Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Marketing Research Industry Challenges

Describe at least one challenge to the present-day marketing research industry. Support your position in a minimum of 150 words.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ITAR EAR Call center Outsourcing

Assume that you work within a manufacturer of personal digital assistants (PDAs). The PDAs have some potential for use by the United States military. Research & Development (R&D) efforts are underway within the United States Army using the PDAs for controlling logistics on the battlefield. Your government contract addresses export control and ITAR. Your biggest competitor has just outsourced their Customer Care and Warranty Call Center to India, which will give them a significant cost advantage. In order to remain competitive, the Vice President of your division has requested that you determine your organization's best course of action. At this time, your organization has call center facilities located in Chicago, IL. U.S., with back-up facilities near San Francisco, CA, U.S. You have met with several colleagues to determine what could be included in the proposal back to the Vice President. They have recommended that you consider the following:

1) Consider the organization's motivation, short-term and long-term implications

2) Best strategic location:

a) Keeping the call center insourced in North America

b) Insourcing in one of your facilities in another part of the world (possibly Singapore where your electronics assembly is located)

c) Outsourcing the call center in the United States

d) Outsourcing the call center in another part of the world (Potentially India)

3) Determining the impact of the ITAR and export control on the initiative


 Prepare a 500- to 600 word paper in which you take your colleagues' recommendations into consideration addressing the following items:

1.State Department International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR).

2.monetary exchange rates

3.political stability



Sunday, July 12, 2020

ISCOM 472 - Recommendations

 you last three papers: Need for a Lean Initiatives Paper, As-Is Process Flowchart and Paper, and To-Be Process Flowchart and Paper
Write a 400- to 600 words paper recommending and evaluating the selected business process improvement plan for your selected organization. Danaher.
•Develop the metrics to quantify the level of improvement in your selected processes.

ISCOM 424 Week-2 Supply Chain Management Strategy

Supply Chain Management Strategy Training Document

Write a 650- to 750-word paper explaining supply chain management strategy to new hires at Riordan's operation in Hangzhou, China. The new hires may or may not deal directly with the supply chain. Your paper must cover the following topics:

•Supply chain management theory

•Competitive strategy

•Customer fulfillment strategy

 •Process thinking

HLTH 400 Unit-4 IP Work Team

Your health care organization has called upon you to lead a work team to identify service-quality problems within the environment.

Individual Portion
Answer the following questions about work teams:

What are the benefits of a strong work team?
What are the common problems that a work team can face when working together?
When is it appropriate to use work teams?
What is the individual's role within the team?
Do you feel that a work team is beneficial to the staff?

Case 22 Cowgirl Chocolates (Marilyn Lysohir)

BM350 Marketing Management

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth University for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Case 22:  Cowgirl Chocolates (pp. 488-500)

Marilyn Lysohir, an internationally celebrated ceramic artist, started Cowgirl Chocolates to provide some funding support for a yearly published arts magazine, High Ground, that she and her husband, Ross Coates, started in 1995. Her love of chocolates and hot and spicy foods spurred the idea of making hot and spicy chocolates to be sold in creative, artistic tins and packaging, which she labeled Cowgirl Chocolates. Her small business, begun in 1997, had won a number of awards in fiery food competitions. While Cowgirl Chocolates had grown steadily over its four years in business, it still had only generated $30,000 in sales revenue in 2000, which was not enough to cover expenses. Marilyn had drained much of her personal savings to keep Cowgirl Chocolates in business. Her cash accounting methods and record keeping were not very sophisticated although she seemed to have a good sense of her costs in production and raw materials and the packaging. However, Marilyn had taken a shotgun approach to most of her marketing efforts and had tried a number of activities to increase product demand. She allowed herself to make one risky financial move each year in her pursuit of profitability and increased sales. She had just made her one risky move for year 2001: She had taken out a full-page ad in Chile Pepper magazine for $3,000.


1.   The suggested retail price and wholesale prices of Cowgirl Chocolates products are displayed in Exhibit 2 (p. 491) along with the product and packaging costs. Based on this information, discuss the relative merits of using a cost-based, demand-based, and competition-based pricing method.  (50 points)

2.   What are four (4) options that Cowgirl Chocolates may consider as far as pricing? What would you recommend?  (50 points)




BUSN300 Week-6 IP- Apple


Your manager believes in learning from other companies' success stories as well as stories of failure. In particular, she likes to apply various management theories when possible, rather than starting from the beginning every time a decision has to be made. She asks you to write a memo to her addressing the following: From any recent or current event in the news, discuss and explain the use of these two specific theories that the firms you researched believed in

•In the human resource area, moving toward an employee empowerment culture

 •In the marketing area, the theory of penetration pricing


For each of these two, explain the following:

•The issue being addressed that gave rise to employing these theories

•How the theory being followed leads to specific actions on the part of the company

 •Results achieved

 •If you had been the senior manager in these situations, at those companies, how might you have addressed the situation any differently? What other theory could have been the basis for the decision.



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...