Tuesday, June 23, 2020

TLMT318 Week 7 Extra Credit

Extra Credit (2 pts on final grade) -- Amendments to the U.S. Constitution

Which amendment do you like best, or least?

The US Constitution has been modified numerous times.  From the original ten amendments (The Bill of Rights) to the XXVII Amendment ratified in 1992, the US Constitution is considered a living document.  A PDF of these amendments is provided attached to this forum for your easy reference.
Your assignment is to review each amendment, choose one that you think is OUTDATED or MOST VALUABLE (your pick), and then write a 250-word initial post on the reasons why it is important to you.  You do not need to support your views with research.  Just provide an impassioned narrative on the merits (or lack thereof) of the Amendment you chose to write about.


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