Thursday, September 26, 2019

BUSI502 Week 6 Article Review 3

Read the following article:

Moving the Needle toward a Data-Driven Health Care System-Optimizing the EHR through Information Governance

Then review the grading criteria for the Article Reviews and review the article provided in Week 6's Content area. For this review, you must create a Narrated PowerPoint.

Your review should include:

  • An initial identification of the article (author, title of the article, title of the journal, year of publication, and other details that seem important, e.g., it is originally a French edition), and an indication of the major aspects of the article you will be discussing.
  • A brief summary of the range, content, and argument of the article. You may occasionally summarize section by section, but in a short review (1,000-1,500 words) you usually only pick up the main themes. This section should not normally take up more than one-third of the total review.
  • A critical discussion of 2-3 key issues raised in the article. This section is the core of your review (50-60%). You need to clarify the author's own argument before you criticize and evaluate it. You must support your criticisms with evidence from the text or from other writings. You may also want to indicate gaps in the author's treatment of a topic, but it is seldom useful to criticize a writer for not doing something they never intended to do.
  • A final evaluation of the overall contribution that the article has made to your understanding of the topic (and maybe its importance to the development of knowledge in this particular area or discipline, setting it in the context of other writings in the field). How can this help small businesses?

BUSI502 Week 4 Assignment 7 Case Study 7-2, Sony Pictures

Read the Case Study 7-2, Sony Pictures: The Criminals Won. Answer the following questions:

  • Setting aside the political issues between North Korea and the United States, is there a reasonable way to respond to an anonymous threat found on the Internet somewhere?
  • What accessUp and data protection controls would you recommend Sony use to provide better security for unreleased digital films and e-mails?
  • If you were a hacker, what approach would you have used to break into Sony's system?  
  • What do you think the most important SETA elements would be to prevent future hacker attacks against Sony or other media firms?

Student response:

Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

Write a short essay question which could appear on an exam that covers this concept.  Think of another way to ask this question.

BUSI502 Week 4 Assignment 6 Case Study 6-1, Enterprise Architecture

Read the Case Study 6-1, Enterprise Architecture at American Express. Answer the following questions:

  • What are the key components of the architecture American Express has created?
  • Why was it important to standardize so much of the architecture? What are the advantages and disadvantages of a standard EA for American Express?
  • Describe how the new architecture supports the goals and strategy of American Express.
  • What types of future payment products and services should be anticipated and prepared for by the EA group? What is your vision of how payments might work?
  • If you were advising the CIO of American Express, what would you suggest his group prepare for? 

Student response:

Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

Write a short essay question which could appear on an exam that covers this concept.  Think of another way to ask this question.

BUSI502 Week 3 Assignment 4 Case Study 4-1

Read the Case Study 4-1, Trash and Waste Pick Up Services, Inc. Answer the following questions:

  • What are the positive and negative aspects of Andersen's use of the GPS-based system to monitor his drivers and salespeople?
  • What advice do you have for Andersen about the use of the system for supervising, evaluating, and compensating his drivers and salespeople?
  • As more and more companies turn to IS to help them monitor their employees, what do you anticipate the impact will be on employee privacy? Can anything be done to ensure employee privacy?
  • Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

  • Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

BUSI502 Week 3 Assignment Case Study 5-1, Santa Cruz Bicycles

Read the Case Study 5-1, Santa Cruz Bicycles. Answer the following questions:

  • What, in your opinion, was the key factor in Santa Cruz Bicycles' successful process redesign? Why was that a key factor?
  • What outside factors had to come together for Santa Cruz Bicycles to be able to make the changes they did?
  • Why is this story more about change management than software implementation?

  • Do you feel comfortable with the concepts of the question?  If not, how can I help you understand it better?

  • Does the content of the question relate well to the area of the text you are studying this week?

BUSI502 Week 2 Assignment 3 Case Study 3-2, The FBI

Read the Case Study 3-2, The FBI. Answer the following questions: 

  • What do you think were the real reasons why the VCF system failed?
  • What were the points of alignment and misalignment between the Information Systems Strategy and the FBI organization?
  • What do you think of the CIO's final comment about how to change attitudes? Do you think it will work? Why or why not?
  • If you were the CIO, what would you do to help the FBI modernize and make better use of information technology?

BUSI502 Dropbox Assignment 2.......2019

Read the Case Study 2-2, Zipcar. Respond to the following questions:

  • Analyze the business model of Zipcar using Porter's five forces model.
  • Discuss the synergy between the business strategy of Zipcar and information technology.
  • What network effects are parts of the strategy of Zipcar? How do they add value?
  • As the CEO of Zipcar, where is your most threatening competition? What would you do to sustain a competitive advantage?


CASE STUDY 2-2 Zipcar

Zipcar is an answer for customers who want to rent a car for a few hours in their home city rather than for a few days from a traditional rental agency. Car reservations are for a specific pick-up time and location around the city, often in neighborhoods so the customers need only to walk to pick up their reserved car. Customers apply for a Zipcard, which enables them to reserve a car online and unlock their car when they arrive at its location. The company operates with a very small staff compared to traditional rental agencies. Very little human interaction is required between the customer and Zipcar for a transaction. A customer reserves a car online, enters into the reserved car by waving the RFID-enabled Zipcard against the card reader mounted behind the driver's side windshield, returns the car to the same location, and is billed on the credit card already on file. The customer can check all rental records and print receipts from the online reservation system. The system also has a color-coded time chart showing the availability and location of all rental cars in the vicinity. This transparent information exchange allows a customer to pick the car he or she wants, if available, or delay the reservation until that car is returned by another customer. Zipcar also created and installed a GPS-enabled wireless device in each car, which allows members to find and reserve a vehicle nearby using a cell phone. Customers also can use an iPhone or Android app on their iPhone or Android mobile device to find and reserve a Zipcar on a 24/7 basis. Zipcar sends text alerts near the end of the rental period, and customers can text back if they want to extend their rental time. All cars were outfitted with patented wireless technology. Zipcar's proprietary IT platform carries information flow between customers, vehicles, and the company. It is used to monitor car security, fulfill reservations, record hourly usage, and maintain mileage information. The platform also relays vital technical information such as battery voltage and fuel level. It even informs the central system if a customer forgot to turn off headlights, which can quickly drain battery power. This business model provides unique advantages over traditional car rentals. Customers do not have to stand in line or fill out papers to rent a car. They know exactly which make and model they will be getting. Unlike most off-airport rental agency locations, which are open only during business hours, Zipcar locations are open 24 hours. The company's rates also include the cost of gas and insurance as well as reserved parking spots at some locations. Additionally, the company uses social networking technologies to develop an online community of Zipcar members—Zipsters. It encourages Zipsters to talk about their Ziptrips (i.e., share their personal experiences with Zipcar). Thus, information technology is not only the key enabler of this business model but also a facilitator in creating a buzz and encouraging community development around the concept. Zipcar changed the rules of the rental car industry by bringing the new Web 2.0 mind-set of focusing on automation, customer empowerment, transparency, and community. Zipcar is very successful; as of August 2015, its Website boasts over 900,000 paying members and renting over 10,000 vehicles in 30 major metro markets in the United States, Canada, and the United Kingdom, as well as 400 college campuses and 50 airports.



H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...