Friday, May 8, 2020

MKTG201 Week 6 Assignment 6

Assignment 6

There are two parts to this assignment.

Part 1: Try to remember the billboards on your commute to work or school. How many do you think there are? Explain why you remembered any of them. Next time you are on that route, note how many billboards there actually are. Are they effective?

Part 2--You've been asked to create a new social media networking site. What would you name the site and what would you suggest to make it better than existing sites?


MKTG201 Week 5 Assignment 5

Assignment 5

Would you like to own an all-electric car? Do you think there is a viable market for such a product?

Provide secondary data to research the viability of selling electric cars profitably. Utilize some of the sources mentioned in chapter 10 of our e-book. Try to determine the population of electric-car buyers.

Provide a research report based on your findings.


MKTG201 Week 4 Midterm Exam

Mid Term: Covers chapters 1 through chapters 7

For the Mid-term you will create a new product and provide how you would market your product. You will need to provide information on how your product is superior to your competitions product.

1) Define and explain each of the following tools/concepts below.  

  • The strategic planning process
  • S.W.O.T
  • Market Segmenting
  • Target Marketing
  • Product Positioning
  • Offerings: —product, price, and service.

2) Use two or more of the concepts from part 1 in your product assessment.

3) Analyze security, privacy, ethical, and legal issues related to the digital information world and marketing

MKTG201 Week 3 Quiz

Question 1 of 10
10.0 Points
Your marketing target analysis does not have to include which of the following:

    A. Identifying and analyzing the relevant purchasing organizations and people
    B. Collecting and analyzing relevant data regarding the demographics and psychographics of the targeted segments
    C. Identifying payment terms used by the targeted organizations and consumers
    D. Developing appropriate action programs to reach the targeted segments

Question 2 of 10
10.0 Points
Which one of the following is not a demographic base for segmentation?

    A. Education
    B. Occupation
    C. Religion
    D. Personality

Question 3 of 10
10.0 Points
Is the following statement true or false. Your Target market is the segment/group of people you choose to not sell to.
A. True
B. False

Question 4 of 10
10.0 Points
Which of the following are types of Segmentation Bases?

    A. Geographic segmentation
    B. Psychographic segmentation
    C. Demographic segmentation
    D. Behavioral segmentation
E. All of the above

Question 5 of 10
10.0 Points
Behavioral segmentation

    A. is segmenting buyers by personal characteristics such as age, income, ethnicity and nationality, education, occupation, religion, social class, and family size
    B. refers to the stages families go through over time and how it affects people's buying behavior.
    C. divides people and organization into groups according to how they behave with or act toward products

Question 6 of 10
10.0 Points
Multisegment Marketing Strategy

    A. is a new effort to isolate markets and target them.
    B. involves targeting an even more select group of consumers.
    C. involves targeting a very select group of customers.
    D. can allow firms to respond to demographic changes and other trends in markets.
    E. None of the above

Question 7 of 10
10.0 Points
Is the following statement true or false.

Firms that compete in the global marketplace can use any combination of the segmenting strategies or none at all.
A. True
B. False

Question 8 of 10
10.0 Points
Targeting Strategies Used in Global Markets consist of the following.

    A. Multisegmenting Marketing
    B. Concentrated Marketing
    C. Targeted Marketing
D. All of the above
    E. None of the above

Question 9 of 10
10.0 Points
Positioning is

    A. is a two-dimensional graph that visually shows where your product stands, or should stand, relative to your competitors, based on criteria important to buyers.
    B. is how consumers perceive a product relative to the competition.
    C. is a catchphrase designed to sum up the essence of a product.
    D. is an effort to "move" a product to a different place in the minds of consumers
    E. None of the above

Question 10 of 10
10.0 Points
Is the following statement true of false. Repositioning is an effort to "move" a product to a different place in the minds of consumers.

A. True
B. False

MKTG201 Week 3 Asignment

Describe a product you like that you believe more people should purchase. As a marketer, how would you reposition the product in the customer's mind to increase its purchase? Outline your strategy. Create a new tagline for this product.


MKTG201 Week 2 Quiz SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 of 10
10.0 Points
Which one of the following are not one of the "Big Five" personality traits?

    A. opennes
    B. enthusiastic
    C. conscientiousness
    D. neuroticism
    E. none of the above

Question 2 of 10
10.0 Points
Which of the following factors influence consumers' buying behavior

    A. Social Situation
    B. Time
    C. Reason for the Purchase
    D. Mood
E. All of the above

Question 3 of 10
10.0 Points
________ is how you interpret the world around you and make sense of it in your brain.

A. Perception
    B. Motivation
    C. Consumer attitudes
    D. Internal influences
    E. None of the above
Question 4 of 10
10.0 Points
What is the first Stage in the Consumer's Purchasing Process

    A. Search for Information
B. Need Recognition
    C. Product Evaluation
    D. Supplier specification analysis
    E. None of the above

Question 5 of 10
10.0 Points
Which of the following are types of B2B buyers?

    A. Governments
    B. Resellers
    C. Producers
    D. All of the above
    E. None of the above

Question 6 of 10
10.0 Points
Which one of the following is not someone who provides their firms' buyers with input

    A. Initiators
    B. Users
    C. Buyers
    D. Influencers
    E. None of the above
Question 7 of 10
10.0 Points
Derived demand is

    A. when the demand for one product increases the demand for another.
    B. demand that springs from, or is derived from, a source other than the primary buyer of a product.
    C. a small change in demand by consumers that can have a big effect throughout the businesses
    D. None of the above

Question 8 of 10
10.0 Points
Is the following statement true or false.

B2B markets firms in the same industry tend to cluster in the same geographic areas.
A. True
B. False

Question 9 of 10
10.0 Points
Planned obsolescence is

    A. A. when they already have some information about a good or service but continue to search for a little more information.
    B. B. certain characteristics that are important to you such as the price of the backpack, the size, the number of compartments, and color
    C. C. a deliberate effort by companies to make their products obsolete, or unusable, after a period of time.
    D. D. developing appropriate action programs to reach the targeted segments.
    E. None of the above

Question 10 of 10
10.0 Points
Is the following statement true or false.

Companies that sell to the government must, by law, follow very strict ethical guidelines.
A. True
B. False

MKTG201 Week 2 Assignment 2

Assignment Instructions

Assignment Two

Chapter 3 & 4

Motivation is the inward drive we have to get what we need. In the mid-1900s, Abraham Maslow, an

American psychologist, developed the hierarchy of needs shown in Figure 3.4.

1. Select two advertisements and describe the needs identified by Abraham Maslow that each ad addresses.

2. Analyze the advertisement using the concepts of marketing and consumer segmentation, and discuss how it aligns to the organization's mission.

3. Find an international version of an advertisement for one of the products.

4. What differences do you detect in the international version of the ad?  How did the underlying aspects of marketing and psychology utilized in the advertisement change? 


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...