Wednesday, June 10, 2020

POSC292 Week 1 Internet Activity 1

The work of Niccolo Machiavelli (1469-1527) is frequently cited as the inspiration for realist thinking in International Relations. Learn about Machiavelli's life and times.   Then read excerpts from his famous primer on ruling, The Prince. Read the condensed version of chapters 12-24 especially carefully. If you are interested, you can also read the longer version of the Prince.

Answer the following questions about what you have read:

  1. How does Machiavelli view human nature? Does he believe people are essentially good and honest or bad and deceitful? How does his view influence his advice? Give specific examples to support your answer.
  2.  What is Machiavelli's position on whether it is better for a leader to be feared or loved? Why?
  3.  How does Machiavelli feel about the need to maintain armed forces and the use of war as an instrument of foreign policy?
  4. Does Machiavelli still offer valuable advice or insight that present-day leaders can use or are his views no longer relevant in today's world? Give examples.


Tuesday, June 9, 2020

MGT312T Week 3 Apply Exercise

Question 1

Arrow Furniture is a family-owned and operated manufacturer of high-end furniture located in North Carolina. The furniture industry has suffered from foreign competition over recent years. Nationwide, there have been massive layoffs and several large companies have closed. Arrow's workers are feeling these pressures and have begun displaying counterproductive behaviors. The HR manager recently told Mary Baker, the family member serving as CEO, that employees are threatening to unionize if they don't get higher pay and more job security. Mary is upset by this comment because the family has supported employees with decent salaries and health benefits. Higher wages are the last thing the company needs if they are to remain competitive. 

The Baker family wants to turn things around. They know they will have to be more competitive price-wise. This might be achieved by finding cheaper suppliers, lowering employee labor costs, or increasing productivity. That said, the Baker's strongly believe that it is important to "take care of their people," many of whom are lifelong employees.

A global car manufacturer is going to open a new facility in the community. It is likely the company will offer higher salaries and better benefits than offered by Arrow Furniture. The firm is known to offer such benefits in an attempt to reduce the need for a union. Jobs at this plant will be more technically advanced than those at Arrow and the company is offering job training to those who are interested. 

The Bakers are aware that the nature of work at Arrow results in moderate levels of hygiene factors and low motivators.

Using the 3-Step Problem-Solving Approach and the Organizing Framework, what should the Bakers do to motivate their employees and get support for the company's future plans?


Question 2

Review the following conversation:

Marcy:  Dana, can I talk to you for a couple of minutes? We've been roommates for two years and I think I have a time management problem. I just don't get enough done in a day. What do you think?

Dana:  Tell me more. How did you decide that you have a problem?

Marcy:  I never get everything done on my to-do list. The more I get done, the more I end up adding to the list. 

Dana:  What would solving the problem look like to you?

Marcy:  Well, I'd get everything done on my list.

Dana:  Is that realistic?

Marcy:  It's not, but what else am I going to do?

Dana:  What else can you do that will help? Can you work with an advisor? Use a scheduling program?

This is an example of coaching. Describe the process of coaching and explain why is it important for managers to be effective coaches.




MGT312T Week 2 Discussion

What is emotional intelligence (EI)? How can EI help a manager be (more)effective?

MGT312T Week 1 Discussion

Identify an ethical problem that you have or are facing at work. Apply the 3-Step Problem-Solving Approach to resolve this dilemma. Do you find this approach to be effective in solving the ethical problem? Why or why not?

MGT312T Week 1 Apply Exercise With tip will get 100 PERCENT

Note:I got question 6 and 7 incorrect. I have marked incorrect options. So, you have only 2 options to choose from. As you have two attempts, you will certainly score 100 percent as one of two options of both questions are correct.

Question 1
This is a scenario, not question.
Assume you are a nursing director for a nursing home. You've been working at your facility for a few short months when you learn the company that owns the home has been improperly overbilling Medicare for the care and services provided to your residents. You bring this to the attention of the company's managers, but they do nothing. You then notify the appropriate authorities (becoming a whistle-blower) and, dismayed by the fraud and other problems, you quit.

Question 2
Why are ethics considered so important when studying organizational behavior?
    Unethical behavior makes it easy to influence others and conduct business.
    Unethical behavior can ensure loyalty, which helps the performance of individuals and teams
    You will be confronted with ethical challenges at all levels of organizations and throughout your career
    Unethical acts are not illegal and can benefit the company

Question 3
The contingency approach suggests that
    there is one best way to manage
    OB theories apply to all situations
    a manager needs to learn a set of hard-and-fast rules
    the best answer depends on the situation

Question 4
Overcharging Medicare for care and services provided to patients is an example of ______ behavior

Question 5
Ethics is primarily concerned with
    right and wrong
    legal and illegal
    moral and immoral
    religious and nonreligious

Question 6
In an ethical dilemma such as the one presented above
    there are two choices, neither of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner
    there are two choices, either of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner
there are two choices, one of which resolves the situation in an ethically acceptable manner(Incorrect)
    there is only one choice(Incorrect)

Question 7
In the case above, this presents a(n) _____

ethical dilemma(Incorrect)
    desired outcome (Incorrect)
    systematic approach

Question 8
The case above represents an extreme example of unethical and illegal conduct. These are the exception in the business community. Which of the following statements about this behavior is false?
    Very few unethical acts are also illegal
    Most unethical acts are not punished in any way
    Even if illegal, few of these acts are prosecuted
You can rely on the legal system to manage or assure ethical conduct at work

Question 9
Problem solving and critical thinking are ______ because they use logic and reasoning to develop and evaluate options

    technical skills
    soft skills
    common sense
    hard skills

ETH321T Week 5 Discussion

Select a company with an international presence that you are familiar with or by searching the internet. Identify the laws, treaties, acts, and governing bodies (e.g. U.N., WTO, and IMF) that impact their business. Explain the impact these laws, treaties, acts, and governing bodies have on their business. Differentiate it with their business in the United States.


ETH321T Week 5 Apply Exercise SCORE 67 PERCENT

•Millitech is a sports equipment manufacturer. It wants to form a merger with an athletic wear company. This would be a __________ merger.
•    Vertical
•    Conglomerate
•    Market extension
•    Horizontal

•  A government agency which administers rules concerning clean housing projects wants to specify and explain the language it uses to communicate with the public and enforce its statutes. Which of the following is true?
•    The agency must have a public hearing where it explains the statutory language it uses. (Incorect)
•    The agency does not need to invite public opinion on the information it will post.
•    The agency must hold a public comment period for the public to weigh in on the impact and details of the statute.
0 / 4  (0.0%)

•  Decide the legality of the company's decision or action in the following situation:
Vericorp wants to increase its profitability. It rearranges its distribution services so that it can serve customers in certain areas better, while leaving other areas where competitors are stronger unattended. The company makes no agreement with a competitor in doing so. Which of the following is true of this action?
•    This is legal as long as no agreements are made with a competitor.
•    This is legal.
•    This may be illegal under the rule of reason.
•    This is illegal per se.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•Funtech is a toy manufacturer. It wants to form a merger with one of the toy stores that buys its toys. This would be a __________ merger.
•    Vertical
•    Conglomerate
•    Market extension
•    Horizontal

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Identify the trade-restraining practice that this example demonstrates.
The CEOs of two pharmaceutical companies are having lunch. They discuss the unfair costs of ordering from a manufacturer that supplies to both companies. The CEOs decide that they will no longer work with the unfair pricing of the manufacturer.
•    Division of markets
•    Illegal boycott
•    Price fixing
•    Controlling output
•    No illegal practice

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•Blinkorp is selling toys to retailers across the nation. Depending on the season, the company may make its toys with either higher-cost domestic plastics or lower-cost foreign plastics. The retailers who purchase from Blinkorp complain about the different prices caused by the differently-priced materials. Which of the following is true?
•    Blinkorp is justified in charging different prices because the toy industry is so flexible and fluid.
•    Blinkorp is engaging in price discrimination against the retailers and must equalize its prices.
•    Blinkorp is justified in charging different prices because of the differing production costs.
•    Blinkorp is justified in charging different prices because it needs to meet the price of competition nationwide.
4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  For the scenario below, determine the legality of the company's actions.
Ioncorp sells cabinets nationwide to the furniture company Blinkorp. It makes an agreement that Blinkorp will only sell Ioncorp cabinets in its warehouses.
•    Most likely legal (Incorrect)
•    Illegal, depending on impact
•    Impossible to determine legality
•    Strictly illegal

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•  For the scenario below, determine the legality of the company's actions.
Wreckorp wants to maintain an exclusivity image for its product line of sports equipment. It limits its distribution to 100 stores in each region.
•    Impossible to determine legality
•    Strictly illegal
•    Illegal, depending on impact (Incorrect)
•    Most likely legal

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•Gilcorp wants to increase its profitability. It tries to gain new customers by offering a cash bonus to customers who switch to its service from another company. Which of the following is true of this action?
•    This may be illegal under the rule of reason.
•    This is illegal per se.
•    This is legal.
•    This is legal as long as no agreements are made with a competitor.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•Millcorp sells wetsuits for deep sea divers. It recently engineered a new material for its wetsuits to better hold in the wearer's body heat. After a close encounter with a shark, a customer discovers that the new material protects against shark bites. Soon after, Millcorp's sales explode and it achieves 90% market share in diver wetsuits. Which of the following best describes this situation?
•    Millcorp does not have a monopoly.
•    Millcorp has a lawful natural monopoly
•    Millcorp has a lawful innocent acquisition of a monopoly.
•    Millcorp can likely be found guilty of pursuing monopoly power.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Identify the trade-restraining practice that this example demonstrates.
Tubifor, Inc. purchases all available imported lumber so it can resell it at a quantity and rate that it prefers.
•    Controlling output (Incorrect)
•    Division of markets
•    No illegal practice
•    Illegal boycott
•    Price fixing

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•Flippatech is a home furnishings manufacturer. It wants to form a merger with SleepzCorp, another home furnishings manufacturer. This would be a __________ merger.
•    Market extension
•    Vertical
•    Conglomerate
•    Horizontal

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Identify the trade-restraining practice that this example demonstrates.
Two retailers decide that they will both sell no more than 100 premium TVs per month in order to maintain the quality image of the TVs.
•    Price fixing
•    Division of markets
•    No illegal practice
•    Controlling output
•    Illegal boycott

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Identify the trade-restraining practice that this example demonstrates.
Company A and Company B both work in the candy industry. They agree that Company A will only sell chocolate to Company C and Company B will only sell fruit candies to Company C.
•    Illegal boycott
•    Division of markets
•    Price fixing
•    No illegal practice
•    Controlling output

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Identify the trade-restraining practice that this example demonstrates.
Company A and Company B discuss average industry prices.
•    Price fixing
•    Controlling output
•    Division of markets
•    Illegal boycott
•    No illegal practice

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Bernie just started a business and is trying to raise capital. He has both accredited and non-accredited investors investing in the company. What constraints on investments for new businesses apply here?
•    Investors may invest a combined $50 million within a 12-month period.
•    Investors' allowable investment depends on the accredited or non-accredited status.
•    Investors may invest no more than $1 million combined for the first year of the business.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Horace is trying to start a business. He knows several accredited investors who he knows will help him jumpstart his business. What constraints on investments for new businesses apply here?
•    Investors may invest a combined $50 million within a 12-month period.
•    Investors' allowable investment depends on the accredited or non-accredited status.
•    Investors may invest no more than $1 million combined for the first year of the business.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•Gillcore is about to go public and begin selling securities. As a new public company, what steps must Gillcore take in order to stay in line with the requirements of the Securities Act?
•    This company must file a registration statement and prospectus with the SEC.
•    As a new public company it does not need to take any special action.
•    The company's obligations depend on what type of company it is and what type of securities it is offering.
4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Wendy wants to start a business. She knows many unaccredited investors who she knows will help her jumpstart her business. What constraints on investments for new businesses apply here?
•    Investors may invest no more than $1 million combined for the first year of the business.
•    Investors may invest a combined $50 million within a 12-month period.
•    Investors' allowable investment depends on the accredited or non-accredited status.

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•Jewelcorp just began trading securities. The company is a closely-held corporation with several dozen shareholders and $10 million in assets. Which of the following is true concerning the company's requirement to report to the SEC?
•    Must file annual and quarterly financial reports
•    Requirement to file depends on the company's assets and shareholder base. (Incorrect)
•    Required to report major business developments and must file annual and quarterly financial reports.
•    Not required to report information to the SEC.

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•Fancorp regularly trades in securities on a national exchange. Which of the following is true concerning the company's requirement to report to the SEC?
•    Required to report major business developments and must file annual and quarterly financial reports. (Incorrect)
•    Not required to report information to the SEC.
•    Must file annual and quarterly financial reports
•    Requirement to file depends on the company's assets and shareholder base.

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•  Which of the following places the events in the correct order?
•    Concept release; Rule proposal; Public comment period; Amendment of rule proposal; Rule adoption
•    Amendment of rule proposal; Rule adoption; Concept release; Rule proposal; Public comment period
•    Public comment period; Concept release; Rule proposal; Amendment of rule proposal; Rule adoption
•    Rule adoption; Concept release; Rule proposal; Public comment period; Amendment of rule proposal
4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Bekah is an adviser for the company Vicoltech, which deals heavily in investments. Bekah also advises several other clients in her state, but no clients outside of her state. Before the Dodd-Frank Act was passed, Bekah was exempt from registration and reporting requirements with the SEC. When the Dodd-Frank Act was passed:
•    Bekah was required to begin reporting information to the SEC.
•    Bekah was still exempt from the SEC's reporting requirements.
•    Bekah was required to register with the SEC, but not required to report information to the SEC. (Incorrect)
•    Indeterminable with current information

0 / 4  (0.0%)

To fully grasp this question, we must revisit the section that states that advisers only working with clients in their same state of operation were exempted from reporting requirements with the SEC.

•  Kathleen works for an accounting firm, Securate, as an auditor. Kathleen's firm provides many services including auditing services, investment consulting, and tax assistance. Kathleen is working on an audit for a company that Securate also does consulting for. Which of the following is true?
•    Kathleen may assist in consulting services for the company as long as she makes notice of a conflict of interest. (Incorrect)
•    Kathleen may assist in consulting services for the company without restriction.
•    Kathleen may not assist in consulting for the company.
•    Kathleen may not assist in consulting services for the company unless she is an officer in the company.
0 / 4  (0.0%)

Under SOX, auditors may not serve in other roles for their companies.

•  Nation A has a contract with Nation B which it breaks. The International Court of Justice is asked to offer a decision resolving the matter. Which of the following is false?
•    The ICJ will not hear the case if a party is not a UN member state. (Incorrect)
•    The ICJ can bind Nations A and B to an agreement even if there is no legal precedent for the situation.
•    The ICJ will examine the custom of law used heretofore to help determine the right decision.
•    ICJ cannot deviate from similar decisions it has made on contract breaches before.

0 / 4  (0.0%)

The ICJ is not required to follow precedent.

•  Determine the legality of the transaction.
KlineCorp wants to conduct business with Company B in another country. While visiting Company B, the management team of Company A offers some of the foreign employees some free products from their company.
•    Illegal bribe
•    Legal bribe
•    Legal or illegal, depending on the purpose

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Determine the legality of the transaction.
Tichatech is trying to pierce the global marketplace. When the CEO meets with a foreign prime minister, he offers him a vacation package to show his goodwill toward the country.
•    Legal or illegal, depending on the purpose (Incorrect)
•    Legal bribe
•    Illegal bribe

0 / 4  (0.0%)

•  Nation A has a political dispute with Nation B. The nations are at odds, but they agree to let a mediator hear the dispute. Which group would hear and decide on the nations' dispute?
•    The General Assembly
•    The Secretariat
•    The International Court of Justice
•    The Security Council

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Nation A is new at developing monetary policy and lacks the expertise to develop a high-performing financial system. It would look to _______ for assistance.
•    The Bank for International Settlement
•    The International Monetary Fund
•    The World Bank

4 / 4  (100.0%)
•  Nation A has expansive manufacturing capabilities, and, therefore, its economy focuses on selling goods to other countries. Country B buys goods from Country A but can't pay for the goods until it makes money from its own exports. It would look to _______ for assistance.
•    The Bank for International Settlement
•    The International Monetary Fund
•    The World Bank

4 / 4  (100.0%)

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...