Tuesday, June 23, 2020

TLMT318 Week 7 Extra Credit

Extra Credit (2 pts on final grade) -- Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

Which amendment do you like best, or least?

The US Constitution has been modified numerous times.  From the original ten amendments (The Bill of Rights) to the XXVII Amendment ratified in 1992, the US Constitution is considered a living document.  A PDF of these amendments is provided attached to this forum for your easy reference.
Your assignment is to review each amendment, choose one that you think is OUTDATED or MOST VALUABLE (your pick), and then write a 250-word initial post on the reasons why it is important to you.  You do not need to support your views with research.  Just provide an impassioned narrative on the merits (or lack thereof) of the Amendment you chose to write about.


Sunday, June 21, 2020

TLMT318 Week 7 Assignment 2

Assignment Instructions

Instructions: Submit  your previously approved research paper here. Review the originality score and the markup of your paper. Make any corrections and then upload your paper into the classroom. Papers are not ready for grading in the classroom unless your instructor can find an originality score in Turnitin AND the APA manuscript word document  has been uploaded to your assignment folder in the classroom  

Submission Instructions:
This paper should be 3-5 pages in length and is strictly adherent to APA formatting.

TLMT318 Week 5 Forum

Review and locate one Code of Federal Regulation that you feel is the most important one that is listed in relevance to our industry. Please list the regulation, paragraph, and reference of the regulation. Why do you feel this is important?


TLMT318 Week 4 Forum

Identify and then discuss unique safety (not security) issues you see related to each of the five modes of transportation. It is possible to identify the same considerations for some but not all modes, they all have unique dimensions. Your submission should discuss each mode and start by identifying unique safety considerations. You then should have a separate paragraph addressing safety considerations that might apply to groups of modes, there should be no safety consideration that applies to all modes, that is beyond the scope of the topic.


Saturday, June 20, 2020

HW-338 Final Test

1. The managers of process manufacturing systems focus on the series of processes needed to complete the production of products. (Points : 3)

2. Both process and job order cost systems maintain perpetual inventory accounts with subsidiary ledgers. (Points : 3)

Last year, Smith Company sold 10,000 units of its only product. If sales increase by 15% in the current year, how will unit variable cost and unit fixed cost be affected?
(Points : 3)
        Unit Variable costs remain constant, unit fixed costs remain constant
        Unit Variable costs increase, unit fixed costs decrease
        Unit Variable costs decrease, unit fixed costs remain constant
        Unit Variable costs remain constant, unit fixed costs decrease

A production supervisor's salary that does not vary with the number of units produced is an example of a fixed cost.
(Points : 3)

5. The responsibility for coordinating the preparation of a master budget should be assigned to the Chief Executive Officer. (Points : 3)

6. The usual starting point for preparing a master budget is forecasting or estimating: (Points : 3)

7. Standard costs provide a basis for assessing the reasonableness of actual costs incurred for producing a product or service. (Points : 3)

8. The formula to compute direct labor rate variance is to calculate the difference between (Points : 3)
actual costs + (actual hours * standard rate)

actual costs - standard cost

(actual hours * standard rate) - standard costs

actual costs - (actual hours * standard rate)

9. Ace Company wants to give their managers the greatest amount of responsibility over their department's accounting.  Which of the following responsibility centers would accomplish that goal? (Points : 3)
        Cost center
        Profit center
        Investment center
        Company center

10. A responsibility center in which the department manager has responsibility for and authority over costs and revenues is called a(n): (Points : 3)
profit center

investment center

volume center

cost center

11. Another name for relevant cost is unavoidable cost. (Points : 3)

When a bottleneck occurs between two products, the company must determine the contribution margin for each product and manufacture the product that has the highest contribution margin per bottleneck hour.
(Points : 3)

13. An opportunity cost is the potential benefit that is lost by taking a specific action when two or more alternative choices are available. (Points : 3)

Costs that remain constant in total dollar amount as the level of activity changes are called:
(Points : 3)
fixed costs

mixed costs

opportunity costs

variable costs

15. As the level of output activity increases, fixed cost per unit remains constant. (Points : 3)

16. In Just-In-Time manufacturing large amounts of inventory is kept on hand so items can be produced just when they are needed by the customer. (Points : 3)

17. Capital budgeting is the process of analyzing alternative long-term investments and deciding which assets to acquire or sell. (Points : 3)

18. The time value of money concept: (Points : 3)
        Means that a dollar today is worth more than a dollar tomorrow.
        Means that a dollar tomorrow is worth more than a dollar today.
        Means that a dollar today is worth less than a dollar tomorrow
        Means that "Time is Money".

19. Both cash dividends received and interest received are considered to be investing inflows. (Points : 3)

20. The payback method of evaluating an investment fails to consider how long the investment will generate cash inflows beyond the payback period. (Points : 3)

21. Explain the difference between fixed and variable costs AND give 2 examples of each for a car manufacturer. (Points : 10)

Fixed Costs are costs that remain constant in total and changes on a per unit basis with changes in the level of activity.
Examples of these are: Plant Manager's salary, and Rental of Property
Variable Costs are costs that remain constant on a per unit basis, but changes in total with changes in the level of activity.
Examples of these are: Direct Labor and Direct Materials

For each item shown below, indicate whether it is a product cost or a period cost,and for each item that is a product cost, also indicate whether it is a direct cost or an indirect cost with respect to a unit of finished product.
a. Administrative salaries
b. Direct labor
c. Advertising
d. Property tax on the factory
e. Interest Expense
(Points : 10)
Cost Item    Product or Period Cost    Direct or Indirect
     Product    Period    Direct    Indirect
Administrative Salaries         X          
Direct Labor    X         X     
Advertising         X          
Property Tax on Factory    X              X
Interest Expense         X          

What is capital budgeting? Why are capital budgeting decisions often difficult and risky?
(Points : 10)

Capital Budgeting is the process of analyzing investment opportunities and decising which investments to undertake.
Capital budgeting decisions are difficult because they are usually based on estimates of future cash flows; and since such estimates are uncertain and since such decisions usually involve large sums of money invested for long periods of time, those decisions are usually irreversible which is why they are risky.

Briefly describe both the payback period method and the net present value method of comparing investment alternatives.
(Points : 10)

Payback period Method is quite simple to apply, where you subtract cash inflows from initial investments until you arrive at the time it would take you to recover your initial investment.  If a firm has a policy of accepting investments that is fully recovered within a certain time frame, then the payback period method would help the manager decide.  If there is no restrictions, then a firm would usually undertake the investment that is recovered at a shorter time (provided it is profitable – or adds value to the firm)
Under the Net Present Value method, future cash flows are discounted to their present values using the firm's cost of capital and accepting investments with a positive net present values.

25. The two basic types of cost accounting systems are: (Points : 5)
        Job order and process costing
        Job order and customized product costing
        Process costing and perpetual costing
        Perpetual costing and periodic costing

26. Which of the following would most likely use a process cost system? (Points : 5)
        Guitar manufacturer
        Paint manufacturer
        Custom furniture manufacturer
        Tax consulting company

27. At Flint Company, the unit sales price is $84; the unit variable cost is $62 and fixed costs total $202,400. What is the break-even in units? (Points : 5)

Last year, Smith Company sold 10,000 units of its only product. If sales increase by 15% in the current year, how will unit variable cost and unit fixed cost be affected?
(Points : 5)
        Unit Variable costs remain constant, unit fixed costs remain constant
        Unit Variable costs increase, unit fixed costs decrease
        Unit Variable costs decrease, unit fixed costs remain constant
        Unit Variable costs remain constant, unit fixed costs decrease

29. When preparing a budget, the first budget to be prepared is the _______ budget. (Points : 5)

30. Ecology Company sells a biodegradable product called Run-All and has the following sales on account for the first four months of the current year:
                                                Jan                   Feb                  March              April
Sales in units:                            2,000               2,000               3,000               4,000
The company is preparing a cash budget for April only. Based on past history accounts are collected 50% in the current month, 20% from the prior month, and 20% from 2 months back.  Ten percent is considered uncollectible. How much cash will be collected in April?
(Points : 5)

31. When calculating a labor variance if the standard rate exceeds the actual rate this would be a ________ variance. (Points : 5)
        actual labor

32. The following information describes a company's usage of direct labor in a recent period. The direct labor efficiency variance is:
Actual hours used:                                            41,000
Actual rate per hour                                          $14
Standard rate per hour                                      $13
Standard hours for units produced                     43,000
(Points : 5)
        $26,000 Favorable
        $41,000 Unfavorable
        $41,000 Favorable
        $26,000 Unfavorable

33. Ace Company wants to give their managers the greatest amount of responsibility over their department's accounting.  Which of the following responsibility centers would accomplish that goal? (Points : 5)
        Cost center
        Profit center
        Investment center
        Company center

34.  When making a decision to accept additional production work a manager needs to look closely at which of the follow: (Points : 5)
        The additional revenue should be at least 25% above the current revenue without the additional production work
        The incremental or differential costs of the additional work should not exceed incremental or differential revenue
        The additional production should exceed the current capacity by no more than 15%
        The combined incremental or differential costs of production should exceed the incremental or differential revenue of the total production run by 15%

A company is considering a new project that will cost $19,000. This project would result in additional annual revenues of $6,000 for the next 5 years and the company has already paid for $2,000 for permit fees. The $2,000 cost is an example of a(n):
(Points : 5)
        Sunk costs
        Fixed costs
        Incremental costs
        Uncontrollable costs

36. A retail store has three departments, 1, 2, and 3, and does general advertising that benefits all departments. Advertising expense totaled $41,000 for the year, and departmental sales were as follows. Which department would be allocated the highest amount of the advertising expense if the activity base is sales?
Sales:                         Department 1               $101,000
                                    Department 2               $212,750
                                    Department 3               $157,750
(Points : 5)
        Department 1
        Department 2
        Department 3
        Each department would have and equal amount since advertising benefits all departments

37. Kent Computers manufactures computer parts for 3 different models of computers: laptops, desktops, and mainframes in 3 different departments.  They are looking for a way to allocate the cost of electric used by the manufacturing plant. Which of the following would be the most appropriate activity base? (Points : 5)
        Number of computers manufactured by each division
        Dollar value of the sales for each division
        Square footage occupied by each division
        The number of employees in each division

38. When using activity based costing method overhead allocation is typically based on: (Points : 5)
        One rate
        Two or more rates
        At least 2 rates but usually many more
        Volume based measures such as machine hours

39. The purpose of just-in-time (JIT) manufacturing is to eliminate? (Points : 5)
        Excess assembly time

40. When using just-in-time (JIT) inventory, which of the following accounts may be eliminated? (Points : 5)
        Raw materials inventory
        Work in process
        Cost of goods sold

41. A company is considering purchasing a machine for $21,200. The machine will generate an after-tax net income of $4,100 per year. What is the payback period for the new machine? (Points : 5)
        9.2 years
        11.8 years
        0.19 years
        5.2 years

In business decision-making, managers typically examine the two fundamental factors of:
(Points : 5)
        Risk and capital investment
        Risk and rate of return
        Capital investment and rate of return
        Risk and payback

43. According to the Institute of Management Accountants Statement of Ethical Professional Practice, which of the following is NOT included: (Points : 5)

44. An employee is dissatisfied with the resolution of an ethical conflict at his place of employment. According to the Institute of Management Accountants, the employee's next step should be to: (Points : 5)
        Report the incident to the State Board of Accountancy
        Contact the Institute of Management Accountants
        Make the president of the company aware of the ethical conflict
        Contact the next level of management who is not involved in the ethical conflict

HW-337 Uptown Clinic

Unit 2 IP

 Deliverable Length: Excel Spreadsheet and 4-5 body pages


Consider the following scenario: Dr. Stephanie White, the Chief Administrator of Uptown Clinic, a community mental health agency, is concerned about the dilemma of coping with reduced budgets next year and into the foreseeable future but increasing demand for services. To plan for reduced budgets, she must first identify where costs can be cut or reduced and still keep the agency functioning. Below are some data from the past year.

Program Area Costs

Administration Salaries: Administrator $60,000 Assistant $35,000 Two Secretaries $42,000 Supplies $35,000 Advertising and promotion $9,000 Professional meetings/dues $14,000 Purchased Services: Accounting and billing $15,000 Custodial $13,000 Security $12,000 Consulting $10,000 Community Mental Health Services Salaries (two social workers) $46,000 Transportation $10,000 Outpatient mental health treatment Salaries: Psychiatrist $86,000 Two Social Workers $70,000


In an Excel spreadsheet:

•Provide a dollar range of costs to reduce budgets (worst and best case analysis).

•She needs to cut $94,000 in cost. Prioritize those cuts that can be made without impacting the operation or quality care of the organization.

For more information on creating Excel Spreadsheets, please visit the Excel Lab. In addition to the Excel spreadsheet required to support your responses, you must prepare an APA formatted paper that will address the following:

•Describe how managerial accounting is different from cost accounting.

•Describe the lean production philosophy.

•Compare and contrast accounting principles in lean production to those of typical production. •Describe how you would advise Dr. White to prepare for reduced budgets.


HW-336 IMC and marketing metrics

Define Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and explain the goal of IMC. Also list and describe the seven (7) different components of the communication process. Lastly, discuss at least three (3) factors firms should use as marketing metrics to plan for and measure IMC success.


H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...