Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Downhill Boards

Downhill Boards (DB), a producer of snow boards, is evaluating a new process for applying the finish to its snow boards. Downhill Boards currently incurs a fixed annual cost of $125,000 and has a variable cost of $0.90 per unit. Annual demand for the snow boards is 160,000. Fast Finish, Inc. (FFI) has made a technological breakthrough in snow board finish application. FFI will apply the finish for $0.23 per unit in variable costs plus a fixed annual cost of $230,000.
a) What will it cost Downhill Boards to outsource the finishing process?
Total Cost from FFI = $ .
$ than insourcing.
b) At what demand level does it make sense economically to outsource the finishing process?
Better to outsource when demand is or more.

Discuss the appropriateness of using the same leadership style across all EU countries

Discuss the appropriateness of using the same leadership style across all EU countries.  Include in your discussion the research results for both views given in your textbook.

Discriminating practices in hiring recruiting

2.Assume that you plan the programs for recruiting, hiring, training, promotion and retention. Identify three practices that could be discriminatory and how you would plan to avoid the discrimination and at the same time enhance diversity?

Dikverse workforce Agenda

Consider this scenario: You work for a large financial institution that in the past 10 years has developed new products and services that appeal to a very diverse customer base located throughout the world. You have been asked by your CEO to lead an effort to discuss the importance of having a diverse workforce that can effectively serve your organization's customer base. Identify five main points you plan to make about the values of having a diverse workforce, and present a detailed sample agenda for your meeting.


BZ380-Information System transforming business Assignment-1

Directions: Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

1. Describe three (3) ways in which information system are transforming business.
(33 points)

2. What is information systems literacy? How does it differ from computer literacy?
(34 points)

3. List and describe the organizational, management, and technology dimensions of information systems. (33 points)


Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bussiness Management-5(1-20questions)mcq.

Question 1 of 20   
The most intense level of competition will be under situations of pure competition in which there is/are:


    A. one seller and a low degree of differentiation.   

    B. many sellers and a high degree of differentiation.   

    C. many sellers and no degree of differentiation.   

    D. few sellers and a low degree of differentiation.   


Question 2 of 20   
Which of the following factor(s) determine the intensity of competition in an industry according to the industry perspective?


    A. The number of sellers   

    B. The number of buyers   

    C. How well different organizations are able to meet customers needs   

    D. The identification of strategic groups   


Question 3 of 20   
The adaptive strategies approach was developed by:


    A. Miles and Snow.   

    B. Mintzberg.   

    C. Abell.   

    D. Porter.   


Question 4 of 20   
Which of the following strategies is appropriate for business units that search for market stability and produce only a limited product line directed at a narrow segment of the total potential market?


    A. Prospector competitive strategy   

    B. Defender competitive strategy   

    C. Analyzer competitive strategy   

    D. Reactor competitive strategy   


Question 5 of 20   
Systematically assessing and evaluating possible courses of action is known as the __________ strategy.


    A. reactor   

    B. defender   

    C. analyzer   

    D. focus   


Question 6 of 20   
According to Porter, the "appropriate" competitive strategy is based on the organization's:


    A. manufacturing operations.   

    B. competitive advantage.   

    C. public relations department.   

    D. financial forecasts.   


Question 7 of 20   
The three generic types of competitive strategies are:


    A. vertical integration, diversification, and growth.   

    B. cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.   

    C. prospector, defender, and analyzer.   

    D. build market share, maintain industry rank, and increase business strength.   


Question 8 of 20   
According to Michael Porter, competitive advantage can come from:


    A. having the lowest price in the industry.   

    B. having the lowest costs in the industry.   

    C. having the most efficient production process in the industry.   

    D. having the most creative marketing strategies in the industry.   


Question 9 of 20   
When there is a broad competitive scope and there are low costs obtained, Porter suggests a(n) __________ strategy.


    A. cost leadership   

    B. differentiation   

    C. prospector   

    D. reactor   


Question 10 of 20   
Which of the following is the main objective in the successful pursuit of the cost leadership strategy?


    A. Product innovation   

    B. Efficiency in operations   

    C. Customer focus   

    D. Product design   


Question 11 of 20   
When customers consistently and repeatedly seek out, purchase, and use a particular brand, this is a situation of:


    A. effective production policies.   

    B. cultural dynamics.   

    C. brand loyalty.   

    D. operations management.   


Question 12 of 20   
Which strategy is used by businesses that compete in a narrow market and use only one common competitive weapon?


    A. Differentiated strategy   

    B. Focus strategy   

    C. Analyzer strategy   

    D. Prospector strategy   


Question 13 of 20   
The main goal of a company pursuing a differentiation strategy is to:


    A. increase market share and profits.   

    B. lower production costs and increase efficiency.   

    C. provide products or services that are unique.   

    D. improve customer-oriented service.   


Question 14 of 20   
When an organization is not successful at pursuing a low-cost or differentiation strategy, this concept is referred to by Porter as:


    A. focus (cost).   

    B. focus (differentiation).   

    C. stuck in the middle.   

    D. prospector.   


Question 15 of 20   
One advantage of the focus strategy is:


    A. the organization will get to know its market niche very well.   

    B. the organization has difficulty lowering costs significantly.   

    C. other organizations may be able to offer lower costs of the product.   

    D. the organization may lose sight of changing customer needs.   


Question 16 of 20   
A company that produces commodity aluminum should pursue which of the following generic competitive strategies?


    A. Cost leadership   

    B. Differentiation   

    C. Growth   

    D. Profit   


Question 17 of 20   
Using Mintzberg's framework, organizations that compete on the basis of providing desirable product features and design configurations are using differentiation by:


    A. product design.   

    B. product quality.   

    C. price.   

    D. marketing image.   


Question 18 of 20   
When an organization attempts to exploit and strengthen its competitive position through attacks on a competitor's position, this ploy is known as:


    A. defensive strategies.   

    B. offensive moves.   

    C. defensive moves.   

    D. offensive strategies.   


Question 19 of 20   
A frontal assault with regard to competitive actions means:


    A. matching the competition along the dimension of price only.   

    B. matching the competitor along dimensions such as price, promotion, and distribution.   

    C. holding off competitors with the use of international markets.   

    D. remaining reactive the actions of the competition.   


Question 20 of 20   
The small, intermittent, seemingly random assaults on the markets of the competitors are referred to as __________ attacks.


    A. guerrilla   

    B. resource   

    C. industrial   

    D. maneuvered   


Bunssiness Management-4(1-20q.)mcq

Question 1 of 20   
The __________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of performance.


    A. portfolio analysis   

    B. capabilities assessment   

    C. financial analysis   

    D. SWOT analysis   


Question 2 of 20   
Which of the following is included under the product functional strategies?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Management   

    C. Supervision   

    D. Leadership   


Question 3 of 20   
__________ strategies are the short-term goal-directed decisions and actions of the organization's various functional areas.


    A. Competitive   

    B. Functional   

    C. Corporate   

    D. Business   


Question 4 of 20   
__________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing goods and services.


    A. Production-operations   

    B. Marketing   

    C. High-performance work practices   

    D. Information system   


Question 5 of 20   
An organization that's first to bring a new product or innovation to the marketplace is a(n):


    A. primary competitor.   

    B. first mover.   

    C. early adopter.   

    D. innovator.   


Question 6 of 20   
Which of the following is a possible production-operations management strategy?


    A. Selective specialization   

    B. Inventory management systems   

    C. User positioning   

    D. Database marketing   


Question 7 of 20   
Which are the two biggest factors in marketing?


    A. Competitors and pricing   

    B. Product and competitors   

    C. Customers and competitors   

    D. Pricing and customers   


Question 8 of 20   
The geographic segmentation variable for consumer markets could include factors such as:


    A. region, metropolitan area, and population density.   

    B. social class, lifestyle, and personality.   

    C. occasions of product use, benefits, and user status.   

    D. purchasing function organization, power structure, and purchasing criteria.   


Question 9 of 20   
The four Ps in marketing are:


    A. product, price, promotion, and place.   

    B. production, placement, personnel, and place.   

    C. promotion, price, positioning, and perception.   

    D. perception, perspective, promotion, and price.   


Question 10 of 20   
Human resource management strategies regarding employee separations include all of the following EXCEPT:


    A. downsizing.   

    B. hiring freezes.   

    C. organizing for efficiency or innovation.   

    D. preferential or nonpreferential rehiring process.   


Question 11 of 20   
The strategic decisions associated with the organization are the choice of a system and the choice of type of system needed for which system type?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Human resources   

    C. Information   

    D. Financial-accounting   


Question 12 of 20   
Designing which of the following systems involves making sure we have the information we need, when the information is needed, and in the form needed?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Human resources   

    C. Information   

    D. Financial-accounting   


Question 13 of 20   
Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using __________ and __________ performance measures for each area.


    A. functional; quantitative; qualitative   

    B. marketing; quantitative; qualitative   

    C. management; financial; quantitative   

    D. research and development; quantitative; qualitative   


Question 14 of 20   
The __________ analysis points to the strategic issues decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high performance levels.


    A. functional   

    B. SWOT   

    C. competitive   

    D. organizational   


Question 15 of 20   
The process of creating goods and services in which organizational resources are transformed into outputs is called:


    A. production-operations.   

    B. manufacturing-operations.   

    C. product-production.   

    D. organizational performance.   


Question 16 of 20   
Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using specific performance measures-qualitative and quantitative-for each functional area.


    A. organizational   

    B. operational   

    C. functional   

    D. production   


Question 17 of 20   
When a group of individuals from various functional departments work together on product or process development, it can be in a:


    A. technical environment.   

    B. cross-functional team.   

    C. global organization.   

    D. matrix organization.   


Question 18 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT one of the three functional concerns of organizations?


    A. People   

    B. Technology   

    C. Support processes   

    D. Product   


Question 19 of 20   
A(n) __________ system is a system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating any and all information that managers need to operate a business.


    A. database   

    B. reporting   

    C. support   

    D. information   


Question 20 of 20   
__________ at the functional level involves using specific performance measures quantitative and qualitative – for each functional area.


    A. Management   

    B. Reporting   

    C. Performance evaluation   

    D. Strategy evaluation   


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...