensive assignment. APA formatting applies. The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes. Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others. Consider running your assignment through the SafeAssign Originality Checker located in the student portal. Please contact your professor if you have any questions regarding your originality report.


PUA5304 Unit II Scholarly Activity


Data and Measurements

In this unit, you start looking more closely at data and making assessments regarding its perceived level of usefulness to your own research endeavors.

For the first part of the assignment, go to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) at the link below (bookmark this page; you will be going here a lot throughout the course), scroll to the bottom of the screen, and click "NCES Statistical Standards."

National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved from

Answer the following question.

In your review of the NCES Statistical Standards, what evidence do you see that the data acquired is reliable and valid; that is, which standards suggest that reliability and validity are priorities?

Next, go back to the IPEDS page, and click on the Report Your Data area and then on the Answer Current Survey area. Answer the following questions.

  1. At first glance, what appears to be the primary means that IPEDS uses to collect data? What threats to reliability and validity does this technique pose?
  2. Would 12-month enrollment likely be a very sensitive measure of student satisfaction? Why, or why not?
  3. How appropriate do you think a time-series analysis of graduation rates would be within a research study? Would it be more or less appropriate than a time-series analysis of institutional characteristics? Why, or why not?

The total assignment length (not counting title and reference pages) should be at least two pages. You are not required to include an introduction or conclusion. You may number your paper and answer each question. Please use at least the textbook and the required website in the development of your assignment. APA formatting applies. The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources, whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes. Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others. Consider running your assignment through the SafeAssign Originality Checker located in the student portal. Please contact your professor if you have any questions regarding your originality report.



PUA5304 Unit III Scholarly Activity


Performance Measures

In this unit, we return once again to the National Center for Educational Statistics (NCES) Integrated Postsecondary Education Data System (IPEDS) at the link below and begin to compile information, make basic comparisons, and illustrate trends.

National Center for Education Statistics. (n.d.). Home page. Retrieved from

For the first part of the assignment, go to IPEDS, and click on the Find your College box. Next, click on the Compare Colleges box. This will take you to the College Scorecard area from the first unit of the course. Click on Programs and Degrees, and select Four-year (Bachelor's) and Public Administration and Social Service Professions and for Location, select Alabama. You should see a list of colleges and universities that present all three statistical areas. Ignore any in the list that do not present all three areas.

For the graphs and charts described below, click here for helpful instructions for creating each type.

  • Create a bar graph to display the Graduation Rates of each of the institutions. The bar graph should be labeled appropriately with a title and a legend.
  • Create a pie chart to display the Average Annual Costs of the listed institutions. Split these into whatever amount ranges that you would like.  
  • Calculate the range, mean, median, mode, and standard deviation for the Salary After Attending from the institutions. In your response, include the list of all the values that you included in your calculation, and then provide an answer to each calculation. Click here for helpful instruction on calculating range, mode, mean, median, and standard deviations. In addition, the website below provides some helpful tips in calculating standard deviation:

Math is Fun. (n.d.). Standard deviation formulas. Retrieved from

Place the bar graph, the pie chart, the list of all values, and the answers to each calculation into one document and submit. Be sure to include a properly formatted title page and reference page with your work. At a minimum, you will need to cite the NCES website. For your reference, the citation for the NCES website for this assignment is below:

U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). College scorecard. Retrieved from



PUA5304 Unit IV Homework Assignment

Survey Questions

In this unit, prepare an eight-question survey related to the research question that you developed in Unit I. While developing your survey, consider the following information:

  • You must indicate whether your approach is more qualitative or quantitative in nature or if it is more of a hybrid approach and why the selected approach is most appropriate for your study.
  • For each question included, provide rationale for why the question has been included, what types of information the researcher expects to garner from the question, and why the question is worded the way that it is.

Explanatory portions should be included directly after each question as opposed to including all questions first and then all explanatory content. You are not required to include an introduction or conclusion for this assignment. You can number the questions and include the explanatory portions directly after each question. Please use at least the textbook in the development of your assignment.

You will not need to cite your questions since this should be your original work, but be sure to include appropriate citations (and APA formatting) appropriately within your explanatory portions. The purpose of this assignment is to gauge your understanding of the content, so focus on writing original content rather than simply regurgitating the textbook or other sources, whether by paraphrasing or using direct quotes. Paraphrasing is acceptable, but try to keep paraphrasing to a minimum. A good rule of thumb is to use 80% of your own work and paraphrase 20% or less of the work of others. Consider running your assignment through the SafeAssign Originality Checker located in the student portal. Please contact your professor if you have any questions regarding your originality report.

PUA5304 Unit VII Research Proposal

In this unit, you will develop a research proposal as if you were going to conduct a full research project. In each section, you will include content related to areas that have been introduced and discussed throughout the course and will use one of the databases that you have used with previous submissions.
For this unit, please address the following items:
Revisit the link below and select any degree, program, and state combination that you would like as long as there are at least 10 schools/universities total. Since the topic of this course is public administration, be sure to exclude private schools and focus on public organizations.
U.S. Department of Education. (n.d.). College scorecard. Retrieved from
Discuss the means in which the information was or was likely acquired and whether or not you think that it is valid and reliable for your project.
Select an additional research area/characteristic of this population that you are interested in learning about that is not readily available (satisfaction with the program, hours spent on schoolwork per week, etc.). 
Discuss a method that you would likely use to acquire information on the topic, and include your method (e.g., survey) as well as a rationale for including each component (e.g., a rationale for including each survey question). You should include at least eight items or questions.
Discuss how the data would be analyzed. (For quantitative, possibly via finding simple means. For qualitative, via coding and related practices.)
Select one of the College Scorecard variables (annual cost, graduation rate, salary) with which to compare your new additional research area/characteristic.
Discuss the test of statistical significance that you think would be best in determining the relationship between the two variables. Be sure to include such items as confidence levels into your discussion and to account for possible disparities in data into your discussion.
Discuss internal validity associated with your chosen research methods and possible threats that may be present as well as methods to minimize these threats.
Discuss external validity associated with your chosen research methods and possible threats that are present as well as methods to minimize these threats.
Discuss how to maintain ethical standards in research in public administration organizations. 
Remember that you are not actually collecting the data or making analysis but are, instead, discussing the techniques that you would incorporate in this portion of your proposal.

PUA5304 Unit VIII Project- for voiceover


For this assignment, you have the option to create a PowerPoint presentation (with accompanying audio components/portions) or a YouTube video to address each aspect of your research proposal components. Your PowerPoint should include at least six audio-enhanced slides (not counting the title and reference slides) or a YouTube video that should be at least four minutes long.

This can include, but is not limited to, the information listed below:

  • how original data would likely be acquired,
  • how you would acquire further information, 
  • how data would be analyzed,
  • which tests of statistical significance should be employed,
  • internal validity, and
  • external validity.

These are the components that you wrote about in the Unit VII Assignment, but for this unit, you are providing the information in a presentation or video format. Remember that you are not actually collecting the data or making analysis and are instead discussing the techniques that you would incorporate in this portion of your proposal. Be sure to address any feedback you received from your instructor for the Unit VII Assignment. You should include at least the aforementioned six components, and the discussion related to each portion should include a recorded oral explanation (no less than 35 seconds each).

If you choose to create a PowerPoint presentation, use the slide notes function to elaborate on the information on each slide. Additionally, your PowerPoint presentation must also include the previously mentioned audio components to correspond with each mission statement component.

If you choose to record and upload a video to YouTube, include your transcript of the video in a Word document, and at the top of the Word document, you will insert the URL for your YouTube video so it can be easily accessed by the professor. The written portions (i.e., the slide notes or the Word document) should only provide necessary information to supplement the audio portions. Graphics and/or visual aids are not required.



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...