Friday, November 11, 2022

C05 Week 5 Threaded Discussion Question

Discuss two advantages of conducting survey research and advantages of conducting interview research. Which would you prefer and why?


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

OPS574 Week 1 Discussion - Operations Management With Agile

Complete the collaboration warm-up exercise, Agile Product Development. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Have you had any experience working on Agile teams?
  • If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach?
  • If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace?
  • How can the challenges of Agile be mitigated or overcome?

M01 Human Resource Management Assignment 4


M01D Human Resource Management

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Part A


1.      Describe three (3) of the environmental influences an organization faces. 

a.      Provide one (1) example of each.

b.      Describe how an organization is impacted, either positively or negatively, by each.

2.      Describe four (4) steps involved when setting up an employee training program for a specific job of your choice.


Part B

You operate a small advertising agency.  You employ two secretaries, a graphic designer, three sales representatives, and an office coordinator. 

1.      What types of things would you consider when determining how to compensate each position?  Describe two (2) considerations.

2.      What type of compensation plan would you use for each position?



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

PUA5306 IUnit I Discussion.docx

Today, there are many vocal special interest groups, prominent lobbying groups, and prominent political contributors who encourage elected policy makers to develop policies for the benefit of the special interest group. Do you think that today's policy makers truly represent the general public, or do they actually represent special interest groups and the elite population? Why, or why not?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

R04 Module 2 Expository Paper 1.docx

Assignment Instructions

Expository Paper 1

Does our society today have ethical problems? Explain your position and reference the assigned readings to back up your statements. (Base your discussion on your readings).

R04 Self Reflection 1.docx


In the textbox, input your responses to the following question. When you are ready to submit, click the blue submit button at the bottom of the page.

What are five (5) human relational personal goals you have for this course? List and explain your goals.

Monday, August 29, 2022

MA240 Module 7 Assignment - Probability

Assignment Instructions

M7 Assignment: Probability

Probability Report

The probability of an event can be determined in theory as well as in practice. In this project, you will use the formulas and methods in your readings to determine the theoretical probability. You will then conduct an experiment to see if the outcomes match what you expect to find with the theoretical probability.

 In this project you will:

be able to calculate and interpret probability

be able to analyze and compare theoretical and experimental probabilities

 To complete this project you will:

Complete the Probability Report Worksheet to guide you in writing your APA report. Be sure to show all work!

Complete a 2-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted report. In the report you need to present your findings and explain your conclusions on experimental and theoretical probability.  Thoughts to include in the report include: How are theoretical and experimental probability different? Why might the theoretical probability not match the experimental probability?

Be sure to cite your sources for the questions that require sources.

Probability Report Worksheet

Directions: Complete the probability report worksheet to help you with your calculations to create the APA report.

1. Choose one of the three scenarios:

Probability of obtaining heads on a coin toss

Probability of rolling a 2 on a 6-sided die.

Probability of drawing a Jack from a deck of cards.

2. Calculate the theoretical probability for your chosen scenario. Show all work! Remember probability is the number of ways you can achieve the desired outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes. Then calculate the theoretical probability of your chosen scenario NOT

happening. Ex: What is the probability of "Not Heads"? What is the probability of "Not rolling a 2", etc.

3. Complete 100 trials for your chosen scenario. Example: Flip a coin 100 times and record the outcome, roll a die 100 times and record the outcome, choose a card from a deck (with replacement) 100 times.

4. Create a table in Microsoft Word here and record your data.

5. Using the table you created in number 4, what is the experimental probability for your chosen scenario?

6. Using the table you created in number 4, what is the experimental probability for NOT achieving your chosen scenario? Example: What is the probability of "Not Heads"? What is the probability of "Not rolling a 2", and so on.

7. Does your theoretical probability match your experimental probability?

8. Complete research on WHY your probabilities might not match or why they might match. *Be sure to cite your source*

9. Using the concepts learned this week, what do you think would happen if you did 1,000 trials? *Be sure to cite your reading or lecture*

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...