Friday, December 25, 2020

BUSI526 BDE-Week 1 Case Study 1

Read the Continuing Case: Carter Cleaning Company (Dessler, Ch. 1). After reading the case, answer the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Make a list of five specific HR problems with which you think Carter Cleaning will have to grapple.
  2. What would you do first if you were Jennifer?

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position. See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.





BUSI526 BDE Week 6 Case Study 5


Read the Application Case: Enron, Ethics, and Organizational Culture (Dessler, Ch. 14).  After reading the case, complete the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Based on what you read in this chapter, summarize in one page or less how you would explain Enron's ethical meltdown.
  2. It is said that when one securities analyst tried to confront Enron's CEO about the firm's unusual accounting statements, the CEO publicly used vulgar language to describe the analyst, and that Enron employees subsequently thought doing so was humorous. If true, what does that say about Enron's ethical culture?
  3. This case and chapter had something to say about how organizational culture influences ethical behavior. What role do you think culture played at Enron? Give five specific examples of things Enron's CEO could have done to create a healthy ethical culture.

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position.

Wednesday, December 23, 2020

BUSI526 BDE Week 2 Case Study


Read the Application Case: Seeking Gender Equity at Starbucks (Dessler, Ch. 2). After reading the case, answer the questions below. The text of your case study submissions (not including your reference page) should be at least 1.5 pages long (maximum 3 pages). See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.

  1. Do you agree that it is inequitable to offer the corporate workers better benefits than the store partners? Why? Is that what the law would seem to say?
  2. What arguments would you make as Starbucks' CEO concerning why the current policy is fair?
  3. How would you handle this situation if you were running a company that was confronted by a shareholder making these demands?

Remember to include at least two scholarly sources to support your position. See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for these case studies.




BUSI526 BDE Week 7 Research Paper - The Connection of Fringe Benefits to Job Satisfaction accounting for the application of



You will write a 10 to 12 page applied research paper on a current Human Resource topic of your choice. (This page requirement does not include your title page and reference page.) See Assignment Expectations for more information regarding the required elements for this paper.


Topic: The Connection of FringeBenefits toJob Satisfaction accounting for the application of Human Resource Management.




BUSI522 Week 8 Integrative Case


Read the integrative case "The Donor Services Department" beginning on page 608 of the textbook. Answer the following questions: (1) What is the main issue in this case? Defend why. (2) How can the Donor Service Department become more effective? (3) Describe intergroup conflict in the Donor Service Department. (4) How could empowerment change the situation at the Donor Service Department?

BUSI522 Week 8 Discussion 8

Consider our topics this week: Conflict, Power and Politics. Then research an industry that has had to change (examples airlines, auto industry, cable companies, telephone companies, etc.) Choose a specific company within that industry and explain what that organization did: (1) The forces of change. (2) Decision making processes and models. (3) Intergroup conflict with the change. (4) The impact of power within the organization. (5) The role of organizational politics and collaboration on the change.

BUSI522 Week 7 Case Analysis 3

Read the case analysis "Shoe Corporation of Illinois" beginning on page 456 of the textbook. Also, be sure to review the Exhibit 11.9 which is a partial Organizational Charter of Shoe Corporation of Illinois.  Conduct research beyond the textbook (at least two references are required) and then address the following: (1) Analyze the organizational structure. (2) Provide recommendations for improvement in information flow. (3) How would you characterize the current interdependence between departments?  How should it be improved?  (4) Given that the president's intent is to change shoe styles frequently, how could innovation be fostered?

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...