Thursday, December 3, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam E01V Careers in Early Childhood Education

Question 1
The Perry Preschool Project, from the early 1960s, looked at former participants at age 40 and saw that they were significantly MORE likely to:
own their own homes.
earn below the national average.
have earned a GED.
be employed in a service industry.

Question 2
The "competent child" viewpoint shifted which toys are purchased for children, emphasizing educational value rather than:

Question 3
 A written plan that describes knowledge and skills to be taught in the educational program and the learning experiences through which teaching takes place is:
a lesson plan.
a syllabus.

Question 4
According to Erikson's theory of Psychosocial Development, when do individuals deal with the crisis of "Industry vs. inferiority"?
Preschool age - 3 to 5 years
Adolescence - 10 to 20 years
Elementary school-age - 6 to 12 years
Infancy - birth to 1 year

Question 5
Which is an example of a functional skill?
Opening doors
Stringing beads
Playing a musical instrument
Riding a bicycle

Question 6
What is a family said to have if there is closeness, concern, caring, and interaction in the family?
Protective factors
Loving factors
Clear boundaries
Good parenting skills

Question 7
Working collaboratively to solve a problem or clarify a concept is called:
open-ended questioning.
direct instruction.

Question 8
At what age do children typically realize that print carries a message?
6 to 12 months
12 to 24 months
2 years old
3 to 4 years old

Question 9
Which is TRUE regarding physical development?
The sequence starts with the extremities and works its way inward.
The process is the same for every child.
The direction starts at the top of the head and works its way downward to the tip of the toes.
The first thing children can do is the pincer grasp.

Question 10
Which of the following would be an example of an item that would be seen on a developmental continuum?
A child can write the first letter of his name.
Children first make marks on a page, then draw a line, then shapes.
Children can recite the alphabet before they reach kindergarten.
A child is able to answer questions based on the story read by the teacher.

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