Saturday, June 20, 2020

HW-335 Macroeconomics Project - Mexican Peso Vs USD


Project Objective
The goal of this project is to demonstrate the knowledge that you've obtained in your Economics 1 course. To complete the  project, you'll need to research a foreign currency and an ETF for an emerging market that you find interesting, perform a macroeconomic analysis of the currency, and write a
paper that summarizes your analysis.


Step 1: Select a foreign currency as described above.

Step 2: Perform your research. The content of your textbook can be one of your sources. However, your
paper should also include at least four independent and reliable sources. Use general Internet search
engines and financial search engines to perform  your research. 

Step 3: Perform your macroeconomic analysis on the material. Remember that you need to provide an
analysis of your chosen currency against the U.S. dollar over the 5-year period ending with 2010.

Step 4: Write a first draft of your paper. Your paper should be written using a word-processing program, such as Microsoft Word or a Word-compatible program.  Your essay should include a separate title page,
and between three and five pages on your topic. The essay should include a brief introduction, several paragraphs that cover the required information, and a conclusion. The last page after the main body of the essay should provide a list of your reference sources.

Step 5: Complete your final draft. Carefully review your written essay, correct any errors, and submit your final draft to your instructor. Use the following Writing Guidelines to complete and submit your

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