Tuesday, April 27, 2021

E03V Curriculum Development Lesson 2 Exam SCORE 90 PERCENT

Question 1        5 / 5 points
When children play games that require them to experience the concepts of inside, under, and next to, before having to apply those concepts on paper, the teacher is demonstrating awareness of what aspect of developmental direction?
Question options:
a)     Known to unknown

b)     Simple to complex

c)     Exploratory to goal directed

d)     Accurate to inaccurate

Question 2        0 / 5 points
Carrie, age 4, is visually impaired. She wears glasses that help but are not sufficient for her to see quite well. In her IEP, her intelligence and her hearing are within normal ranges. There is a note that her social skills are underdeveloped and she has been very indulged at home. She leaves group activities or whines or disturbs others during group experiences. Which strategies are NOT likely to be helpful?
Question options:
a)     Ask her to sit with another adult or near the leader close enough for her to see.

b)     Give her something to hold or something to do physically during most of group time.

c)     Exclude her from group time and ask her parent to pick her up early.

d)     Use a lot of participation where her physical and aural/oral abilities are used.

Question 3        5 / 5 points
Before going outside to plant seeds in the garden on the playground, Mr. Menendez models poking a hole in dirt with his finger, placing a seed in the hole, sprinkling dirt on top of the seed, and pouring a small amount of water over the newly-planted seed. He says things like, "What did I do first?" and "Are you ready to plant our seeds?" This is likely what kind of activity?
Question options:
a)     Planned demonstration

b)     Spontaneous demonstration

c)     Exploration

d)     Direct instruction

Question 4        5 / 5 points
What is the best closing to complete a 20-minute group time?
Question options:
a)     "That is all for today."

b)     "You will have to hurry in getting your coats on. You don't want to miss the bus."

c)     "Children wearing red may go first. Now those wearing green ...."

d)     Stop speaking, stand up, and walk to the food cart.

Question 5        5 / 5 points
Mr. Frank has observed that some children are playing chase and wrestling on the playground. Other children seem to be distressed by the big body play. What type of special group experience would best be used in this situation?
Question options:
a)     Greeting

b)     Story Telling

c)     Class meeting

d)     Reporting

Question 6        5 / 5 points
What is a "teachable moment"?
Question options:
a)     A spontaneous learning opportunity for the child

b)     A short time interval between two scheduled activities

c)     A planned activity in which the teacher highlights what the children learned that day in a fun and meaningful way

d)     A brief teaching time when children and teachers plan what they will do next

Question 7        5 / 5 points
At group time, Mrs. Rausch is talking to 20 three-year-olds about how to care for a pet. Which of the following strategies would best enhance the activity?
Question options:
a)     Pass around a dog brush, waiting for each child to touch it and ask a question or make an observation about it.

b)     Read a story about a child who takes care of his pet dog.

c)     Have several dog brushes for the children to look at in smaller groups around the circle.

d)     Observe a dog being groomed while its owner explains what is happening.

Question 8        5 / 5 points
What activity would happen in a group time that incorporates the Author's Chair?
Question options:
a)     Mrs. Jones selects an author of the week and reads the children a story by that author while sitting in her rocking chair at group time.

b)     A child selects a favorite author from books in the book basket, then goes up and shows the others the book selected.

c)     Five-year-old Melissa reads a story she wrote herself to the others in her class.

d)     Five-year-old Melissa shares a favorite picture book from home and then the teacher and the children talk about the author and the illustrator.

Question 9        5 / 5 points
Which of the following statements describes a common goal for every whole group time?
Question options:
a)     Children listen to a story.

b)     Children develop a sense of community.

c)     Children learn to follow directions and listen for details.

d)     Children learn about the new activities for the day.

Question 10        5 / 5 points
What strategy of structuring the setting ahead of time is NOT a part of preparation for group time?
Question options:
a)     Placement so that every child can see and hear

b)     Ensure enough space between children for all planned activities

c)     Organizing materials so that they are immediately at hand and in the order needed

d)     Keeping the group size to 10 children or fewer

Question 11        5 / 5 points
Mr. Jarvis wants to incorporate a show and tell routine into his Tuesday kindergarten schedule. Which of the following things should he consider FIRST as he develops this routine?
Question options:
a)     How many children will bring in items to show each Tuesday

b)     What his goals are for show and tell

c)     What to do about children who forget to bring something to show

d)     What rules should govern the show and tell activity and how will he enforce them in a positive way

Question 12        5 / 5 points
The teacher has developed a counting activity in which children are counting shells. Which of the following statements of content best fit this activity?
Question options:
a)     Shells come in many colors.

b)     Shells are sometimes large and sometimes small.

c)     Shells were once the home of tiny animals that live in the ocean.

d)     When counting, each object is counted only once.

Question 13        5 / 5 points
The short form of the lesson plan is suited for teachers who:
Question options:
a)     are more experienced, and therefore need to record fewer details.

b)     are not provided paid time for lesson planning, and may be too busy to have time for the long form.

c)     work alone and do not need to communicate activity plans in detail to coworkers.

d)     have less experience writing plans and are writing simpler activities.

Question 14        5 / 5 points
Ms. Demchik filled the water table and placed a set of eight-ounce plastic bottles on a nearby shelf. She put measuring cups and some plastic tubing in the water. As the children arrived, she invited them to play. She observed the children's explorations, then asked questions such as, "Which of these containers holds the most? How do you know?" She was prepared to accept any answer the children might give and to build on their answers with further questions and challenges. What activity type does the water table represent?
Question options:
a)     The water table was a direct instruction activity.

b)     The water table was a problem-solving activity.

c)     The water table was an exploratory activity.

d)     The water table was a guided discovery activity.

Question 15        5 / 5 points
The teacher notices that over the past several days, children have been leaving toys out on the playground. He decides to address the problem during group time. Which of the following group times would offer the best vehicle for addressing the problem?
Question options:
a)     Planning times

b)     Class meetings

c)     Brainstorming Groups

d)     Plan-do-review

Question 16        5 / 5 points
Which of the following parts of the activity plan should reflect the concept of developmental direction?
Question options:
a)     The materials

b)     The content

c)     The objectives

d)     The title

Question 17        5 / 5 points
Of the following activity types, which one gives children the least control over what happens in the activity?
Question options:
a)     Demonstrations

b)     Direct Instruction

c)     Discussions

d)     Guided Discovery

Question 18        5 / 5 points
Which strategy is NOT required as part of a brainstorming group time about insects?
Question options:
a)     Read a factual book about insects to the children.

b)     Invite children to talk about what they know about insects.

c)     Discuss how children want to find out new things about insects.

d)     Record what children want to learn about insects.

Question 19        5 / 5 points
Your textbook described the concept of developmental direction. Which of the following is an example of whole to part?
Question options:
a)     Arnold learns the concepts of tall and short by building towers of blocks and then applies this knowledge to identifying tall and short objects pictured side by side in photographs.

b)     Hannah practices fine motor skills by cutting out paper shapes and then recites the names of the shapes.

c)     Carl learns the meaning of a word by memorizing a song and then using the same word in another song later.

d)     Sarah sees and hears the teacher read the same story many times and then begins to pick out certain words in the text herself.

Question 20        0 / 5 points
During Miss Gross's carefully planned whole group teaching activity, some children began to wiggle and poke each other. What should she do immediately?
Question options:
a)     Scan the group to determine children's interest level and to see if the problem appears to center on any particular child.

b)     Stop what she is doing and scold the children for inattentive behavior.

c)     Increase the volume of her voice and continue as though nothing is amiss.

d)     Stop the group time and involve the children in a discussion about the group time rules.

E02 Child Development Assignment 8

Assignment 08

E02 Child Development

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be four (4) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Part 1What are transitional objects?  Discuss at least four (4) examples of transitional objects that you or others whom you know had.Provide at least three (3) details of the role transitional objects play in the emotional development of the toddler. You will want to refer back to Lesson 5.


Part 2Provide five strong examples to describe the role of the early childhood professional in enhancing physical and motor development in children ages five through nine.Include how to implement and model these examples. You will want to refer back to Lesson 8.




Monday, April 5, 2021

BUSI570 ADE Week 5 Discussion 5

Using the www.yahoofinance.com site or other site with stock information, choose six firms: two each from three different industries. Gather the following information for each stock: 1) beta for each of these firms; and 2) the total return for the previous year for each firm. Also find the return on the S&P Index for the same time period.

Given the information you have obtained, discuss the differences you observe. How do the betas and returns compare? What are the similarities and differences you observe within industries? What are the similarities and differences you observe between industries? How would you explain your results in term of the following concepts:

  1. Total Risk
  2. Systematic Risk
  3. Idiosyncratic Risk



Friday, April 2, 2021

BUSI570 ADE Week 2 Dropbox 2 End-Point Analysis Data Case - Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Analysis

Below you will find financial data for Coca-Cola for the years 2006 and 2016.  This data includes the following:

1.       Raw numbers for the balance sheet and income statements

2.       Common-size balance sheets (all entries expressed as a percent of Total Assets)

3.       Common-size income statement (all entries expressed as a percent of Total Sales)

4.       Ratios—including liquidity, profitability, leverage, asset management, and marketratios

5.       DuPont equations

6.       Working Capital

7.       Cash Conversion Cycle

Thursday, January 14, 2021

FIN571 Week 6 Assignment - Apple (2020)FIN571 Week-6 Signature Assignment Short-Term Funding

Prepare a financial plan for a fortune 500 company (Apple) you select for your business plan. This financial plan will be included in your final business plan in your capstone course.


Describe the business, including the type of business.


Create the business case.

·         Determine why funding is needed for the company.

·         Determine the sources of funding. Consider self-funding, borrowing, equity, venture capital, etc.

·         Evaluate the requirements of each funding source you determined appropriate.

·         Analyze the associated risks of each funding source.

·         Decide which sources are the best fit for your company based on the requirements of each. Justify your decision.

·         Estimate the cost of capital for both short-term and long-term funding sources. Research current estimated APRs for your selected sources of funding. Consider creating a table or chart to display this information.


Create a profit-and-loss statement for a 3-year period. Project revenue, stating realistic assumptions, such as growth per year, in your projections.


Estimate direct costs, including capital, marketing, labor, and supply costs.



ECON201 Week 5 Discussion Business & their costs

Complete the following simulation and answer the questions below.

  • What factors affected demand for your product?
  • What pricing strategies did you use?
  • Describe your most successful day and your least successful? Why were they successful or unsuccessful?
  • What was your total # of cups sold at the end of the week?

ECON201 Week 3 Quiz SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1 (10 points)
Demand is price inelastic if:
Question 1 options:

the price of the good responds slightly to a quantity change.

the demand curve shifts very little when a demand shifter changes.

the percentage change in quantity demanded is relatively small in response to a relatively large percentage change in price.

all of the above are true.
Question 2 (10 points)
If the absolute value of price elasticity is greater than 1, this means the demand curve in that region is:
Question 2 options:

price elastic.

price inelastic.

unit price elastic.

upward sloping.
Question 3 (10 points)
Which of the following will lead to a decrease in total revenue?
Question 3 options:

price goes up and demand is perfectly inelastic

price goes up and demand is price inelastic

price declines and demand is price elastic

price increases and demand is price elastic
Question 4 (10 points)
If total revenue goes up when price falls, the price elasticity of demand is said to be:
Question 4 options:

price inelastic.

unit price elastic.

price elastic.

Question 5 (10 points)
Price elasticity of demand measures the responsiveness of the change in:
Question 5 options:

quantity demanded to a change in price.

price to a change in quantity demanded.

slope of the demand curve to a change in price.

slope of the demand curve to a change in quantity demanded.
Question 6 (10 points)
The price elasticity of demand is:
Question 6 options:

always positive.

always greater than 1.

usually equal to 1.

always negative.
Question 7 (10 points)
A men's tie store sold an average of 30 ties per day when the price was $5 per tie but sold 50 of the same ties per day when the price was $3 per tie. Hence, the absolute value of the price elasticity of demand is:
Question 7 options:

greater than zero but less than 1.

equal to 1.

greater than 1 but less than 3.

greater than 3.
Question 8 (10 points)
If the total revenue received by a firm does not change when it raises its price, this indicates that the demand for the firm's product is:
Question 8 options:


price inelastic.

price elastic.

unit price elastic.
Question 9 (10 points)
The ratio of the percentage change in a dependent variable to the percentage change in an independent variable, all other things unchanged, is:
Question 9 options:

total revenue.

production possibilities.


Question 10 (10 points)
The price elasticity of a good will tend to be greater:
Question 10 options:

the longer the relevant time period.

the fewer number of substitute goods available.

if it is a staple or necessity with few substitutes.

All of the above are true.
Supply and Demand in Agriculture
Question 11 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Supply and Demand in Agriculture) To help farmers:
Question 11 options:

a price floor would be set at P4, causing a surplus of Q3 - Q0.

a price floor would be set at P2, causing a surplus of Q2 - Q0.

a price ceiling would be set at P4, causing a surplus of Q2 - Q1.

a price floor would be set at P1, causing a shortage of Q3 - Q0.
Question 12 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Supply and Demand in Agriculture) If a price floor at P4 is set to help farmers in terms of income and government wants to assure farmers that their output will be purchased, the government would have to purchase an amount of output equal to:
Question 12 options:

Q3 - Q0.

Q3 - Q1.

Q2 - Q1.

none of the above are correct.
Question 13 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Supply and Demand in Agriculture) If the government set an effective price floor at one of the prices shown on the vertical axis:
Question 13 options:

with this much wheat on the market, the price would fall to P1.

Q3 bushels of wheat would be supplied.

the resulting shortage would be made up by the government out of its accumulated stocks.

all of the above would be true.
Demand and Price Elasticity 1
Question 14 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Demand and Price Elasticity 1) What is the price elasticity of demand between $2.50 and $2.25?
Question 14 options:




none of the above
Question 15 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Demand and Price Elasticity 1) What is the price elasticity of demand between $2.25 and $2.00?
Question 15 options:




Question 16 (10 points)
(Exhibit: Demand and Price Elasticity 1) What is the price elasticity of demand between $1.75 and $1.50?
Question 16 options:




none of the above

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...