Saturday, December 12, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam EC390 Children's Literature

EC390 : Children's Literature
Question 1
_________ literacy is necessary to be able to critique the abundance of images that surround children on a daily basis, through commercials, movies, video games, and the internet.

Question 2
Which of the following is included in the dimensions of text complexity, that does not provide accurate levels for K-1, poetry, and complex narrative fiction for young adults?
Book award
Readability formula
Lexile framework

Question 3
A shifting point of view:
is the same as a limited omniscient point of view.
permits the reader to see several characters' points of view.
means the reader can see only through the main character's eyes.
refers to a character's changes during the course of the story.

Question 4
An introductory statement telling events that precede the beginning of a story is called a(n):

Question 5
Books with illustrations that are not considered picture books are:
alphabet books and counting books.
easy-to-read books and wordless books.
graphic novels and concept books.
illustrated books and transitional books.

Question 6
Characters in traditional literature are typically:
innocent, hard-working, and good-hearted.
easily identifiable as good or bad.
complex and described in detail.
prone to make remarkable changes within a short time.

Question 7
Imaginative literature in the 1700s was written:
only for adults.
to ridicule the ruling classes.
in the style of heroic legends.
to promote voting rights for women.

Question 8
Two types of biographies are:
format and genre.
poetry and prose.
fiction and nonfiction.
authentic and fictionalized.

Question 9
Progress toward acceptance of people different from themselves can be noted in children when they realize from their reading of multicultural and international books:
that different cultures have interesting festivals, foods, and folklore.
which cultural differences can most likely be overcome.
how similar they are to children of different cultures and how interesting their differences are.
how much they could help children of other cultures improve their lives.

Question 10
The actual removal, suppression, or restricted circulation of literary, artistic, or educational materials on the grounds that they are morally or otherwise objectionable is called:

Ashworth Semester Exam EC390 Children's Literature

EC390 : Children's Literature
Question 1
_________ literacy is necessary to be able to critique the abundance of images that surround children on a daily basis, through commercials, movies, video games, and the internet.

Question 2
Which of the following is included in the dimensions of text complexity, that does not provide accurate levels for K-1, poetry, and complex narrative fiction for young adults?
Book award
Readability formula
Lexile framework

Question 3
A shifting point of view:
is the same as a limited omniscient point of view.
permits the reader to see several characters' points of view.
means the reader can see only through the main character's eyes.
refers to a character's changes during the course of the story.

Question 4
An introductory statement telling events that precede the beginning of a story is called a(n):

Question 5
Books with illustrations that are not considered picture books are:
alphabet books and counting books.
easy-to-read books and wordless books.
graphic novels and concept books.
illustrated books and transitional books.

Question 6
Characters in traditional literature are typically:
innocent, hard-working, and good-hearted.
easily identifiable as good or bad.
complex and described in detail.
prone to make remarkable changes within a short time.

Question 7
Imaginative literature in the 1700s was written:
only for adults.
to ridicule the ruling classes.
in the style of heroic legends.
to promote voting rights for women.

Question 8
Two types of biographies are:
format and genre.
poetry and prose.
fiction and nonfiction.
authentic and fictionalized.

Question 9
Progress toward acceptance of people different from themselves can be noted in children when they realize from their reading of multicultural and international books:
that different cultures have interesting festivals, foods, and folklore.
which cultural differences can most likely be overcome.
how similar they are to children of different cultures and how interesting their differences are.
how much they could help children of other cultures improve their lives.

Question 10
The actual removal, suppression, or restricted circulation of literary, artistic, or educational materials on the grounds that they are morally or otherwise objectionable is called:

Ashworth Semester Exam EC380 Art and Creative Development

EC380 : Art and Creative Development
Question 1
Children demonstrate a creative attitude when they:
accept answers given by an adult source.
follow adult directions.
take things apart and put them back together in different ways.
focus on concrete objects in their environment.

Question 2
To be a creative partner in children's activities, teachers should do all of the following except:
make themselves available to enter children's creative worlds.
present a plot, sequence, and script for children to follow in their play.
be a play partner who follows the children's lead.
provide materials and opportunities for children's creative play.

Question 3
Which of the following is a developmentally appropriate music experience for a five- to six-year-old child?
Reproducing a melody
Reading the lyrics to a new song
Singing a duet with a friend
Synchronizing his or her movements to a beat

Question 4
According to Erikson (1963), it is important to help preschoolers develop a sense of:
trust rather than mistrust.
initiative rather than guilt.
autonomy rather than doubt or shame.
sociocentric awareness rather than egocentricity.

Question 5
Which of the following guidelines should not be used to help early childhood teachers structure learning experiences and interactions with children and their families?
Study and discuss similarities and differences among people with the children.
Involve parents.
Value and accept children's native language and culture.
Provide remediation for deficits in children's background experiences and knowledge.

Question 6
It is a good idea to use reproductions of paintings and sculptures from local museums because:
it demonstrates support of the local museums.
local museums are more likely to donate curricular materials to your program.
young children will be more familiar when they visit the museum to see the original.
young children will learn about local artists and artisans.

Question 7
For young children, art originates from:
creative impulses.
creative models.
personal experiences.

Question 8
Which of the following art activities might best be presented to children in a small group setting?
Mobiles and stabiles
Art appreciation
Fiction and nonfiction books about artists

Question 9
Drawing is viewed as a literacy activity because:
children must use language to explain their work.
children must be able to think symbolically before participating in drawing activities.
drawing is basically play and children can develop literacy skills through play.
both drawing and language provide children opportunities to reflect on, organize, and share experiences.

Question 10
With the probing approach to responding to children's artwork, the teacher:
tells children that their art is good or great.
tells children that their art is nice, pretty, lovely, super, or beautiful.
directly asks children, "What is it?"
attempts to draw from children some hint, title, or verbal statement about their art.

Ashworth Semester Exam EC360 Movement and Music (Second Attempt)

EC360 : Movement and Music (Second Attempt)
Question 1
Which DAP guiding principal is being implemented when a teacher implements sequential and predictable instruction?
Meeting the individual needs of students
The integration of music and movement
Involving the community and family into school programming
Utilizing standards and assessments

Question 2
Which theorist was NOT involved in the research of students experiencing play and hands-on learning?
John Dewey
Jean Piaget
Robert Marzano
Lev Vygotsky

Question 3
What is the correct developmental sequence of nonlocomotor skills starting from first learned?
Turning, rolling, twisting, balancing
Turning, twisting, rolling, balancing
Turning, twisting, balancing, rolling
Balancing, rolling, twisting, turning

Question 4
A child's strength and balance, which allows the child to walk early, is considered what type of constraint?
Structural constraint
Functional constraint
Positive constraint
Neural constraint

Question 5
Which level of Bloom's Taxonomy is being used when a student draws a picture about a nursery rhyme?

Question 6
What fine motor skill is needed for a child to play patty-cake?
Reaching and grasping
Eye-hand coordination
Bimanual control
None of the above

Question 7
Which instrument will NOT enhance a strong rhythm pattern in a dance-learning environment?

Question 8
What type of music should be played if a student's speed needs to be increased?
Music with a slow tempo
Music with an upbeat tempo
Music that varies between a slow and an upbeat tempo
Music does not have an effect on a child's speed

Question 9
Music is important because it enhances which elements of literacy?
Visual elements
Kinesthetic elements
Auditory elements
Smelling elements

Question 10
What percent of school-aged children will have a home language other than English by 2030?

Ashworth Semester Exam E13V Early Childhood Literacy

Question 1
Families can create a loving and emotionally supportive environment for children by?:
providing good nutrition.
maintaining a safe environment for exploration.
participating in active play and positive attention.
All of the above

Question 2
If you noticed an infant wanted a ball but couldn't reach it and you were interested in developing a sign for ball, you should:
form a ball-like hand sign, say ball, and give it to him.
watch to see if he could reach or give him a toy rake to use.
wait until he made a sign before giving the ball.
ask his parents if he has a sign for ball.

Question 3
Many children who are enrolled in special speech and language treatment programs in lower elementary school:
have a history of middle ear infections.
come from middle-class neighborhoods.
did not attend preschools.
have parents who cannot read.

Question 4
The "multiple literacies" that young children who live in cultures different from the American mainstream culture experience:
can be corrected at school if teachers are supplied with the right teaching aids.
causes kindergarten teachers problems.
creates divisiveness in classrooms.
can prove to be advantageous and promote literacy skill development.

Question 5
An overall plan for the content of instruction to be offered in a program is:
a model.
the theme.
a lesson plan.

Question 6
Which is NOT true in regards to boys and reading instruction?
Boys have more reading problems.
Boys take longer to learn.
Boys have more enthusiasm for reading.
Boys don't perform as well on standardized reading tests.

Question 7
Poetry that is often ridiculous and whimsical is:
a limerick.
free verse.
nonsense poetry.
lyric melodic.

Question 8
When planning group times, remember to:
let the children decide when group time ends.
stop before enthusiasm wanes.
complete whatever has been planned before dismissing children.
choose one child each day to determine when the group time ends.

Question 9
A teacher and her students share a pen and collaboratively compose a written message about a field trip they took. This is called:
interactive writing.
group writing.
emergent writing.

Question 10
Mrs. Smith is setting up her classroom including her new computers. According to the text, she will:
not need a printer.
need five to six computers for any positive effect.
organize the room to allow space for the computer in a quiet corner blocked off with bookshelves.
put the computer in a central location that is highly visible.

Ashworth Semester Exam E06V Creative Expression and Play

Question 1
Creative potential refers to an individual's capacity for behaving in creative ways and includes:
cognitive inabilities.
cognitive processes.
group dispositions.
creative inabilities.

Question 2
When children engage in possibility thinking more frequently and are encouraged to experience new and atypical solutions they become all of the following EXCEPT:
more confident in their ability to solve problems.
more adept at possibility thinking.
more likely to acquire the habit of thinking creatively.
less confident in their ability to solve problems.

Question 3
A group of third graders have been begging to play the new board games that were purchased by the parent/teacher group for their classroom, but the teacher is unsure about how to proceed because he doesn't think that a couple of the students would handle games well. What should the teacher do?
Avoid using the games until the children in question are absent or working with an aide.
Organize the games from simple to complex, introduce them one at a time, demonstrate the object and rules of each game, provide children with guided practice, and assign children to small groups—based on their strengths and interests.
Reserve the games as a reward for the top students who have completed all of their work.
Store the board games on a high shelf and use them during indoor recess only.

Question 4
A toddler pretending to drink from her empty cup is considered ____________ play.

Question 5
Representational art:
combines shapes to make mandalas.
shows planning and inclusion of details.
names scribbles.
makes scribbles on top of scribble

Question 6
Older children who enact their own scripts base them on:
content-based ideas.
historical time periods.
real-life, problem-solving experiences.
plays the teacher gives them to enact.

Question 7
Which theory/perspective correlates with using I-messages?
Cognitive developmental theory
Social learning

Question 8
Which of the following should be considered in portfolio development?
Competence, Cooperation, Collaboration, Cognition, Community
Celebration, Cognition, Communication, Cooperation, Competency
Communication, Collaboration, Celebration, Capability, Cognition
Cooperation, Capability, Collaboration, Competence, Communication

Question 9
After indoor recess, a first-grade teacher notices that children have left toys, games, and puzzle pieces scattered throughout the room. How can the teacher best address students' responsibility in cleaning up their materials?
Stay after school to clean up after the children so that the custodian is not upset.
Inform students that none of the centers will be available again if they don't put things away neatly.
Assign seatwork instead of indoor recess the following week.
Model and practice how to put materials away and stop the play several minutes in advance to allow for this to become part of the children's daily routine.

Question 10
Modeling materials allows children to explore, manipulate, discover, create, and observe changes in physical properties. Children can learn about ________ while manipulating materials.

Ashworth Semester Exam E04V Guidance and Discipline

Question 1
When children or adults react impulsively to stressors, the "fight-or-flight" region of our brain, known as ____________ takes over.
the cerebellum
the amygdala
executive function

Question 2
Research has shown that movement affects brain chemistry and can be an effective tool for managing:
emotional stress.
conflict solution.
physical stress.

Question 3
Friendship skills involve all of the following EXCEPT:
rejecting help.
paying compliments.

Question 4
________ are the key to long-term, enduring success for children.

Question 5
Schools have traditionally used a power model rather than a(n) _________ model for handling conflict.

Question 6
First grade teacher, Ms. Gupta, tries hard not to protect children from learning through their mistakes. She is _______________ because she knows children learn through their experiences and that learning takes time.
planning ahead
shirking responsibility
avoiding overprotection

Question 7
The nature of a reward and punishment system __________ relationships between children and the adults they depend on.

Question 8
_____________ is a critical foundation in development.

Question 9
________ reflects the unique blending of characteristics among individuals within groups and may include socioeconomic status, life experiences, gender, language, education, sexual orientation, psychological state, and political viewpoints.

Question 10
Children sometimes learn to get their emotional needs met in counterproductive ways, like gaining attention for undesirable behavior, encouraging the behavior to continue. In this case, the needed discipline approach involves:
negative reinforcement.
more praise.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...