Saturday, June 20, 2020

PS370 Assignment 4


PS370 Research Methods in Psychology

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling, and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double‐spaced pages; refer to the "Format Requirementsʺ page for specific format requirements.


For this assignment, you will propose an original research question based on previous research that has been conducted on the topic of self-directed learning by following the steps below.


1.      Read and briefly summarize the following two (2) articles. Each summary should be 1 double-spaced page, including the following:

a.       Purpose

b.      Methods

c.       Results

d.      A short critique of the study (What would you have done differently?)


NOTE: To access ProQuest articles, you MUST first open a Web browser window to the Ashworth College Library; otherwise, you will be denied access to the articles when you click the links. Once your browser is open to the Ashworth College Library, simply click on the link for the article you need to read.


·         Chou, P. (2012). The relationship between engineering students' self-directed learning abilities and online learning performances: A pilot study. Contemporary Issues in Education Research (Online), 5(1), 33. Retrieved from


·         Orawiwatnakul, W., &Wichadee, S. (2011). A comparison of students' outcomes in two classes: Business administration students VS communication arts students based on self-directed learning activities. Contemporary Issues in Education Research, 4(5), 23-32. Retrieved from


2.      Using ProQuest, find one (1) additional article related to the topic of self-directed learning. Read and briefly summarize the article. The summary should be 1 double-spaced page, including the following:

a.       Purpose

b.      Methods

c.       Results

d.      A short critique of the study (What would you have done differently?)


3.      Develop a proposed research question, a hypothesis, and describe how you will test the hypothesis. This section of your paper should be 1 double-spaced page.


a.       Based on the previous research that you have read and summarized, develop a proposed research question that you would like to study. Provide two (2) supporting facts from the previous research to justify the need for your proposed study.


b.      Based on the previous research, develop a hypothesis. Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your hypothesis.


c.       Provide a brief description of the proposed study that you would use to test your hypothesis, identifying the independent and dependent variables.







advertising and salesmanship (Marketing)

1.)    Marketing is not just advertising and salesmanship-it is the interaction of key institutions in a free economic system. Marketing is crucial for free markets because the survival of companies and the economic system that sustains them depends on it. Identify key marketing institutions in a free economic system. Discuss why each of them is important for marketing. Can marketing survive in the absence of even one of these institutions? Why or why


2) The following is Burger King's mission statement:

We will prepare and sell quick service food to fulfill our guest's needs more accurately, quickly, courteously, and in a cleaner environment than our competitors. We will conduct all our business affairs ethically, and with the best employees in the mid-south. We will continue to grow profitably and responsibly, and provide career advancement opportunities for every willing member of our organization.

Using the mission statement as the backdrop and a four-by-four matrix, identify the current and prospective as well as direct and indirect competitors of Burger King. Analyze the current and prospective competitors.

What measures or strategies would you suggest for Burger King to help it stay ahead of its competitors? Support your choices with logical arguments and include all relevant sources from the text, South University Online Library, and the Internet.

4 financial ratios

Financial ratios are important to the understanding of the financial health of a company. You and your colleagues work for a financial services firm. You are discussing the merits of the various financial ratios. Identify four financial ratios, and state what they tell you about a firm and why it is important to understand what these ratios mean to both a bank and an investor. Be sure to include your reasoning regarding these issues.

  • Choose 4 different financial ratios from your text, course materials, and/or Web resources.
  • Answer the following questions:
    • What do they tell you about a firm?
    • Why is it important for a bank to understand these financial ratios?
    • Why is it important for an investor to understand these financial ratios?

Thursday, June 18, 2020

BM410B Sales Management and Practices Part I

Question 1
Which of the following is an example of using social capital to help grow a company?
A) The HR manager of a company hires new employees to staff a project that will increase revenue by 25%.
B) The CFO of a company increases the budget of the research and development department so they can create a product that will triple profits in 18 months.
C) The CEO of a company asks a friend in the automotive industry to cut a company-wide discount on corporately-leased vehicles that saves the company $500,000 a year.
D) The Sales Director of a company institutes a policy requiring all new salespeople to train with a senior salesperson for six months before going out into the field alone.

Question 2
Technology can be used by sales managers and sales executives to:
A) keep track of how salespeople are performing
B) align the sales department with the company's mission statement
C) motivate individual salespeople to make more sales calls
D) perform need identification as part of the sales process

Question 3
Another word for "channel" in the phrase "sales channel" is:
A. Order
B. Staff
C. method
D. website

Question 4
A leader who spends most of her time communicating with the public about the company and interacting with her employees to ensure that they have what they need to do their jobs, but who does not engage in planning of activities or employee goals is engaging in which of the Situational Leader styles of leadership?

A. Directing
B. Coaching
C. Implementing
D. Supporting

Question 5
What is a boundary spanner in terms of sales ?
 A. An idea that replaces one discipline with another discipline
B. An idea that crosses two disciplines
C. A person who works with two different organizations
D. A person who works for one company but contracts with another company

Question 6
of the common ethical issues salespeople have with their customers, which one is legal?
A. Kickbacks
B. misrepresentation
C. bribery
D. puffery

Question 7
Use of an electronic data interchange (EDI) system is most appropriate for which type of buying situation?
A. a new buy
b. a modified re-buy
c. a straight re-buy
d. facilitative

Question 8
CRM software differs from SFA software in that CRM software:
A. is hosted on the company's servers so it can only be accessed from on-site
B. has room for more customer contact records
C. contains contact records as well as product specifications
D. connects to multiple systems so everything is integrated across all sales channels

Question 9
According to economic theory, sales managers should hire as many salespeople as possible as long as what?

A. until the market is saturated
B. until the salespeople feel too much competition in the workplace as become dissatisfied
C. as long as each salesperson can sell more than they cost the company
D. as long as the salespeople are willing to work for the wages offered

Question 10
A functional sales structure takes the sales process and

A. makes it easier by cutting out several steps
B. codifies the process in CRM software
C. unifies it by asking salespeople to implement the products they sell to customers
D. separates it into several steps, each preformed by a specialist

Question 11
The annual percentage of employees that leave a company, for whatever reason, is called the:

A. attrition rate
B. turnover rate
C. variable rate
D. controllable rate
Question 12
A training assessment determines:

A. how well the training was conducted
B. how well the attendees retained what they learned in the training
C. how things could be improved for the next time
D. what topics need to be covered in a training program

Question 13
Bloom's cognitive/knowledge categories teach skills that all have to do with dealing with and processing:

A. information.
B. analysis.
C. intelligence.
D. emotions.

Question 14
What does "learning transfer" mean?
A. Learning transfer is another phrase for learning objective.
B. Learning transfer means that what is learned in a training program is retained and then applied in the field.
C. Learning transfer means that the trainer is able to effectively transfer what is in his or head into the minds of the salespeople in the training.
D. A learning transfer is a center staffed with trainers and all the equipment needed to run a company's software and train salespeople on it.

Question 15
One great challenge for managers of sales team is"
A. dealing with more than one salesperson at a time
B. transitioning from a sales role to a managerial role
C. determining how to compensate the different members of the team equitably
D. finding time to sell to the manager's own accounts

Question 16
Output-based goals consist of:

A. the number of products a company manufactures.   

B. the selling results a salesperson is expected to achieve.   

C. the sales forecasts for each specific account.   

D. the activities a salesperson performs to contact customers.   

Question 17
Herzberg's Two-Factor Approach theorizes that two types of rewards need to be present for a salesperson to be motivated. These two types are:
A. concept and process.   
B. formal and informal.   
C. motivation and hygiene.   
D. emotional and logistical.   

Question 18
Managers who understand McClelland's Needs Approach will give their salespeople rewards that combine which of the following aspects?

A. Aachievement, recognition, and money   
B. Aachievement, affiliation, and power   
C. Mmoney, recognition, and power   
D. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes   

Question 19
Workers from the Mature generation are motivated by:
 A. flexible time.   
B. collaborative work experiences.   
C. informal communication.   
D. respect, experience, and formality.   

Question 20
A variable that predicts what will happen with the sales of another product is referred to as that product's:

A. dependent.   
B. predecessor.   
C. leading indicator.   
D. moving average.   

Question 21
The second step in the CDI process, which makes the data useful to others, involves:
A. gathering the data initially.   
B. analyzing the data with software.   
C. creating forecasts.   
D. cleaning and formatting data to company naming and categorizing standards.   

Question 22
The industry-wide sales expected for a certain product for a certain time period is are called:
A. total revenue.   
B. market potential.   
C. market push.   
D. net receipts.   

Question 23
A pipeline analysis shows:
a. how many products are currently being manufactured
b. where customers are at different stages of the sales process
c. how many cold calls a salesperson made in the previous period
d. what the salesperson's total revenue was for the previous period

Question 24
The four-factor model is a simple and elegant way to get a snapshot of
a. how the relationship between input measures and output measures works
b. the total activity of the sales force
c. two important input activities and how they interact with two important output activities
d. four measures with no correlation to each other

Question 25
A low context culture is one in which
A. there are many unspoken messages
B. Speakers frame their words with conventions such as "if God grants it"
C. non-verbal communication is more frequent than verbal communication
D. words mean what they mean

LAW531 Final Exam (2018) SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1
Which of the following applies to trade restraints that are inherently anticompetitive?
The rule of reason
The pro rata rule
The per se rule
The rule of four

Question 2
When one party acquires a license to use another party's business model and intellectual property in the distribution of goods and services, the arrangement is a __________.

    limited liability partnership
    joint venture

Question 3
Which of the following is prohibited by the Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act (FDCA) with regard to food?

    The sale of adulterated food
    Labeling of genetically engineered food products
    The sale of non-organic food products
    Labeling of raw seafood products

Question 4
The obligation owed by individuals to one another not to cause any unreasonable harm or any risk of harm is called:

    duty of restoration.
    duty of care
    duty of loyalty.
    duty of restitution.

Question 5
When can an arbitrator's decision and award be appealed to the courts?

    While drafting a submission agreement
    When an arbitration is binding
    While entering a negotiation
    When an arbitration is nonbinding

Question 6
Which of the following is an advantage of franchising?

    It enables two businesses to pool their resources to pursue a common goal.
    It allows a business to consist of only general partners.
    It allows businesses to reach profitable new markets.
    It grants free access to the intellectual property of a business to anyone in the same market.

Question 7
Workers' compensation is defined as the:

    system that provides retirement and death benefits to covered employees and their dependents.
    insurance obtained by employees from private insurance companies and government-sponsored programs.
    remuneration awarded to employees and their families when the employees are injured on the job.
    set of programs mandated by the government to ensure safety in places of work.

Question 8
Corporate officers are elected by a corporation's __________.

    board of directors
    common stockholders
    preferred stockholders

Question 9
Which of the following is a difference between embezzlement and larceny?

    Embezzlement is the snatching of personal property from a person's home, whereas larceny is the snatching of personal property from a person on the street.
    Embezzlement is an unintentional tort, whereas larceny is a nonintent crime.
    Embezzlement is the stealing of property by a person to whom the property was entrusted, whereas larceny is the stealing of property by a person not entrusted with it.
    Embezzlement is usually punishable by the payment of monetary damages, whereas larceny is usually punishable by the death penalty.

Question 10
Which of the following is a criticism of the ethical fundamentalism theory?

    It does not allow people to decide for themselves what is right and what is wrong.
    It is impossible in the real world to expect that everyone in society will obey moral rules.
    It does not reach an agreement on what the universal rules should be.
    It is impossible to measure the "good" that may result from different actions.

Question 11
The manifestation of the substance of a contract by two or more individuals is called __________.

    an offer
    an agreement

Question 12
Which of the following is a remedy that requires the breaching party to perform the acts promised in a contract?

    Specific performance
    Binding arbitration
    Punitive damages
    Special damages

Question 13
Laws that prohibit discrimination based on race, gender, or religion in the workplace primarily serve the function of:

    advocating social justice.
    providing a basis for compromise.
    creating a new status quo.
    minimizing the freedom of employees.

Question 14
Which of the following is a difference between arbitration and mediation?

    Arbitration is an informal method of dispute resolution, whereas mediation is a formal method of dispute resolution.
    The decision of an arbitrator is nonbinding, whereas the decision of a mediator is binding.
    The role of an arbitrator is merely to assist parties in reaching a settlement, whereas the role of a mediator is similar to the role of a trial judge.
    An arbitrator is authorized to issue an award, whereas a mediator can only assist in reaching a settlement.

Question 15
Which of the following is a requirement for obtaining a patent for an invention?

    The invention needs to be made of highly valuable components.
    The invention must be in the form of a service.
    The invention must be original.
    The invention needs to be recognizable to the general public.

Question 16
An agency that appears to be created by a principal but does not exist in reality is called a(n) __________.

    apparent agency
    implied agency
    agency by ratification
    fully disclosed agency

Question 17
Laws that protect governments from being overthrown primarily serve the function of:

    advocating social justice
    providing bases for compromise.
    maintaining the status quo.
    minimizing individual freedom.

Question 18
Ken owns a small convenience store in a street corner in California. One afternoon, a teenage boy enters his store, looks around, and prepares to walk out without buying anything. Ken is wary of the boy because of the boy's shabby clothing. He stops and asks the boy to empty his pockets and then questions him for about five minutes. After finding that the boy does not have anything from the store on him, Ken reluctantly lets him go. Which of the following is a merchant protection statute that Ken has violated?

    Reasonable grounds for suspicion
    Reasonable duration of detention
    Adverse possession
    Adequate assurance of performance

Question 19
Corporate officers are best described as:

    directors elected by a corporation's shareholders.
    partners pursuing a joint venture transaction
    owners of a corporation with limited liability for its debts and obligations.
    employees appointed to manage the daily operations of a corporation.

Question 20
Which of the following scenarios is an example of law and ethics contradicting each other?

    A florist in the United States employs an illegal immigrant to help the immigrant and her family overcome their financial difficulties.
    A large apparel retailer copies the trademarked garment designs of a well-known fashion designer.
    A restaurateur, whose restaurant is violating labor laws, bribes a federal official to prevent him from reporting the violations.
    An iron-ore manufacturing company provides its employees with high-quality safety equipment.

Question 21
Robert orders coffee while having breakfast in a diner. He suffers third-degree burn injuries when the coffee accidently spills on him. He presses charges against the diner for failing to notify him that the coffee was exceptionally hot. In this scenario, the diner is guilty of a(n) __________.

    unintentional tort
    intent crime
    intentional tort

Question 22
Which of the following best describes the term warranty?

    It refers to the transfer of possession of stolen property to a person who had bought the property without the knowledge that it has been stolen.
    It is a purchaser's title to goods obtained by the impersonation of another person.
    It refers to the terms in a sales contract stipulating the party that will bear the risk of loss of goods during shipment.
    It is the seller's assurance to a buyer that the goods sold meet certain standards of quality.
    nonintent crime

Question 23
Which of the following is a characteristic of torts?

    They are punishable by the death penalty.
    They are usually not tried by the jury.
    They are brought to court by a plaintiff.
    They are tried by criminal procedure.

Question 24
A group boycott occurs when:

    competitors at one level of distribution collectively refuse to deal with others at a different level of distribution.
    parties enter into a trade agreement that has greater anticompetitive effects than procompetitive effects.
    parties at different levels of distribution enter into an agreement to adhere to a schedule that will stabilize prices.
    competitors agree that they will distribute their goods to only a particular portion of the market.

Question 25
A goal of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is to:

    control and closely monitor the financial accounts of all corporations in the United States.
        allow directors and executive officers of public companies to be given personal loans from the companies.

end conflicts of interest, establishing better corporate governance.

enable smooth settlement of alleged fraud among major corporations.

Question 26
Helen buys a toy railway set for her 3-year-old son, Ben. The product's cover mentions that the toy is suitable for children only aged between 3 and 12. While playing with the toy one evening, without Helen's supervision, Ben chokes on an inch-long engine driver figure that forms part of the train. Although he survives, he is traumatized by the incident. For which type of defect can Helen sue the toy manufacturer?

    Failure to tamperproof
    Defect in product packaging
    Defect in manufacture
    Failure to warn

Question 27
Insider trading is considered illegal because:

    it results in excessive losses for the company.
    it makes use of nonmaterial public information.
    it fails to account for the short-swing profits brought into a company.
    it limits investment opportunities for the investing public.

Question 28
When an employer does not discriminate against women in general but treats women above the age of 40 differently, the employer is practicing __________.

    color discrimination
    sex-plus discrimination
    religious discrimination
    racial discrimination

Question 29
The power and authority to exclude competition or control prices is known as __________.

    enumerated power
    monopoly power
    implied power
    reserved power

Question 30
Which of the following is a category of torts?
    Professional malpractice
    Personal liability
    Strict liability
    Nonintent crime

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

FINA422 Assignment 2

Consider a U.S.-based manufacturing firm that is considering a move to the United Kingdom. Because the company will be using the British pound in its operations, the management team has hired you to explain the Purchasing Power Parity Theory.

In a 3-page report, you will research the Purchasing Power Parity (PPP) Theory in exchange rate determination. Include the following:

  • Discuss how PPP can or cannot be a determinant of currency exchange rate differences among countries.
  • If you assume PPP holds, could it help in forecasting the future exchange rate of the British pound?




FINA412 Assignment 2

Go to the Office of the Comptroller of the Currency Web site. Find the most recent levels of futures, forwards, options, swaps, and credit derivatives using the following steps:

  1. Click on "Publications."
  2. From there, click on "Other Publications/Reports."
  3. Then, click on "Quarterly Report on Bank Derivatives Activities."
  4. Click on the most recent date, and download the latest report. The tables containing the data are at the bottom of the document.

Then, discuss the following:



  • How have these values increased since 2015? 
  • Use charts or tables to illustrate the difference between the numbers


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...