Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam BU35S Organizational Behavior

Question 1
The science of ________ was developed by applying general concepts to a particular situation, person, or group.
Organizational Behavior

Question 2
Organizational behavior is a field of study that investigates the impact the individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations, for the purpose of applying such knowledge toward improving:
an organization's effectiveness.
an organization's social responsibilities.
the manager's pay.
the quality of the firm's products.

Question 3
Which of the following is an example of an affective attitude?
Believing that you did a good job
The observation that most dogs have four legs
The opinion that it is never acceptable to steal
Anger at being unfairly accused of a wrongdoing

Question 4
Which of the following terms indicates the degree to which people like or dislike themselves?
Core self-evaluation

Question 5
What is the main strength of job rotation?
It eliminates management involvement.
It increases motivation.
It increases productivity.
It decreases training costs.

Question 6
Which of the following is a group decision-making technique?
Mind mapping
Lateral thinking
Group polarization

Question 7
Which theory of leadership proposes that followers attribute heroic or extraordinary leadership abilities when they observe certain behaviors?
Charismatic leadership theory
Authentic leadership theory
Transactional leadership theory
Attributional leadership theory

Question 8
According to the traditional view of conflict, conflict is:

Question 9
You describe to your students a new committee within the university that brings together specialists from all different departments to develop a new interdisciplinary program. The structure of the committee best meets the definition of the:
matrix structure.
simple structure.
boundaryless organization.
virtual organization.

Question 10
_______ refers to the degree to which jobs within the organization are standardized.
Span of control

Ashworth Semester Exam AR300 Art History

AR300 : Art History

Question 1
What does Jan Steen's The Drawing Lesson provide for modern viewers?
A record of a Dutch landscape
A record of sculptural technique
A record of an artist's workplace
A record of familial interaction

Question 2
Compared to Paleolithic sculpture, the Woman and Man from Cernavoda display more:
exaggerated features.
attitude and expression.
ritual significance.

Question 3
Which architectural order has fluted columns without bases and unadorned capitals?

Question 4
Which of the following is an aspect of the Lion Gate at Mycenae that shows a Minoan influence?
the lions
the column
the plinth
the bulls

Question 5
What is parchment made of?
Animal skin
Tree bark

Question 6
What was Gothic architecture called in its own time?

Question 7
What inspired the spiral turned columns of Bernini's Baldacchino?
A tornado
The Hall of One Hundred Columns at Persepolis
Columns from Solomon's Temple
Columns from Djoser's funerary complex

Question 8
The elegant, glittering, Salon de la Princesse, designed by Germain Boffrand in 1732 is an example of what style?

Question 9
In which category is the work of Frida Kahlo generally placed (even though she herself thought it was an uncomfortable fit)?
Mexican mural movement
Harlem Renaissance
American Scene Painting

Question 10
Which became the most prominent religion in India during the period of c.

Ashworth Semester Exam AN310 Cultural Anthropology

Question 1
The cultural materialist perspective uses a three-level model of culture that includes:
infrastructure, structure, and superstructure.
class, "race," and gender.
ethnicity, age, and class.
structure, agency, and change.

Question 2

 People who have a longstanding connection with their home territory predating colonialism are referred to as:
ethnic groups.
indigenous people.
local groups.
racial groups.

Question 3
Compared to Malinowski's research in the Trobriand Islands, Weiner's restudy addressed:
women's lives.
changing leadership patterns.
the decline of the Kula trade.
the high rate of suicide.

Question 4
A major catalyst to the adoption of a code of ethics by the American Anthropological Association was:
the decline of small, isolated populations and increase in research in "modern" cultures.
the increasing proportion of anthropologists from non-Western cultures who supported a code of ethics.
World War II.
the Vietnam-American War.

Question 5
Which of the following is an intra-household entitlement?
Inheritance law
Tax policy
Ownership of food-producing land
Access to energy as a paid public utility

Question 6
In northern Thailand, many people believe that sudden death of men is caused by:
nagging of their wives.
stress related to poverty.
attack of widow ghosts.

Question 7
The Guna people, known for their matrilineal descent and colorful molas, live mainly in:
Costa Rica.

Question 8
In Japan, what element of personal appearance, dress, or accessory communicates facts about age, gender, formality, and marital status?
Hair style
Hair accessories
Kimono pattern and color
Kimono sleeve length

Question 9
Gers, or yerts, are associated with which mode of livelihood?
Industrial/digital economy

Question 10
In Beatriz Manz's case study of a Maya group who relocated to the jungle to start a new life, the major threat they experienced in the new location was from:
political violence.
lack of clean water.
lack of electricity and communications.
lack of schools and teachers.

Ashworth Semester Exam EN130 English Composition II

EN130 : English Composition II
Question 1
When writing a comparison-contrast essay, you could be addressing any of these purposes EXCEPT for which one?
Expressing an idea

Question 2
As derived from French, the word "journal" is best thought of as:
a journey.
to inscribe.
to recount.

Question 3
The major problem in writing an argument based on inductive reasoning is the possibility of flawed or spurious:

Question 4
Thinking about narrative categories, which sort of essay helps people feel that they're joined in a common cause?

Question 5
A simple standard definition is normally composed of all of the following EXCEPT for:
characteristics of some class.
the term to be defined.
a class containing the term to be defined.
the distinctive characteristics of the term.

Question 6
Which kind of descriptive device is used in the following sentence from a narrative? "As I looked around the room in search of clues, the teddy bear—propped up on the neatly made bed—stared at me with suspicious eyes."

Question 7
Which statement best illustrates the nature of a Bildungsroman?
The hero in this story never seems to understand his own faults.
In Caldwell's novel, her protagonist, Lucille, seeks the approval of seriously slimy characters.
The hero in this story stands like a rock against tides of change that never touch him.
In Caldwell's novel, her protagonist, Lucille, overcomes many obstacles to achieve her goals.

Question 8
Motivational letters are to encouraging positive action as diplomatic letters are to:
sustaining important personal and organizational relationships.
dealing with local, state, and federal regulatory agencies.
resolving internal or external disputes.
soothing the ruffled feathers of complaining customers

Question 9
Which phrase is most likely to be part of an effective thesis statement?
I think
I believe
In my opinion

Question 10
For Sternberg, Don Juan's alleged serial sexual conquests illustrate:
puppy love.
empty love.
fatuous love.

Ashworth Semester Exam EN120 English Composition I - Second Attempt

EN120 : English Composition I
Question 1
The single key to writing the first draft of an essay is to:
use a variety of sentence types.
engage your readers' emotions.
appeal to your readers' spiritual leanings.
use as many words as possible.

Question 2
When sentences mesh in a clear and logical order, a paragraph has:
sequential order.

Question 3
Which of the following is NOT a transitional expression used in an illustration paragraph?
For example
In another instance
A case in point is

Question 4
It's important to use the same __________ throughout a sentence or paragraph.
verb tense

Question 5
The most common English sentence is a/an:

Question 6
Which pair of sentences does NOT show contrast?
Chase is athletic, but Hayden isn't.
Several of the children played with Legos.
Karen likes music, while Sarah prefers to bake.
The older of the two gentlemen smoked a cigar; the younger one abstained.

Question 7
Proper nouns are __________ capitalized.

Question 8
_________ is the final step in the writing process.

Question 9
Which sentence contains an incorrect use of an apostrophe?
The boy's mother picked him up from camp during the summer.
Brandy, my pet dog, always knows when it's time for dinner.
Is this anyones' umbrella?
It was three o'clock in the evening.

Question 10
When __________, you must exchange an author's words for your own words in your own writing style.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

BUS 3041 Wee 6 Assignment 1

Week 6 Assignment 1 Questions

Respond to the discussion questions assigned by your facilitator and submit your responses to this Discussion Area. Start reviewing and responding to your classmates as early in the week as possible. You should review and critique the work of at least two other students in each discussion question.

Assignment 1 Grading Criteria


Provided a clearly organized response with appropriate introduction, body, and conclusion and use of headings.


Used vocabulary relevant to the current week's topics to provide a detailed response (150–200 words).


Justified ideas with a well-explained response using appropriate examples and references from texts, Web sites, and other references or personal experience.


Presented a structured report free of spelling and grammatical errors and cited sources in APA format.


Participated in the discussion with two or more posts by asking a question, providing a statement of clarification, providing a point of view with rationale, challenging a point of discussion, or making a relationship between one or more points of the discussion.




Question 1: Explain each of the three key stages of preparing for and delivering a media interview, including preparation, performance during the interview, and activities after the interview.

Question 2: While going to your office, you read an article in the business section of the newspaper, which claims that your company stole ideas from your competitor. You know this is not true. You contact the public relations department to discuss this problem. How would you apply your crisis communication plan to this situation? Be sure to include issues such as speed of response, spokesperson, audience analysis, use of the Web, and plans for monitoring the situation and evaluating the response.

BUS 3041 Franklin Equipment, Ltd. case


Read the Franklin Equipment, Ltd. case in Chapter 11 and respond to the statements below:

  • Analyze and evaluate the criteria FEL uses to assign managers to project teams. Discuss the efficiencies these criteria create. Discuss the resulting problems.
  • Discuss why it is important that project team members work well together on international projects such as Project Abu Dhabi.
  • Discuss the dilemma that Jobe now faces.
  • Discuss what Jobe should recommend to Gatenby.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...