Monday, September 28, 2020

SOC100 Week 1 Working in teams Worksheet

                           University of phoenix

Working in Teams Worksheet

Short-Answer Questions

Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following prompts:

1.     In what ways do teams differ from groups? What factors contribute to a team? When have you worked in a team? What was your experience like?

2.     What are some different types of teams? What are the goals of each type of team? What differences are there in how team members work together in these different teams?

3.     What are some examples of effective communication and listening skills for teams? What makes these skills effective? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses when communicating in a team? How can you work on the areas that need improvement?

OR110A Assignment 8

Assignment 08

OR110 Achieving Academic Excellence

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.


At the beginning and end of this course you were asked to think about reasons why you wanted to succeed in your Ashworth College education. In light of these reasons, read the following questions, and then answer each one with a complete sentence or two after considering your response.


1.      What is your primary goal regarding your Ashworth College education?


2.      Describe three (3) benefits that will be achieved through this goal.


3.      Describe two (2) resources you have available to achieve your goal (personal, professional, relational, financial, etc.)?


4.      List one (1) obstacle or challenge you see that must be dealt with or tackled for you to achieve this goal.


5.      Upon achieving this goal, describe two (2) ways in which your life will be changed or impacted.


OR110 Lesson 5 Exam SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1        10 / 10 points
There is often more than one way to do math.
Question options:


Question 2        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is an example of budgeting?
Question options:

Deciding to go to a cheaper restaurant rather than an expensive one

Giving yourself a certain spending limit per month

Calculating monthly expenses for rent, utilities and car payments before going on a trip

All of the above are examples of budgeting
Question 3        10 / 10 points
Which of the following is an example of flexible spending?
Question options:



Cell phone bill

Question 4        10 / 10 points
Using approximations for everyday purchases to make it easier on yourself is known as _____________.
Question options:

Creating a list



Question 5        10 / 10 points
Which of the following percentages correctly matches the main financial buckets used in the 50/20/30 guideline:
Question options:

Financial Goals; 50%

Flexible Spending; 30%

Flexible Spending; 20%

Fixed Cost; 20%
Question 6        10 / 10 points
Suppose you are going grocery shopping and have a budget of $50 for the week allocated to food. You buy a box of cereal for $3.00, a carton of milk for $2.50, a bag of lettuce for $4.00, 5 bananas for $2.00, a package of tomatoes for $4.00, a package of chicken for $10.20, a bag of rice for $5.49, a box of granola bars for $5.12, a loaf of bread for $3.30, a jar of peanut butter for $4.00 and a box of cookies for $4.30. Determine whether or not you followed your budget and by how much.
Question options:

Under budget by $2.09

Over budget by $2.09

Under budget by $47.91

Under budget by $6.09
Question 7        10 / 10 points
Suppose that during this week you have spent $25.61 on gas for your car, $92.46 on groceries, $43.78 on a birthday gift for a friend and $19.33 on a new pair of pants. Round each purchase and create an estimate for your weekly expenses. Which of the following best reflects your estimated total weekly expenses?
Question options:




Question 8        10 / 10 points
Which of the following options is NOT a fixed cost?
Question options:

Rent payment

Cell phone bill

Grocery bill

Car payments
Question 9        10 / 10 points
When setting a budget, you should use the 50/20/30 rule.
Question options:


Question 10        10 / 10 points
Any number you multiply by 1 is itself.
Question options:



OPS571 Week 3 Lean Techniques

Purpose of Assignment 

The purpose of this assignment is for students to evaluate the lean techniques applied to business in today's workforce. 

Note: Students and Faculty seeking more information on this assignment can refer to Ch. 14 of the Operations and Supply Chain Management textbook. 

Assignment Steps 

Select a business you are familiar with which incorporates lean manufacturing or lean supply chains. 

Evaluate how this firm uses lean strategies and how much lean techniques has improved the firm's efficiency. 

Evaluate ways the firm can go even further to make improvements using lean techniques. 

Use the results you obtained from evaluating this firm to apply to your own business or a business you are interested in which currently does not use lean. 

Develop a 1,050-word report in which you describe your lean evaluation project.


Wednesday, September 23, 2020

project management changing over the last 20 years

How do you see project management changing over the last 20 years? What do you think the future of project management is? Where is it headed?

Saturday, September 12, 2020


1.      Explain the relationship between the price elasticity of demand and total revenue.

2.      2. Is the price elasticity of gasoline more elastic over a shorter or a longer period of time? Explain.

3.      3. Determine whether each of the following is an explicit cost or an implicit cost:

a) Payments for rented manufacturing equipment

b) A firm's use of a warehouse that it owns and could rent to another firm

c) Wages paid to the firm's workers
d) The wages the firm's owner could earn if he worked for another company

4.       Consider the following information in the table for Pat's Pizza Restaurant and answer the questions below.
Marginal Product of Capital 4,000
Marginal Produce of Labor 100
Wage Rate $10
Rental Price of Pizza Ovens $500
a. Is the owner of Pat's Pizza Restaurant minimizing cost?
b. Should he rent more ovens and hire fewer workers or rent fewer ovens and hire more workers? Explain.

MT445 Unit-8 inflation

1. Determine whether each of the following would cause a shift of the aggregate demand curve, a shift of the aggregate supply curve, neither, or both. Which curve shifts, and in which direction? What happens to aggregate output and the price level in each case?

a. The price level changes

i. Which curve shifts?
ii. Which direction does it shift?
iii. What happens to aggregate output?
iv. What happens to the price level?

b. Consumer confidence declines
i. Which curve shifts?
ii. Which direction does it shift?
iii. What happens to aggregate output?
iv. What happens to the price level?

c. The supply of resources increases
i. Which curve shifts?
ii. Which direction does it shift?
iii. What happens to aggregate output?
iv. What happens to the price level?

d. The wage rate increases
i. Which curve shifts?
ii. Which direction does it shift?
iii. What happens to aggregate output?
iv. What happens to the price level?

2. Determine whether the following statements are true or false.
i. Some people who are officially unemployed are not in the labor force.
ii. Some people in the labor force are not working.
iii. Everyone who is not unemployed is in the labor force.
iv. Some people who are not working are not unemployed.

3. Refer to the following data on the U.S. consumer price index and answer the questions below.
Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI Year CPI
1988 118.3 1993 144.5 1998 163.0 2003 184.0
1989 124.0 1994 148.2 1999 166.6 2004 188.9
1990 130.7 1995 152.4 2000 172.2 2005 195.3
1991 136.2 1996 156.9 2001 177.1 2006 201.8
1992 140.3 1997 160.5 2002 179.9

a. Compute the inflation rate for each year 1989-2006.
b. Which years were years of inflation?
c. In which years did deflation occur?
d. In which years did disinflation occur?
e. Was there hyperinflation in any year?

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...