Monday, May 17, 2021

ECO372 Week 2 Discussion

Q1. Compare and contrast the phases of the business cycle.

ECO372 Week 4 Discussion

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 

 Q1.  Explain what happens to the interest rate if the money supply increases or decreases and the money demand remains unchanged. Explain what happens to the interest rate if the money demand increases or decreases and the money supply remains unchanged.


ECO372 Week 4 Practice Money and the Federal Reserve Quiz - SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1
Suppose that Ava withdraws $300 from her savings account at Second Bank. The reserve requirement facing Second Bank is 10%. Assume the bank does not wish to hold any excess reserves of new deposits.  
Use this information to complete the balance sheet below to show how Second Bank's assets and liabilities change when Ava withdraws the $300 from the bank.
Instructions: Enter your answers as a whole number. If you are entering any negative numbers be sure to include a negative sign (-) in front of those numbers.
A Simple Bank Balance Sheet
Assets Liabilities
Change in Reserves: $ -30 Numeric Response 1. Edit Unavailable. -30 correct. Change in Deposits: $ -300 Numeric Response 2. Edit Unavailable. -300 correct.
Change in Loans: $ -270 Numeric Response 3. Edit Unavailable. -270 correct.
Question 2
The Federal Reserve District Banks are divided:

multiple choice
    evenly geographically to ensure the same amount of area coverage for the regions of the United States.
    into geographical regions with the majority of the district banks located in the eastern half of the United States.
    into geographical regions with the same number of states located in each of the districts.
    geographically to encompass the 12 largest metropolitan and financial areas in the United States.

Question 3
Suppose the Federal Reserve increases the amount of reserves by $100 million and the total money supply increases by $500 million.
Instructions: Enter your answers as a whole number.
a. What is the money multiplier?
     5 million
b. Using the money multiplier from part a, how much will the money supply change if the Federal Reserve increases reserves by $50 million?
     $250 million

Question 4
Use the following table to determine the levels of M1 and M2 in the United States.
Money Categories in the United States
Asset Amount (billions of dollars)
Currency $82
Demand deposits 80
Money market funds 44
Other checkable deposits 37
Savings deposits 460
Small time deposits 22
Traveler's checks 4

Instructions: Enter your answers as a whole number.
a. Calculate the M1 money supply.
     $ 203 billion
b. Calculate the M2 money supply.
     $ 729 billion
Question 5
Money is:
multiple choice

    the gold and silver behind the currency and the coins that are issued by the government.
    anything that both buyers and sellers will accept in exchange for goods and services.
    only the printed paper currency and the coins that are produced by the government.
    any good that buyers and sellers have a desire to purchase, use, or hold.

Question 6
The part of the Federal Reserve that determines and implements the nation's monetary policy and controls the money supply to promote stable prices and economic growth is the:

multiple choice

    president of the Board of Governors.
    12 Federal Reserve District Banks.
Federal Open Market Committee.
    Board of Governors.

Question 7
For each of the following scenarios, determine whether money is being used as a medium of account, store of value, or unit of account.

a. Sam gives the grocery store clerk a $5 bill to pay for his purchase.  

multiple choice 1
    Unit of account
    Store of value
    Medium of exchange

b. Bill looks at the $20 price tag on a clock to see how much money he would need to purchase it.  

multiple choice 2
Unit of account
    Medium of exchange
    Store of value

c. Maria writes a check to pay her electric bill.

multiple choice 3
    Store of value
    Unit of account
    Medium of exchange

d. Susan transfers some of her wealth from her checking account into a certificate of deposit that earns interest.  

multiple choice 4
    Store of value
    Unit of account
    Medium of exchange

Question 8
The Federal Reserve System consists of which of the following?

Multiple Choice
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Controller of the Currency
Board of Governors and the 12 Federal Reserve Banks
    U.S. Treasury Department and Bureau of Engraving and Printing
    Federal Open Market Committee and Office of Thrift Supervision

Question 9
Money functions as a store of value if it allows you to

Multiple Choice
    make exchanges in a more efficient manner.
delay purchases until you want the goods.
        measure the value of goods in a reliable way.
    increase your confidence in money.

Question 10
The Federal Reserve System was established by the Federal Reserve Act of
Multiple Choice

Question 11
The M1 measure of money consists of the sum of
Multiple Choice
    currency and travelers' checks.
    currency, checking deposits, and savings deposits.
    currency, checking deposits, and travelers' checks.
    checking deposits and travelers' checks.

Question 12
The M2 measure of money consists of the sum of
Multiple Choice
    savings deposits, small time deposits, and money market mutual funds.
    M1, savings deposits, small time deposits, and money market mutual funds.
    M1, checking and savings deposits, and currency.
    currency, checking and savings deposits, and small time deposits.

Question 13
Money is "created" when
Multiple Choice

    people use money to pay for stuff they buy from one another.
    someone lends money to a friend or a family member.
    a depositor deposits money at the bank.
a bank grants a loan to a customer.

Question 14
When a consumer wants to compare the price of one product with another, money is primarily functioning as a

Multiple Choice
    unit of account.
    checkable deposit.
    store of value.
    medium of exchange.

Question 15
Which of the following are liabilities to a bank?
Multiple Choice

    capital stock and reserves
    demand and time deposits
    vault cash and demand deposits
    property and capital stock

Question 16
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC) of the Federal Reserve System is primarily for
Multiple Choice
    supervising banks to make sure that markets are open to all and remain competitive.
    setting the Fed's monetary policy and directing the purchase and sale of government securities.
        issuing currency and acting as the fiscal agent for the federal government.
    maintaining cash reserves that can be used to settle international transactions.

Question 17
If you put a $20 bill in the pocket of your winter coat at the beginning of spring so that you will be surprised when you find it again next winter, you are using money as
Multiple Choice

    a unit of account.
    bank reserves.
    a medium of exchange.
    a store of value.

Question 18
If the reserve requirement were 15% percent, the value of the monetary multiplier would be
Multiple Choice

Question 19
Which definition(s) of the money supply include(s) only items that are directly and immediately usable as a medium of exchange?

Multiple Choice
    M1 and M2
    neither M1 nor M2

Question 20
Members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are
Multiple Choice
    appointed by the president to staggered 14-year terms.
    appointed by Congress to staggered 14-year terms.
    selected by each of the Federal Reserve banks for 4-year terms.
    selected by the Federal Open Market Committee for 4-year terms.

Question 21
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Multiple Choice
    monitors regulatory banking laws for member banks.
    sets policy on the sale and purchase of government bonds by the Fed.
    follows the actions and operations of financial markets to keep them open and competitive.
    provides advice on banking stability to the Fed.

Question 22
Use the following graph to answer the next question.
Which line in the graph would best illustrate the supply of money curve?
Multiple Choice

    Line 1
    Line 4
    Line 3
    Line 2

Question 23
Other things being equal, an expansion of commercial bank lending
Multiple Choice
increases the money supply.
    changes the composition, but not the size, of the money supply.
    is desirable during a period of demand-pull inflation.
    reduces the money supply.

Question 24
The required-reserve ratio is equal to a commercial bank's
Multiple Choice
    checkable-deposit liabilities multiplied by its excess reserves.
required reserves divided by its checkable-deposit liabilities.
    excess reserves divided by its required reserves.
    checkable-deposit liabilities divided by its required reserves.

Question 25
A checkable deposit at a commercial bank is a(n)
Multiple Choice
    liability to both the depositor and the bank.
    asset to both the depositor and the bank.
    liability to the depositor and an asset to the bank.
asset to the depositor and a liability to the bank.

Question 26
The reason for the Fed being set up as an independent agency of government is to

Multiple Choice
    make it be managed and controlled by member banks.
    let it be able to compete with other financial institutions.
    allow it to earn profits like private firms.
    protect it from political pressure.

Question 27
The equilibrium rate of interest in the market for money is determined by the intersection of the
Multiple Choice
    supply-of-money curve and the transactions-demand-for-money curve.
    supply-of-money curve and the asset-demand-for-money curve.
    investment-demand curve and the total-demand-for-money curve.
supply-of-money curve and the total-demand-for-money curve.

Question 28
If the reserve requirement is 20% and commercial bankers decide to hold additional excess reserves equal to 5% of any newly acquired checkable deposits, then the effective monetary multiplier for the banking system will be
Multiple Choice

Question 29
The coupon rate is the
Multiple Choice
    amount originally lent.
    regular payment of interest to a bondholder.
    maximum interest rate that can be paid on a bond.
    interest rate promised when a bond is issued.

Question 30
Money eliminates the need for a coincidence of wants in trading primarily through its role as a
Multiple Choice
    medium of deferred payment.
    store of value.
    medium of exchange.
    unit of account.

Question 31
A bank's required reserves can be calculated by

Multiple Choice
    multiplying its checkable-deposit liabilities by the reserve ratio.
    multiplying its checkable-deposit liabilities by its excess reserves.
    dividing its required reserves by its excess reserves.
    dividing its excess reserves by its required reserves.

Question 32
One hundred percent reserve banking refers to a situation in which banks' reserves equal One hundred percent of their
Multiple Choice

Question 33
Credit card balances are not considered to be money primarily because they
Multiple Choice
    are rarely used to make purchases.
    do not represent an obligation to pay someone else.
    are an asset used in making transactions.
    are not part of people's wealth.

Question 34
Fractional reserve banking refers to a system where banks
Multiple Choice
    grant loans to their borrowing customers.
    accept a portion of their deposits in checkable accounts.
    deposit a fraction of their reserves at the central bank.
    hold only a fraction of their deposits in their reserves.

Question 35
A bank has $2 million in checkable deposits. In the bank's balance sheet, this would be part of
Multiple Choice
    net worth.
    capital stock.

Question 36
drawn against Bank B. What happens to the reserves at Bank A and Bank B?

Multiple Choice
    Reserves stay the same in both banks.
    increase by $10,000 at Bank A and decrease by $10,000 at Bank B
    increase by $50,000 at Bank A and decrease by $50,000 at Bank B
    increase by $10,000 at Bank A and decrease by $50,000 at Bank B

Question 37
Assume that the required reserve ratio is 20%. A business deposits a $50,000 check at Bank A; the check is
A wealthy executive is holding money, waiting for a good time to invest in the stock market. This action would be an example of the

Multiple Choice
    asset demand for money.
    transactions demand for money.
    use of money as a medium of exchange.
    creation of fiat money.

Question 38
The transactions demand for money is least likely to be a function of the

Multiple Choice

    frequency of wage and salary payments.
    interest rate.
    price level.
    level of national income.

Question 39
An increase in nominal GDP will
Multiple Choice

    increase the transactions demand for money but decrease the total demand for money.
    decrease the transactions demand and the total demand for money.
    increase the transactions demand and the total demand for money.
    decrease the transactions demand for money but increase the total demand for money.

Question 40
One year before maturity the price of a bond with a principal amount of $1,000 and a coupon rate of 5% paid annually fell to $981. The one year interest rate must be

Multiple Choice

Question 41
A consumer holds money to meet spending needs. This would be an example of the

Multiple Choice

    use of money as legal tender.
    asset demand for money.
    transactions demand for money.
    use of money as a measure of value.

Question 42
The main function of the Federal Reserve System is to

Multiple Choice
    control the money supply.
    set reserve requirements of banks.
    serve as the fiscal agent for the federal government.
    clear checks from member banks.

Question 43
Which of the following items are included in money supply M2 but not M1?
Multiple Choice
    Federal Reserve notes
    checkable deposits
    savings deposits

Question 44
The functions of money are to serve as a
Multiple Choice

    factor of production, exchange, and aggregate supply.
unit of account, a store of value, and a medium of exchange.
    resource allocator, a method for accounting, and a means of income distribution.
    determinant of consumption, investment, and government spending.

Question 45
A bank's net worth is equal to its
Multiple Choice

    profits plus its assets.
assets minus its liabilities.
    liabilities minus its assets.
    assets plus its liabilities.

Question 46
Traditionally, the Federal Reserve can give emergency loans only to
Multiple Choice

    securities firms.
    investment banks.
    manufacturing firms.
    commercial banks.

Question 47
Which group is responsible for the policy decision of changing the money supply?
Multiple Choice

    Federal Open Market Committee
    Federal Advisory Council
    Office of Management and Budget
    Thrift Advisory Council

Question 48
Use the following graph to answer the next question.
Which line in the graph above would best illustrate the asset demand for money curve?

Multiple Choice

    Line 2
    Line 1
    Line 3
    Line 4

Question 49
Cash held by a bank in its vault is a part of the bank's
Multiple Choice
    money supply.
    net worth.

Question 50
If product prices were stated in terms of tobacco leaves, then tobacco leaves would be functioning primarily as

Multiple Choice
    legal tender.
    a unit of account.
    fiat money.
    a store of value.

ECO372 Week 5 Discussion - Fiscal Policy

Q1. Compare and contrast expansionary and contractionary fiscal policy.

ECO372 Wk 3 Discussion - Government Revenue and Expenditures

Q1. Identify the main sources of revenue for and the largest expenditures made by federal, state, and local governments.

ECO372T Week 1 Apply -Output, Income, and Economic Growth SCORE 98 PERCENT

Question 1
he equation for net investment is written as:

 multiple choice
    Net Investment = Gross Investment - Depreciation
    Net Investment = Nominal GDP - Gross Investment
    Net Investment = Consumption - Gross Investment
    Net Investment = Depreciation - Gross Investment

Question 2
The major difference between nominal GDP and real GDP is:
multiple choice

    nominal GDP measures the value of output with constant output levels, while real GDP measures output using current-year output levels.
    nominal GDP measures the value of output in constant prices, while real GDP measures output using current-year prices.
    nominal GDP measures the value of output with current-year output levels, while real GDP measures output using constant output levels.
    nominal GDP measures the value of output in current-year prices, while real GDP measures output using constant prices.

Question 3
Which of the following correctly describes GDP using the income approach?

 multiple choice

    GDP = Wages + Rents + Interest + Profits and Losses
    GDP = National Income + Indirect Business Taxes + Depreciation + Net Foreign Factor Income
    GDP = Wages + Rents + Interest + Profits and Losses + National Income
    GDP = Consumption + Gross Investment + Net Exports + Government Purchases

Question 4
Which of the following scenarios would be included in GDP?
Multiple choice
    Darius unclogs the drain in his sink using the plunger he owns.
    Pam buys a new 40-inch television at Walmart.
    Sandra is a waitress at Morton's Steakhouse. She receives a cash tip of $50 that she pockets and does not report.
    Miguel won $100 in his office fantasy football league.

Question 5
Determine whether each of the following examples would be included in Gross Domestic Product (GDP).

 a. When Judy went to the grocery store yesterday, she bought three pounds of potatoes.

     Judy's purchase of potatoes would be included in GDP as a consumption expenditure.

b. Ford Motor Company buys four tires to put on a new Ford Mustang.

    The purchase of the tires would not be included in GDP.

c. The U.S. Air Force purchases two new fighter jets from Boeing.

     The purchase of the two fighter jets would be included in GDP as a government purchase.

d. When Joey had his birthday last week, his grandmother sent him a $100 bill that he could spend.

     Joey's birthday gift of $100 would not be included in GDP

Question 6
Real GDP refers to _____.

Multiple Choice
    GDP data that embodies changes in the price level but not changes in physical output
    the value of the domestic output after adjustments have been made for environmental pollution and changes in the distribution of income
    GDP data that does not reflect changes in both physical output and the price level
    GDP data that has been adjusted for changes in the price level

Question 7
The gross domestic product (GDP) concept accounts for society's valuation of the relative worth of goods and services by using a _____.

Multiple Choice
    measure of volume
    utility measure
    measure of physical weight
    monetary measure

Question 8
"Net foreign factor income" in the national income accounts refers to the difference between the _____.

Multiple Choice

    value of products sold by Americans to other nations and the value of products bought by Americans from other nations.
    income Americans gain from supplying resources abroad and the income that foreigners earn by supplying resources in the U.S.
    income earned by Americans in the U.S. minus the income earned by foreigners in the U.S.
    value of investments that Americans made abroad and the value of investments made by foreigners in the U.S.

Question 9
Personal consumption expenditures consist of _____.
Multiple Choice
    domestic investments
    foreign investments in the United States
    foreign plus domestic investments
    household and individual purchases of services and durable and nondurable goods

Question 10
A distinguishing characteristic of public transfer payments is that they _____.

Multiple Choice
    include wages to government workers
    are counted as part of government purchases in the calculation of the gross domestic product
involve no contribution to current production in return for the payment
   include the cost of maintaining public parks

Question 11
Answer the next question based on the following price and output data over a five-year period for an economy that produces only one good. Assume that year 2 is the base year.
Year Units of Output Price per Unit
1 8 $2
2 10 3
3 15 4
4 18 5
5 20 6
In year 4, nominal GDP would be _____.
Multiple Choice


Question 12
GDP excludes most nonmarket transactions. Therefore, GDP tends to _____.

Multiple Choice
    underestimate the rate of inflation in the economy
    overestimate the rate of inflation in the economy
    underestimate the amount of production in the economy
    overestimate the amount of production of the economy

Question 13
In the treatment of U.S. exports and imports, national income accountants _____.

Multiple Choice

    subtract exports but add imports in calculating GDP
    add both exports and imports in calculating GDP
    subtract both exports and imports in calculating GDP
add exports but subtract imports in calculating GDP

Question 14
GDP measured using base year prices is called _____.
Multiple Choice
    nominal GDP
    constant GDP
    real GDP
    deflated GDP

Question 15
Which of the following is not an example of an intermediate good?
Multiple Choice
    gasoline bought by a trucking company
    an oven bought by a homeowner
    flour bought by a bakery
    office supplies bought by an accounting firm

Question 16
Suppose that real GDP per capita in the United States is $49,000. If the long-term growth rate of real GDP per capita is 1.6% per year, how many years will it take for real GDP per capita to reach $98,000?

 Instructions: Enter your answer as a whole number.
44 Numeric Response Edit Unavailable. 45. Years

Question 17
Suppose that Italy can produce either goods or services with its resources, and that its PPF curve is shown on the graph as PPF1.
Using the graph, for each of the following situations, determine whether the PPF curve shifts.
a. Suppose that Italy increases its spending on education, which increases the amount of human capital in Italy.  
     Italy's PPF curve would increase and move to PPF3.
b. A recession causes Italy's unemployment rate to increase above the natural rate of unemployment.
     Italy's PPF curve would remain the same at PPF1.
c. Italy experiences an influx of immigrants from surrounding countries, which causes the population of Italy to increase.
     Italy's PPF curve would increase and move to PPF3.

Question 18
The table below shows real GDP per capita for the United States between the years 1950–2016.

 Real GDP per Capita over Time
Year Real GDP per Capita (dollars)
1950 $13,819
1975 24,601
2000 43,935
2016 52,172
Instructions: Round your answers to one decimal place.
a. What is the growth rate in the standard of living from 1950 to 1975?

       3.1 Numeric Response 1. Edit Unavailable. 3.1 incorrect. %

b. What is the growth rate in the standard of living from 1975 to 2000?

      3.1 Numeric Response 2. Edit Unavailable. 3.1 incorrect. %

c. What is the growth rate in the standard of living from 2000 to 2016?

      1.2 Numeric Response 3. Edit Unavailable. 1.2 incorrect. %

Correct answers should be:

Question 19
Providing a constant number of workers with additional capital with which to work will ______ labor productivity at a(n) ______ rate.
Multiple Choice
    increase; constant
    decrease; decreasing
    increase; increasing
    increase; decreasing

Question 20
Use the following diagram to answer the next question.
The most likely cause for a shift in the production possibilities frontier from AB to CD is
Multiple Choice

    an increase in government purchase of the economy's output.
    the use of the economy's resources in a less efficient way.
    an increase in the quantity and quality of labor resources.
    an increase in the spending of business and consumers.

Question 21
The application of new technologies to the production process will increase
Multiple Choice
    labor productivity.
    the quantity of human capital.
    the unemployment rate.
    the share of the population employed.

Question 22
The key variable in determining changes in a country's standard of living is the
Multiple Choice
    interest rate.
    long-run rate of economic growth.
    unemployment rate.
    inflation rate.

Question 23
Given the annual rate of economic growth, the "rule of 72" allows one to
Multiple Choice
    determine the accompanying rate of inflation.
    calculate the size of the GDP gap.
    determine the growth rate of per capita GDP.
    calculate the number of years required for real GDP to double.

Question 24
Before the Industrial Revolution, living standards in the world
Multiple Choice
were relatively stagnant for long periods of time.
    were already rising significantly for many decades.
were declining because of rapid increases in population.
    are not known, for lack of reliable records from that period.

Question 25
the two countries are the same. According to the principle of diminishing returns to capital, an additional unit of capital will ______ in Alpha compared to Beta, holding other factors constant.
Multiple Choice
    increase output by the same amount
    have no effect on output
    increase output less
    increase output more

Question 26
When a firm builds a new factory, this is an example of an investment in
Multiple Choice
    the market.
    human capital.
    physical capital.
    research and development.

Question 27
Increasing the capital available to the workforce, holding other factors constant, tends to ______ total output while ______ labor productivity.
Multiple Choice
    increase; decreasing
    increase; not changing
increase; increasing
    decrease; increasing

Question 28
To increase future living standards by pursuing higher current rates of investment spending, an economy must
Multiple Choice
    reduce current rates of consumption spending.
       allow higher rates of current consumption.
    reduce the current capital stock.
    decrease the amount of future research and development spending.

Question 29
Between the U.S. and Nepal, Nepal invests less in new factories and equipment. This will likely cause
Multiple Choice

    the U.S.'s production possibilities frontier to shift inward faster than Nepal's.
    Nepal's production possibilities frontier to shift outward faster than the U.S.'s.
    Nepal's production possibilities frontier to shift inward faster than the U.S.'s.
    the U.S.'s production possibilities frontier to shift outward faster than Nepal's.

Question 30
Which of the following will not increase a nation's real GDP?
Multiple Choice
    number of workers
    average price level
    technological progress
    labor productivity

ECO372T Week 4 Apply Money and the Federal Reserve SCORE 100 PERCENT

Question 1
Suppose the Federal Reserve increases the amount of reserves by $100 million and the total money supply increases by $500 million.

 Instructions: Enter your answers as a whole number.

a. What is the money multiplier?

b. Using the money multiplier from part a, how much will the money supply change if the Federal Reserve increases reserves by $50 million?

    $ 250 Million

Question 2
Use the following table to determine the levels of M1 and M2 in the United States.
Money Categories in the United States
Asset Amount (billions of dollars)
Currency $82
Demand deposits 80
Money market funds 44
Other checkable deposits 37
Savings deposits 460
Small time deposits 22
Traveler's checks 4
Instructions: Enter your answers as a whole number.
a. Calculate the M1 money supply.
 b. Calculate the M2 money supply.

Question 3
The part of the Federal Reserve that determines and implements the nation's monetary policy and controls the money supply to promote stable prices and economic growth is the:

multiple choice
    12 Federal Reserve District Banks.
    president of the Board of Governors.
    Board of Governors.
    Federal Open Market Committee.

Question 4
For each of the following scenarios, determine whether money is being used as a medium of account, store of value, or unit of account.
 a. Sam gives the grocery store clerk a $5 bill to pay for his purchase.  
multiple choice 1
    Medium of exchange
    Store of value
    Unit of account

b. Bill looks at the $20 price tag on a clock to see how much money he would need to purchase it.  

multiple choice 2
    Medium of exchange
    Store of value
    Unit of account

c. Maria writes a check to pay her electric bill.

multiple choice 3
    Store of value
    Medium of exchange
    Unit of account

d. Susan transfers some of her wealth from her checking account into a certificate of deposit that earns interest.  

multiple choice 4
    Unit of account
    Store of value
    Medium of exchange

Question 5
The Federal Reserve District Banks are divided:
multiple choice
    into geographical regions with the majority of the district banks located in the eastern half of the United States.
    evenly geographically to ensure the same amount of area coverage for the regions of the United States.
    geographically to encompass the 12 largest metropolitan and financial areas in the United States.
    into geographical regions with the same number of states located in each of the districts.

Question 6
Which of the following are liabilities to a bank?

Multiple Choice
    vault cash and demand deposits
    property and capital stock
    demand and time deposits
    capital stock and reserves

Question 7
If the reserve requirement is 20% and commercial bankers decide to hold additional excess reserves equal to 5% of any newly acquired checkable deposits, then the effective monetary multiplier for the banking system will be
Multiple Choice

Question 8
Members of the Federal Reserve Board of Governors are

Multiple Choice
    selected by the Federal Open Market Committee for 4-year terms.
    appointed by the president to staggered 14-year terms.
    appointed by Congress to staggered 14-year terms.
    selected by each of the Federal Reserve banks for 4-year terms.

Question 9
Money is "created" when
Multiple Choice
    people use money to pay for stuff they buy from one another.
    someone lends money to a friend or a family member.
    a bank grants a loan to a customer.
    a depositor deposits money at the bank.

Question 10
A checkable deposit at a commercial bank is a(n)

Multiple Choice
    asset to the depositor and a liability to the bank.
    liability to both the depositor and the bank.
    liability to the depositor and an asset to the bank.
    asset to both the depositor and the bank.

Question 11
Money eliminates the need for a coincidence of wants in trading primarily through its role as a
Multiple Choice
    medium of deferred payment.
    medium of exchange.
    unit of account.
    store of value.

Question 12
The coupon rate is the
Multiple Choice
    interest rate promised when a bond is issued.
    amount originally lent.
    regular payment of interest to a bondholder.
    maximum interest rate that can be paid on a bond.

Question 13
The reason for the Fed being set up as an independent agency of government is to
Multiple Choice
    allow it to earn profits like private firms.
    protect it from political pressure.
    let it be able to compete with other financial institutions.
    make it be managed and controlled by member banks.

Question 14
A bank's required reserves can be calculated by
Multiple Choice
    multiplying its checkable-deposit liabilities by its excess reserves.
    dividing its excess reserves by its required reserves.
    dividing its required reserves by its excess reserves.
    multiplying its checkable-deposit liabilities by the reserve ratio.

Question 15
The Federal Open Market Committee (FOMC)
Multiple Choice
    monitors regulatory banking laws for member banks.
    provides advice on banking stability to the Fed.
    follows the actions and operations of financial markets to keep them open and competitive.
    sets policy on the sale and purchase of government bonds by the Fed.

Question 16
When a consumer wants to compare the price of one product with another, money is primarily functioning as a

Multiple Choice
    checkable deposit.
    medium of exchange.
    unit of account.
    store of value.

Question 17
Which definition(s) of the money supply include(s) only items that are directly and immediately usable as a medium of exchange?

Multiple Choice
    M1 and M2
    neither M1 nor M2

Question 18
The Federal Reserve System consists of which of the following?
Multiple Choice
   Federal Open Market Committee and Office of Thrift Supervision
    U.S. Treasury Department and Bureau of Engraving and Printing
    Board of Governors and the 12 Federal Reserve Banks
    Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation and Controller of the Currency

Question 19
Assets of the commercial banking system include
Multiple Choice
    reserves and deposits.
    reserves and loans.
    loans and deposits.

Question 20
If the reserve requirement were 15% percent, the value of the monetary multiplier would be
Multiple Choice

Question 21
Assume that the required reserve ratio is 20%. A business deposits a $50,000 check at Bank A; the check is drawn against Bank B. What happens to the reserves at Bank A and Bank B?

Multiple Choice
    increase by $10,000 at Bank A and decrease by $50,000 at Bank B
    Reserves stay the same in both banks.
    increase by $10,000 at Bank A and decrease by $10,000 at Bank B
 increase by $50,000 at Bank A and decrease by $50,000 at Bank B

Question 22
An increase in nominal GDP will

Multiple Choice
    increase the transactions demand for money but decrease the total demand for money.
    decrease the transactions demand for money but increase the total demand for money.
increase the transactions demand and the total demand for money.
    decrease the transactions demand and the total demand for money.

Question 23
Traditionally, the Federal Reserve can give emergency loans only to
Multiple Choice
    manufacturing firms.
    securities firms.
    investment banks.
    commercial banks.

Question 24
Use the following graph to answer the next question.
Which line in the graph above would best illustrate the asset demand for money curve?
Multiple Choice
    Line 3
    Line 2
    Line 4
    Line 1

Question 25
Fractional reserve banking refers to a system where banks
Multiple Choice
    grant loans to their borrowing customers.
    accept a portion of their deposits in checkable accounts.
    deposit a fraction of their reserves at the central bank.
    hold only a fraction of their deposits in their reserves.

Question 26
What function is money serving when you deposit it in a savings account?
Multiple Choice
    a checkable deposit
    a medium of exchange
    a store of value
    a unit of account

Question 27
Which of the following items are included in money supply M2 but not M1?
Multiple Choice
    savings deposits
    Federal Reserve notes
    checkable deposits

Question 28
A wealthy executive is holding money, waiting for a good time to invest in the stock market. This action would be an example of the
Multiple Choice
    asset demand for money.
    transactions demand for money.
    creation of fiat money.
    use of money as a medium of exchange.

Question 29
The main function of the Federal Reserve System is to
Multiple Choice
    clear checks from member banks.
    set reserve requirements of banks.
    control the money supply.
    serve as the fiscal agent for the federal government.

Question 30
Cash held by a bank in its vault is a part of the bank's
Multiple Choice
    money supply.
    net worth.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...