Sunday, September 6, 2020

MIS 3101 Assignmnet-1 DQ-1

Question 4: Describe the application of executive support systems (ESS) in enabling senior managers to oversee more people with fewer resources.

MIS 3101 Assignment-1 DQ- DSS and OLAP

Question 5: Discuss ways in which DSS can be used with OLAP data mining techniques to predict the outcomes of events such as the probability of the number of times a customer will respond to an offer or purchase of a specific product.

MGT1 short questions

Q1.What are the major threats to doing business in global markets?

Q2.What key challenges must India and Russia face before becoming global economic leaders?

Q3.What does the acronym BRIC stand for, and why is it important to know this term?

Q4.What are the two primary concerns associated with offshore outsourcing?

MGMT305 Week-3 DB -System Development Lifcycle

  • Explain the life cycle of an information systems
  • Apply the steps of the life cycle to the scenario listed below

Imagine that you run a photography printing store. Your employees have been using punch cards for time entry since you started the business. This has lead to many problems including lost cards, inaccurate hours, and employees punching in other employees. Because of these problems you are considering implementing a computerized time entry system. Describe each step of the life cycle, and apply it to your problem in your business.

MGMT305 Unit-4 DB

·         Define a decision support system (DSS).

·         What is the difference between management information systems and decision support systems?

·         Describe the different components of a decision support system and explain each one.

·         Think of an example where a decision support system helps with making internal decisions.



Sunday, August 23, 2020

MGMT305 Unit-2 DB

There are multiple Internet browsers available today, and many people choose which to use without giving it consideration. However, there are advantages and disadvantages to each for your Discussion Board consider:

  • Which is the better software tool: Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, or Google Chrome?
  • Supplement your argument with evidence, and indicate whether or not you changed your position based upon the discussion. Why or why not?

MGMT305 Management Information Systems Unit-1 DB

While information systems has one meaning, it can be used in different ways for companies to keep a competitive edge on the marketplace. Compare and Contrast two distinctly different organizations on how they use information systems in their organizations.

Include in your post the following:

  • Research the 4 competitive strategies and briefly describe them.
  • From the 4 strategies, pick 2 and provide an example of a company that uses each strategy.
    • How do they implement the strategy?
    • Provide examples of how the companies use the strategy, and do not simply write the description.
    • Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.

Properly reference the companies in your post if required using APA format.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...