Sunday, April 12, 2020

PUA5301 Unit V Article Review

Unit V Article Review
For this assignment, select and read a journal article on issues addressing public management and leadership roles and responsibilities in public agencies/organizations. The journal article you choose must be research oriented, such as those found in Public Administration Review (located in the Business Source Complete Database of the CSU Online Library). This means the article should cite other scholarly sources and have a bibliography at the end.

After reading the article, prepare a review of the article. Your review should be succinctly written in a descriptive and informative manner. Your assignment should summarize the essential contents and main ideas of the article.

Your review should be a minimum of one page in length in APA style. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required page length. All sources used, including the textbook, must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.
Information about accessing the Blackboard Grading Rubric for this assignment is provided below.

PUA5302 Unit 1 Article Review

Unit 1 Article Review


Using the CSU Online Library, select two scholarly journal articles that relate to the importance of ethics in a publicadministration setting. Conduct research and write at least a minimum 850 word essay, excluding references pages) thatdiscusses a broad ethics topic relevant to public administrators. Take a position on the author's assertion (agreement ordisagreement) and state/defend your position.

Your response should be at least 850 words in length (not including the reference page) in APA style.


You must use at leasttwo scholarly sources other than your textbook to complete this assignment. All sources used must be referenced;paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Check with your professor for any additionalinstructions.



PUA5302 Unit 3 Essay

Conduct research and write an essay that discusses the statement: "Young public leaders struggle with maintaining strict ethical standards because they have little experience."

·         Defend your statement (agreement or disagreement), and state your viewpoint.

·         Research and justify your position using three references (include complete citations). At least one of your sources must be a peer-reviewed academic source.

·         Present alternative viewpoints (analyze contradictory positions) for why some people may have other positions than your own.

·         Include an example that you have witnessed in your professional experience.

·         Referencing public service, has the perspective of leadership ethics changed over the past 20 years? Using examples ,explain why.


Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.


PUA5302 Unit IV Assignment

Unit IV focuses on code of ethics. For the assignment, you are asked to access and analyze a code of ethics from a publicor non-profit organization. Most are listed online or on the organization's website.

Evaluate and perform an "Ethics Audit" using the following expectations:


1. Identify the organization, and include a "copy" of the code of ethics in your report. The code of ethics content does notcount for the 500-word evaluation.

2. The outline of the assessment will be in a (paragraph) narrative format.

3. Review and identify all general themes that involve conduct and behavior application to all employees.

4. Provide reflection and examples if the document is clearly or vaguely written.

5. Provide evidence of infractions or sanctions if certain behaviors are not followed.

6. Provide a comprehensive summary.


Your response should be at least 500 words in length in APA style. All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased andquoted material must have accompanying citations.


PUA5302 Unit V Article Review

Unit V Article Review

Select a relatively current event that deals with one or more ethical dilemma. Compose and essay that addresses theethical factors from an organizational perspective. National examples may include Department of Defense contractingevents, Hurricane Katrina (or similar catastrophic events), election campaign funding, BP oil spill, or lobbyist operations.

Local or state events may include nonprofit or public organizations. You may also use international events. Be sure toaddress the following requirements in your essay:


Identify the key stakeholders, and introduce the organization.

Summarize the context of the ethical dilemma with specific facts (who, what, where, when, why).

Using Svara's (2007) problem-solving model (as depicted in this week's lesson) as a point of reference, identify theselected ethical decisions and obligations. Be specific if the actions resulted in best consequences or a full, open andhonest process projected to the public.

Identify implications that resulted in successful or unsuccessful future operations.

Summarize what you have learned from an analysis of this event.

Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style. You are required touse at least your textbook as source material for your response. All sources used, including the textbook, must bereferenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations.

PUA5302 Unit VI Essay

Ethical Analysis

Select a work-related ethical scenario that you (or someone close to you) have experienced. Organizations and namesshould be changed when identifying references in the assignment. Compose an essay that addresses the followingrequirements:

·         Identify the key positions, titles, and assigned responsibilities in the organization.

·         Discuss and illustrate the individual pressures faced and how the issues were handled or delegated to another position.

·         Describe how changing attitudes and behaviors evolved as the incidents occurred.

·         Compare and contrast the behaviors in the scenario with the philosophical theories of ethical decision-making that arereferenced in Unit II. Examples may include Utilitarianism or Deontology application.

·         Illustrate any mishandling of the decision-making process that resulted in lessons learned.

·         Summarize what you have learned from an analysis of this event.


Your response should be at least 500 words in length (not including the references page) in APA style.


PUA5302 Unit VII Research Paper

Unit VII Research Paper

This research paper will be submitted in this unit and will be the basis for the final assignment in Unit VIII. Critical analysis is a central process in all academic work. It involves thinking critically, which is applying rational and logical thinking, while deconstructing the information that you research/study. When we think critically, we are thinking actively. This means that we do not passively accept everything we read and hear, so that we can question, evaluate, make judgments, find connections, and categorize information. It means we remain open to other points of view and are not blinded by our own biases.

1. Begin by selecting a topic to research. The research paper requires a public administration topic selection that focuses on an ethical scenario that confronts you in public administration.

2. What is the problem that you want to investigate? State the problem as a question.

3. Why does this problem interest you?

4. What does the literature say? Find three to five research-based articles about the topic as a literature review.

5. What did you learn about this topic in relation to addressing the problem that you researched? What new knowledge, recommendations, or proposed solutions have you uncovered?

6. Develop your conclusions. As you have completed the work in this course, you have noticed themes in the unit lessons, the assigned readings, and the assignments. Now, you will combine that knowledge with your personal examples and previous experiences to construct your research paper.

Your research paper should include the following structure:

Title Page

Executive Summary

                         List the issues, findings, and bulleted recommendations.

Introduction of the issue in context

Is this research anchored in current events or personal experiences, peer reviewed articles, or other approaches?


                         Review what you did and describe the issues.

Ethical Context

                         Provide history of relevant ethical dilemma and the main players in your scenario

Course Themes

                         Tie in what you have learned and/or read about in this course.

Analysis, Evaluation & Critique

In your scenario, how were issued handled by the administrator or governing individual/group?


                         What would be a recommended approach or action?

Summary and Closing

                         What conclusion can you come to as a result of your research?


Your response should be at least five to seven pages in length.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...