Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Ashworth Semester Exam SO24S Social Impact of Technology

SO24S : Social Impact of Technology
Question 1
If you embrace transition theory, you'd say the main factor in the reduction of death rates is:
expanded access to education.
preventive health care.
accessible pediatric care.
improved technologies in food production.

Question 2
The V-1 and V-2 rockets that rained down on London during the Blitz were first developed in:
Great Britain.
the United States.
the Soviet Union.

Question 3
In peripheral countries or regions all of the following are true EXCEPT:
they are all dependent on core countries for capital.
the term "peripheral" is necessarily synonymous with poverty.
most of the impoverished countries are in Africa.
there is a downward spiral to the bottom as peripheral states lower wages in order to compete with all other nations.

Question 4
In a growing population, the rate of __________ increase equals the birth rate minus the death rate plus net migration.

Question 5
During World War II, which country sustained the highest percentage of fatalities?
Great Britain
The United States
The Soviet Union

Question 6
Four major rivers flow from the decreasing snow melt of the Himalayan mountains. If you are a resident of northern India, which of these four rivers is most likely to threaten food production?
The Indus
The Yangtze
The Mekong
The Ganges

Question 7
Four students are talking about the kind of energy that's fundamental to life on Earth. Thomas says it is electrical energy. Susan opts for solar energy. Lawrence argues in favor of chemical energy. Kimberly is sure it's mechanical energy. Who is correct?

Question 8
We find perennial grasses and flowering plants called forbs in __________ grasslands.
derived savannah

Question 9
Which of these technological advances is associated with the development of writing?
The domestication of animals
The development of agriculture
Iron smelting

Question 10
As an ecologist I've been patiently observing Grable pond and its surrounds to better understand the unique patterns of interactions between the flora and fauna that live there. In fact, I am studying a/an:

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