Tuesday, December 13, 2022

COM303 Week 8 FInal Exam SCORE 99 PERCEN

Question 1 (2 points)
Perception is considered selective because ____.
Question 1 options:

a) there are too many stimuli competing for the attention of your senses

b) life's lessons teach you to see the world in a particular way

c) culture teaches you the meaning of most of your experiences

d) once you perceive something in a particular manner that interpretation does not usually change

Question 2 (2 points)
Because we view the world through a subjective lens influenced by a number of variables, perception is considered:
Question 2 options:

a) selective

b) learned

c) inaccurate

d) consistent

e) culturally determined

Question 3 (2 points)
Countries whose cultures reflect a comfort with uncertainty (low uncertainty avoidance) include Greece, Portugal, and Guatemala.
Question 3 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 4 (2 points)
Cultural patterns are integrated and can be contradictory.
Question 4 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 5 (2 points)
For low-context cultures, the verbal message contains most of the information and very little is embedded in the context or the person's nonverbal activity.
Question 5 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 6 (2 points)
Chinese culture has a strong focus on the present time orientation.

Question 6 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 7 (2 points)
Individual orientation vs. group orientation is thought of as one of the basic pattern variables that determine human action.

Question 7 options:

a) True

b) False

Question 8 (2 points)
The United States is among the top five countries for high power distance.
Question 8 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 9 (2 points)
Flexhumility cultures place less value on education than monumentalist ones.
Question 9 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 10 (2 points)
The GLOBE Study differentiated between two types of collectivism:
Question 10 options:

a) in-group and societal

b) in-group and out-group

c) ethnic and inter-ethnic

d) local and national

e) selective and exhaustive

Question 11 (2 points)
What time orientation do most Americans in the United States favor?

Question 11 options:

a) past

b) future

c) present

d) linearity

e) polychromic

Question 12 (2 points)
Perception is learned because once you perceive something in a particular way, which interpretation does not usually change.
Question 12 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 13 (2 points)
Identify which of the following is not among the five universal questions for cultures, according to Kluckhohn and Strodtbeck.  
Question 13 options:

a) what is the character of human nature?    

b) what is the relation of humankind to nature?;

c) what is the value of wealth

d) what is the relationship of people to each other?

e) what is the value placed on time?

Question 14 (2 points)
Optimism and emphasis on the future reflect which of Kohls American values?
Question 14 options:

a) idealism

b) individualism

c) time and its control

d) change

e) privacy

Question 15 (2 points)
The extent to which members of a culture feel threatened by ambiguous and unknown situations is referred to as ____.
Question 15 options:

a) uncertainty avoidance

b) tolerance for ambiguity

c) equivocality

d) ethnocentricity

e) neoplasticity

Question 16 (2 points)
Perceptions of self that set you apart from other people and life-forms are ____.          
Question 16 options:

a) human identities

b) societal identities

c) personal identities

d) identities of separation

e) identities of conformation

Question 17 (2 points)
Cyber and fantasy identities don't exist.
Question 17 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 18 (2 points)
Phinney's three stage model of identity acquisition includes:
Question 18 options:

a) unexamined ethnic identity,ethnic identity search, ethnic achievement

b) biological inheritance, ethnic identification, ethnic presentation

c) ethnic identification, ethnic clarification, ethnic emancipation

d) unexamined ethnic identity, examined ethnic identity, insulated ethnic identity

e) biological inheritance, unexamined ethnic identity, examined ethnic identity

Question 19 (2 points)
Racial and ethnic identity are the same thing.
Question 19 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 20 (2 points)
According to Hall, the three levels of identity that each individual has are personal, relational, and communal.
Question 20 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 21 (2 points)
Social identities can be based on all of the following except:
Question 21 options:

a) demographic categories

b) roles

c) membership in formal and informal organization

d) associations or vocations;

e) all of these

Question 22 (2 points)
Which of the following is not a type of identity discussed in the text?
Question 22 options:

a) organizational

b) personal

c) neurobiological

d) cyber

e) fantasy

Question 23 (2 points)
The process of creating and recreating cultural identity through communication is referred to as ____.
Question 23 options:

a) conditioning

b) embedding

c) redacting

d) enacting

e) morphing

Question 24 (2 points)
One can have both a national and regional identity at the same time.

Question 24 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 25 (2 points)
An example of regional identity would be a/n:
Question 25 options:

a) Italian

b) Southerner

c) American

d) Columbian

e) German

Question 26 (2 points)
Societal identity is 'one's sense of belonging to a particular cultural or ethnic group.
Question 26 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 27 (2 points)
Personal identity is what sets you apart from other out-group members and marks you as special or unique.
Question 27 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 28 (2 points)
Identity is important to the study of intercultural communication because it influences expectations about your own and others' social roles.
Question 28 options:

a) True

b) False

Question 29 (2 points)
Identity is normally not associated with commemorative events.
Question 29 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 30 (2 points)
It is through communication that we are able to express and make known our similarities and dissimilarities to others.
Question 30 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 31 (2 points)
The frequent use of the word 'I' in American conversations reflects:
Question 31 options:

a) ethnocentrism

b) the cultural value of the individual

c) elitism

d) the cultural value of collectivism

Question 32 (2 points)
Differences in spelling between American English and that used in England were the result of ____.
Question 32 options:

a) the natural evolution of language

b) a calculated effort

c) limited access to dictionaries and other resources in Colonial America

d) simple but repeated errors

Question 33 (2 points)
The principal difference between translation and interpretation is ____.
Question 33 options:

a) contextual nuances in interpretation don't apply to translation

b) written content is generally the focus of translation whereas interpretation involves spoken words

c) translation occurs as it is happening while interpretation occurs after the fact

d) the two terms are used synonymously to mean the same thing

Question 34 (2 points)
Communicative interaction, especially conversation, is not important to most Mexicans.
Question 34 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 35 (2 points)
The most common language among Internet users is English.

Question 35 options:

a) True

b) False

Question 36 (2 points)
Japanese language reflects the culture's emphasis on one's social position.

Question 36 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 37 (2 points)
Dialects reflect the variations in pronunciation that occur when people are speaking the same language.
Question 37 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 38 (2 points)
The idea that language is a dominant influence in shaping one's worldview and perception of reality is commonly known as ____.
Question 38 options:

a) the synergy of language and culture

b) the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis

c) the many-worlds interpretation

d) the perceptual interface

e) the linguistic theory of mind

Question 39 (2 points)
Argot is the specific term for specialized vocabulary shared by a group and  jargon is the more general term.
Question 39 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 40 (2 points)
The 'noisy, animated speech' form often associated with Arabs is normally limited to interactions with elders and superiors.
Question 40 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 41 (2 points)
Examples of regional accents in the United States include:
Question 41 options:

a) Northern and Southern

b) Australian and Canadian

c) English and German

d) Coptic and Nordic

Question 42 (2 points)
Dialect refers to:
Question 42 options:

a) pronunciation of shared vocabulary

b) someone who speaks two languages

c) differences in vocabulary and grammar

d) pronunciation of non-shared vocabulary

Question 43 (2 points)
What is the most important consideration when choosing an interpreter:
Question 43 options:

a) language knowledge

b) dialect knowledge

c) specialized terminology

d) cultural knowledge

e) all of these things

Question 44 (2 points)
Accents refer to differences in vocabulary, grammar, and even punctuation.
Question 44 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 45 (2 points)
Being mindful, monitoring your speech rate, and selecting appropriate vocabulary are all ways to improve intercultural communication competence.
Question 45 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 46 (2 points)
African Americans tend to use less inflection and vocal range than most white Americans.
Question 46 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 47 (2 points)
Identify the "unintentional" example of nonverbal communication:
Question 47 options:

a) smiling to let a friend know you're happy

b) giving a "thumbs up" sign when asked about how you did on your intercultural communication test

c) looking at your watch because you want to leave a conversation (Incorrect)

d) looking at your watch to see what time it is

Question 48 (2 points)
What dimension of nonverbal communication puts an increased burden on you whether you are the sender or the receiver?
Question 48 options:

a) nonverbal sensitization

b) nonverbal ambiguity

c) nonverbal monomorphism

d) nonverbal polymorphism

e) nonverbal sensitivity

Question 49 (2 points)
A conceptualization in which time is viewed as a finite, scarce resource which must be rationed and controlled is referred to as:
Question 49 options:

a) m-time

b) bounded time

c) p-time

d) unbounded time

e) f-time

Question 50 (2 points)
The "thumbs up" sign is considered positive in the U.S. as well as in Australia and West Africa.
Question 50 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 51 (2 points)
If a person say's "ok" while gesturing with a 'thumbs-up' or 'a-ok' sign, what is the function o the nonverbal communication?
Question 51 options:

a) regulating

b) repeating

c) substituting

d) creating identity

e) conforming display

Question 52 (2 points)
Which of the following is true about agreement gestures?
Question 52 options:

a) they mean the same thing in every culture

b) always indicates agreement

c) are culturally based

d) none of these

Question 53 (2 points)
Which of the following is true regarding the nonverbal message value of clothing?
Question 53 options:

a) it can convey social and economic status;

b) moral standards

c) belief system

d) athletic abilities or interests

e) all of these

Question 54 (2 points)
Umms, ers, likes, and you knows in a stream of speech are referred to as vocal segregates.

Question 54 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 55 (2 points)
According the spatial rules of the dominant U.S. culture, two people standing approximately 3 feet apart are likely to be:
Question 55 options:

a) family or a close friend

b) business acquaintances

c) intimate partner or significant other

d) strangers

e) colleagues

Question 56 (2 points)
Nonverbal behavior has little role in regulating interactions.
Question 56 options:

a) True

b) False

Question 57 (2 points)
While all people use various movements to communicate,
Question 57 options:

a) some movements are more common than others

b) culture teaches people how to use and interpret those movements

c) actors are better at it than others

d) it is only those movements that are innate

Question 58 (2 points)
The correct way to beckon or call someone over to you nonverbally is with:
Question 58 options:

a) one hand palm up, fingers together, moving toward the body

b) cupping a hand palm down pulling fingers in toward the body

c) right hand up palm out fingers opening and closing

d) it depends on the cultural rules

Question 59 (2 points)
If you say "good job" while giving the 'thumbs up' sign, you are substituting the message with nonverbal communication.
Question 59 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 60 (2 points)
All of the following are purposes of silence except:
Question 60 options:

a) give participants time to think

b) provide feedback

c) reward

d) punishment

e) suppress an emotion

Question 61 (2 points)
A holistic worldview results in a uniform approach to understanding the causes of illness.
Question 61 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 62 (2 points)
Which of the following would not help teachers communicate empathically?
Question 62 options:

a) attend to student's nonverbal and verbal behaviors

b) emphasize a competitive climate

c) accurately reflect and clarify feelings

d) be genuine and congruent

e) none of these

Question 63 (2 points)
Cultures such as Germany and Israel view assertiveness as a deficit.
Question 63 options:

a) True

b) False

Question 64 (2 points)
When negotiating with Brazilians, representatives of American businesses should:          
Question 64 options:

a) emphasis the universal rather than the specific

b) emphasize task over relationship

c) emphasize group over individual

d) none of these

Question 65 (2 points)
Ineffective communication strategies in multicultural classrooms include:
Question 65 options:

a) provide lots of opportunities to discuss global issues relevant to students

b) be sensitive to cultural customs that may differ from the mainstream

c) remind students that the classroom is a safe place for learning

d) encourage conversations that perpetuate us and them discussions

e) none of these

Question 66 (2 points)
Chinese tend to think in terms of role fulfillment where employees are given a job role or title to fulfill, though they are not necessarily expected to perform the job.
Question 66 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 67 (2 points)
The general intercultural negotiation skills recommended include all of the following except ____.
Question 67 options:

a) avoid and resist ambiguity

b) be prepared

c) develop sensitivity to the use of time

d) listen carefully

e) locate areas of agreement

Question 68 (2 points)
A person's native language had deep significance because it is the seed of identity that blossoms as children grow.
Question 68 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 69 (2 points)
Mexican's rarely use honorific titles.
Question 69 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 70 (2 points)
Chinese business culture is associated with all of the following except:
Question 70 options:

a) a collectivist, high-context culture that diffuses decision-making responsibilities

b) Chinese make decisions based on relationships

c) rarely defer personal interests to those of the group

d) discourage independent expression

e) power relationships are the ultimate determinant of Chinese social interaction

Question 71 (2 points)
The Indian economy is sometimes compared to an elephant because it is not capable of running swiftly as some smaller "tiger-like" Asian economies but enjoys the advantage of being stable and less affected by upsets and disturbances.
Question 71 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 72 (2 points)
In the business sector, culture determines:
Question 72 options:

a) protocol

b) management and leadership

c) decision-making

d) negotiation and conflict management

e) all of these

Question 73 (2 points)
For the Chinese, a contract is a rigid agreement to which parties are expected to adhere precisely to the various provisions.
Question 73 options:

a) True

b) False
Question 74 (2 points)
The shared understanding of the meaning of communication and the behaviors appropriate for specific situations reflect what basic assumption?  
Question 74 options:

a) communication is culturally determined

b) communication is rule governed

c) communication has a consequence

d) communication is unavoidable

e) communication is dynamic

Question 75 (2 points)
Domestically, all of the following statements about businesses in the U.S. are false except ____.
Question 75 options:

a) increases in minority co-cultures have impacted both workplace and marketplace

b) minority owned businesses grew by about 45% between 2002-2007

c) more than 2.3 million businesses in the U.S. owned by Hispanics

d) most business transactions involve a culturally homogeneous population

Friday, November 11, 2022

C05 Week 5 Threaded Discussion Question

Discuss two advantages of conducting survey research and advantages of conducting interview research. Which would you prefer and why?


Wednesday, November 9, 2022

OPS574 Week 1 Discussion - Operations Management With Agile

Complete the collaboration warm-up exercise, Agile Product Development. A transcript of this interactive exercise is also available.

Consider what you learned in the experience and respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:

  • Have you had any experience working on Agile teams?
  • If you have worked on Agile teams, what were the benefits and difficulties of the Agile approach?
  • If you have not worked on Agile teams, using this exercise, what benefits and challenges do you foresee applying an Agile approach in your current or future workplace?
  • How can the challenges of Agile be mitigated or overcome?

M01 Human Resource Management Assignment 4


M01D Human Resource Management

Directions:  Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.


Part A


1.      Describe three (3) of the environmental influences an organization faces. 

a.      Provide one (1) example of each.

b.      Describe how an organization is impacted, either positively or negatively, by each.

2.      Describe four (4) steps involved when setting up an employee training program for a specific job of your choice.


Part B

You operate a small advertising agency.  You employ two secretaries, a graphic designer, three sales representatives, and an office coordinator. 

1.      What types of things would you consider when determining how to compensate each position?  Describe two (2) considerations.

2.      What type of compensation plan would you use for each position?



Tuesday, September 13, 2022

PUA5306 IUnit I Discussion.docx

Today, there are many vocal special interest groups, prominent lobbying groups, and prominent political contributors who encourage elected policy makers to develop policies for the benefit of the special interest group. Do you think that today's policy makers truly represent the general public, or do they actually represent special interest groups and the elite population? Why, or why not?

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

R04 Module 2 Expository Paper 1.docx

Assignment Instructions

Expository Paper 1

Does our society today have ethical problems? Explain your position and reference the assigned readings to back up your statements. (Base your discussion on your readings).

R04 Self Reflection 1.docx


In the textbox, input your responses to the following question. When you are ready to submit, click the blue submit button at the bottom of the page.

What are five (5) human relational personal goals you have for this course? List and explain your goals.

Monday, August 29, 2022

MA240 Module 7 Assignment - Probability

Assignment Instructions

M7 Assignment: Probability

Probability Report

The probability of an event can be determined in theory as well as in practice. In this project, you will use the formulas and methods in your readings to determine the theoretical probability. You will then conduct an experiment to see if the outcomes match what you expect to find with the theoretical probability.

 In this project you will:

be able to calculate and interpret probability

be able to analyze and compare theoretical and experimental probabilities

 To complete this project you will:

Complete the Probability Report Worksheet to guide you in writing your APA report. Be sure to show all work!

Complete a 2-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted report. In the report you need to present your findings and explain your conclusions on experimental and theoretical probability.  Thoughts to include in the report include: How are theoretical and experimental probability different? Why might the theoretical probability not match the experimental probability?

Be sure to cite your sources for the questions that require sources.

Probability Report Worksheet

Directions: Complete the probability report worksheet to help you with your calculations to create the APA report.

1. Choose one of the three scenarios:

Probability of obtaining heads on a coin toss

Probability of rolling a 2 on a 6-sided die.

Probability of drawing a Jack from a deck of cards.

2. Calculate the theoretical probability for your chosen scenario. Show all work! Remember probability is the number of ways you can achieve the desired outcomes divided by the total number of outcomes. Then calculate the theoretical probability of your chosen scenario NOT

happening. Ex: What is the probability of "Not Heads"? What is the probability of "Not rolling a 2", etc.

3. Complete 100 trials for your chosen scenario. Example: Flip a coin 100 times and record the outcome, roll a die 100 times and record the outcome, choose a card from a deck (with replacement) 100 times.

4. Create a table in Microsoft Word here and record your data.

5. Using the table you created in number 4, what is the experimental probability for your chosen scenario?

6. Using the table you created in number 4, what is the experimental probability for NOT achieving your chosen scenario? Example: What is the probability of "Not Heads"? What is the probability of "Not rolling a 2", and so on.

7. Does your theoretical probability match your experimental probability?

8. Complete research on WHY your probabilities might not match or why they might match. *Be sure to cite your source*

9. Using the concepts learned this week, what do you think would happen if you did 1,000 trials? *Be sure to cite your reading or lecture*

MA240 Assignment 4 M4 Assignment Financial Report

M4 Assignment: Financial Statement

Financial Report

Money is a central concept for everyone no matter what age you are. In this project, you will explore exponents using the compound interest formula to make conclusions on investments.  

In this project, you will:

Use exponents to calculate the amount of interest earned on an investment.

Evaluate formulas with exponents.

Convert interest rates to decimals.

Apply the order of operations.

To complete this project you will:

Complete the Financial Report Worksheet to guide you in developing your budget. Be sure to show all work!

Complete a 2-page, double-spaced, APA-formatted report. In the report, you need to present your findings and explain your conclusions on interest rates and compounding frequency. Thoughts to include in the report include: Is a savings account a good way to earn interest? When looking at opening a savings account, what should you look for: higher interest rate or more frequent compounding?

Be sure to cite your sources for the interest rates from the chosen financial institution!

Financial Report Worksheet

Directions: Complete the financial report worksheet to help you with your calculations to create the APA report.
1. Go to your financial institution's website or a local financial institution's website and find the interest rate and compounding frequency (monthly, quarterly, annually, and so on) for a savings account. Record that here:
2. Use the compound interest formula: where r is the interest rate as a decimal, n is the number of times it is compounded in the time frame, t is the amount of time, and P is the starting value. Calculate your balance if you invest $1,000 for 1 year.

3. Using the compound interest formula, calculate your balance if you invest $1,000 for 5 years.

4. Now select a new compounding period (monthly, quarterly, annually, and so on) and redo your calculations from number 2 & 3, using the same interest rate.
5. Now select a new interest rate from another financial institution that is different than your starting one. Redo your calculations from numbers 2 & 3 with the new rate but keeping the same compounding frequency that you used in 2 & 3.

6. What did you learn about comparing the compounding frequency that interest is compounded?

7. What did you learn about comparing the interest rate?

8. Is it better to have a slightly higher rate or have interest compounded more often?

M01 Human Resource Management Assignment 8


M01D Human Resource Management

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A

Describe three (3) factors that influence employee motivation and provide one (1) original example of each.

Describe three (3) motivation theories and provide one (1) original example that illustrates each.

Part B

Julie will be adopting a child in December and needs to take 10 weeks off to complete the process and bond with the baby. Julie works full time and has worked for her current employer (which has over 75 employees at its one location) for four years.

Steven is having knee surgery next week and will be off for six weeks. He is full time and has worked for his employer, which has almost 30 employees, for 7 months.

Provide a brief explanation of the FMLA law.

Which of these individuals is eligible for Family & Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave? Provide two (2) supporting facts to justify your position.

ASSIGNMENT 04 M01D Human Resource Management


M01D Human Resource Management

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Part A

Describe three (3) of the environmental influences an organization faces.

Provide one (1) example of each.

Describe how an organization is impacted, either positively or negatively, by each.

Describe four (4) steps involved when setting up an employee training program for a specific job of your choice.

Part B

You operate a small advertising agency. You employ two secretaries, a graphic designer, three sales representatives, and an office coordinator.

What types of things would you consider when determining how to compensate each position? Describe two (2) considerations.

What type of compensation plan would you use for each position?

Monday, August 22, 2022

PM598 Week 3 Apply Signature Assignment Project Management Plan

Assignment Content

Continue working on the individual project you started in Week 1 and 2 to accomplish the assignment below: 

Write a paper of no more than 2,100 words and include the following components:

Project Risk Management Plan 

Examine at least 5 risks applicable to your project.

Create a table in Microsoft® Word for your risk assessment matrix. For each risk, analyze its likelihood and probability, its effect, an overall risk assessment score, when it could occur, and your response. 

Project HR Plan

Analyze HR needs, how they are acquired, and when they will occur.

Examine your training approach and how you plan to recognize and reward the team's efforts.

Project Communication Plan

Examine key stakeholder groups and their project information needs.

Create a table in Microsoft® Word, evaluating the following information that is produced during the project's lifecycle: status and issue reports; the target audience for each information type, including senior management and customers; when each information type is available (weekly or biweekly); how information is communicated (e-mail or hard copy); and who is responsible for producing information.

Project Procurement Plan

Examine the methods that will be used to manage procurements in the project.

Examine at least one contract vehicle that might be used.

Incorporate your facilitator's feedback into the plans and include the revised versions in your final project.

Submit your assignment.

SC160 Assignment 03 Revised


SC160 Basic Biology

Directions: Be sure to save an electronic copy of your answer before submitting it to Ashworth College for grading. Unless otherwise stated, answer in complete sentences, and be sure to use correct English, spelling and grammar. Sources must be cited in APA format. Your response should be four (4) double-spaced pages; refer to the "Assignment Format" page located on the Course Home page for specific format requirements.

Integrate by discussion the properties of life, basic chemical terminology, and molecules and compounds of a cell necessary for life. Include the basic anatomy and physiology of a cell and describe how cell respiration, photosynthesis, and cell reproduction occur in a succinct manner. Include a brief discussion about Mendel's Laws and an overview of DNA structure and function. Conclude with a discussion of cancer and the mechanisms of gene control.

SP180 Assignment 7 Delivering a Persuasive Speech

Assignment 7: Delivering a Persuasive Speech

Choose one of the following scenarios as the basis for your speech.

Scenario 1: Imagine that you have been invited to an upper-level management meeting at the company that you work for (currently or one you hope to work for). You are going to deliver a persuasive speech to persuade the management team to either change a policy or add a specific resource to their company budget. 
Scenario 2: Imagine that you have been invited to deliver a speech at a town hall meeting. You are going to deliver a persuasive speech to persuade citizens in your community to vote yes toward the allocation of city funds towards a project or cause that you believe will benefit all members of your community. 

Friday, July 22, 2022

BUSI510 FInal Project

Course Project

Instructions and Grading Criteria


The Course Project is a formal report (including an executive summary) that provides an insightful analysis of a company's market structure and production decisions, i.e., expansion, or other economic principles. The project paper must include a minimum of two economic principles studied during the term of the course, i.e. linear regression analysis and trend analysis. The analysis (purpose, methodology, and conclusion) must be documented with academic support in the form of references and in-text citations utilizing APA style. 

This proposal should include, but not necessarily be limited to, the following:

  • Identification of the firm involved (text case study, existing firm, or proposed firm)
  • Identification of the appropriate market structure in which the firm is or will do business (eg. competitive, monopolistic, etc.)
  • Identification of internal strengths and weaknesses (or indication of an intention to study them) given microeconomic expectations and external opportunities and threats given macroeconomic expectations and implications for the firm (or indication of an intention to study this)
  • Identification of optimal managerial strategies and tactics given the above, or indication of an intention to do so. These recommended managerial actions should include pricing, production, and resource utilization given the theory and evidence.  You should also indicate how each would be expected to add to the value of the selected firm.

The format should:

  • Be written using APA style
  • Include an executive summary
  • Be at least 8 pages of narrative and statistical (spreadsheets) content

You will be graded on three aspects of this project; a Preliminary Proposal and Outline, the Finalized Course Project and your Review and Response of other student's projects.

Friday, May 13, 2022

R04 Human Relations Expository Paper 2

Is the "grapevine" helpful or hurtful at work? Use information from your readings to support your answer.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...