Tuesday, May 19, 2020

HW-331 Principles of Management Proctored Final

Principles of Management Proctored Final


1.       Three kinds of basic management skills have been identified—conceptual, human
relations, and technical. Explain the nature of each of these three skills.

2. With respect to organization and control, Victor Vroom developed the expectancy
approach. Explain the expectancy model in terms of Vroom's concepts of expectancy,
instrumentality, and valence. What can managers do to improve employee motivation
in light of the Vroom model?

3. What is required to implement an organization's commitment to social responsibility?
What are the main obstacles to implementing socially responsible policies? Name
specific actions that can be taken toward increased social responsibility.


1. Briefly define a transactional leader.

 2. Explain the term leniency, central tendency, and recency as they relate to conducting appraisal interviews

3. In the context of organizational development, what is sensitivity training?

4. What is strategic management and what three stages are involved?

5. What is the difference between group norm and group cohesiveness? Give simply examples of each concept

6. In the context of communication, what is perception?

7. What is the difference between line and staff functions? Give an example of each

8. What is the basic idea in equity theory?

9. Define the term six sigma

10. Briefly summarize Simon's principle of bounded rationality as it applies to satisfying


Friday, May 8, 2020

MKTG310 Discussion 2

Chapter 5 Question 4:

Which market entry has the least risk? Why? Provide and explain in detail a marketer who uses this strategy.


Response 1

Q. Identify 3 current demographic trends. Explain in detail how each trend is important to marketing managers.

Response 2

When the U.S. dollar is strong against the euro, how does this impact U.S. trade with Europe? Europe trade with the U.S.?


MKTG310 Discussion 1

Chap 2 Q 1: Explain in detail the market penetration strategy. Describe in detail one company that practices this strategy.

MKTG305 Unit 3 Story

Assignment Details

 Find two or three articles in the library that encompass one of the following marketing topics:

 Controversy in ads

Lifestyle campaigns

Target marketing

The global view

Emotional advertising

Marketing the economy

Devise your own story that fits in one of the categories listed. Stories should be 250–350 words in length and can be written in first or third person.


MKTG201 Week 8 Final Project

Assignment Instructions

Hi Colleagues,

Final Project: Covers chapters 1 through chapters 16

 In this course on the Fundamentals of Marketing, we learned about a variety of elements/components of business and marketing that contribute to the marketing and promotion of products.  The underlying purpose of these activities is to achieve a return on investment or sales, which should result in profit for companies and businesses.  Your final assignment has two parts.

Part 1

Discuss what a marketing plan is and describe the different components of the marketing plan in your own words (see figure 16.2 in the text). Also explain how the marketing plan is helpful to the organization. You do not have to put together a marketing plan for this assignment

Part 2

Please take the elements/components you have learned in this course (such as the SWOT, goals/objectives, etc.) and translate/apply them into how they would be carried out into the execution of a marketing strategy.

For instance (note that these examples may not be used in your assignment):

In a SWOT analysis you determined that one of the strengths of a company was that weekly team meetings were held where ideas are exchanged and commendations are awarded to team members who have met or exceeded goals or expectations for the week.  How can we translate or incorporate that Strength into a marketing strategy?

Since the ideas being exchanged in the weekly meeting are to foster growth and innovation, camaraderie, excitement, and motivation, they can also be used to generate new ideas for promotion.  This weekly team meeting can be leveraged to spur perhaps a name of a new product that company X has been trying to launch for considerable amount of time but just haven't thought of the right one.

A real world example, Lays Potato Chips reached out to the general public using their social media strength to ask them to come up with a new flavor of potato chip. This combined the strengths the company had with the need to execute a new marketing strategy. Through this process, a consumer won $1mm for coming up with a new potato chip flavor, and Lay's of course won tons of new customers and multiple millions in sales of new product.


MKTG201 Week 7 Quiz SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 of 10
10.0 Points
Salespeople act on behalf of their companies by doing which of the following?

    A. Managing relationships
    B. Relaying customer and market information back to their organizations
    C. Creating value for their firms' customers
    D. All of the above
    E. None of the above

Question 2 of 10
10.0 Points
Which of the following, according to the e-book, are NOT types of order getters; that is, they actively seek to make sales by calling on customers.

    A. Missionary Sales people
B. Sales support
    C. Trade Sales people
    D. Prospectors
    E. Account Managers

Question 3 of 10
10.0 Points
The process of asking questions to identify a buyer's problems and needs and then tailoring a sales pitch to satisfy those needs is called ________________.

    A. consultative selling
    B. strategic-partner selling
    C. needs-satisfaction selling
    D. none of the above

Question 4 of 10
10.0 Points
Common Ethical Issues for Salespeople

Which of the following are the most common ethical issues facing salespeople?

    A. A customer asking for information about one of their competitors, who happens to be one of your customers
    B. Deciding to play golf on a nice day, since no one knows if you are actually at work or not
    C. A buyer asking for something special, which you could easily provide, but aren't supposed to give away
    D. Deciding how much to spend on holiday season gifts for your customers
    E. All of the above

Question 5 of 10
10.0 Points
____________ is the process of identifying and qualifying leads in order to grow new business

    A. Lead scoring
    B. Blog newsletters
    C. White papers
    D. Lead management
    E. None of the above

Question 6 of 10
10.0 Points
_________ are salespeople who are not employees of the company. They set their own hours, determine their own activities, and for the most part, manage themselves.

    A. Manufacturer's representative
    B. Spiffs
    C. Distributors
    D. Independent agents
    E. None of the above

Question 7 of 10
10.0 Points
___________ is a catchall phrase for the online channels of communication that build communities

    A. Direct marketing through e-mails
    B. Web advertising
    C. Social media
    D. Web publishing
    E. None of the above

Question 8 of 10
10.0 Points
Loyalty has two dimensions. One dimension of loyalty is customer loyalty, meaning that the customer buys the product regularly and does not respond to competitors' offerings.

A. True
B. False

Question 9 of 10
10.0 Points
Customer satisfaction is typically defined as the feeling that a person experiences when an offering meets his or her expectations
A. True
B. False

Question 10 of 10
10.0 Points
The CAN-SPAM Act prohibits the use of e-mail, faxes, and other technology to randomly push a message to a potential consumer
A. True
B. False

MKTG201 Week 7 Assignment 7

Assignment 7

Are you especially loyal to any one brand? If so, what is it and why are you so loyal? When successfully building loyalty and community, trust seems to be the biggest factor. How can a company build trust and what is the best approach to do so (incorporating concepts from both the field of marketing and psychology)? What are the ethical issues and obligations that come with trust once it is built? Should consumers trust companies? Why or why not? Do you think some consumers are just more prone to be loyal to companies and other consumers are not? Why or why not? 

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...