Sunday, April 12, 2020

PUA5303 Unit I Article Critique


Your task is to offer a detailed critique of a peer-reviewed article that you locate in the CSU Online Library. The article must be related to one of the historic approaches to organizational behavior discussed in Chapter 1 of the course textbook (e.g., scientific management, humanistic, positive organizational scholarship).

In your critique, address the following points:

  • Identify the main points and arguments of the author(s).
  • Support your opinion of the article with course-related terminology.
  • Assess how the article relates to your experience or current job in the public or nonprofit sector.
  • Evaluate how the points or arguments of the author or authors can be applied to the public sector.

Your focus of this assignment is to collect your thoughts and opinions on the topic and relate them in an intelligent, critical fashion. This is represented by the second and third bullet above.

Your critique is to be a minimum of two pages in length, should be written in 12-point Times New Roman font, and have appropriate APA style writing. Be sure to cite all borrowed, quoted, and paraphrased material appropriately in APA format.

To help you in locating peer-reviewed articles, click here to view a presentation from the CSU Success Center.


Chung, C. H. (2013). The Road Not Taken: Putting "Management" Back to Taylor's Scientific Management. Journal of Multidisciplinary Research, Spring 2013, Vol. 5 Issue 1, p 45-56. 12p.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

PUA5303 Unit II Reflection Paper


Your task is to contemplate some of the most common contributors or causes to personal workplace stress and how this stress affects your performance. After you have done this, review some of the stress management methods that have been discussed in this unit (or through your own research) that you have not implemented before and that are of particular interest to you.

Next, extend the relationships between stress mitigation and creativity development practices that you have not implemented before or that interest you. How can enhancing your creativity help with stress mitigation? Explain.

Finally, develop a reflection paper where you review the contemplated contributors and express your thoughts on the general effectiveness and viability of the management tactic(s) selected.

The reflection should be at least two pages in length, be double-spaced, and be written in 12-point Times New Roman font. Outside sources and references are not required; however, if you do utilize information from an outside source, make certain to appropriately cite your source.


PUA5303 Unit III Case Study


You have assumed the head leadership position over a small department within a public sector agency. You have inherited a small but diverse team of employees.

Your staff consists of the following individuals:

Melanie has been with the organization for close to 10 years and spends much of her day surfing social media sites. She enjoys her job for the perceived job security and benefits but has little interest in pushing herself for additional monetary gain. When confronted about her social media use and lack of a desire to advance herself, she complains that she does not have anyone to "look up to" within the organization.

Patrick is the most senior employee. Although he has an excellent record, he is going through a very difficult divorce and is only about one year away from retirement. He has become increasingly preoccupied with these matters. Regardless, having previously served in the military and having worked public service for his entire professional life, he expects much out of himself and has expressed a keen desire to involve himself with your managerial decision-making processes as soon as he is able to sort out some of his home issues.

Tom, the newest employee, is fresh out of college. He is young and energetic, although not a week goes by where you do not catch him browsing salary surveys or private sector job listings; nevertheless, he is an overly productive employee, and he confides in you that he is worried that he is producing much more than his salary seems to reflect. He also questions the impact that the organization's work and his own work, in particular, are actually having on anyone.

To complete this assignment, you will need address the components below.

  • Develop a concise motivation profile on each of the staff members.
  • Correlate motivational theories to this real-world scenario.
  • Summarize leadership strategies related to such aspects as work life stages, expected responses to rewards and punishments, and the degree to which followers feel they fit the ideal motivation mold of public sector employees.
  • Consider how not being mindful of appropriate leadership strategies can be harmful to organizations.

Your case study findings and recommendations should consist of no less than two pages, be double spaced, and be written in 12-point Times New Roman font.



PUA5303 Unit IV Case Study


You are the manager of small department within a local government. You want to develop processes for effective decision-making with your newly assembled leadership team, but you want to ensure that you are not acting in an overly authoritative manner.

Develop your findings and recommendations in which you discuss the items below.

  • Determine different decision-making tactics that would be more appropriate for improving communication within a small team or group of about four to six mid- to high-level managers.
  • Discuss the different types of power that you could conceivably employ in coming to the most appropriate decision-making processes.
  • Differentiate between the sources and exercises of power that would be most appropriate for this group in the context of public administration organizational behavior.
  • Provide an example from your own personal experiences of positively engaging in decision-making processes when you have not been the manager or in charge of the decision-making process.

Your case study must be at least two pages in length and follow APA guidelines throughout. A minimum of two outside sources, not including the textbook, is required.

PUA5303 Unit V Essay


In the resource below, Ngo (2016) notes that there are four primary types of team players: contributor, collaborator, communicator, and challenger.

Ngo, S. (February, 16, 2016). The 4 types of team players: Which are you? Retrieved from

Within your company, the CEO has just posted an opening for manager within your department. The post provides all of the requirements for the job and also notes that you will need to provide an essay related to Ngo's four primary types of team players; however, you must present this in a creative way as the CEO is looking for uniqueness and outside-the-box thinking about the types of team players.

Your essay must include the following components:

  • describe each type of team player;
  • relate each type of team player to a real or fictional historic figure;
  • connect how each historic figure fits his or her respective type; and
  • establish how you will handle the team makeup (provided you had each type of team player) during each phase of development.

Your essay must be at least two pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. Next, you must include at least two references, one of which can be your textbook. Finally, you must follow APA guidelines throughout.



PUA5303 Unit VI Scholarly Activity


Part 1

This is the first part of a three-part assignment where you will be applying many of the course concepts that have been discussed in this unit and in previous units by conducting a well-researched analysis.

In Units VII and VIII, you will develop an action plan to implement a more effective group organization and conflict management policy, while also providing insight on how you will personally manage stresses incurred.

For this assignment, you will begin by completing the following tasks:

  • selecting an organization that you currently work for, have worked for in the past, or have a special interest in; and
  • focusing on one particular department or team along with considering how this unit is organized and how it manages group conflict or similar activities.

Your assignment should contain the components listed below.

  • Include background information about the organization selected such as, but not limited to, its structure, personnel size, approximate budget.
  • Synthesize your preliminary thoughts on suggested policy updates that could benefit teamwork and conflict management with the organization.
  • Include no fewer than eight sources, four of which must be from peer-reviewed sources or academic journals.

Be sure to properly format your references and title page in APA style.







PUA5303 Unit VII Research Paper

Part 2: Organizational Assessment and Action Plan

This is the second part of a three-part assignment where you will be applying many of the course concepts that have been discussed in this unit and in previous units by conducting a well-researched analysis.

For this part of the assignment, refer to the comments left by the instructor in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity surrounding your selected organization and department.

For this assignment, you will be expanding upon the unit, department, or team you selected for the Unit VI Scholarly Activity by addressing the components listed below.

  • Formulate an action plan to promote effective organizational change with an emphasis on conflict management policy planning.
  • Discuss your personal strategies for managing conflict and how you could incorporate different strategies into these processes.
  • Consider priorities that public managers and employees must possess throughout change processes.
  • Integrate proven theories to help with rationale, input, and expected outcomes from policy changes.
  • Discuss possible efforts and tactics for implementing change to ensure a smooth and productive transition.

During this phase, you must develop at least a three-page action plan and utilize at least four of the sources listed in your Unit VI Scholarly Activity or selected replacements.

Be sure to properly format your title page and reference page in APA style, and keep in mind that the aforementioned do not count toward meeting the three-page minimum requirement.



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...