Wednesday, June 24, 2020

HS150 Lesson 4 & 5 Exam Score 95 Percent

Lesson 4 Exam
Question 1        2.5 / 2.5 points
How were serfs and slaves different?
Question options:

Slaves had easier lives.

Serfs could not be sold.

Serfs could seek other employment.

Slaves could not marry.
Question 2        2.5 / 2.5 points
What happened on the Ides of March, 44 B.C.E.?
Question options:

the battle of Actium

the suicide of Antony

the formation of the Second Triumvirate

the murder of Caesar
Question 3        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of these was an architectural form typical of Roman building?
Question options:




Question 4        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of these resulted from the division of the Roman Empire?
Question options:

The eastern half disintegrated

The eastern half grew stronger

Both halves declined rapidly

The west remained stronger than the east
Question 5        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of the following best describes the period immediately following the reign of Commodus?
Question options:

Stable and peaceful

Unstable yet peaceful

Unstable and bloody

Initially bloody but eventually stable
Question 6        2.5 / 2.5 points
The Great Schism of 1054 was a division between the eastern and western:
Question options:

Roman Emperors.

Christian Churches.

kings of the Franks.

forms of monasticism.
Question 7        2.5 / 2.5 points
Who was the last of the "five good emperors"?
Question options:




Marcus Aurelius
Question 8        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which man divided the Roman Empire into two parts after concluding that it was too big for one man to rule alone?
Question options:




Question 9        2.5 / 2.5 points
What is a fief?
Question options:

a vassal

a lord

a land grant

a weapon
Question 10        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which man converted to Christianity because he believed that his wife's prayers helped him win a battle?
Question options:




Question 11        2.5 / 2.5 points
On what subject did Peter and Paul disagree?
Question options:

To whom Jesus's message applied

Whether or not Jesus was the Messiah

Whether or not to spread the teachings of Jesus

The resurrection
Question 12        2.5 / 2.5 points
Ovid was a noted Roman:
Question options:




Question 13        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of these best describes the impact of the Punic Wars on Roman society?
Question options:

Greater opportunity arose for the talented, ambitious, and fortunate.

Social elevation became impossible.

The gap between rich and poor narrowed.

Rome was impoverished by constant war.
Question 14        2.5 / 2.5 points
When did Rome fall for the first time to invaders?
Question options:




Question 15        0 / 2.5 points
Which of these best describes the economic system of the early Middle Ages?
Question options:


Many long-distance trade networks

Based on exchange between towns

Very localized
Question 16        2.5 / 2.5 points
The coronation of Charlemagne had the impact of __________ the Frankish relationship with the church begun by Clovis.
Question options:




Question 17        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which Germanic tribe sacked Rome in 455?
Question options:




Question 18        2.5 / 2.5 points
Benedictine monks and nuns took vows:
Question options:

of chastity, poverty, and obedience.

to always obey the pope.

to convert pagans to Christianity.

of silence.
Question 19        2.5 / 2.5 points
How does the geography of Rome compare with that of Carthage?
Question options:

Both were centrally located, but Carthage was a seaport city.

Both were centrally located, but Rome was closer to the coast.

Both were naturally vulnerable to naval assaults.

Both were naturally vulnerable to land-based attacks.
Question 20        2.5 / 2.5 points
What was the PaxRomana?
Question options:

A form of currency

An extended period of peace

The government system that replaced the Republic

The language of the Romans
Lesson 5 Exam
Question 21        2.5 / 2.5 points
Like the Byzantine Empire, the Sasanians were weakened by which of these in the 300s?
Question options:

Religious controversy

Waves of plague

Conflict on two frontiers

Arab attacks
Question 22        0 / 2.5 points
Theodora came to power as:
Question options:

a religious leader.

a nun.

a scholar.

the wife of Justinian.
Question 23        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of these led the Muslim world from 750?
Question options:

the Fatimids

the Guptas

the Buyids

the Abbasids
Question 24        2.5 / 2.5 points
The main ethnic group of modern Cambodia is known as the:
Question options:




Question 25        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of the following statements best describes the Byzantine concept of caesaropapism?
Question options:

The emperor held both political and religious authority.

Religion and politics should be discussed only by men.

There should be a strict separation of church and state.

Patriarchs were superior in authority to emperors.
Question 26        2.5 / 2.5 points
On which of the following points would Sufis and fundamentalists agree?
Question options:

Muslims must combat and repress the secular worldview by any means necessary.

Public prayer is central to Islam.

The purification of the umma was necessary to restore fidelity to Allah's message.

Intellectuals were trying to dilute the purity of the Qur'an.
Question 27        2.5 / 2.5 points
What was the general direction of Islam's expansion after about 750?
Question options:




Question 28        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of these typify the Byzantine Empire in the eleventh century?
Question options:

One emperor rapidly replaced another.

A long period of stability occurred.

Recurrences of the plague disrupted society.

The empire was conquered by Turks.
Question 29        2.5 / 2.5 points
Why was the Isthmus of Kra significant to Chinese and Indian merchants?
Question options:

This was a major trading port where the Europeans came to buy silk and spices.

It provided a direct route for shipping cargo as opposed to traveling around the Malay Peninsula.

It was the only area in southern Vietnam that was considered to be safe from pirates.

It provided an alternative to traveling from the South China Sea to the Bay of Bengal.
Question 30        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of the following conditions led to the demise of southern Arabian city-states in the 200s?
Question options:

the new commercial route of the Ptolemaic Empire

the arrival of Islam

the expansion of the desert

the collapse of the Rome
Question 31        2.5 / 2.5 points
Unlike Judaism, the spread of Islam __________ Zoroastrianism.
Question options:


had no effect on

nearly wiped out

enhanced the prestige of
Question 32        2.5 / 2.5 points
What was the result of the Muslim attacks in the 670s?
Question options:

Constantinople was taken.

The attackers were driven back to Syria.

The Byzantine Empire lost territory and became more isolated.

The Byzantine Empire finally defeated the Sasanids.
Question 33        2.5 / 2.5 points
Who was chosen as Muhammad's first successor?
Question options:

his daughter, Fatima

his father-in-law, Abu Bakr

his uncle, Abbas

the leader of the Quraysh, Umar
Question 34        2.5 / 2.5 points
Who ruled in the Golden Age of learning in Baghdad?
Question options:


Harun al-Rashid

Salah al-Din

Question 35        2.5 / 2.5 points
What were the hippodromes?
Question options:

Greek plays adopted by Byzantine tragedians

Outdoor arenas used for chariot races and athletic competitions

Aqueducts used by the Romans

Young male spectators who were either "Blues" or "Greens"
Question 36        2.5 / 2.5 points
What was the long-term significance of the battle of Tours?
Question options:

Muslim expansion to the West ended.

Muslims took over Constantinople.

Muslims were expelled from Arabia.

Islam would continue to expand into Europe.
Question 37        2.5 / 2.5 points
Which of the following accurately depicts Jewish views toward Islam in Medina?
Question options:

They embraced it as an alternative to paganism.

They rejected it because it was not truly monotheistic.

They embraced it because it was monotheistic.

They rejected it because they didn't believe Muhammad was a prophet.
Question 38        2.5 / 2.5 points
Why did city-states first emerge in the southwestern region of Arabia?
Question options:

The region was closer to Mediterranean trade routes.

That area had more water.

The southern region had better rivers to link cities.

Its mountains provided good defense.
Question 39        2.5 / 2.5 points
To which of these are mosques oriented?
Question options:

the Dome of the Rock

the East

the West

the Ka'ba
Question 40        2.5 / 2.5 points
Who were the Polovtsy?
Question options:

Turkic invaders from the steppes

Inhabitants of Kiev

The Russian noble class

Siberian immigrants

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