Thursday, August 20, 2020


Q. What is SWOT? Do swot analysis of HP.


ANS-   SWOT is a tool for strategic analysis. It is used to analyze a company and the environment in which it operates.

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunties, and Threats.

 SWOT analysis is organized into internal and external factors. An analysis of  internal and external factor is very important  part of the strategic planning.

    SWOT analysis of HP-: 


HLTH410-Unit 2 DB-Ethical and Legal Aspects of Healthcare

As a clerk in the risk-management department at a local hospital, you are familiar with the concepts of patient abuse in the health care industry. Given your expertise in the field, you have been asked are to host a discussion panel on the various types of patient abuses with your colleagues.

In your posting, you are to include an example of patient abuse that could occur in a hospital setting and discuss the following:

What type of abuse does your example represent (e.g., physical, psychological, financial, medical, etc.)?
How could the abuse have been prevented?

HLTH410-1204A-02 Ethical and Legal Aspects of Healthcare Unit-3 DB

Negligence in health care is another important legal issue that health care professionals frequently encounter. Although all health care workers are responsible for their actions an employer is also liable for injury to a patient.

You are to discuss this legal issue and briefly explain what negligence is. Using the Internet find three articles to discuss that exemplify each of the following:

Negligence that would be an act of commission (3 articles)
Negligence that would be an act of omission and might occur in an assisted living facility (3 articles)

Provide the link to each article.

HLTH410 Unit-5 DB Respondeat Superior

Respondeat superior is a legal concept that deals with the liability of a health care organization. It states that an employer may be liable for the actions of its employee and, in some cases, for the wrongful acts the employee performed.

Discuss the following:

What 2 legal elements must be present for the employer to be considered liable for an employee's wrongful act(s)?
Give an example of a situation in which an assisted-living facility might be liable for the actions of one of its employees for a wrongful act he or she committed.

HLTH410 Unit-4 IP-AIDS and the health care practice

Details: You are to write a 3-4 page position paper reflecting your views on what the health care profession's legal and moral stance should be on one of the topics below and why. The choices are as follows:
•AIDS and the health care practice
•Decisions at the end of life
You can choose how to approach your topic, narrow its scope, and advance a particular position, but you must justify each of your decisions and your positions with scholarly evidence. Use course resources, the Internet, and the library to support your position.


HLTH400 Unit-5 IP SWOT analysis

Assignment Name: Unit 5 Individual Project

You will be using SWOT analysis to assess your organization and its environment. SWOT stands for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. Strengths and weaknesses are internal factors. Opportunities and threats are external factors.


You are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

Create a SWOT analysis.
Define a strategic management plan, using SWOT analysis.
Identify the (internal) strengths of the organization structure.
Identify the (internal) weaknesses of the organization structure.
Identify the (external) opportunities.
Identify the (external) threats.
Match the internal and external environments to attain the organization goals. 
Define a continuous improvement plan that indicates how you will do the following:
Measure outcomes
Identify service problems
Eliminate gaps in performance 
Identify how your action plans are linked to the following:
Vision statement
Mission statement
Service strategy 
Summarize your overall plan, indicating its current limitations and implications of your plan for the health care industry as a whole. 

Keep your SWOT short and simple, and avoid complexity and overanalysis. If it helps to organize your thoughts, use a SWOT table.

Please submit your assignment.



Thursday, August 13, 2020

HLTH400 Unit-3 IP - managementperformanceplan

HLTH400-1203B-01 Healthcare Management
Assignment Name: Unit 3 Individual Project
Deliverable Length: 2–3 Pages

For this unit's assignment, you are to complete the following portions of your strategic plan:

Create a management performance plan that includes the following information:

* Define a management performance plan that links action plans to the following issues:
o Motivation
o Empowerment
o Training
o Coproduction with patients and families

Create and employee hiring/training/retention plan that includes the following information:

* Define an employee hiring/training/retention plan that links action plans to the following issues:
o Motivation
o Empowerment
o Training
o Coproduction with patients and families

Identify how your action plans are linked to the following within your organization:

* Vision statement
* Mission statement
* Service strategy

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...