Friday, August 21, 2020


1. Viruses that attach themselves to files with certain extensions, such as .doc or .exe., are __________ viruses.
A. boot sector
B. file infector
C. file destroyer
D. file command

2. According to the CSI/FBI Cyber Crime Survey, __________ of organizations conduct routine and ongoing security audits.
A. 25 percent or less
B. 50 percent
C. 75 percent
D. nearly 90 percent

3. __________ invented the movable-type printing press that accelerated the amount and kind of information that was available to populations.
A. Johann Gutenberg
B. Phil Zimmerman
C. William (Bill) Gates
D. Tim Burners-Lee

4. Which of the following is NOT an example of a computer crime as listed in the textbook?
A. Data diddling
B. Salami slicing
C. Piggybacking
D. Cold calling

5. One common way to gain access to a password-protected system is to use a __________ approach.
A. back-door
B. "sneak peek"
C. brute-force
D. social engineering

6. Persons who plant viruses are called:
A. computer hackers.
B. cyberterrorists.
C. vandals.
D. predators.

7. A mechanism using a digital signature to prove that a message did, in fact, originate from the claimed sender is called:
A. authentication.
B. privacy/confidentiality.
C. nonrepudiation.
D. integrity.

8. The global reach of computer networks has raised concerns over:
A. copyrights.
B. privacy.
C. security.
D. All of the above

9. __________ is a type of software for securing information systems by allowing only specific users access to specific computers, applications, or data.
A. Access control software
B. Computer security software
C. Application restriction software
D. Data protection software

10. Encryption software allows users to ensure:
A. authentication.
B. privacy/confidentiality.
C. nonrepudiation.
D. All of the above

11. The slang term for stolen software is:
A. hackerware.
B. warez.
C. vaporware.
D. discountware.

12. __________ are the least used security technology.
A. Passwords
B. Biometrics
C. Encrypted files
D. Firewalls

13. The Computer Fraud and Abuse Act of 1986 prohibited:
A. stealing or compromising data about national defense and foreign relations.
B. breaking into any electronic communications service.
C. monitoring voice communications.
D. stealing trade secrets.

14. A(n) __________ is an ongoing planning process involving risk assessment, risk reduction planning, and plan implementation as well as ongoing monitoring.
A. information systems security plan
B. disaster recovery plan
C. infrastructure management
D. risk assessment plan

15. Crimes committed against telephone company computers are an example of:
A. phreaking.
B. spoofing.
C. social engineering.
D. data diddling.

16. ECPA is an acronym that refers to the:
A. Electronic Controls Privacy Act.
B. Electronic Communications Privacy Act.
C. E-Commerce Customer Protection Association.
D. Electric Computer Protection Agency.

17. To execute denial of service attacks, intruders often use __________ computers.
A. zombie
B. monster
C. robot
D. android

18. Examples of the ethical conundrum include all EXCEPT:
A. using computer time at work to read personal e-mail.
B. organizations compiling personal information about shopping habits.
C. the government regulating computer crimes.
D. using technology to rearrange photographs.

19. Futurist author Alvin Toffler describes three "waves of change." The third, and biggest, wave of change to occur is the:
A. Information Age.
B. Industrial Revolution.
C. Agriculture and Handwork Age.
D. Modern Age.

20. Some spam e-mail includes __________, which are attempts to trick financial account and credit card holders into giving away their authorization information.
A. freaking
B. tricking
C. phishing
D. luring

Major HR issues.

Current Issues in HRM prepare a 400-500 word response to the following:

Search credible business publications such as the Wall Street Journal, Business Week, HR Executive, HR Magazine, or Workforce Management to identify and discuss three major current issues in human resource management.

Interview at 3 companies

500–750 words w/references (APA Format) Details: You are a marketing manager interviewing for a new job at several different firms simultaneously. You expect to be asked the same questions in each interview dealing with what you think are some good new marketing opportunities for each firm to pursue. You know that being well prepared for an interview gives you a better chance of being offered the job, so you decided to study each company where you are interviewing.

Pick any 3 firms to research. Based on Internet research on these companies, write a 500–750-word research paper proposing at least 3 marketing opportunities that you would strongly suggest that each firm pursue. In your arguments, include the following: •Describe your reasoning for identifying them as worthy of pursuing. •Categorize each marketing opportunity as low-hanging fruit, home runs, or singles, and discuss why (see definitions in course materials). •Discuss the risk in pursuing each opportunity. •Without actually trying to determine each project's ROE, which would you most strongly recommend implementing, and why? •Explain how the marketing opportunity would reflect upon the firm. Would it have a positive or negative public relations effect on the firm? Would it result in great financial improvements, or only a minor improvement?

Thursday, August 20, 2020

international furniture company

You work for an international furniture company. Your company has customers in England, Mexico, Guatemala, and China. How would you evaluate the credit worthiness of firms in these countries? How does the credit risk differ between these countries? Would you sell to a company in these countries without a letter of credit? Explain why or why not. 200 to 300 words

Information System transforming business

Describe three (3) ways in which information system are transforming business. (33 points)

What is information systems literacy? How does it differ from computer literacy? (34 points)

List and describe the organizational, management, and technology dimensions of information systems.

IMC and components

"Define Integrated Marketing Communications (IMC) and explain the goal of IMC. Also list and describe the seven (7) different components of the communication process. Lastly, discuss at least three (3) factors firms should use as marketing metrics to plan for and measure IMC success"

Human Resources Department of Zilack Corporation

Explain Functional Area Plan: Human Resources

Zilack Corporation Human Resources Department.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...