Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam E03V Curriculum Development

E03V : Curriculum Development

Question 1
The reason teachers need to know what constitutes typical ages and growth sequences is because:
knowing what is typical for a developmental level helps teachers identify behavior that is definitely atypical.
typical children should reach identical stages of development at identical times.
teachers should not try to teach children their ABC's because kindergarten teachers are supposed to do that.
research reveals that children from a variety of cultures all develop at the same rate in just about every area.

Question 2
In the United States, one in every __________ children will live below the poverty level at some point during their childhood.

Question 3
Restlessness during group time can be alleviated by:
having children sit in small chairs.
alternating girls and boys.
offering it earlier in the morning.
allowing some children to play outside.

Question 4
The best way to keep unit blocks clean is to:
soak them in water with a cleaner such as Spic and Span, and scrub them thoroughly.
allow children to use them only on the carpeted area.
make certain the children wash their hands before touching them.
wax them with paste wax before using them for the first time.

Question 5
_________ has to do with how well the test predicts future outcomes.
Predictive validity
Content validity
Population sampling

Question 6
The average five-year old has not developed enough to:
jump rope.
mentally enjoy games with rules.
walk backward.
be totally independent with toileting.

Question 7
Which of Erikson's stages includes children who are now interested in reaching out to the world around him or her, wants to be part of a group, and is interested in the effect his or her actions have on other people?
Trust versus Mistrust
Autonomy versus Shame and Doubt
Initiative versus Guilt
Industry versus Inferiority

Question 8
Infants and toddlers can:
communicate through body movement.
engage in sensory experiences with materials.
begin to explore simple materials such as dough, finger paint.
All of the above

Question 9
The children who are likely to need the most help in developing language fluency at school are those children who:
are nonverbal at home and at school.
are bilingual—speaking one language at home and a different one at school.
are African American and use African American English at home.
stutter or have other serious speech impediments.

Question 10
Arranging events as they occur in time is an example of:
Piagetian seriation.
temporal ordering.
arranging events according to a graduated scale.
Hornblow's theory of systematic sequence.

Ashworth Semester Exam E02V Child Development

E02V : Child Development
Question 1
Skinner is associated with:
maturational theory.
operant conditioning.
ecological theory.
psychoanalytic theory.

Question 2
Correlational studies:
indicate causes rather than relationships.
look at the nature of the relationship between two sets of measurements.
look at the nature of the relationship between three sets of measurements.
indicates effects rather than relationships.

Question 3
Throughout prenatal development there are critical periods during which:
babies are learning something from sensory input.
organs are forming and are vulnerable to insult.
the expectant mother is particularly susceptible to disease.
embryo/fetus and mother are at their physiological strongest.

Question 4
What are newborns routinely tested for?
allergy to milk

Question 5
During which of the following periods do growth rates level-off and only later proceed at a rapid pace?
Infancy from birth to 6 months of age
Toddler/preschool period

Question 6
_______ involves the ability to receive information and comprehend it.
Expressive language
Receptive language
Child-directed language

Question 7
Which of the following is NOT one of Halliday's seven functions of language?

Question 8
Most basic motor skills evolve rapidly from birth and do so:
as a result of training.
without specific training.
only if the child is of average weight.
with constant encouragement from adults.

Question 9
When children talk about their writing, what they have discussed, or their scripts, they are engaging in:
cognition discussion.
alphabetic principle.

Question 10
Mr. Lunn's first-grade class is walking down the hall. They are remembering to use their "walking feet." This is an example of:
permissive discipline.
an awareness of registers.
rule bounding.

Ashworth Semester Exam E01V Careers in Early Childhood Education

Question 1
The Perry Preschool Project, from the early 1960s, looked at former participants at age 40 and saw that they were significantly MORE likely to:
own their own homes.
earn below the national average.
have earned a GED.
be employed in a service industry.

Question 2
The "competent child" viewpoint shifted which toys are purchased for children, emphasizing educational value rather than:

Question 3
 A written plan that describes knowledge and skills to be taught in the educational program and the learning experiences through which teaching takes place is:
a lesson plan.
a syllabus.

Question 4
According to Erikson's theory of Psychosocial Development, when do individuals deal with the crisis of "Industry vs. inferiority"?
Preschool age - 3 to 5 years
Adolescence - 10 to 20 years
Elementary school-age - 6 to 12 years
Infancy - birth to 1 year

Question 5
Which is an example of a functional skill?
Opening doors
Stringing beads
Playing a musical instrument
Riding a bicycle

Question 6
What is a family said to have if there is closeness, concern, caring, and interaction in the family?
Protective factors
Loving factors
Clear boundaries
Good parenting skills

Question 7
Working collaboratively to solve a problem or clarify a concept is called:
open-ended questioning.
direct instruction.

Question 8
At what age do children typically realize that print carries a message?
6 to 12 months
12 to 24 months
2 years old
3 to 4 years old

Question 9
Which is TRUE regarding physical development?
The sequence starts with the extremities and works its way inward.
The process is the same for every child.
The direction starts at the top of the head and works its way downward to the tip of the toes.
The first thing children can do is the pincer grasp.

Question 10
Which of the following would be an example of an item that would be seen on a developmental continuum?
A child can write the first letter of his name.
Children first make marks on a page, then draw a line, then shapes.
Children can recite the alphabet before they reach kindergarten.
A child is able to answer questions based on the story read by the teacher.

Ashworth Semester Exam C17V College Mathematics

Question 1
It is 76 miles from Waterton to Middleton. It is 87 miles from Middleton to Oak Hill. Driving directly, it is 134 miles from Waterton to Oak Hill. It is 39 miles from Oak Hill to Jackson. If Juan drives from Waterton to Middleton, then from Middleton to Oak Hill, and finally home to Waterton, how many miles does he drive 



Question 2
Divide 0 ÷ 17. Check by multiplying.




Question 3
The following test scores were recorded for a student: 99, 69, 96, 69, 78. Find the mean, median, and mode. Round to the nearest hundredth.
Mean: 102.8 Median: 87 Mode: 69

Mean: 82.2 Median: 78 Mode: 69

Mean: 85.5 Median: 96 Mode: 99

Mean: 82.2 Median: 78 Mode: 99

Question 4
Multiply 9009 x 0.6006.




Question 5
8251 is 127% of what number? Round to the nearest tenth, if necessary.




Question 6
Convert 55°C to degrees Fahrenheit. Round to the nearest tenth of a degree, if necessary.



Question 7
A bag contains 8 red marbles, 5 blue marbles, 8 yellow marbles, and 6 green marbles. What is the probability of choosing a red marble if a single choice is made from the bag?




Question 8
The Green County school system has 2,997 high school students, 3,831 middle school students, and 5,084 elementary school students. How many total students are in the Green County school system?



Question 9
Solve 0.3 = -15z.




Question 10
Solve 3x – 1.1 = 0.7.




Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam C13S Microeconomics

C13S : Microeconomics
Question 1
There is a negative relationship between two variables if:
they move in opposite directions.
they move in the same direction.
one variable changes and the other does not.
neither variable moves.

Question 2
A firm produces its product using both capital and labor. When it does not change its capital usage, but doubles its labor input, its output increases by less than 50 percent. Which of the following is the most likely explanation of this finding?
The principle of opportunity cost
The principle of diminishing returns
The marginal principle
The spillover principle

Question 3
The price of iPhones has fallen dramatically. Which of the following is likely to happen?
The quantity of iPhones supplied will decrease.
The quantity of iPhones supplied will increase.
The supply of iPhones will decrease.
The supply of iPhones will increase.

Question 4
If the demand for school ball caps is inelastic, an increase in price will result in:
a decrease in profits.
an increase in total revenue.
a decrease in total revenue.
an increase in the quantity demanded.

Question 5
An electrician licensing program in the state of North Carolina requires each electrician to obtain a license and renew it each year. Which of the following is a result of having the licensing program in North Carolina?
A decrease in total surplus
Excess demand for electrical service
An increase in the quality of electrician
All of the above are a result of the licensing program.

Question 6
The self-interest theory of government was suggested by:
James Buchanan.
Charles M. Tiebout.
the European Union.

Question 7
Suppose that the only input used in the generation of solar energy is sunlight, which has a zero cost. The average total cost of producing electricity is:
equal to the marginal cost.
equal to the average fixed cost.
immeasurably high.

Question 8
When a firm increases output and the costs rise disproportionately slower, then the long-run average cost curve is __________ and the firm is experiencing __________ .
horizontal; constant returns to scale
downward sloping; constant returns to scale
upward sloping; diseconomies of scale
downward sloping; economies of scale

Question 9
Limit pricing occurs when a firm sets price:
equal to marginal cost.
equal to average cost.
at different amounts for different groups of consumers.
so low that other firms are prevented from entering the market.

Question 10
Which of the following statements about featherbedding is correct?
It could increase production costs, resulting in higher prices for products.
The quantity of labor demanded by firms could actually decrease.
It could lead to a lower wage and smaller employment in the long run.
All of the above.

Ashworth Semester Exam C10V Introduction to Computers-2nd Attempt

C10V : Introduction to Computers
Question 1
Which of the following would be the most likely total power requirements for a high-performance computer with multiple graphics cards?
250 watts
500 watts
750 watts
1000 watts

Question 2
What is the default drive on the computer?
DVD drive
CD drive
C drive
BIOS drive

Question 3
Which of the following prevented early Windows operating systems from supporting enterprise functions?
Lack of processing speed.
Lack of security.
Lack of chips.
Users did not know how to operate the system.

Question 4
You are worried that someone has been trying to log into your computer without your permission. How can you view a list of authorized and unauthorized log on attempts?
The Setup log in Windows Explorer
The Security log in the Event Viewer
The Application log in the Event Viewer
The Security log in Windows Explorer

Question 5
Which of the following is true of a VPN connection?
It does not require an IP address.
The computer containing the VPN connection is actually connected to the network.
The computer acts as a dumb terminal.
Data does not traverse the Internet.

Question 6
Which of the following is true of LibreOffice?
It cannot work with Microsoft Office files.
It is expensive.
It can be challenging to find support because it is an open source application.
It has a very limited user base.

Question 7
Your boss has given you a task that includes multiple deadlines and requires the coordination of various team members. Which of the following Microsoft applications could be used to manage this?

Question 8
Which protocol is used by email clients to receive email?

Question 9
You have been hired to design a website for a local for-profit business in your area. The business needs a domain name. What type of domain extension should they obtain?

Question 10
Which of the following comes with a built-in local firewall?
Windows 7
Windows 6
Windows XP
Windows Vista

Ashworth Semester Exam BU460 Electronic Commerce

Question 1
E-commerce can be defined as:
the use of the Internet and the Web to transact business.
the use of any Internet technologies in a firm's daily activities.
the digital enablement of transactions and processes within an organization.
any digitally enabled transactions among individuals and organizations.

Question 2
Which of the following is NOT a community provider?

Question 3
_________ is a utility program that allows you to check the connection between your client and a TCP/IP network.

Question 4
Which of the following types of servers monitors and controls access to a main Web server and implements firewall protection?
Proxy server
List server
Groupware server
Mail server

Question 5
All of the following are factors in contributing to the increase in cybercrime EXCEPT:
the ability to remotely access the Internet.
the Internet's similarity to telephone networks.
the ability to anonymously access the Internet.
the Internet is an open, vulnerable design.

Question 6
Software that is used to obtain private user information such as a user's keystrokes or copies of e-mail is referred to as:
a backdoor.

Question 7
Which of the following is NOT true about search engine advertising?
Spending on search engine advertising constitutes almost half of all online advertising spending.
The top three search engine providers supply over 95 percent of all online searches.
The click-through rate for search engine marketing has been fairly steady over the years.
Search engine advertising is the fastest growing type of online advertising.

Question 8
Downloading music tracks owned by record companies without paying for them is an example of a violation of:
patent law.
copyright law.
trademark law.
privacy law.

Question 9
All of the following are challenges faced by bricks-and-clicks firms EXCEPT:
coordinating prices across channels.
handling returns of Web purchases at retail outlets.
building a credible website.
building a brand name.

Question 10
All of the following have led to the development of outsourcing of manufacturing around the world EXCEPT:
globalization of trade.
environmental concerns.
high levels of wage disparity between the developed and undeveloped worlds.

H400 Thesis Revised

Requirement: Write a double-spaced, one-page outline that includes the thesis, major points, supporting points of evidence, and conclusio...