Saturday, October 3, 2020

50 Well known company research

For this assignment, choose from the list of 50 well-known corporations listed below. Research one of the companies from the list. Apply concepts from this course (units 1–4: Management Fundamentals, Management Tools / Planning, Decision Making / Communications / Organizing and Org Behavior / Leading) and discuss the chief executive officer's (CEO) leadership qualities. Answer the following questions:

• Discuss 3 factors or characteristics that you think makes this individual (the CEO) an effective leader.

• Discuss 3 factors or characteristics that a credible management industry source thinks makes this individual an effective leader. Support your argument with reliable outside sources.

• What do you think will be the key cultural or organizational legacy this leader will leave behind?

List of 50 Corporations 1. 3M 2. Abbott Laboratories 3. Adobe Systems 4. Advanced Battery Technologies 5. Alcoa 6. American Express 7. Altria Group 8. Anheuser Busch 9. Apple 10. AT&T 11. Bed Bath & Beyond 12. Boeing 13. Bank of America 14. CarMax 15. Caterpillar 16. Cisco Systems 17. Chevron 18. Edward Jones 19. Exxon Mobil 20. Ford Motor Co. 21. General Electric Co. 22. General Motors Corporation 23. Goldman Sachs 24. Google 25. Harley Davidson 26. Hewlett Packard 27. Home Depot 28. International Business Machine 29. Intel 30. Johnson & Johnson 31. Kraft 32. McDonald's Corporation 33. Merck 34. Microsoft 35. Pfizer 36. Procter Gamble 37. Qualcomm 38. Quicken Loans 39. SAS 40. Southwest Airlines 41. Sprint 42. Starbucks 43. The Cheesecake Factory 44. United Tech 45. Verizon Communication 46. Wal-Mart 47. Walgreen's 48. Walt Disney 49. Wendy's 50. World Foods Market

3 company interview

You are a marketing manager interviewing for a new job at several different firms simultaneously. You expect to be asked the same questions in each interview dealing with what you think are some good new marketing opportunities for each firm to pursue. You know that being well prepared for an interview gives you a better chance of being offered the job, so you decided to study each company where you are interviewing. Pick any 3 firms to research. Based on Internet research on these companies, write a 500–750-word research paper proposing at least 3 marketing opportunities that you would strongly suggest that each firm pursue. In your arguments, include the following: Describe your reasoning for identifying them as worthy of pursuing. Categorize each marketing opportunity as low-hanging fruit, home runs, or singles, and discuss why (see definitions in course materials). Discuss the risk in pursuing each opportunity. Without actually trying to determine each project's ROE, which would you most strongly recommend implementing, and why? Explain how the marketing opportunity would reflect upon the firm. Would it have a positive or negative public relations effect on the firm? Would it result in great financial improvements, or only a minor improvement?


Friday, October 2, 2020

MGMT305 Unit 5 Asignment

                     MGMT 305 - Unit 5 Assignment 1

Compare and contrast the management information systems (MIS) in place in 2 distinctly different organizations.

Compare each organization's use of information systems to help manage internal operations and to make decisions.

Assess how these two organizations use information technology for competitive advantage.

Appraise the individual and organizational consequences of the use of information technology, and recognize potential security breaches and computer crimes.

Present your findings in a Word document of 4-5 body pages formatted in APA style.



MGMT305 Unit 3 Individual Project

You are to select 1 business that does not already have a Web site, and develop an Internet strategy for it. Most large corporations already have Web sites, so you may have to think of something on a smaller scale such as a local bike store. Sole proprietorship businesses that provide services like car repair, house cleaning, tax preparation, and that use the Internet and similar services are also good options. You will also consider and describe how the business that you select can use social media to achieve its objectives. Use the Internet and the library to research and analyze markets and competitors.


After selecting a business, you will need to answer the following questions:


What Internet business model would be appropriate for the company to follow in creating a Web site and why?

In what ways can the business benefit from a Web site? What functions should it perform for the company (e.g., marketing, sales, customer support, internal communications, etc.)?

In what other ways might the company use the Internet for its own benefit?

Prepare functional specifications for the company's use of the Web and the Internet. Include links to and from other sites in your design.

Prepare a list of technological specifications for implementation (e.g., what hardware and software are necessary to support your design)?

Monday, September 28, 2020

OR110 Week 3 Threaded Discussion

What Are the Different Styles of Writing You Should Know?


There are lots of different styles of writing. However, all of these styles fit into four categories. Address the following in your response:

1. List the four types of writing.

2. Address which style of writing you use most.

3. Give an example of how you use this style of writing listed above (in point 2).

This exercise helps you determine which one of the different styles of writing you should employ based on the message that you want to get to your reader and how you want to present that message. Whether you're describing a memorable vacation or persuading a group of people to vote a particular way, the style can make a huge impact on the effectiveness of your writing.

SOC100 Week 1 Working in teams Worksheet

                           University of phoenix

Working in Teams Worksheet

Short-Answer Questions

Write a 75- to 100-word response to each of the following prompts:

1.     In what ways do teams differ from groups? What factors contribute to a team? When have you worked in a team? What was your experience like?

2.     What are some different types of teams? What are the goals of each type of team? What differences are there in how team members work together in these different teams?

3.     What are some examples of effective communication and listening skills for teams? What makes these skills effective? What are some of your strengths and weaknesses when communicating in a team? How can you work on the areas that need improvement?

OR110A Assignment 8

Assignment 08

OR110 Achieving Academic Excellence

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format.


At the beginning and end of this course you were asked to think about reasons why you wanted to succeed in your Ashworth College education. In light of these reasons, read the following questions, and then answer each one with a complete sentence or two after considering your response.


1.      What is your primary goal regarding your Ashworth College education?


2.      Describe three (3) benefits that will be achieved through this goal.


3.      Describe two (2) resources you have available to achieve your goal (personal, professional, relational, financial, etc.)?


4.      List one (1) obstacle or challenge you see that must be dealt with or tackled for you to achieve this goal.


5.      Upon achieving this goal, describe two (2) ways in which your life will be changed or impacted.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...