Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Exam 500664RR - International Environmental Forces

1. Market screening is derived from
A. current market trends.
B. environmental scanning.
C. local sociocultural forces.
D. global opportunities and threats.

2. Market screening is divided into
A. segment screening and environmental screening.
B. region screening and segment screening.
C. environmental screening and country screening.
D. country screening and segment screening.

3. _______ is/are economic data that correlate highly with market demand for a product.
A. Market factors
B. Market indicators
C. Trend analysis
D. Cluster analysis

4. After Saudi Arabia, the country with the greatest heavy oil reserves is
A. Iraq.
B. Canada.
C. Iran.
D. Venezuela.

5. Understanding the religious beliefs of foreign markets is
A. useful, because religions affect attitudes and beliefs across cultures.
B. useful because there's always the possibility of conversion.
C. not necessary because religion isn't a part of culture; it's beyond culture.
D. not really necessary because religion is one and the Truth is universal.

6. The two types of market screening procedures are
A. trend analysis and cluster analysis.
B. country screening and segment screening.
C. initial screening and secondary screening.
D. market indicators and market factors.

7. Trade names are protected under
A. the International Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property.
B. many local laws in most countries, so illegal trademark use is a local issue.
C. national laws in all UN member countries.
D. long-standing convention, but no legal agreements.

8. There are several criteria for segmenting markets. Which of the following are two criteria for segmenting?
A. Small and elusive
B. Large and definable
C. Diverse and accessible
D. Unclassified and unfulfilled

9. The concept of strict liability, as found in the US legal system, applies
A. to harm done by the designer/manufacturer without the need to prove negligence.
B. strictly to harm caused by the designer/manufacturer, so no penalties outside of damages can be awarded.
C. to harm done within narrow limits, considering the design of the product.
D. to children harmed by products in both the United States and the EU.

10. In a personal interview or phone survey, some respondents want to help the interviewer out of politeness or just to please the interviewer. This is known as
A. social desirability bias.
B. interviewer bias.
C. response bias.
D. market research.

11. The International Energy Agency concluded in 2010 that
A. a worldwide energy revolution based on low-carbon technologies is under way.
B. oil demand must immediately drop worldwide by 10 percent.
C. oil reserves would dry up by 2020.
D. sustainable energy development was not feasible.

12. In what order is the country screening process presented in the textbook?
A. Basic needs, economic/financial, political, sociocultural, and competitive
B. Basic needs, competitive, political, economic/financial, and sociocultural
C.Basic needs, sociocultural, economic/financial, political, and competitive
D. Basic needs, political, economic/financial, competitive, and sociocultural

13. Average growth rate in commercial energy use and real growth rate in GDP compose the _______ index.
A. e-commerce readiness
B. market size
C. market factor
D. market growth rate

14. Hiring and promoting employees on the basis of the specific local context in which the subsidiary operates is a/an _______ orientation.
A. polycentric
B. regiocentric
C. ethnocentric
D. geocentric

15. Hong Kong is seen as a more desirable location for foreign firms than Shanghai because
A. Hong Kong has a tradition of law adopted from British colonialism.
B. the Chinese government has given Hong Kong dispensation to act as a sovereign nation.
C. Shanghai's main language is Mandarin, while Hong Kong's is Cantonese.
D. Hong Kong remains a British colony.

16. Payments made to expatriates to compensate for extra costs of living abroad are called
A. differentials.
B. bonuses.
C. allowances.
D. premiums.

17. Enforcing contracts that cross international borders is
A. the responsibility of Interpol.
B. secondary to who has possession of the goods, regardless of title.
C. quite complicated and governed in most nations by the CISG.
D. simply a matter of applying the local law to the contract.

18. Patent trolling is the process of
A. looking for loopholes in patent protection and exploiting them.
B. legal research that uncovers obscure, deceased patent holders and liberates their inventions.
C. searching out patents that have expired and negotiating their replacements.
D. recording and registering patents in foreign countries to protect the firm's IP.

19. When host-country nationals are employed
A. they're already familiar with the home country.
B. they're familiar with local customs, culture, and language.
C. training costs are a minimum.
D. any conflict of interest is removed.

20. In _______ screening, the important variables for segmentation are commonalities in needs and wants among consumers across nationalities.
A. country
B. product
C. segment
D. cultural

Friday, May 21, 2021

C08 American Government Presidential Emergency Powers


Throughout American history, presidents have faced emergencies that would require swift and decisive action. While the founding fathers gave the executive branch wide-ranging power and flexibility in running the executive branch, no specific emergency powers were listed in the Constitution. Any emergency power granted to the president would be implied in the Constitution rather than specifically expressed. As a result of this, Congress has been called upon to grant emergency powers to presidents throughout US history. In other times of emergency, presidents would use executive orders to respond to crisis. In this paper, you'll explore these powers, their constitutionality, and your opinion on these powers.

Assignment Instructions

With this project you'll answer some essential questions around the main topic question:

Should the president have extra powers in a time of emergency? If so, what should be the limits on such powers?

You should use research to form your opinions and support your arguments. The paper should address the central question and include the topics provided to help you organize and present the information. This project will be four to six pages in total.


Try to address each topic or set of questions directly and as thoroughly as possible.

National Emergencies Act (approximately 1-1.5 pages) Research the National Emergencies Act (1976) and answer the following:

  • What is the National Emergencies Act of 1976 and what powers does it grant to the president?
  • What criteria are set up for when and why a president could declare a national emergency?
  • Research and provide information on a time in the past 10 years when this act has been used by a president to declare an emergency. Provide information on how this move was viewed by the major political parties (Republican and Democrat) at the time the emergency was declared.

Historical Emergencies (approximately 1-1.5 pages): Pick and research three times in American history when a president used power outside of his usual constitutional powers to address a crisis and complete the following in two pages:

  • Describe the crisis and the action taken by the president to address that crisis.
  • Did the president in each of these situations face pushback from Congress or the public? Describe the nature of that opposition.

Constitutionality of presidential emergency actions (approximately 1-1.5 pages): Choose two times in American history when a president used powers in an emergency and the Supreme Court weighed in on the constitutionality of the president's actions. Pick one in which the Supreme Court upheld emergency actions and one in which it struck down a president's actions.

  • Describe the emergency action taken by the president, the court case that challenged it, and the result of that case. Include the reasoning provided by the justices in making their decisions.

Your opinion/thesis: Based on what you've researched, answer the question:

  • Should the president have extra powers in a time of emergency? If so, what should be the limits on such powers?
  • Use expert opinions and historical examples to support your arguments.

   Should the president have extra powers in a time of emergency?

CHFD225 Week 2 Assignment 1 The American Family Over Time


The American Family has undergone many changes throughout the years. These changes have shaped what defines a family as well as how a family functions. Create a Power Point presentation or a FREE Prezi Presentation (www.prezi.com) that shows a timeline of changes that have impacted the American Family. (For the free version of Prezi, simply click "Get Started", then navigate over to the "Basic" instead of "Individual or Teams" and you will see the free version.)

Your timeline must include a minimum of 8 events. Each event is to be identified by time period/date, the event being chronicled and the impact of the event on the American Family. Your presentation must include a cover slide and a reference slide. Your information must be supported by a minimum of 2 references. Please see the grading rubric below.




CHFD225 Week 2 Discussion - Stressors that Impact Diverse Populations

Please review the US Citizenship test questions in the video using the link below. After viewing, please share with us your experience. What was your reaction to the questions? Were you prepared for the level of difficulty of the questions? Was it stressful?  Were you surprised by anything?

U .S. Citizenship Naturalization Test

CHFD225 Week 3 Discussion Consequences of the Great Recession for Families

The great recession forced many families to alter their way of living.  After reading this week's readings, please share at least 4 ways the great recession impacted families negatively.  Was there a difference in how the recession impacted minorities? Please explain.

CHFD225 Week 4 Assignment 2 Interview with Two Senior Citizens

Q 1). Instructions

Part 1: Interview with Two Senior Citizens (Age 65+)

Provide a transcript of your interviews using these questions. Plan to interview at least two senior citizens in order to complete the assignment.


How old are you?

Where were you born/raised?

What was your family composition? How many siblings?

Were your parents married? Did they ever divorce?

What is your highest level of education?

What is the biggest difference about families now, as opposed to when you were being raised?

What do you think today's families are lacking?

What were your parents' roles in your household?

Was the community (neighbors, church, schools, etc.) more involved in the raising of families/children in your day? How so?

Do you have any regrets?

Are you involved in any activities?

What could society do to better support you as you age?

If you had to offer me one piece of advice about life, what would it be?

Part II: 5- Paragraph Essay

After you complete the interviews, review our readings of Week 2 Lessons. Write a 5-paragraph essay to include the following:

  • Compare the two interviewees' responses
  • Address any public policies available to support senior citizens
  • Describe what are your two biggest 'takeaways' from these interviews

To support your statements within your essay, be sure to include at least two (2) in-text citations and matching references.

The Five-Paragraph Essay: Three Formulas for Writing the Basic Academic Essay

To submit, attach your document to the corresponding "Interviews with Two Senior Citizens" assignment under the Assignments tab.


CHFD225 Week 4 Discussion Work Family Conflict

Q1). After reading this week's content and viewing the video below, please define work/family conflict. How does this dynamic impact families? How does it impact their jobs? Please provide at least 2 examples of each. How is this dynamic different for men and women? 

Blending Work and Family: You Are Not Alone


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...