Wednesday, April 29, 2020



Explain the Constitutional rights of a corporation? What is the objective of piercing the corporate veil?


What is the nature of and the need for a social media policy?


BUS 475 - Startegic Plan Part-I Conceptualize business

Write a 1,150- to 1,400-word paper in which you explain the importance of your selected business's vision, mission, and values in determining your strategic direction. Please do not write about an existing business. Create a new business and include the following: My new business I discussed is a Caribbean Restaurant in Orlando, FL

•Define your business, products or services, and customers by developing a mission statement. Ensure that you are differentiating your product or service.

•Create a vision for this organization that clearly demonstrates your decision on what you want your business to become in the future.

•Define your guiding principles or values for your selected business considering the topics of culture, social responsibility, and ethics.
•Analyze how the vision, mission, and values guide the organization's strategic direction.

•Evaluate how the organization addresses customer needs and critique how they achieve competitive advantage.

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

BUi530 Week 6 Discussion 9

Staff members who work at a women's medical clinic are required to provide clients with information about various community resources available to them on a variety of medical conditions. Some of the resources include information regarding abortions. One staff member claims that her religious beliefs do not permit her to provide information about abortions, which is against her religion. The director of the clinic claims it would cause an undue hardship to accommodate her religious beliefs. 

  • What are your thoughts?

BU350 Your Name M03 Assignment 05 Journal Article Review

M03 – Organizational Behavior

Journal Article Review


Journal Article

For this assignment, you will select an article from the Journal of Organizational Behavior.  You can find this journal through the Ashworth Library in ProQuest.  The link is located in the Course Introduction on the Library page. 

You will write a 500-750 word review of the article. Your article needs to discuss or investigate one or more aspects of organizational behavior as it relates to your Final Project topic; it does not need to be comprehensive. The article should be one written within the last decade, unless you have prior approval from your professor.

In your article review, complete the following tasks.

  • At the top of the page, cite the article's source using APA style.
  • Then, answer these four questions, in one paragraph each:
    • What did you learn?
    • What surprised you?
    • What do you want to learn more about?
    • How might you apply what you learned to your Final Project in this course?

Note:  If you cannot find a relevant article in Journal of Organizational Behavior, these other journals are also acceptable.  Before selecting an alternative journal, please contact your instructor for approval.

  • Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
  • Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology
  • Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies
  • Organizational Psychology Review

Download the template provided for you.  Save your work using the file name provided just adding your name in place of "your name"




BU340 Week 6 Threaded Discussion

Compare the primary market to the secondary market.

BU340 Lesson 8 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Online Exam 8
Question 1        0 / 5 points
Which of the statements below is true?
Question options:

Investors want to maximize return and maximize risk.

Investors want to maximize return and minimize risk.  (*This is correct)

Investors want to minimize return and maximize risk.

Investors want to minimize return and minimize risk.
Question 2        5 / 5 points
The practice of not putting all of your eggs in one basket is an illustration of:
Question options:



portion control.

expected return.
Question 3        5 / 5 points
The security market line has:
Question options:

a positive slope.

a negative slope.

no slope.

a beta of 1.0.
Question 4        5 / 5 points
Given an expected market return of 12.0%, a beta of 0.75 for Benson Industries, and a risk-free rate of 4%, what is the expected return for Benson Industries?
Question options:




Question 5        5 / 5 points
For most stocks, the correlation coefficient with other stocks is:
Question options:




The distribution of correlation coefficients between stocks is uniform from -1.0 to +1.0.
Question 6        5 / 5 points
Stocks A, B, C, and D have standard deviations, respectively, of 20%, 5%, 10%, and 15%. Which one is the riskiest?
Question options:

Stock A

Stock B

Stock C

Stock D
Question 7        5 / 5 points
Travis bought a share of stock for $31.50 that paid a dividend of $.85 and sold six months later for $27.65. What was his dollar profit or loss and holding period return?
Question options:

-$3.00, -9.52%

-$3.85, -12.22%

-$.85, -2.70%

-$3.85, -9.52%
Question 8        5 / 5 points
__________ may be defined as a measure of uncertainty in a set of potential outcomes for an event in which there is a chance for some loss.
Question options:




Question 9        5 / 5 points
The __________ is the intercept on the security market line.
Question options:

prime rate

risk-free rate

market rate of return

Question 10        5 / 5 points
Which of the following investments is considered to be default risk-free?
Question options:

Currency options

AAA-rated corporate bonds

Common stock

Treasury bills
Question 11        5 / 5 points
Correlation, a standardized measure of how stocks perform relative to one another in different states of the economy, has a range from:
Question options:

0.0 to +10.0.

0.0 to +1.0.

-1.0 to +1.0.

There is no range; correlation is a calculated number that can take on any value.
Question 12        5 / 5 points
Jarvis bought a share of stock for $15.75 that paid a dividend of $.45 and sold three months later for $18.65. What was his dollar profit or loss and holding period return?
Question options:

$2.90, 18.41%

$3.35, 21.27%

-$2.90, -18.41%

$.45, 2.86%
Question 13        5 / 5 points
Find the variance for a security that has three one-year returns of 5%, 10%, and 15%.
Question options:




Question 14        5 / 5 points
Find the variance for a security that has three one-year returns of -5%, 15%, and 20%.
Question options:




Question 15        5 / 5 points
Use the following table:
States of the Economy    Probability of the State    3-Month T-Bill    Large-Company Stock    Small-Company Stock
Boom    0.3    4    10    30
Steady    0.5    4    5    20
Recession    0.2    4    0    10
What is the difference between the variances for large- and small-company stocks?
Question options:




Question 16        5 / 5 points
The correlation coefficient, a measurement of the comovement between two variables, has what range?
Question options:

From 0.0 to +10.0

From 0.0 to +1.0

From -1.0 to +10.0

From =1.0 to -1.0
Question 17        0 / 5 points
Stock    A    B    C    D
Expected Return    5%    5%    7%    6%
Standard Deviation    10%    12%    12%    11%
Which of the following statements is true?
Question options:

A is a better investment than B.

B is a better investment than C.

C is a better investment than D.

D is a better investment than C.
Question 18        5 / 5 points
Unsystematic risk:
Question options:

is also known as nondiversifiable risk.

can be diversified away.

is system-wide risk.

is equal to 2 times the systematic risk.
Question 19        5 / 5 points
Which of the following statements is true about variance?
Question options:

Variance describes how spread out a set of numbers or values are around its mean or average.

Variance is essentially the variability from the average.

The larger the variance, the greater the dispersion.

All of the above statements are true.
Question 20        5 / 5 points
Assume the following information about the market and JumpMasters' stock. JumpMasters' beta = 1.50, the risk-free rate is 3.5%, the market risk premium is 10%. Using the SML, what is the expected return for JumpMasters' stock?
Question options:





H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...