Monday, May 3, 2021

EDUC111 Week 3 Assignment

Week 3 Assignment

Due: Due by 11:59 p.m., ET, Sunday at the end of Week 3

Directions: You have learned about cognitive, socio-emotional and physical domains/development. For this project, synthesize what you have learned about each area of development into one paper. Your paper should include the following topics (with related headings):

Cognitive Development - Write about what you have learned and give at least 2-3 concrete examples of how you will apply the information to your own classroom, home setting, etc. Cite and reference your points.

Socio-Emotional Development - Write about what you have learned and give at least 2-3 concrete examples of how you will apply the information to your own classroom, home setting, etc. You may use fictional scenarios to help clarify your examples. Cite and reference your points.

Physical Development -Write about a fictional child who is struggling in this area. Include concrete steps to help him or her and include ways to monitor your results and the child's progress. Cite and reference your points.

Summary/Conclusion-Include a summary that synthesizes what you have learned about all three areas of development. Explain how the three areas overlap and why they are important to understand, observe, and attend to in classrooms or other settings.


EDUC111 Week 4 Discussion - Paradigms

Explain how our own paradigm/s play a role in what we think we observe versus what we actually have observed.  Give specific examples.



EDUC111 Week 5 Assignment

Directions: This week we learned about different types of data. For this assignment:

  • Observation Purpose - Identify something you would like to (or theoretically like to) observe about a child (aligned to cognitive, socio-emotional, and/or physical development)
  • Observation Context/Setting - Explain the context and why you want to observe him or her
  • Type of Data - Explain how you could collect quantitative data and qualitative data and which you prefer and why
  • Data Plan - Include a chart or checklist to show your data collection/observation plan
  • Analysis of Plan - Explain the advantages and disadvantages of a quantitative approach and a qualitative approach
  • Conclusion - Analyze about what you wrote and write a conclusion/summary

Include a title/cover page and a reference page.

EDUC111 Week 5 Discussion Learning From Other Teachers

Discussion Week 5: Learning From Other Teachers

Think back to the best teachers that you had in your past.  Reflect on what  they did well.  What could they have done better?  How will you model your own teaching after them?  What will you change?  Please answer each question in your discussion post.

How do we balance our need to make the class exciting while at the same time maintaining order?

EDUC111 Week 6 Discussion Advantages and Disadvantages of Anecdotal Records

Discussion 6: Advantages and Disadvantages of Anecdotal Records 

EDUC111 Week 7 Discussion Data-Driven Decision Making

How will you as a teacher use data to drive your instruction? Be as specific as possible and be sure to provide examples.

EDUC111 Week 8 Discussion Course Reflection

In any field or position, reflection is critical in order to continue to grow and improve. Please reflect on what you learned from this course. Write and describe 3-4 key ideas/concepts that you learned and explain how you will use, or apply, them right away or in the future. Then, explain which course concept/s you want to know more about....and how you can learn more about them on your own.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...