Tuesday, June 1, 2021

BUSI535 Week 2 Assignment 2 Submission of Research Paper Topic and Outline


Submit your Research Paper topic and outline. There are many key topics that will be addressed that are based on recruitment, selection, and placement strategies. You can choose your topic from the preselected list of twenty-six topics (available in the Activities area of Week 2 Instructional Materials); however, you are also permitted to choose an original topic idea that must still be preapproved by the instructor. Your outline for the Research Paper must include background information, thesis statement, main topic, key details with supporting facts, and conclusion.


  • It is due by Sunday 11:59 p.m. CT.
  • The outline should be thorough and formatted based on the outline format.
  • Provide 5 references that are properly formatted using the APA format.


BUSI535 Week 1 Writing Assignment 1


Assess Application Case: Staffing Strategy for a New Plant (Heneman III, pages 40-41). Your task is to state a tentative response to each question that will be the basis for your discussion at the meeting.

  1. What geographic location might be best for the plant in terms of attracting sufficient quantity and quality of labor, especially for the key jobs? Provide information to support your choice of location.
  2. Should the plant manager come from inside the current managerial ranks or be sought from the outside? Why is your selection a better choice versus the other? What are the advantages/disadvantages of each?
  3. Should staffing be based on just the person-job match or also on the person-organization match? Differentiate between the two and explain why this is a complex decision.
  4. Would it make sense to initially staff the plant with a flexible workforce by using temporary employees and then shift over to a core workforce if it looks like the plant will be successful? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using a flexible workforce versus a core workforce in this situation?
  5. In the early stages, should the plant be fully staffed, understaffed, or overstaffed? Why is your choice a preferred method? Explain why the other two choices are not preferential.
  6. Based on the case, will employee retention likely be a problem, and if so, how will this affect the viability of the new plant?

Monday, May 31, 2021

CHFD308 Week 2 Discussion - Genetic and Environmental Foundations

W2: Genetic and Environmental Foundations

We have two questions in our discussion this week.

1- How does socioeconomic status determine family functioning?

2- What is the role and effect of cultural values and public policies on the overall well-being of children and the family?


CHFD308 Week 3 Assignment


In a five paragraph essay (600 minimum words) using your favorite theorist, apply that theory to brain development as it was discussed in our readings. You may also include the impact of culture, early physical growth, and similar factors that impact the overall development of the child.

CHFD308 Week 3 Discussion - Physical Development

As infants are developing, the parent is there to help and support the child's growth and learning. Please answer both parts within your discussion posting. 

1- What do you see as the most important things that parents can do to help their children at this point in their lives?

2- Next, classify those things from question one into operant or classical conditioning, habituation and recovery, or    imitation. Then describe how those activities support the child's development?


CHFD308 Week 4 Assignment


Develop a lesson plan for a preschool using Vygotsky's ZPD. In an evaluative paragraph, describe how these lessons would be explained by Piaget using his view of development. Use of APA format for this assignment is limited to references only.

CHFD308 Week 4 Discussion Cognitive Development

There are three questions within our forum this week.

1- Discuss environmental influences on early cognitive development for infants and toddlers.

2- What are notable differences for at-risk infants and toddlers?

3- How would culture differences impact this early cognitive development?


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...