Thursday, July 30, 2020

Bussiness Management-5(1-20questions)mcq.

Question 1 of 20   
The most intense level of competition will be under situations of pure competition in which there is/are:


    A. one seller and a low degree of differentiation.   

    B. many sellers and a high degree of differentiation.   

    C. many sellers and no degree of differentiation.   

    D. few sellers and a low degree of differentiation.   


Question 2 of 20   
Which of the following factor(s) determine the intensity of competition in an industry according to the industry perspective?


    A. The number of sellers   

    B. The number of buyers   

    C. How well different organizations are able to meet customers needs   

    D. The identification of strategic groups   


Question 3 of 20   
The adaptive strategies approach was developed by:


    A. Miles and Snow.   

    B. Mintzberg.   

    C. Abell.   

    D. Porter.   


Question 4 of 20   
Which of the following strategies is appropriate for business units that search for market stability and produce only a limited product line directed at a narrow segment of the total potential market?


    A. Prospector competitive strategy   

    B. Defender competitive strategy   

    C. Analyzer competitive strategy   

    D. Reactor competitive strategy   


Question 5 of 20   
Systematically assessing and evaluating possible courses of action is known as the __________ strategy.


    A. reactor   

    B. defender   

    C. analyzer   

    D. focus   


Question 6 of 20   
According to Porter, the "appropriate" competitive strategy is based on the organization's:


    A. manufacturing operations.   

    B. competitive advantage.   

    C. public relations department.   

    D. financial forecasts.   


Question 7 of 20   
The three generic types of competitive strategies are:


    A. vertical integration, diversification, and growth.   

    B. cost leadership, differentiation, and focus.   

    C. prospector, defender, and analyzer.   

    D. build market share, maintain industry rank, and increase business strength.   


Question 8 of 20   
According to Michael Porter, competitive advantage can come from:


    A. having the lowest price in the industry.   

    B. having the lowest costs in the industry.   

    C. having the most efficient production process in the industry.   

    D. having the most creative marketing strategies in the industry.   


Question 9 of 20   
When there is a broad competitive scope and there are low costs obtained, Porter suggests a(n) __________ strategy.


    A. cost leadership   

    B. differentiation   

    C. prospector   

    D. reactor   


Question 10 of 20   
Which of the following is the main objective in the successful pursuit of the cost leadership strategy?


    A. Product innovation   

    B. Efficiency in operations   

    C. Customer focus   

    D. Product design   


Question 11 of 20   
When customers consistently and repeatedly seek out, purchase, and use a particular brand, this is a situation of:


    A. effective production policies.   

    B. cultural dynamics.   

    C. brand loyalty.   

    D. operations management.   


Question 12 of 20   
Which strategy is used by businesses that compete in a narrow market and use only one common competitive weapon?


    A. Differentiated strategy   

    B. Focus strategy   

    C. Analyzer strategy   

    D. Prospector strategy   


Question 13 of 20   
The main goal of a company pursuing a differentiation strategy is to:


    A. increase market share and profits.   

    B. lower production costs and increase efficiency.   

    C. provide products or services that are unique.   

    D. improve customer-oriented service.   


Question 14 of 20   
When an organization is not successful at pursuing a low-cost or differentiation strategy, this concept is referred to by Porter as:


    A. focus (cost).   

    B. focus (differentiation).   

    C. stuck in the middle.   

    D. prospector.   


Question 15 of 20   
One advantage of the focus strategy is:


    A. the organization will get to know its market niche very well.   

    B. the organization has difficulty lowering costs significantly.   

    C. other organizations may be able to offer lower costs of the product.   

    D. the organization may lose sight of changing customer needs.   


Question 16 of 20   
A company that produces commodity aluminum should pursue which of the following generic competitive strategies?


    A. Cost leadership   

    B. Differentiation   

    C. Growth   

    D. Profit   


Question 17 of 20   
Using Mintzberg's framework, organizations that compete on the basis of providing desirable product features and design configurations are using differentiation by:


    A. product design.   

    B. product quality.   

    C. price.   

    D. marketing image.   


Question 18 of 20   
When an organization attempts to exploit and strengthen its competitive position through attacks on a competitor's position, this ploy is known as:


    A. defensive strategies.   

    B. offensive moves.   

    C. defensive moves.   

    D. offensive strategies.   


Question 19 of 20   
A frontal assault with regard to competitive actions means:


    A. matching the competition along the dimension of price only.   

    B. matching the competitor along dimensions such as price, promotion, and distribution.   

    C. holding off competitors with the use of international markets.   

    D. remaining reactive the actions of the competition.   


Question 20 of 20   
The small, intermittent, seemingly random assaults on the markets of the competitors are referred to as __________ attacks.


    A. guerrilla   

    B. resource   

    C. industrial   

    D. maneuvered   


Bunssiness Management-4(1-20q.)mcq

Question 1 of 20   
The __________ point(s) to the strategic issues organizational decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high levels of performance.


    A. portfolio analysis   

    B. capabilities assessment   

    C. financial analysis   

    D. SWOT analysis   


Question 2 of 20   
Which of the following is included under the product functional strategies?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Management   

    C. Supervision   

    D. Leadership   


Question 3 of 20   
__________ strategies are the short-term goal-directed decisions and actions of the organization's various functional areas.


    A. Competitive   

    B. Functional   

    C. Corporate   

    D. Business   


Question 4 of 20   
__________ refer(s) to the process of creating and providing goods and services.


    A. Production-operations   

    B. Marketing   

    C. High-performance work practices   

    D. Information system   


Question 5 of 20   
An organization that's first to bring a new product or innovation to the marketplace is a(n):


    A. primary competitor.   

    B. first mover.   

    C. early adopter.   

    D. innovator.   


Question 6 of 20   
Which of the following is a possible production-operations management strategy?


    A. Selective specialization   

    B. Inventory management systems   

    C. User positioning   

    D. Database marketing   


Question 7 of 20   
Which are the two biggest factors in marketing?


    A. Competitors and pricing   

    B. Product and competitors   

    C. Customers and competitors   

    D. Pricing and customers   


Question 8 of 20   
The geographic segmentation variable for consumer markets could include factors such as:


    A. region, metropolitan area, and population density.   

    B. social class, lifestyle, and personality.   

    C. occasions of product use, benefits, and user status.   

    D. purchasing function organization, power structure, and purchasing criteria.   


Question 9 of 20   
The four Ps in marketing are:


    A. product, price, promotion, and place.   

    B. production, placement, personnel, and place.   

    C. promotion, price, positioning, and perception.   

    D. perception, perspective, promotion, and price.   


Question 10 of 20   
Human resource management strategies regarding employee separations include all of the following EXCEPT:


    A. downsizing.   

    B. hiring freezes.   

    C. organizing for efficiency or innovation.   

    D. preferential or nonpreferential rehiring process.   


Question 11 of 20   
The strategic decisions associated with the organization are the choice of a system and the choice of type of system needed for which system type?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Human resources   

    C. Information   

    D. Financial-accounting   


Question 12 of 20   
Designing which of the following systems involves making sure we have the information we need, when the information is needed, and in the form needed?


    A. Marketing   

    B. Human resources   

    C. Information   

    D. Financial-accounting   


Question 13 of 20   
Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using __________ and __________ performance measures for each area.


    A. functional; quantitative; qualitative   

    B. marketing; quantitative; qualitative   

    C. management; financial; quantitative   

    D. research and development; quantitative; qualitative   


Question 14 of 20   
The __________ analysis points to the strategic issues decision makers need to address in their pursuit of sustainable competitive advantage and high performance levels.


    A. functional   

    B. SWOT   

    C. competitive   

    D. organizational   


Question 15 of 20   
The process of creating goods and services in which organizational resources are transformed into outputs is called:


    A. production-operations.   

    B. manufacturing-operations.   

    C. product-production.   

    D. organizational performance.   


Question 16 of 20   
Strategy evaluation at the __________ level involves using specific performance measures-qualitative and quantitative-for each functional area.


    A. organizational   

    B. operational   

    C. functional   

    D. production   


Question 17 of 20   
When a group of individuals from various functional departments work together on product or process development, it can be in a:


    A. technical environment.   

    B. cross-functional team.   

    C. global organization.   

    D. matrix organization.   


Question 18 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT one of the three functional concerns of organizations?


    A. People   

    B. Technology   

    C. Support processes   

    D. Product   


Question 19 of 20   
A(n) __________ system is a system for collecting, processing, storing and disseminating any and all information that managers need to operate a business.


    A. database   

    B. reporting   

    C. support   

    D. information   


Question 20 of 20   
__________ at the functional level involves using specific performance measures quantitative and qualitative – for each functional area.


    A. Management   

    B. Reporting   

    C. Performance evaluation   

    D. Strategy evaluation   


Bussiness Management-3(1-20questions)mcq

Question 1 of 20   
Factors like Coca-Cola's brand name "Coke" and Nike's "swoosh" symbol construct __________ resources for the organization.


    A. physical   

    B. intangible   

    C. financial   

    D. invisible   


Question 2 of 20   
The various organizational routines and processes that determine how efficiently and effectively the organization transforms its inputs into outputs are called:


    A. strengths.   

    B. core competencies.   

    C. capabilities.   

    D. customer value.   


Question 3 of 20   
__________ are the regular, predictable, and sequential patterns of work activities performed by organizational members.


    A. Organizational capabilities   

    B. Accumulated knowledge   

    C. Actual work activities   

    D. Organizational routines and processes   


Question 4 of 20   
Southwest's capability of quick gate turnaround time and exceptional employee-customer interactions is known as a/an:


    A. distinctive organizational capability.   

    B. exceptional opportunity.   

    C. superior customer value.   

    D. distinguished service.   


Question 5 of 20   
The ability of Hampton Inn to provide customers moderately-priced accommodation with all the amenities and conveniences travelers want is an example of:


    A. contributing to superior customer value.   

    B. a second-to-market philosophy.   

    C. operating under a benchmarking philosophy.   

    D. providing a system that is easily duplicated.   


Question 6 of 20   
Special and unique capabilities that distinguish the organization from its competitors are called __________ organizational capabilities.


    A. distinguished   

    B. distinctive   

    C. demonstrated   

    D. delineated   


Question 7 of 20   
The ability of Honda to use its fuel-efficient and reliable engines in automobiles, motorcycles, and power generators is an example of:


    A. contributing to superior customer value.   

    B. creating a product that is difficult for competitors to imitate.   

    C. developing an innovation that can be used in a number of ways.   

    D. simulating an effective system developed by a competitor.   


Question 8 of 20   
The organization's major value-creating skills and capabilities that are shared across multiple product lines or multiple businesses are called:


    A. distinctive organizational capabilities.   

    B. competitive intelligence.   

    C. core weaknesses.   

    D. core competencies.   


Question 9 of 20   
Resources that the organization possesses and capabilities that the organization has developed, both of which can be developed into a sustainable competitive advantage, are known as:


    A. weaknesses.   

    B. strengths.   

    C. opportunities.   

    D. threats.   


Question 10 of 20   
Resources that are lacking or deficient and that prevent the organization from developing a sustainable competitive advantage, are known as:


    A. weaknesses.   

    B. strengths.   

    C. opportunities.   

    D. threats.   


Question 11 of 20   
Which of the following are considered to be primary activities in a value chain analysis as outlined by Porter?


    A. Inbound logistics   

    B. Procurement   

    C. Human resource management   

    D. Firm's infrastructure   


Question 12 of 20   
The concept of the value chain was developed by:


    A. Milton Friedman.   

    B. Peter Drucker.   

    C. Michael Porter.   

    D. Tom Peters.   


Question 13 of 20   
All of the following constitute primary activities EXCEPT:


    A. procurement.   

    B. marketing and sales.   

    C. outbound logistics.   

    D. operations.   


Question 14 of 20   
All of the following constitute support activities EXCEPT:


    A. technological development.   

    B. firm's infrastructure.   

    C. operations.   

    D. human resource management.   


Question 15 of 20   
According to the value chain analysis, the process connected to the acquisition and utilization of resources is known as:


    A. human resource management.   

    B. technological development.   

    C. firm infrastructure.   

    D. procurement   


Question 16 of 20   
The internal audit concentrates on the availability or lack of critical __________ and the level of __________.


    A. capital; skills   

    B. resources; capabilities   

    C. financial resources; management   

    D. skills; resources   


Question 17 of 20   
The key to using a(n) __________ is to determine how well or poorly organizational functions are being performed.


    A. internal audit   

    B. capabilities assessment profile   

    C. strategic audit   

    D. resource audit   


Question 18 of 20   
The second step in identifying distinctive organizational capabilities through a capabilities assessment profile is:


    A. describe all the organizational capabilities and competencies.   

    B. identify and agree on the key capabilities and competencies.   

    C. identify sources of competitive advantage and disadvantage in the main product-market segments.   

    D. prepare current product-market profile.   


Question 19 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT a criterion mentioned in the text for determining whether or not resources and capabilities are strengths or weaknesses?


    A. Comparison against competitors   

    B. Current performance   

    C. Trends in market share   

    D. Financial ratios   


Question 20 of 20   
Statements of desired outcomes are known as:


    A. core competencies.   

    B. organizational goals.   

    C. distinctive competencies.   

    D. management vision.   


Bussiness Management-2. (1-20q.) (mcq)

Question 1 of 20   
Competitive advantage can best be described as:


    A. increased efficiency.   

    B. what sets an organization apart.   

    C. a strength of the organization.   

    D. intangible resources.   


Question 2 of 20   
Which one of the following factors is considered to make an organization's resources unique?


    A. Durability   

    B. Imitability   

    C. Quality   

    D. Efficiency   


Question 3 of 20   
Experiences, characteristics, and knowledge are all aspects that represent:


    A. financial resources.   

    B. intangible resources.   

    C. human resources.   

    D. physical resources.   


Question 4 of 20   
Imitability of a resource can occur through:


    A. duplication.   

    B. exploitation.   

    C. substitution.   

    D. duplication and substitution.   


Question 5 of 20   
According to the guerrilla view of competitive advantage, the state of an organization's competitive advantage is:


    A. temporary.   

    B. long term.   

    C. long term based on the role of strategic leadership.   

    D. able to provide stable cash flows.   


Question 6 of 20   
American Airlines starting an airfare war by drastically reducing prices is an example of a change in the __________ environment.


    A. internal   

    B. external   

    C. resource   

    D. modified environment   


Question 7 of 20   
The use of equipment, materials, knowledge, and experience to perform tasks is defined as:


    A. the information revolution.   

    B. technology.   

    C. globalization.   

    D. resource allocation.   


Question 8 of 20   
__________ is the process of taking a creative idea and turning it into a product or process that can be used or sold.


    A. Technology   

    B. Innovation   

    C. Invention   

    D. Discovery   


Question 9 of 20   
The influence of globalization in managing strategically can be demonstrated in:


    A. the global marketplace.   

    B. global competition.   

    C. the organization itself.   

    D. global competitors and the global marketplace.   


Question 10 of 20   
Capitalizing on information, people, ideas, and knowledge characterizes the implication of:


    A. vanishing distance.   

    B. reduced need for physical assets.   

    C. compressed time.   

    D. turbulent change.   


Question 11 of 20   
__________ is defined as a structured transition in what an organization does and how it does it.


    A. Strategy   

    B. Strategic management   

    C. Organizational change   

    D. Globalization   


Question 12 of 20   
Instant interactivity reflects the environment of:


    A. reduced need for physical assets.   

    B. compressed time.   

    C. vanishing distance.   

    D. constant change.   


Question 13 of 20   
Companies such as Google and Apple are finding that they can achieve a sustainable competitive advantage with:


    A. physical assets.   

    B. physical distance.   

    C. non physical assets.   

    D. vanishing distance.   


Question 14 of 20   
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is the obligation of __________ to make decisions and act in ways that recognize the interrelatedness of business and society.


    A. competitors   

    B. stakeholders   

    C. community   

    D. organizational decision makers   


Question 15 of 20   
The traditional view of social responsibility states that corporations:


    A. should exist only to represent the stockholders.   

    B. must represent all stakeholder groups.   

    C. should operate on the basis of their suppliers' interests.   

    D. function as a measure of consumer behavior.   


Question 16 of 20   
The __________ should elaborate a purpose for the organization.


    A. vision   

    B. competitive strategy   

    C. mission   

    D. strategy   


Question 17 of 20   
A __________ statement is a statement of what specific organizational units do and what they hope to accomplish.


    A. vision   

    B. strategy   

    C. technology   

    D. mission   


Question 18 of 20   
The competitive advantage perspective that focuses on structural forces within an industry, the competitive environment of firms, and how these influence competitive advantage is the __________ view.


    A. industrial-organizational   

    B. resource-based   

    C. guerilla   

    D. structured-competitive   


Question 19 of 20   
The ability to access information with great speed reflects the impact of:


    A. the information revolution.   

    B. technological advances and breakthroughs.   

    C. globalization.   

    D. the Internet.   


Question 20 of 20   
The __________ view takes the approach that a firm's resources are more important than industry structure in getting and keeping competitive advantage.


    A. industrial organization   

    B. resources-based   

    C. supplier-based   

    D. guerrilla-based   


Bussiness management (IT)Set-6-mcq

A1. Which of the following are personal computing tools?
B. Database management systems
2. The goal of systems identification and selection is:
A. to identify a project from all possible projects that could be performed.
B. to identify and purchase a project from all possible projects that could be performed.
C. to identify and select a project from all possible projects that could be performed.
D. None of the above
3. __________ is/are important to discover issues, policies, and rules, as well as concrete examples of the use of data and information in the organization.
A. Interviews
B. Document analysis
C. Observations
D. Questionnaires
4. __________, a systems development methodology, uses a trial and error approach for discovering how a system could operate.
A. Prototyping
D. Object-oriented analysis and design
5. Which of the following is most likely NOT purchased as a prepackaged IT system?
A. Human resources
B. Payroll
C. Accounting
D. Company Web page
6. The four types of software conversion strategies include:
A. parallel, direct, phased, and pilot.
B. identification, analysis, implementation, and maintenance.
C. reference, discontinued, installation, and single location.
D. reuse, discontinued, implementation, and single location.
7. The types of outsourcing relationships identified are:
A. basic, preferred, and strategic.
B. incidental, preferred, and strategic.
C. basic, incidental, and strategic.
D. basic, preferred, and incidental.
8. __________ is the process of gathering and organizing information form users, managers, business processes, and documents to understand how a proposed information system should function.
A. Design analysis
B. Requirements collection
C. System identification
D. None of the above
9. End-user development is usually reserved for:
A. systems that span organizational boundaries.
B. perform complex operations.
C. developing corporate databases.
D. None of the above
10. __________ represent(s) the way in which data are transformed.
A. Processing logic
B. System design
C. System logic
D. Data flows
11. SDLC is short for:
A. systems development learning cycle.
B. systems deployment learning cycle.
C. systems development life cycle.
D. systems deployment life cycle.
12. __________ is testing the overall system to see whether it meets design requirements.
A. Alpha testing
B. Beta testing
C. Developmental testing
D. Systems testing
13. Which of the following is NOT a commonly used criteria for evaluating software?
A. Memory requirements
B. Training and documentation
C. Access time D. Maintenance and repair
14. A __________ is a business document containing only predefined data.
A. form
B. report
C. dialogue
D. file
15. Which of the following is a type of development methodology that analysts use to identify common modules that combine the data and the operations to be performed?
A. Prototyping
D. Object-oriented analysis and design
16. The five phases of the SDLC in order from first to last are:
A. identification, analysis, design, implementation, and maintenance.
B. analysis, identification, design, implementation, and maintenance.
C. identification, design, analysis, implementation, and maintenance.
D. analysis, design, identification, implementation, and maintenance.
17. Projects identified by top management tend to have a:
A. strategic organizational focus.
B. financial focus.
C. production focus.
D. diverse focus.
18. The collection and structuring of __________ is arguably the most important activity in systems development.
A. system requirements
B. system design
C. system implementation
D. system identification
19. Interfaces that enable the user to select pictures, icons, and menus to send instructions to the computer are referred to as:
A. database systems.
B. GUIs.
C. information system software.
D. files.
20. __________ are criteria used by organizations to evaluate whether to accept or reject a project.
A. Strategic alignments and risks
B. Potential benefits and project size
C. Potential costs and resource availability
D. All of the above

Bussiness management (IT)Set-5-MCQ

1. Companies use information systems to support their various business processes and activities for internal operations, which does NOT include:
A. manufacturing.
B. interaction with suppliers.
C. human resource management.
D. order processing.

2, __________ refers to systems for providing effective and efficient communication with the customer from the entire organization.
A. Operational CRM
B. Analytical CRM
C. Collaborative CRM
D. Executional CRM

3. The emergence of the Internet and Web has resulted in __________, opening up new opportunities and methods for conducting business.
A. the globalization of customer and supplier networks
B. the integration of customer and supplier networks
C. delineating the customer and supplier networks
D. the integration of all business processes within an organization

4, __________ are operated by third-party vendors, meaning that they are built and maintained by a particular company.
A. Electronic exchanges
B. Trading exchanges
C. Multimedia marketplaces
D. Resource marketplaces

5. Support activities include infrastructure, human resources, __________, and procurement.
A. operations and management
B. marketing and sales
C. customer service
D. technology development

6. A value system is formed when:
A. a company creates additional value by integrating internal applications with suppliers, business partners, and customers.
B. companies connect their internal value chains.
C. information flows from one company's value chain to another company's value chain.
D. All of the above

7. __________ applications are systems that focus on the specific needs of individual departments and are not designed to communicate with other systems of the organization.
A. Packaged
B. Custom
C. Stand-alone
D. Internally focused

8.__________ involves the business activities associated with receiving and stocking raw materials, parts, and products.
A. Inbound logistics
B. Operations and manufacturing
C. Outbound logistics
D. Marketing and sales

9. The key purpose of a(n) __________ system is to streamline the flow of information from one company's operations to another's.
A. intraorganizational
B. operational
C. management information
D. interorganizational

10. Data warehouses are databases that store information:
A. related to a specific department.
B. required for a specific business activity.
C. related to the various business activities of an organization.
D. that is outdated.

11.__________ can be accomplished by integrating multiple business processes in ways that enable firms to meet a wide range of unique customer needs.
A. Competitive advantage
B. Economies of scale
C. Process reengineering
D. Strategic information planning

12. __________ is a corporate-level strategy concentrating on the downstream information flows.
A. Business Process Management
B. Supply Chain Management
C. Customer Relationship Management
D. Enterprise Resource Planning

13. An Enterprise Marketing Automation system provides a comprehensive view of the:
A. competitors.
B. industry trends.
C. environmental factors.
D. All of the above

14. The term __________ is commonly used to refer to the producers of supplies that a company uses.
A. supply network
B. value system
C. supply chain
D. value chain

15. Customer Relationship Management applications concentrate on the __________ integrating the value chains of a company and its distributors.
A. upstream information flows
B. legacy systems
C. externally focused systems
D. downstream information flows

16. Like ERP and CRM applications, SCM packages are delivered in the form of __________, which companies select and implement according to their business requirements.
A. components
B. solutions
C. modules
D. systems

17. The supply chain __________ module in SCM packages reports key measurements in the supply chain.
A. collaboration
B. event management
C. exchange
D. performance management

18. __________ is often the most overlooked, underestimated, and poorly budgeted expense involved in planning enterprise system implementations.
A. Customization
B. Training
C. Executive sponsorship
D. Help from outside experts

19. __________ are designed to automate the business processes that occur before, during, and after sales have been transacted between a supplier and multiple customers.
A. Resource portals
B. Procurement portals
C. Distribution portals
D. Enterprise portals

20.__________ allows Web page designers to create customized tags that specify how the document should be formatted.
D. W3C

Bussiness management (IT)Set-1-MCQ

Question 1 of 20   
The information systems projects of both the U.S. Navy and FedEx were __________ in nature.


    A. tactical   

    B. strategic   

    C. operational   

    D. large-scale   


Question 2 of 20   
A global information systems strategy is characterized by __________ systems.


    A. centralized   

    B. decentralized   

    C. distributed   

    D. homogeneous   


Question 3 of 20   
The business competency area for IS professionals:


    A. is more strategic than technical.   

    B. sets them apart from others who have only technical skills.   

    C. is the easiest to outsource.   

    D. None of the above   


Question 4 of 20   
Information systems are combinations of __________ that people build and use to collect, create, and distribute useful data, typically in organizational settings.


    A. hardware   

    B. software   

    C. telecommunications networks   

    D. All of the above   


Question 5 of 20   
Which type of information system enables customers to buy goods and services from a firm's Web site?


    A. Customer Relation Management System   

    B. Electronic Commerce System   

    C. Office Automation System   

    D. Transaction Processing System   


Question 6 of 20   
Which of the following is considered to be one of the more traditional categories that are used to describe information systems?


    A. Transaction processing systems   

    B. Management information systems   

    C. Decision support systems   

    D. All of the above   


Question 7 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT true about knowledge?


    A. Knowledge is accumulated wisdom.   

    B. Knowledge is needed to understand relationships between different pieces of information.   

    C. Knowledge is used to organize or manipulate data.   

    D. All of the above are true.   


Question 8 of 20   
Knowledge is a body of governing procedures. Which of the following American outsourcing destination countries has the highest English proficiency?


    A. Argentina   

    B. Brazil   

    C. Costa Rica   

    D. Mexico   


Question 9 of 20   
Which of the flowing is NOT a product marketed by Apple?


    A. iPod   

    B. iTunes   

    C. iDrive   

    D. Newton   


Question 10 of 20   
Which executive-level person is responsible for overseeing and managing the organization's information systems?


    A. Chief Knowledge Officer   

    B. Chief Technology Officer   

    C. Chief Information Officer   

    D. Chief Operations Officer   


Question 11 of 20   
Which IS manager is responsible for coordinating and managing the entire voice and data network?


    A. Operations manager   

    B. Database administrator   

    C. Telecommunications manager   

    D. Network manager   


Question 12 of 20   
Which of the following events interrupted Globalization 2.0?


    A. The Great Depression   

    B. World War I   

    C. World War II   

    D. All of the above   


Question 13 of 20   
__________ is a cultural characteristic related to the risk-taking nature of a culture.


    A. Risk aversion   

    B. Uncertainty avoidance   

    C. Fear of future consequences   

    D. Risk seeking   


Question 14 of 20   
The first mainstream Web browser was called:


    A. Netscape.   

    B. Opera.   

    C. Firefox.   

    D. Internet Explorer.   


Question 15 of 20   
Which of the following is a weakness of the multidomestic business strategy?


    A. Differing product offerings limit economies of scale   

    B. Inability to react to local market conditions   

    C. Difficult to manage   

    D. Personnel overhead   


Question 16 of 20   
__________ enables you to apply concepts from one domain to a new situation or problem.


    A. Information   

    B. Wisdom   

    C. Data   

    D. Knowledge   


Question 17 of 20   
De facto standards contributing to Globalization 3.0 include all of the following EXCEPT:


    A. Microsoft Word.   

    B. Adobe Acrobat.   

    C. PayPal.   

    D. eBay.   


Question 18 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT considered a geoeconomic challenge of operating in a digital world?


    A. Demographic   

    B. Expertise   

    C. Time zone differences   

    D. Internet access   


Question 19 of 20   
A __________ information systems strategy is characterized by local databases.


    A. global   

    B. transnational   

    C. multinational   

    D. hybrid   


Question 20 of 20   
The EU data protection directive limits:


    A. Internet freedom.   

    B. personal rights to access data.   

    C. transborder data flows.   

    D. electronic commerce.   


bussiness management (1-25q.)

1. The approach to selection decision making that involves a qualitative review of all data on applicants is the: (Points : 4)
        clinical approach.
        qualitative approach
        subjective approach.
        statistical approach.

2. The process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization is known as: (Points : 4)
        environmental scanning.
        cultural auditing
        human resources planning.

3. Major responsibilities of HR managers include: (Points : 4)
        direction or daily supervision of employees.
        giving advice and counsel to supervisors, managers, and executives.
        making sure each employee progresses on a retirement track.
        working long hours.

4. Managing diversity means: (Points : 4)
        Recruiting and hiring more minorities
        Being aware of characteristics common to employees and managing them as individuals
        Tolerating differences
        Accommodating differences

5. The Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 prohibits employees from discrimination against: (Points : 4)
        the chronically ill.
        compulsive gambling.
        those who use illegal drugs.

6. Offshoring is the practice of moving jobs overseas (Points : 4)

7. "Managing diversity": (Points : 4)
        is a set of principles and practices whose core ideas include understanding customer needs, doing things right the first time, and continuous improvement.
        means being aware of the characteristics common to all employees, while managing them as individuals.
        is developing an affirmative action plan.
        is the fundamental rethinking and radical redesign of business processes to achieve radical improvements in cost, quality, service, and speed.

8. The desired outcomes of training programs are formally stated as: (Points : 4)
        training goals.
        learning objectives.
        instructional objectives.
        learning goals

9. The term "Human Resources" implies that _________ have the capabilities that drive human performance: (Points : 4)

The various types of employment interviews differ primarily in:
(Points : 4)
        amount of structure.
        methods for establishing rapport.
        the degree to which body language is studied.

11. Professional organizations such as SHRM and HRPS conduct ongoing studies of the most pressing competitive issues facing firms. One of the issues that has been around for the last decade or so is: (Points : 4)
        family concerns.
        employee rights.
        privacy issues.

12. One of the benefits of downsizing is: (Points : 4)
        higher customer satisfaction.
        improved efficiency.
        a more loyal and productive workforce.
        that it is a recruiting edge.

13. A factor that appears to have influenced the growth of EEO legislation is: (Points : 4)
        the changing attitudes of society at large
        the postwar baby boom
        shortage of qualified labor
        an influx of illegal immigrants

14. Which of the following is the most effective source for recruitment? (Points : 4)
        executive search firms
        help-wanted advertisements
        employee referrals
        private employment agencies

15. In many fast-growing economies, it may be easier to access money and technology than to find good people. (Points : 4)

16. Effective HRM balances the competing needs of: (Points : 4)
        competitive challenges and employee concerns.
        production and marketing.
        business and government.
        rare and organized talents.

17. According to the Pregnancy Discrimination Act, it is not illegal to: (Points : 4)
        require pregnant women to resign.
        deny sick-leave benefits for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        deny to all employees sick-leave benefits including those for pregnancy-related illnesses.
        provide medical benefits that do not cover pregnancy-related medical costs.

18. Disabilities that are less publicized and generally unprotected by EEO laws include: (Points : 4)

19. Strategic human resource management is the process of anticipating and making provision for the movement of people into, within, and out of an organization. (Points : 4)

20. Technology, transportation, communication, and utilities industries tend to spend the most on ________. (Points : 4)

Which of the following is not a problem frequently associated with job descriptions?
(Points : 4)
        They tend to broaden the scope of activities of the jobholder
        They may be vague or poorly written
        They include illegal specifications
        They require frequent updating

Outsourcing refers to employing workers in their homes rather than within the traditional office environment.
(Points : 4)

23. The employment of individuals in a fair and nonbiased manner is called (Points : 4)
        affirmative action
        equal employment opportunity
        civil rights policy
        uniform guidelines

24. Around 70-85 percent of the U.S. economy today is affected by international competition. (Points : 4)

25. An employee alleging discrimination can sue both the manager (or supervisor) of a company and the company itself because: (Points : 4)
        the company provided EEO training to the manager
        the manager or supervisor perform their job as agents of the company
        EEO law provides for it
        the employee can sue the company, but not the manager or supervisor

Bussiness Management-6(1-20questions)mcq.

Question 1 of 20   
In the United States legal-political environment, changes are slow and legal and political procedures are well established such that its global political risk stability strategy is:


    A. maximum.   

    B. high.   

    C. moderate.   

    D. low.   


Question 2 of 20   
The international economic environment factor whose timing can significantly affect a company's balance sheet and bottom line is:


    A. inflation rate.   

    B. tax policy.   

    C. currency exchange rate.   

    D. state price support.   


Question 3 of 20   
A small business is NOT characterized by:


    A. being independently owned.   

    B. having fewer than 100 employees.   

    C. engaging in innovative practices.   

    D. having little impact on its industry.   


Question 4 of 20   
A business that is characterized by innovative strategic practices and which has as its main goals profitability and growth is called:


    A. a small business.   

    B. an entrepreneurial venture.   

    C. strategically positioned.   

    D. a cash cow.   


Question 5 of 20   
Small firms generate __________ percent of all net new jobs annually.


    A. 25 to 34   

    B. 35 to 44   

    C. 45 to 55   

    D. 60 to 80   


Question 6 of 20   
Which of the following is a strategic advantage of small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures over larger businesses?


    A. Willingness to take risks   

    B. Seek out new opportunities   

    C. Respond quickly to changing conditions   

    D. Strategic goals are profitability and growth   


Question 7 of 20   
The strategic management process differs for small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures when compared to larger organizations because small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures have:


    A. inexperienced managers.   

    B. limited resources.   

    C. smaller organizational objectives.   

    D. low growth potential.   


Question 8 of 20   
The competitive strategy choices for small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures are:


    A. often limited to focus strategies.   

    B. often limited to a differentiated strategy.   

    C. limited because of technological advances.   


Question 9 of 20   
The number of markets served by a small organization is determined predominantly by:


    A. the resources of the organization.   

    B. the size of the organization.   

    C. the management of the organization.   

    D. strategic planning in the organization.   


Question 10 of 20   
A strategic advantage of entrepreneurial ventures/ small businesses over large businesses is:


    A. economics of scale.   

    B. flexibility.   

    C. marketing options.   

    D. distribution.   


Question 11 of 20   
Small businesses and entrepreneurial ventures are the driving force of change in the process of:


    A. market positioning.   

    B. strategic positioning.   

    C. creative destruction.   

    D. competitor interrelationships.   


Question 12 of 20   
A not-for-profit organization must meet the requirements of __________ of the U.S. Internal Revenue Service tax code.


    A. Section 501(c)(3)   

    B. Section 301(d)(4)   

    C. Section 503(c)(4)   

    D. Section 401(c)(3)   


Question 13 of 20   
A not-for-profit organization created, funded, and regulated by the public sector or government can be referred to as a(n) __________ organization.


    A. private-sector   

    B. efficient   

    C. public-sector   

    D. effective   


Question 14 of 20   
Public sector organizations are most affected by __________ constraints.


    A. internal   

    B. external   

    C. efficiency   

    D. managerial   


Question 15 of 20   
Research on community arts organizations has indicated that Porter's strategy(ies) of __________ is(are) utilized.


    A. cost leadership   

    B. differentiation   

    C. cost leadership, differentiation, and focus   

    D. differentiation and focus   


Question 16 of 20   
Both public sector and not-for-profit organizations must develop a(n) __________ to ensure their continued existence.


    A. competitive advantage   

    B. strong management pool   

    C. lobbying group   

    D. link with companies   


Question 17 of 20   
To evaluate strategy, there must be a connection between the evaluation and the __________ of the not-for-profit organization.


    A. revenues   

    B. goals   

    C. objectives (moderate)   

    D. goals and objectives   


Question 18 of 20   
Which of the following is NOT one of the unique strategies that have been developed for not-for-profit organizations in order to cope with changing environmental conditions?


    A. Cause-related marketing   

    B. Not-for-profit marketing alliances   

    C. Licensing   

    D. Direct investment   


Question 19 of 20   
The strategy, that has the primary intent to enhance the image of the supporting company, is known as:


    A. cause-related marketing.   

    B. not-for-profit marketing alliances.   

    C. licensing.   

    D. direct investment.   


Question 20 of 20   
A strategic partnership between a not-for-profit organization and a corporate partner is referred to as:


    A. licensing.   

    B. strategic piggybacking.   

    C. a not-for-profit marketing alliance.   

    D. cause-related marketing.   


Friday, July 24, 2020

BUS 250 Week-5 - Mattel and Toy Safety case - Copy

BUS 250 WEEK 5 RESEARCH PAPER  - Final Case Analysis Paper

The Final Case Analysis Paper should demonstrate understanding of the reading as well as the implications of new knowledge.  The eight-page paper should integrate readings and class discussions into work and life experiences.  It may include explanation and examples from previous experiences as well as implications for future applications.

The purpose of the Final Case Analysis Paper is for you to culminate the learning achieved in the course by describing your understanding and application of knowledge in the field.

Focus of the Final Case Analysis Paper:

The Final Case Analysis Paper should focus on real life, real time application of topics covered in this course; the uses you have seen and the uses you can envision.  The paper must be submitted to your instructor no later than 11:59 pm of the time zone in which you reside on the last day of class.

Read Mattel and Toy Safety, which is Case Eight in the Cases in Business and Society section at the end of the book. This case describes the 2007 Mattel toy recalls, which were in response to findings that several children's toys were coated in lead-based paint.

Write an eight to ten page paper that addresses the following questions. Support your opinions with scholarly research.

1.     Do you believe that Mattel acted in a socially responsible and ethical manner with regard to the safety of its toys? Why or why not? What should or could Mattel have done differently, if anything? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.

2.     Who or what do you believe was responsible for the fact that children were exposed to potentially dangerous toys? Why do you think so? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.

3.     What is the best way to ensure the safety of children's toys? In responding, please consider how the following groups would answer this question: government regulators (in the U.S. and China); consumer advocates, the toy industry, children's product retailers; and standard-setting organizations. What might explain the differences in their point of view? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.

4.     What do you think is the best way for society to protect children from harmful toys? Specifically, what are the appropriate roles for various stakeholders in this process? Be sure to support your answer using your research findings.

BU480 Assignment-4 Internet effect on planning

BU480  eBusiness Strategy

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

 Explain the Internet's effects on planning by how it influences 1) the motivation for planning, 2) the processes for planning, and 3) the outcomes of planning.  Be sure to give complete explanations of each effect, using examples in your discussion.


BU450 Assignment-7 Delegation

Part A: List and define five (5) potential benefits of delegation.

Part B: List and describe the seven (7) guidelines for good delegation.

Part C: Discuss why one of the major complaints of subordinates regarding delegation is the issue of dumping. Offer an example of a personal experience or observation of dumping taking place.

BU450 Leadership Skills Assignment-4 charismatic leadership

BU450  Leadership Skills

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.


Part A: What is charismatic leadership?

Part B:  Explain what is meant by the statement that charismatic leaders use active impression management with their followers to support their image. Provide and elaborate on one example.

Part C:  Why is charismatic leadership considered a double-edged sword that requires careful monitoring to avert abuse?


Q.1 Present areas where is competing with Google™ and Microsoft®, and whether competition is a wise strategy.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

MIS 3101 -W5 A3 -DSS

For the W5A3 Dropbox assignment, you are doing a feasibility report that will ultimately lead to the purchase of a Decision Support System (DSS). The template file is more about the structure and grading of this assignment rather that a template. You will be creating an APA formatted report as your work product for this assignment rather than using a template. The new Template file provides the following:

1.     Provides background from the text on Decision Stages, DSS Architecture, and a DSS Example

2.     Provides the basic requirements that your report must address, which in turn suggests a structure for your report (headings, subheadings, etc.)

Assignment Clarification


Remember that the focus of this assignment is to:

1.      Identify the key DSS characteristics that will meet the needs of the decisions making that must be performed by the Procurement VP.

2.      You are NOT trying to solve the 3 power plant and 80 supplier proposals problem. The DSS will do that for you. You are trying to detail how a DSS would behave, be constructed, and be architected for use by the Procurement VP to help solve this multivariable problem.

3.      You should assume the role of the chief information officer for the presented scenario. As the chief information officer, it is your responsibility to provide a decision support system (DSS) to assist the company's procurement officer in finding the best way to supply the company's three power plants with a sufficient quantity of coal to operate for the next twelve months. You realize that a single supplier cannot provide the quantity of coal needed. Hence the DSS will have to review the proposals of eighty suppliers to establish the correct logistics to insure the plants will have an ample supply of coal to operate for this period.


Requirements for your DSS Report:


1.      To understand how a DSS would help our company, we need to first understand the decision that the company& DSS will first need to make. Discuss this decision process using the Four Stages in Decision Making and show how a DSS can address each stage (5 points)

2.      Regarding the DSS Architecture, discuss each of the architecture components in the context of this specific situation (7 points)

3.      Discuss the DSS Architecture Model that will be used for this system:  Data-Driven DSS or Model-Driven DSS (see the RESOURCES section below) (7 points)

4.      Identify the Inputs and Outputs (Results) in detail for this DDS (6 points)

5.      Discuss how Sensitivity Analysis would be used in this situation. Provide at least 3 scenario examples (5 points)

6.      Select3 Quality Dimensions from Table 10-2 in Laudon. Discuss what you would do (processes, procedures, measurements, benchmarking, governance, etc.) to ensure that your DSS addressed each of these 3 Quality Dimensions. (5 points)

7.      Provide an APA formatted report (5 points)



MGMT 422 Unit-4 DB

4-6 paragraphs

Discuss a basic marketing plan to bring your new product idea to the attention of the public and help your product be successful. Make sure to include the following in your response:

  • Given the information you have researched on the industry and market for the product that your group will introduce, what specific channels would you use to get the word out to potential customers?
  • How would you plan to capture the market share you have promised to your CEO? Explain the target market, message, the mediums you would use, their costs, and so forth

Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Marketing Research Industry Challenges

Describe at least one challenge to the present-day marketing research industry. Support your position in a minimum of 150 words.

Tuesday, July 14, 2020

ITAR EAR Call center Outsourcing

Assume that you work within a manufacturer of personal digital assistants (PDAs). The PDAs have some potential for use by the United States military. Research & Development (R&D) efforts are underway within the United States Army using the PDAs for controlling logistics on the battlefield. Your government contract addresses export control and ITAR. Your biggest competitor has just outsourced their Customer Care and Warranty Call Center to India, which will give them a significant cost advantage. In order to remain competitive, the Vice President of your division has requested that you determine your organization's best course of action. At this time, your organization has call center facilities located in Chicago, IL. U.S., with back-up facilities near San Francisco, CA, U.S. You have met with several colleagues to determine what could be included in the proposal back to the Vice President. They have recommended that you consider the following:

1) Consider the organization's motivation, short-term and long-term implications

2) Best strategic location:

a) Keeping the call center insourced in North America

b) Insourcing in one of your facilities in another part of the world (possibly Singapore where your electronics assembly is located)

c) Outsourcing the call center in the United States

d) Outsourcing the call center in another part of the world (Potentially India)

3) Determining the impact of the ITAR and export control on the initiative


 Prepare a 500- to 600 word paper in which you take your colleagues' recommendations into consideration addressing the following items:

1.State Department International Traffic and Arms Regulations (ITAR).

2.monetary exchange rates

3.political stability



Sunday, July 12, 2020

ISCOM 472 - Recommendations

 you last three papers: Need for a Lean Initiatives Paper, As-Is Process Flowchart and Paper, and To-Be Process Flowchart and Paper
Write a 400- to 600 words paper recommending and evaluating the selected business process improvement plan for your selected organization. Danaher.
•Develop the metrics to quantify the level of improvement in your selected processes.

ISCOM 424 Week-2 Supply Chain Management Strategy

Supply Chain Management Strategy Training Document

Write a 650- to 750-word paper explaining supply chain management strategy to new hires at Riordan's operation in Hangzhou, China. The new hires may or may not deal directly with the supply chain. Your paper must cover the following topics:

•Supply chain management theory

•Competitive strategy

•Customer fulfillment strategy

 •Process thinking

HLTH 400 Unit-4 IP Work Team

Your health care organization has called upon you to lead a work team to identify service-quality problems within the environment.

Individual Portion
Answer the following questions about work teams:

What are the benefits of a strong work team?
What are the common problems that a work team can face when working together?
When is it appropriate to use work teams?
What is the individual's role within the team?
Do you feel that a work team is beneficial to the staff?

Case 22 Cowgirl Chocolates (Marilyn Lysohir)

BM350 Marketing Management

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth University for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

Case 22:  Cowgirl Chocolates (pp. 488-500)

Marilyn Lysohir, an internationally celebrated ceramic artist, started Cowgirl Chocolates to provide some funding support for a yearly published arts magazine, High Ground, that she and her husband, Ross Coates, started in 1995. Her love of chocolates and hot and spicy foods spurred the idea of making hot and spicy chocolates to be sold in creative, artistic tins and packaging, which she labeled Cowgirl Chocolates. Her small business, begun in 1997, had won a number of awards in fiery food competitions. While Cowgirl Chocolates had grown steadily over its four years in business, it still had only generated $30,000 in sales revenue in 2000, which was not enough to cover expenses. Marilyn had drained much of her personal savings to keep Cowgirl Chocolates in business. Her cash accounting methods and record keeping were not very sophisticated although she seemed to have a good sense of her costs in production and raw materials and the packaging. However, Marilyn had taken a shotgun approach to most of her marketing efforts and had tried a number of activities to increase product demand. She allowed herself to make one risky financial move each year in her pursuit of profitability and increased sales. She had just made her one risky move for year 2001: She had taken out a full-page ad in Chile Pepper magazine for $3,000.


1.   The suggested retail price and wholesale prices of Cowgirl Chocolates products are displayed in Exhibit 2 (p. 491) along with the product and packaging costs. Based on this information, discuss the relative merits of using a cost-based, demand-based, and competition-based pricing method.  (50 points)

2.   What are four (4) options that Cowgirl Chocolates may consider as far as pricing? What would you recommend?  (50 points)




BUSN300 Week-6 IP- Apple


Your manager believes in learning from other companies' success stories as well as stories of failure. In particular, she likes to apply various management theories when possible, rather than starting from the beginning every time a decision has to be made. She asks you to write a memo to her addressing the following: From any recent or current event in the news, discuss and explain the use of these two specific theories that the firms you researched believed in

•In the human resource area, moving toward an employee empowerment culture

 •In the marketing area, the theory of penetration pricing


For each of these two, explain the following:

•The issue being addressed that gave rise to employing these theories

•How the theory being followed leads to specific actions on the part of the company

 •Results achieved

 •If you had been the senior manager in these situations, at those companies, how might you have addressed the situation any differently? What other theory could have been the basis for the decision.



Business Ethics Assignment-3

BU490 Business Ethics

Directions:  Be sure to make an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading.  Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English spelling and grammar.  Sources must be cited in APA format.  Your response should be a minimum of one (1) single-spaced page to a maximum of two (2) pages in length; refer to the "Assignment Format" page for specific format requirements.

What are the six steps that a board of an organization can take to become effective?

BUS3101-W6 DB qs-2

Question 2: Navigate to / and access the "Our Company" located in the top tool bar. Then navigate to McDonald's FAQ to find the information needed.
Describe their mission, strategy, and goals based upon the facts presented.
Be sure to relate your explanation to the readings and lecture we have covered in the course.

BUS3101-W6 DB qs-1

Question 1: The Enron scandal illustrates the extent to which the decision-making process can fail. TIME magazine has done an extensive look at the demise of this company and the collateral damage inflicted on stockholders, suppliers, customers, and employees.
Navigate to There you will find two interesting articles entitled "California Scheming" and "How Fastow Helped Enron Fail." Relate this article to the failure to "Escalation of Commitment and Ethics in Decision Making" that you read about in your text.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...